The Pirate Queen

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The Pirate Queen Page 23

by K R Martin

  "I'll wait for you," Ama Lei winked at Renee before walking out. Renee trusted her to keep unwanted eyes or ears from interrupting.

  "I still wish you could stay," Will said as he stepped towards her.

  "You know I can't." Renee replied as she allowed him to pull her into his embrace.

  "I know." Will's head rested atop hers as his arms wrapped tighter around her. “I gave Luca some maps. They should help you find him." Renee wrapped her own arms around his back, squeezing him tightly. Even trapped apart as they were, he still did everything he could to help her. It felt good to count on him. "Promise me, you'll be back soon. I can't lose you again."

  "As soon as I find him, I will come right back. I promise. But, until I do, and even after I need you to promise me something too." She stared up at him. "I need you to court Desiree. Or pretend to. She'll know, but Conrad has to believe there's a chance."

  "I'm not happy about it, but I understand. I think Desiree will too."

  "She is a kind girl. If you get a chance to tell her some of the truth without her father knowing..."

  "I told her last night that I was in love with another but her father expected us to form a union. She told me that she would do everything she can to help us." Renee chuckled; of course he had already talked to her. He was too kind to give her false hope. "I love you Renee. I don't want to let you go."

  "Neither do I."

  "Last time we were like this, I was the one who left."

  "You won't lose me," Renee assured him, her own mind returning to the time he was declared dead on a mission. "Not again. Although, we do seem to have the worst luck, always losing each other."

  "But we always find each other again," Will's smile was hopeful and warm. "You've saved me; I've saved you. We will be together, and we will get our happiness." The rays of dawn shot through the window, his face practically glowing with love.

  "I love you." She lifted on her toes, capturing his lips with a kiss filled with promises. It lingered, neither wanting to end the moment. Finally, Renee pulled back. "Good bye, my love. I'll be home soon."

  It only took two weeks at sea for Renee to encounter another vessel.

  "The ship doesn't appear to be flying any colors," Ama Lei told Renee as she handed the spyglass over. Lifting it to her eye, Renee focused on the approaching vessel. Her first mate was right, no flag flew over the ship, but Renee knew that flags could be misleading. Focusing her gaze lower, she found the ship's name. A grin spread on her face.

  "At last." Renee said. "Fly the colors, and prepare for battle!"

  Shouts of glee filled the ship. She was glad that she sent Luca to meet Jason during their trip to Espan. The merchant owned a large fleet in Cartiana, but also served to exchange information between Will and her former pirate crew, a secret band of naval men, some of the best warriors Cartiana and Espan had ever seen. They had infiltrated the great pirate network, helped root out some corrupt captains in Jason's fleet, and with her help, practically destroyed a large portion of the slave trade. The grin spread even larger as she remembered marking every slaving captain with a thorn. No one dared enslave her people after she met them.

  Jason still kept a list of corrupt captains, possible slavers and known pirate hauntings. The list of ships' names to look for especially helped.

  As the crew ran around her, Renee felt glad that they ran into a pirate vessel. After being on land so long, she could feel how restless her men were becoming. They needed the thrill of the fight and that was exactly what they would get.

  "Listen up!" she called, watching as her men slowed to focus on her. "We do as we've always done. This is a known pirate ship disguised as merchants. I say we relieve them of their ill-gotten gains!"

  Cheers rose in the air.

  "Now, prepare to board!" Pounding of feet once more sounded on the deck as they dashed to their positions. Their prey now so close, Renee could make out the animosity in their enemy's eyes.

  The hulls crashed together, the deck jolting beneath Renee's feet. She had to grab the railing to remain standing, chiding herself for being rusty.

  "Rah!" The cry rose in the air as her men tethered the other ship before leaping over the railings. Metal clashes rang as they engaged the pirates.

  Renee grinned at Ama Lei. Together they drew their swords, and leapt into the battle. Her sword swung, the jarring sensation comforting as she attacked her assailant. The thrill, oh the thrill of a true battle! Blade met blade as she fought those nearest her. Men were disarmed, knocked unconscious by her attacks. Ah, there was the captain. Her focus narrowed. He easily shoved her comrade aside, his sword poised for a damaging blow.

  "Not today!" Renee cries as she leapt towards him, her sword catching the blade.

  "Thanks, Captain!" her man said before scurrying out of the way.

  Renee faced her opponent, ready to engage him. He swung; their swords clashed, his face a mask of frustration. Good. She blocked his swings, easily ducking and parrying. Metal rang, her arm vibrating from its intensity. Her leg swung, catching his chest and pushing him back. Enraged, he leapt at her. Her sword caught his, and with a flick of her wrist, sent it flying. Blade touching his neck, she felt satisfaction.

  "I'd order your men to surrender, unless you want us to personally disarm each one."

  He practically glared at her, and for a moment, she wondered if it would be the difficult path. There, a shift in his eyes. Victory.

  "Enough!" he shouted. "Surrender your weapons."

  "A wise choice." Renee told him, not removing her sword until another man came to replace her. Several of the crew rounded the pirates into a group, weapons piled away from them. Several men disappeared below the deck, only to emerge with piles of chests in their arms.

  "It'll be a bit," one whispered quickly to her as he passed by.

  She continued to monitor the pirates, and her men's progress. It was fairly quiet; she forgot the quietness after the battle, when everyone was still tense, either watching for an opening or anyone trying to take advantage of one. She almost preferred when they unloaded the cargo during battle.

  "That's the last of it!" her man called as he emerged from deck. Carefully, they left the ship to their own, removing the tethers, and sailing off just as the pirates picked their weapons back up.

  With their prey far behind them, Renee finally released her breath.

  "That was fun," Taras said as he approached. "Thanks for this, Captain. As nice as it was to rest in Espan, we needed a good fight."

  "I thought as much." Renee replied. "Granted, I do plan on returning to Espan before too long, but until then, I know we can take out a few pirates."

  "I look forward to it." Taras winked.

  "By the way, Taras, I wanted to thank you for watching over the ship during our stay. You took excellent care of it."

  "Thank you." He beamed. "I heard the performers had a wonderful time, but as my talents tend to be most useful during a sea battle, I'm glad to have stayed on ship."

  "Good. Now, resume our previous course. There's a particular ship I plan on finding."


  "Two months. Two months and still no sign of them." Renee lamented as she leaned against the railing.

  "At least we've encountered multiple pirates and corrupt captains." Ama Lei noted. "Our hold is almost filled, and the crew's spirits are extra high."

  "There is the plus in that," Renee agreed. Happy squeals caught her attention, and she turned to watch Spera running across deck as fast as her legs could carry her, Mei right behind her. The crew paused when she came close forming a barrier between her and the railing. The poor tyke was cooped up so often, it was nice when she could run on deck though it meant everyone had to keep an eye out for her. Not for the first time did she wonder if it would have been for the best to leave Spera in Espan with Mei. Ama Lei's sister would surely be happy for more time with Little Wolf, and Spera could run and play to her heart's content. But, there was no good and logical reason Renee could thin
k of to leave her that wouldn't raise suspicions. Spera altered course running straight towards Renee.

  Besides, Renee thought as she lifted her daughter, cuddling her close. How could I leave this one as well? It was painful enough not seeing her husband and twins. She couldn't leave her baby girl also.

  "Captain!" Taras called from the crow's nest, drawing Renee's eyes up to him. "Might want to look off the bow!"

  Handing Spera to Mei, Renee strode to the front of the ship, lifting the spyglass to her eye. At first, only endless sea greeted her, the deep blue meeting the sky's lighter blue in the middle of her vision. But wait... there. Her focus narrowed. Sure enough, just at the edge of her vision sailed a ship.

  "Make a course for it!" Renee called up to Taras.

  "Aye, aye Captain," his voice sounded from behind her. Turning, she wasn't surprised that he had already taken position at the helm.

  Mei nodded at her before disappearing into her room, Luca following. They would keep Spera entertained and safe.

  Now that her attention wouldn't be pulled away, Renee focused on the vessel. Was it closer? Yes, it had definitely grown larger, and if she wasn't mistaken, its course had altered, heading straight towards them.

  "Who is it?" Ama Lei asked.

  "It's too far away to make out the colors or name," Renee responded. And, with it sailing directly towards them, it would be even more difficult. It didn't take long for her to begin to make the ship's details. A squeak escaped with her gasp.

  "Captain?" Ama Lei's voice brimmed with concern. The grin slowly spread on Renee's face as she lowered the spyglass.

  "First Mate, have the colors flown, and the flag of truce." Renee stated before swiftly marching to her cabin.

  "Captain?" Luca asked once she stepped in.

  "We're good, Luca. We found them." Renee almost skipped as she found her flamboyant Captain's jacket, slipping her arms in before doffing the tri-corn hat on her head. "You're welcome to come see."

  Mei stayed near Luca as they stepped out, Spera content in her arms. Renee strode through the crowd of her men watching the ship's approach, not stopping until she reached the bow. Ama Lei took her place beside her, and Taras approached on the other side.

  "Captain, are you sure about the truce?" Taras asked. "I heard tales about this ship while in Espan; it’s a notorious pirate ship, plaguing merchants in these waters."

  "I am well aware of who they are. In fact, I've been searching for them." She turned to meet his eyes. "Trust me." He merely nodded. His eyes still shone with questions and uncertainty, but with trust. It thrilled her that she earned his trust.

  Focusing back on the vessel, she could now make out faces, especially the one standing at his own bow.

  "Ahoy there!" he called over the distance. "Your ship is not one I'm familiar with, nor do you fly a kingdom's colors."

  "We are new to this ocean," Renee called back. "Our ship has mostly sailed the eastern waters."

  "That would explain why we have not met. What brings you to our waters?"

  "We have come looking for you, Captain Read." Pirates on both ships startled, looking to their companions with questions. "Permission to come aboard to discuss a venture I'd like to put to you?"

  Captain Read's eyes narrowed, but seemed curious. "Very well, pull your ship alongside and we'll tether you. But only you and one other may board."

  Renee nodded to him before turning to give the orders. As they maneuvered the ship, she pulled Taras and Luca aside.

  "I promise these men are not our enemies, but I'm counting on you two to help keep the crew calm. Taras, you will have control while Ama Lei and I speak with the captain."

  "Aye, Captain," Taras saluted. He was still unsure of everything; perhaps it was unfair to expect so much trust from him without giving him her trust.

  The deck jolted under her feet and she saw men from both ships tethering them together. Ama Lei joined her, and together, they leapt over the railing to the other ship.

  "Welcome aboard the Qilin," Read said as he approached them. "Do you mind leaving your weapons with your crew?"

  Renee nodded, partly kicking herself for not thinking of that before. They quickly disarmed, handing their weapons to Luca for keeping. Finished, they turned back to Read.

  "Follow me," he motioned, and they did as he said, all moving into his cabin.

  The moment she stepped inside, Renee almost stumbled at the force of the wave of memories that flooded her. Though as masculine as the day she first stepped inside, she had once called this room home for a year.

  "Now," Read sat behind his desk. "Who are you, and what is it you ask of me?"

  Renee took a deep breath.

  "I need your help to save my family, Commodore."

  His eyes widened. When he gave her captaincy of the Dawn Chaser, he took the title Commodore, though few knew, and almost none were outside the crews.

  "Who are you?" his voice was soft.

  "I'm almost hurt that you don't remember me," Renee teased as she undid her mask, pulling it from her face.

  "Renee..." The shock filling his face was quickly chased away by pure excitement and joy. "Renee!" he almost leapt over the desk, dashing to her. He wrapped her tightly in his embrace and she couldn't help but smile. Bartholomew Read had become a father to her during some of her darkest times, and it felt good to have his comfort again. He stepped back, gazing at her with that doting look. That is, until he smacked her in the arm.

  "Hey!" Renee rubbed her arm. "What was that for?"

  "That was for disappearing for two years and making us all believe you were dead. Where were you?"

  "It's a bit of a story," Renee began. Soon all three had settled, and Renee told the basics of her story, leaving out Conrad's true identity, but telling Retanny's involvement with her 'death'."

  "I can't imagine Will took that well," Bartholomew shook his head.

  "He wasn't happy, but there's not much we can do right now." Renee shrugged.

  "Wow. Well, even if the circumstances aren't great, I am so glad you have returned to us. And," he turned to Ama Lei, "it is my pleasure to make your acquaintance as well, your highness." He gave her a bow.

  "Please, just Ama Lei," she responded, a bright blush standing out against her pale skin.

  "That sounds familiar," Bartholomew chuckled with Renee. Sure enough, she said almost the same when she first met Bartholomew. "But in all honesty, where do we go from here?"

  "I have to return to Espan." Renee told him. "And I need your help. We have to end communications between Conrad and Retanny, but I've already raised suspicions, therefore, I cannot be the one to intercept the ship carrying communications. However, a well known pirate ship attacking an unknown ship..." Renee liked the knowing grin that spread on Bartholomew's face. "From what I can tell, the Drac are still unknown. Perhaps it's time to call on their assistance."

  "We live to serve the monarchs of Cartiana. I assume we should keep it simple, no real acquisitions."

  "Aside from any correspondence, yes." Renee agreed. "The more it looks accidental, the better it will be. We have to keep them from communicating. It's the key to taking down Conrad."

  "Consider it done." Bartholomew added as he reached out his hand. Renee took and shook it, breathing in relief.

  "Thank you, Commodore."

  "You are welcome, Your Majesty." He bowed deeply before her, and while part of her wanted to chastise him, she knew she'd never win. He always treated her with respect, whether that be as his subordinate or his monarch.

  She merely nodded before returning her mask to its place. Bartholomew's face seemed to fall, and she couldn't blame him. Outside the doors were many men and women she once considered family, and Bartholomew would have to keep her secret. Could she ask him to carry that burden and pain?

  Together, she and Ama Lei stepped back into the sun. The tension thickened the air, but she was glad no one had drawn weapons. Her old crew was wary of her, though they parted. It felt wrong. The
faces of her new crew made her heart sink even more. Taras's face especially was suspicious, unsure, like he was fighting himself to trust her.

  Then his eyes met hers, and they seemed sad. She let him down. By keeping her crew in the dark, she had tried their trust. They would follow her, but seeing her old crew made her realize she never gave her new one a chance. The faces surrounding her were family, and the faces before her were as familiar, but she might as well have been a stranger to both. It was time to change that.

  "Captain Read," she called behind her. "Would you request the entire crew's presence?"

  His eyebrows shot up, but his eyes gleamed, and he immediately passed the word along.

  "And Luca, would you mind calling the others as well?" He grinned as he, too, disappeared. Renee leapt onto her new ship, taking her sword from Taras. She gave his shoulder a squeeze, and his own eyes shone with anticipation.

  It only took a few moments for both ships' decks to be filled. Taking a deep breath to fortify her resolve, Renee faced her crew.

  "My good friends," she called loud enough for both crews to hear. "You have sailed with me for so long. We have fought countless battles together entrusted each other with our lives. You have placed your trust in me, even following me to meet a known pirate. And you deserve the same trust from me."

  Glancing at Ama Lei, the girl's nod only helped to strengthen Renee's resolve. Keeping her back to the Qilin's crew, she removed her mask. "When we formed this crew, I told you this face was known, that I have people after me wishing for my death. I never told you why and I'm ashamed to say that I kept my name hidden as well. I hope you will forgive me, and I hope you will understand. But now, the time for secrets is over.

  "As for why I sought these pirates out, well," she turned around a smile on her lips. "They were my old crew." Shock filled the faces before her, but Bartholomew merely grinned before stepping forward.

  "Your Majesty," he stated loudly as he knelt to one knee before her, his head bowed. Almost as one, everyone else's face lit with joy before they all joined him in kneeling before her. Facing her new crew yet again, she almost chuckled at the gaping jaws.


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