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The Pirate Queen

Page 24

by K R Martin

  "My name is Renee, Queen of Espan and Cartiana, wife to King William."

  "Your Majesty," Luca said as he knelt. The rest seemed to look at each other, as if they couldn't quite believe their eyes. Perhaps a different approach would've been better.

  Taras broke from her side, stepping before her. "In Espan, stories of the late princess were abundant. They praised her goodness and strength. Hushed stories told of her turning pirate to save her own people from slavery. I may not be a resident of Espan, but that is a queen I would be honored to call my monarch." He, too, sank to his knee. "Your majesty."

  That broke the trance, and the rest of her crew soon followed, kneeling before her, their faces filled with awe. The feeling was humbling and lifting at the same time.

  "Please, rise," Renee told both crews. "And make yourselves comfortable. You all deserve the truth."

  Renee watched as the Qilin sailed away. It was easier to tell her tale this time, even if she left out the most difficult parts. She also kept Conrad's identity secret; one day they would all take down that monster when they had the advantage.

  "That went well," Ama Lei noted from Renee's side.

  "Much better than I anticipated," Renee agreed. "They will cut communications between Conrad and Retanny without any questions being raised. And, now that they know my identity, we can keep Will's involvement to a minimum. The more it appears he's following their plan, the more blind Conrad will be to our movements."

  "Except, he will be on guard the minute we return." Ama Lei noted.

  "I know. That is why I must show that I have no interest in my own husband." This entire arrangement was the worst.

  "Your majesty." The words sounded unnatural on Taras's lips, and his bow was as awkward as they came.

  "First off, there will be none of that." Renee told him as she pulled him up. "As long as I am on this ship, I am the captain, nothing more. According to the rest of the world, Queen Renee is still dead, and Captain Varda has a wonderful crew ready to take on some real evil men."

  Taras smiled, and the gloom fled from his eyes, replaced by optimistic trust. "Well Captain. How do we take down an empire?"

  "That is a bit more than I am anticipating."

  "Is it? From what you said, the emperor of Retanny ordered your death. He has plans for his niece and heir to marry your husband and gain your throne. In order for Renee to return without fear of another assassination attempt, the current Retanny emperor will either need to turn a blind eye or be replaced."

  Renee couldn't stop gaping at him. He was right. He was very right. Conrad might be her more immediate priority, but for her safety, the safety of her family, her people, and so many other nations, they would have to deal with the power grasping emperor of Retanny.

  "Thank you, Taras," Renee finally spoke. "I never realized that before, but I should have. And I'm glad I have some wonderful people I can count on. To be realistic, one lone pirate vessel can't take on a massive empire. But, if we're smart, we can succeed. Small steps, for now. Our goal is to take out Retanny's most powerful sword: the pirate Schwarz Feur. With him gone, Retanny won't have as much power down here. It would give us time to plan an attack with a greater chance of success."

  "Very wise," Taras agreed. "Then, what's our next course of action?"

  "Time to hunt a pirate."


  Will stood in the tallest tower of his castle. The windows opened towards the ocean, and he could just make out the few ships sitting at port. When he first arrived, he stumbled on the tower room, finding it comforting to gaze at the deep blue and green. He had stopped when Varda arrived, but after she left, he visited this room every day waiting for her to return, and berating himself for not realizing her true identity sooner.

  "I thought I would find you here." Will almost smiled as Jonathan stepped into the room. Almost. "There are a couple of people looking for you."

  "Desiree," Will sighed, wishing he could have a few more moments before pasting on a fake smile and pretending interest in the girl.

  "I know she's not Varda, but she seems sweet and genuinely interested in you."

  Will closed his eyes to bite back the words he wanted to snap at Jonathan. It wouldn't be fair to his friend; after all, he still hadn't told Jonathan the truth. Every time he tried, it seemed that Conrad or his men were nearby. He'd have to find a moment alone with Jonathan, and soon.

  "I suppose we shouldn't keep them waiting," Will sighed as he led the way down the stairs.

  "Will, I say this as your best friend, but it's been three months."

  "I know." Will had counted each day. Surely she had found Bartholomew by now. There certainly were enough reports of Captain Varda of the Crimson Thorne doing good. But then, even when she returned, they couldn't be together.

  "Ah! Your Majesty," Conrad called as he and Desiree approached. Will fought the urge to clench his teeth or punch the man. He was the reason Will was separated from his wife.

  "Lord Conrad, Desiree," Will smiled sweetly at her as he took her hand. "I was hoping you might be interested in a stroll this morning before I am called away by matters of state."

  "I would be delighted." She gave him a short curtsy before slipping her hand in the crook of his arm. As they walked out the doors Will could feel Conrad's desire to follow them. Thankfully, he stayed in place for once.

  The minute they were out of sight, Desiree sighed and visibly relaxed. "I was worried he'd still follow," she said.

  "Me too," Will agreed. "Thank you, by the way, for all your assistance."

  "Of course. I know my father wants this union, but I want a marriage of love. I'm just glad you feel the same."

  "I have to admit you are far more pleasant to be around than I anticipated. I'm glad we are able to be friends."

  "I am as well. And I sincerely hope our kingdoms can be good allies."

  "When you become empress, I guarantee we will. Though first, we will have to discover a way to convince your father to abandon the idea of our union."

  "That is far easier said than done. It's not only my father, but my uncle who wishes for this, and he is a much more stubborn man."

  "Then we must find you someone who would be a better match than me." Will winked at her, eliciting a feminine giggle.

  "Your Majesty" Fedor called as he, too, approached. "Princess Desiree." That greeting was cooler, and Will felt her stiffen beside him.

  "Prince Fedor." Her greeting matched his tone. "What brings you here?"

  "I was merely enjoying a stroll. Is that a crime?" his eyes narrowed in challenge.

  "No, which is why I am enjoying the same with his majesty. Though I must admit, a stroll with a pleasant companion is far more enjoyable."

  "I could not agree more. But along that same thought it would be better to stroll alone than with an unpleasant companion."

  Desiree's eyes narrowed, and Will released his pent up laugh. Both sets of eyes turned his way, incredulity filling them. "I am sorry, truly, it's just... you two are both so witty, it is enjoyable to watch." Especially as you try not to accept your feelings. Oh, he saw the glimmers of affection in both their eyes during the masquerade, listened to enough of their conversation to hear them flirt with the same wit. Of course, the moment they realized who the other was, they reverted back to their bickering. But now and again, he'd catch one staring at the other with curiosity and hopeful affection.

  "Please, let us be friends. Each wishes for peace, and strengthened alliances with the other kingdoms. We may have different goals, different outlooks on our people and what is best for leadership, but we care about them the same. Can we please be allies and discuss our views?"

  The two glared at each other, but then their eyes seemed to soften. "I suppose I can seem naive and shallow, but I do care. My education might have been focused on grace and poise, but I will one day rule, and I hope to be up to the task when I do." Desiree told Fedor. It surprised Will to see her speak so openly and honestly.

  "And I t
oo can seem rigid and narrow-minded." Fedor added. "Though I may seem uninterested in frivolity, there is a place for art, music, and dance in a kingdom's culture. While they should never be the sole focus, they are important to cultivate."

  "Was that so difficult?" Will asked them, almost laughing at the glares they gave him, and the blushes they saved for each other. "Sadly, the morning is growing late, and I do have work waiting for me."

  The three walked to the great hall together, the conversation turning menial but pleasant. Conrad's chest seemed to puff out, his eyes gleaming with what could only be described as greed. As least Jonathan and Caleb were there too. They seemed less hostile.

  "Don't you look lovely together," Conrad said as he approached. Will fought the urge to roll his eyes.

  "Thank you," he managed to say kindly enough. "Alas, I am king and have obligations."

  "Of course, we shall leave you until..."

  "Uncle Will! Uncle Caleb! Uncle Jonathan!" Little Wolf's voice echoed before he dashed into the room, eyes bright with excitement.

  "Whoa, whoa, calm down. Now, what is it?" Caleb asked.

  "She's back!" Will's heart jolted, and he had to force his face to remain impassive. Desiree didn't miss the implications as shock filled the face that gazed up at him.

  "Who's back?" Fedor was the one to ask that detail.

  "Captain Varda, sir," Little Wolf replied. "She's performing in the market this morning."

  "Excellent! I was hoping she would return. I think I will take the chance to see if, if anyone else wishes to join me?" he directed that question to Desiree.

  "Lady Varda truly is wonderful to watch," Desiree said. "Perhaps your duties could wait a little while?" She asked Will.

  "I suppose if you wish it," he replied, wanting to hug her for giving him an excuse to go.

  "I do." she grinned.

  Several joined their group as they ventured into town, Will's heart pounding with every step. I'm coming, my Love.

  Renee was glad their return was welcomed so enthusiastically. The dock master helped them find a permanent birth for their ship and informed them a performance would be welcome. Luca was once more in his element, and her crew seemed to shine even more. The crowd that greeted them was a large one; no doubt the dock master had a hand in spreading the word of their return.

  "Look who is here," Ama Lei spoke softly in Renee's ear, and she searched the faces of the crowd before her. Her heart pounded the moment she saw him.

  Will's eyes were focused on the stage, but there was no denying the anticipation held in their depths. Desiree stood beside him, hand on his arm, but even she carried a knowing grin.

  Unable to stop her eyes, she found them drawn to her husband's. As if he sensed her, his gazed turned her direction. Their eyes locked, and her breath fled her body. Filled with longing and love, Will poured his heart into his gaze telling her how every moment she had been missed, every day wanted. Joy and pain fought within the blue depths, love warring with reason. She knew her own eyes must appear as besotted, for even she felt as though she wandered in the desert, and he the only water to sustain her.

  "We are up next." Ama Lei broke Renee's thoughts. She sent an apology towards Will before reluctantly turning and following Ama Lei to where Mei waiting. A huge grin spread on the girl's face, and Renee knew she had seen Little Wolf in the audience.

  "Sadly, we have come to our final performance," Luca called to the crowd. "But, I do believe this is the one you have been waiting for." Cheers seemed to increase, verifying Luca's claim. "Alright, alright, you don't want to hear me, you want to see her. Ladies and gentlemen, Lady Varda!"

  Renee stepped on the stage to applause, forcing her attention away from her husband. She had a performance to master, and not just the dance. The music started, more upbeat than her usual choices. Today, she wanted to celebrate, and she poured all the joy she felt into the steps. Though a long journey still stood before them, for the moment there were many who supported her, and she had faith that together they would be victorious.

  She ended her performance to enthusiastic applause. "Thank you," Renee called as she curtsied to the crowd. "At this point, several of our men dressed as bandits would usually come up and perform this elaborate fight for your viewing pleasure. Today, though, we will forgo that, and instead extend an open invitation for any wishing to test their skills to mine."

  Murmurs lifted from the group, and Renee could feel the excitement of waiting to see who would test their metal to hers.

  "I wish to claim that honor." The voice called from the back of the crowd, and Renee felt her eyebrows lift as she watched Fedor walking towards her. She shook her thoughts enough to allow Ama Lei to assist her out of her dance gown, revealing her combat suit beneath. Turning, she watched as Fedor stepped onto the stage. "I must say, I had hoped to test my sword to yours the last time you visited. I am glad to have been given that opportunity now."

  "I look forward to seeing what a prince of Vikieva has to offer." Renee told him, motioning for him to select which sword he wished to use. He tested both weapons, keeping one before handing her the other.

  "Ladies first," he spoke as he stepped into position. Renee laughed, and readied to fight. She felt her body hum, eager to put him to the test.

  She didn't wait.

  Her arm swung, sword ringing as it was blocked by his. His attacks were swift, both foreign and familiar, and she was forced to focus hard to block the strokes. It took a bit for her to recognize his style, but the moment she did, she could feel her limbs freed, able to swing her own sword automatically. He had a lot of the western style Sorik taught, but mixed in was a style similar to Ama Lei, and a little she recognized from Sanskia. And he was skilled! She found herself forced to use all her training to keep up with him. But, the grin came unbidden to her face even the greatest swordsman had his weakness.

  Fedor thrust, and Renee spun, pushing his sword past her. By the time he caught himself, she had her sword pressed to his neck.

  "Yield?" Renee asked.

  "I yield," he responded. The cheers went up, and Luca continued his calls over the crowd as Renee and Fedor stepped off the stage.

  "I must say your style is quite intriguing," Renee told him. "Many times, it felt as though I was fighting Ama Lei."

  "Vikieva used to be much larger, its lands expanding far south, bordering Jenha. We had strong commerce ties to Jenha and Sanskia, including some small kingdoms surrounding that one."

  "I thought I recognized the style from Sanskia."

  "Oh yes, our culture has been strongly influenced by our mercantile connections, along with our own flair. And speaking of connections, that is why I have come to Espan."


  "As Retanny's reach expands, our kingdom suffers. It started with my grandfather. He was so young and Retanny's emperor at the time had gotten a taste of expansion. He pushed against our borders threatening war. My grandfather acquiesced; he hated war, though our military might could have crushed his. By the time my father took the throne, our empire had been reduced to half of its former glory. It has taken many years to gain some of what we had lost."

  "And you have come to Espan for military assistance?"

  "Oh no," Fedor chuckled. "Our military might is more than enough to keep Retanny at bay. But, even when we were larger, our commerce centers on trade. Retanny has grown to cut much of our trade, until only our trade with Jenha remained. That changed with Jenha's coup several years back. As it is now Retanny's puppet state, the trade with them has not been beneficial for my people. Therefore, we have been forced to look elsewhere. As Espan and Cartiana are independent, and also seem to thrive on trade, my sister and I were hoping to form an alliance. But now," he turned, and Renee noticed his gaze focused on Will and Desiree as they approached. "If the king is playing court to Retanny's princess, I don't know if he could be a trusted ally."

  "Not everything is as it appears," Renee told him. "King William is a good man, and is not one to gi
ve in to what he knows to be wrong. Between us," she lowered her voice, "he has reason to court her, but he will never marry her."

  Fedor stepped back gazing at Renee with a mix of contemplation and fascination.

  "Lady Varda!" Desiree called as she drew close. Her face was filled with youthful exuberance, and Renee couldn't help but smile at her. "I am so glad you’ve returned."

  "It is pleasant to see you again, Lady Desiree." Renee told her, keeping her focus on the girl so she wouldn't meet her husband's eyes.

  "Will you come back to perform for us again?"

  "I am not sure. If that is what his majesty wishes...?" She risked a glance his way, glad his face was schooled in a look that suggested he was trying to be indifferent. Or maybe he truly was battling his emotions?

  "It would be nice to have you train the men again" Will spoke. "Perhaps performances could be limited to once or twice a week, and I am sure the people would enjoy seeing ones like this one."

  "We would be honored, your majesty," Renee bowed to him.

  "Might I request to have my men join the training?" Fedor spoke, drawing all eyes to him. "When I first learned the famed Captain Varda was training your men, I wrote to my sister inquiring whether she would be interested in the same for the men who have accompanied me. They are some of Vikieva's finest warriors, and it never hurts to expand one's abilities. I finally heard back from my sister while you were gone," he turned to Renee. "She loved the idea; therefore, would you be willing to add a few more men to your lessons?"

  "It would be my honor," she nodded towards him. Perhaps the extra men would help keep her mind off the desire to run into her husband's arms, or the pain of not being able to.


  Being back at the castle, in the same rooms as before, helped alleviate some of the stress. Though she still waited for Bartholomew to do his part, she had faith in him, and many people now stood behind her, more than when she first arrived. In fact, almost as soon as she had settled in the same room as before, Little Wolf burst in almost knocking her over with his hug. Having him back brought her relief and joy, especially as he knew the truth. He even promised to be her eyes and ears, and the occasional messenger when necessary.


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