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The Pirate Queen

Page 26

by K R Martin

  "Whoa," the word escaped her lips. The inside was as immaculate and well-built as the one that held her ship, if not even better. And sure enough, the ship sitting before her had painted on its side: Qilin.

  "Who goes there?" the shout echoed off the vaulted ceilings, and Ama Lei found herself surrounded by men with swords.

  "I am First Mate Ama Lei of the Crimson Thorne. Renee sent me."

  "This way," one of the men said as he led the way onto the ship. Many eyes swiveled her way, but it wasn't long before they turned back to their tasks. The man stopped at a door, knocking softly.

  "Enter," the voice called from within, and the man motioned for Ama Lei to enter alone.

  She opened the door, and stepped inside.

  Bartholomew sat at his desk, looking up as she approached. "Ah! Ama Lei, was it?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Please, sit," he motioned to the chair across from him, and Ama Lei sat. "Now, what brings you here?"

  "Renee sent me along with her regrets of not being able to come herself. There have been some complications."

  "That does not bode well, but knowing Renee as I do, I have faith she can pull through anything."

  Ama Lei smiled. She already liked this man, especially as he had so much faith in her captain.

  "Now I'd ask what I can do for you, but I have a feeling you are here for this." Bartholomew pulled a folded paper from the desk, and held it out to her. Ama Lei took the message, opened it, and began to read. Her heart iced over at the words. Eyes darting back up to Bartholomew, the heaviness in his eyes confirmed that he, too, knew the letter's contents.

  "Oh, Renee." If things were difficult before, they were about to become far worse.

  "There you are," Renee released a sigh as Ama Lei stepped through the door. She had been gone for so long, and Renee hadn't stopped pacing. The night was almost gone, but sleep refused to visit her. "What news?" The haunted look only helped to send Renee's heart plummeting even further. "What is it?"

  Ama Lei held the missive out without words. Renee snatched it, yanking it open to read the words. The sobs squeaked from her lips before she could stop it.

  It is taking too long to get results. I believe we should put the pressure on him, force his hand. Remove the heirs, make it appear accidental. Write me once it is done.

  "I'm sorry," Ama Lei said softly.

  "This has gone too far. I'm tired of waiting in the shadows, forcing myself to be near that man, to touch him, without allowing any of the turmoil to show. I cry myself to sleep every night, forced to stay away from the ones I love. I'm done." Renee turned from her friend, forcing her mind to think, to not let the emotions take control. She faced some of the most cunning men she'd ever met. Emotions would only secure their victory.

  "I need Little Wolf." Renee began. "As early as you can. Have Mei be near to negate any suspicion. And Luca. I'll need him too."

  "Aye, Captain," Ama Lei stepped out. Renee forced her eyes closed, and air into her lungs. She had a lot to do and only one day to do it in.

  "You know, when I agreed to this arrangement, I expected a companion, not a statue." Conrad's voice was filled with frustration.

  "It's not like I had a real choice." Renee spat back quietly. His hand clenched her arm, and she bit back the cry. "Look," she leaned close to him, keeping her voice soft. "You don't want me here anymore than I want to be here. So why don't we come to an agreement."

  "What agreement could that be?" Conrad asked, turning to face her.

  "I leave." His eyes widened before narrowing in distrust.

  "Why would you do that?" he asked.

  "Why would I stay? It was fun living in a castle, training soldiers, performing for royalty, but it's not enjoyable anymore. You don't want me here, and I hate feeling like a prisoner. So, I will offer you a counter-deal. I will leave, completely, get out of your way. In return, you will leave me and my crew alone."

  "So, what you're offering is that we part ways, never to intercept each other?"

  "Yes. Do we have a deal?"

  Renee's heart pounded in her ears. If he didn't agree, it would make it much more difficult to follow through with her plan.

  "Fine. If you leave, I promise to leave you alone."

  Good. Now all she needed to do was wait, and hope.


  Will's neck hurt, again, as he awoke. Sleeping in the chair was not good for his body, but he couldn't bring himself to sleep in the bed without his wife. Plus, at least this way he could actually see her. It was killing him to have Renee so close and not be able to be with her. He knew why; Little Wolf had informed him, but it hurt. Well, it infuriated him that Conrad threatened her daughter's life. That man reminded him too much of the monster who once sat on his throne, one who attempted to execute Renee knowing she carried their twins.

  Stretching his neck, he stood, moving the other muscles as well. He wasn't sure how much longer his body, or his heart, could handle the separation. All he wanted was his wife back, and for them to move on, forgetting the past and moving forward as a family. Spera would grow knowing a father's love if he had anything to say.

  But enough of wallowing. He had a kingdom to run, two actually, and he wasn't about to let his people suffer just because his personal life was falling apart, or it already had? One of these nights he really needed to get more sleep.

  Once dressed, he found his feet carrying him to the great hall, hoping to get the initial pleasantries with Desiree over with. At least she acted as courier, trading messages with Renee, though it wasn't the same as talking face to face.

  Laughter hit his ears, piquing his interest. Stepping into the room, his feet stopped. There, standing in the hall speaking with Jonathan and Katie, were King Richard and Queen Elizabeth, Renee's parents.

  "There you are." Jonathan was all smiles as he beckoned Will closer. "Look who is here."

  "Your Majesties," Will nodded to them. "It is a pleasure to see you. What brings you here?"

  "First, no more 'majesties', we are family, after all." Richard spoke. "And second, Jonathan wrote asking us to come."

  "Oh, he did?" Will turned to his friend, a promise of an explanation hidden in his eyes.

  "Yes. And besides," Elizabeth added, "It had been a bit since we last saw our grandchildren. We have missed them terribly."

  "They will be ecstatic to see you," Will smiled. Even with all the craziness, having familiar faces would help calm things, hopefully.

  "I thought I heard new voices," Will winced. He had hoped for a bit more time before Conrad showed his face, but it was not to be.

  "Lord Conrad," Will turned to see him and Desiree walking closer. "And Lady Desiree. Allow me to present the true monarchs of Espan, King Richard and Queen Elizabeth."

  "Your majesties," Conrad bowed as Desiree curtsied. Will turned back to see both of Renee's parents gaping at Desiree. Apparently, Jonathan hadn't mentioned that fact when he invited them. His best friend had a lot to answer for.

  "This," Will once more addressed the monarchs, "is Lord Conrad and Princess Desiree from Retanny. They have come to establish diplomatic ties with Cartiana and Espan." Their faces seemed to relax a bit, though wariness still shown in their eyes. Will was not looking forward to that conversation. Movement caught his eyes, and he turned to see Fedor enter the room. Perfect timing. "Fedor!" He called the man over. "Allow me to present King Richard and Queen Elizabeth of Espan. And this is Prince Fedor of Vikieva, who has also traveled to increase relations between our two nations."

  "It is an honor to meet your majesties," Fedor bowed to them.

  "My goodness, there have been lots of changes recently," Richard chuckled, and Will was glad the awkwardness seemed to pass.

  "Will! Will!" the deep panicked voice shot like an arrow to Will's heart, pain biting his chest. His gaze swung to the opening, watching as Caleb darted in. The frantic look on his face only heightened Will's foreboding. "Will," Caleb dashed to his side. "They're gone."

  The r
oom seemed to freeze over. Surely not. No, she wouldn't leave, not without telling him. "I see," Will had to hope she had a plan, a purpose.

  "No, Will, you don't see. It's the children. The twins are gone."

  His heart fell straight to the floor. No, not his children. Not them. His gaze swung to Conrad, but the man's face shone with shock, and a bit of fury. He wasn't involved. But who? How?

  "Will?" Conrad's voice was softer, his eyes shining with deep sorrow.

  "What happened?" Will's voice trembled.

  "They were taken, Will."

  "Who? Who has my children?"

  "They were taken to the Crimson Thorne."

  Rage and shock filled his body. Oh, he was happy and relieved that Renee had their children, but he was plenty mad at her for whisking them away without telling him. But then again, leaving with their children so quickly, it had to be an act of desperation. And he wasn't about to make her fight alone.

  "Prepare the Dawn Chaser," Will said. "We're going after them."

  "Allow me to offer my assistance," Fedor spoke. Will nodded. He could use all the help offered.

  "Our vessel can help track that pirate down as well." Conrad spoke, his rage concealed, but barely.

  That's why she left. Will had to find his wife, and keep her, and his children, from the monster's claws.


  Will stood on deck of the Dawn Chaser, the rocking of the ship doing nothing to calm his nerves. It had been four days since he woke to find his children gone. Knowing they were with Renee helped calm some of his fears, but he wanted his family in his arms, wanted to know they were safe. Even rushing as fast as they could, he hadn't left until that evening. Having Renee's parents return was a huge boon; he felt comfortable trusting them with the two kingdoms, though he learned from Jonathan later that Renee had orchestrated that detail, even insisting the letter be urgent enough to bring them swiftly.

  "You alright?" Jonathan asked as he reached Will's side.

  "No. What part of any of this should I be alright with?" Will hated snapping at his friend, but couldn't seem to stop. "The fact is that my wife and children are being hunted and I can't help them." Will's fists pounded on the railing, his face clenching against the pain. "What if he found them already? What if I'm too late?"

  Jonathan's hand gently rested on Will's shoulder. Regardless of how fast they prepared the Dawn Chaser, Conrad still left before them. Will didn't know if he could survive losing them.

  "Trust her," Jonathan said softly.

  "It's all I can do. I just hate being so helpless."

  "No man, no person, really, would be in your shoes and not hate it."

  Will chuckled. Jonathan did have a way of making him feel better. At least for a moment. But then the fear sank back in. Will couldn't lose his wife, not again.

  "Still no sign of them?" Fedor spoke more than asked as he joined them.

  "Not yet," Jonathan replied.

  "Forgive me, but if it helps, I doubt she has any nefarious plans. She greatly admires you, and adores your children. At least, that is what I have seen."

  "You are not wrong." Will replied, deciding to trust the man. Well, he made that decision when he asked the prince to join them, and asked to have his men keep an eye in Espan. Plus, he had a feeling that keeping some foreign soldiers at home would be a helpful deterrent.

  "I think the time has to come inform you of a crucial detail." Will told the man. "You are correct about Varda. She would never do anything to willingly harm my children. After all, she is their mother."

  Fedor's eyes widened before realization dawned in them. "That is why she wears a mask. Queen Renee is considered dead, and I assume her disappearance has something to do with Retanny?"


  "Then let's save the Queen of Espan, and solidify this alliance against Retanny." Fedor's voice sounded bitter and regretful. Will couldn't blame him; they had all grown fond of Desiree, but Retanny had officially become an enemy.

  "Ship ahoy!" the call rang out. Caleb rushed to them, handing Will a spyglass. His heart pounded, but he forced all thoughts aside, focusing on the vessel emerging in his vision. The ship was so familiar, it jolted Will's thoughts. Why was the Qilin here?

  "Ahoy, your majesty!" Bartholomew called.

  "Commodore! What brings you here?" Will returned the call.

  "Looking for you." The ships bumped each other, jostling the decks beneath their feet. The men quickly lashed the ships together, and Will leapt onto the other deck.

  "Alright, Commodore, what is going on? I know Varda went searching for you, I know you attacked the Retanny messenger, and I know you weren't planning to be in these waters any time soon. So, I ask again, what is going on?"

  "I think someone else can answer that question better than I." Bartholomew stepped aside and Will finally noticed Little Wolf standing there, each hand holding that of a child.

  "Papa!" Both voices cried and Will fell to his knees, arms opened as his children ran into them. He could feel a couple of tears escape his eyes, but he didn't care. They were here, and they were safe.

  "Renee felt it best if they be among people they trusted," Little Wolf said. "And this way, Conrad would chase the wrong ship. She knew you'd follow, so she had us wait to meet up with you."

  Will wanted to scream even as he wanted to pull her close into his arms as well. "Where is she?" he finally asked.

  "I assume on the Crimson Thorne," Little Wolf replied. "She gave me her instructions, had me help sneak the children out, for which I do sincerely apologize, and trusted me to sneak them onto the Qilin and give Bartholomew a note with her instructions."

  Of course she wasn't there. Will pulled the twins closer, using their warmth to chase away the sadness that threatened to consume him. Breathing to take control of his emotions, he finally looked up, seeing Mei standing behind Little Wolf with Spera in her arms.

  "Why?" Will asked aloud. "Why now? What happened to force her hand like this?"

  Bartholomew's eyes turned dark. "The message I intercepted gave Conrad orders to force your hand by removing your heirs."

  Will’s arms tightened around his children. He almost lost them. All because of one power-hungry monster. "And she entrusted Spera to you to keep her out of harm's way." Will stated.

  Mei nodded. "He threatened Spera," she told him. "That's why she became his companion. It's the only reason."

  Hugging his children once more, he finally released his hold, and stood. "It's time we find my wife."


  "There she is." Will released a sigh as he saw the foreign ship. Relief and excitement filled his chest, and his feet seemed to buzz. The moment the ships were close enough, no railing would keep him from his love. She was due a hug, kiss, and major scolding for keeping him in the dark.

  The decks hadn't even been lashed together before he leapt over to the other vessel, eyes searching for the one face he wanted.

  "King William," he turned to see Ama Lei approach, her face grave.

  "Where is she?" Will asked, holding his stance as the deck jolted beneath him.

  "She's not here," Ama Lei responded simply.

  Will fought the urge to snap at her. The look on her face made him pause. "What is going on? Where is my wife?"

  Ama Lei's eyes closed; the fortifying breath she took sent even more trepidation through him. "Renee sent us ahead, with orders to meet the Qilin, knowing, hoping, they caught you. She remained behind." Ama Lei's voice trembled. "To sneak onto Conrad's ship. And sabotage it."

  All breath seemed to escape Will's chest. "Why would she do something so foolish? How does she expect to return?"

  "I doubt she thought of that. All her thoughts were of saving her family, her friends."

  "She was terrified," the realization hit Will hard. "Why was she so terrified of him?"

  "She knew what he was capable of, more than most."

  "What does that mean?"

  "Think of the one pirate feared by all. One
who has haunted Espan and Cartiana, left nothing but death in his wake, and allowed none to see his face and live."

  No... no, she wouldn't willingly put herself near that monster.

  "Think of the one pirate only Renee could identify." Ama Lei's voice broke, confirming Will's fears.

  "Schwarz Feur... Conrad is Schwarz Feur." How could he have been so blind? The very man responsible for taking Renee from him, for using her so... Will had treated him as an honored guest. What must Renee have gone through, forcing herself to be near the man who destroyed her life, tried to destroy her?

  Will felt his body tremble, from rage or sorrow, he couldn't tell. They flooded his senses, his thoughts, joined by terror. Renee had placed herself, alone, on his ship. If he found her...

  "We have to find him. Now. With all of us together, he wouldn't stand a chance." Will hated how panicked his voice sounded, but he couldn't change it. Renee. He couldn't stop thinking of how much danger she was in. He would kill her. He would finish the job after he...

  "We have to go. Now!"


  Renee fought to bite back the giggles. It was probably the fear, but she found it comical that the pirates still couldn't undo the damage she caused. Thankful she had enough sense to make it look accidental, she managed to slow their progress significantly. Hopefully, by now Bartholomew would have found Will. She hated leaving him in the dark, hated the pain and fear she must have caused him. But she had to save them, and she didn't know how else to do it. The only way to stop Conrad was to surprise him, make him the prey.

  "Go back above," the order rang out as a new man entered the hold. "I'll figure this out."

  "Aye, sir," the men said as they filed out.

  Renee watched the newcomer carefully. As first mate, Pallav was the man who sailed her to Jenha and sold her as a slave.


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