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The Pirate Queen

Page 28

by K R Martin

  "It really isn't right for a woman to be that smart."

  "Enough!" Will roared as he charged. His blade was caught by Conrad's, but he pushed again. Rage and fury filled his limbs, urging his arm to swing. This monster needed to be stopped. Conrad grinned, shoving Will's sword away, and attacked. Will's body responded automatically, blocking each blow. Conrad was quick and skilled, showing Will just how he earned his reputation.

  But Will wouldn't let him win. The cramped space threatened to hinder his movements, and his knew if anything happened to him she'd be at this monster's mercies. He wasn't about to let her go through that again.

  His blade caught Conrad's, but the man twisted it in his hand. Pain flooded his wrist, and his hand couldn't keep its grasp on the weapon. The sword clattered on the ground, and Conrad kicked Will's chest, forcing him to fall.

  "Will!" Renee cried.

  "Oh, you'll join him soon," Conrad said as he advanced on Will. "And don't you worry; I'll make sure she's well cared for first."

  No. This was not his fight to lose. His hand fumbled near his boat, trying to grasp his dagger. Fingers brushed metal, and he pulled.

  "Good bye." Conrad swung his sword. Will lifted the blade.


  "No!" Renee cried, thrusting her own sword to block Conrad's. Pain filled her arms, as the blade came down hard on hers. Her limbs shook, but she willed them not to release the weapon. "You. Will never touch me again," she spat through clenched teeth.

  Forcing all her energy into the sword, she shoved his away. It felt good to wield her old weapon again. She might be weak, and had all her faith in her husband's abilities, but she was his partner, and there was no way she'd allow him to be harmed. As soon as she could, she had grabbed the weapon from the wall, letting it dangle in her grasp.

  "You can't defeat me." Conrad laughed. "You can barely stand as it is."

  "True. But I can still distract you." The grin filled her face as she felt Will's presence behind her, sword back in his hand. His nudge was firm but gentle as he pushed her behind him.

  Conrad didn't hesitate. He swung, easily parried by Will's blade. Renee leaned against the wall, using it to support her weight. Watching her love battle, the swords clashing in a blur of movement, made Renee itch to jump in, to use her own sword, but she couldn't. She'd only get in Will's way, and she couldn't do that.

  But it hurt, oh it hurt to watch the dance of death before her. Will fought with everything in him, his sword blocking more than attacking. Conrad was skilled, far more than most, and it terrified her. The swings were short, precise, necessary in the cramped space, but extremely deadly. How could Will compete with that?

  Fear clutched her chest, and she felt a surge in her limbs. She couldn't let Conrad win. He swung, shoving Will's blade to the side, leaving Will wide open for an attack.

  "Will!" Renee cried. Her feet moved on their own, rushing to her husband's side, sword out to block the blow.

  Pain radiated through her arms, the force of the blow throwing her sword from her grasp. Before she could think, he shoved forward, pushing her to the ground.

  "Renee!" Will cried as he stepped before her, sword swinging at Conrad.

  Ringing hit her ears as the swords met. Will's arms tensed, and she could feel his strength waning. How much longer could he take the pounding? She couldn't leave him alone. Fighting her body, she reached for her sword. It remained just out of reach. No, she needed her sword, needed to help. Straining, she tried to reach the weapon, her fingertips just brushing the hilt. Just a little further.

  "Ah!" Will screamed; her gaze flew to him, fear coursing through her at the sight of blood flowing through the fingers that clenched his thigh. Conrad swung, forcing Will's blade from his grasp. It clattered on the wood, too far for Will to reach.

  "Will!" Renee cried, drawing Conrad's attention.

  "Don't worry; as soon as I've dealt with him, you're next." Conrad's gaze promised just how bad the plans he had for her were.

  "You'll touch her over my dead body." Will kept before her, arm stretched out to protect her.

  "Thank you for being so obliging." Conrad lifted his sword and aimed it at Will's chest.

  No! Renee's heart practically screamed. She couldn't let him win. Her hands grasped the sword.

  Will's arm knocked the blade away, giving her the opportunity she needed. She lunged, wrapping her free arm around Will's chest, and shoved her sword forward.


  Conrad's eyes widened. His sword clattered on the wood, his body collapsing before them. His eyes stared up, lifeless, and Renee's sword stuck out of his chest, just below Will's dagger.

  "It's over," Will's voice echoed Renee's thoughts. She collapsed onto his chest, and his arm wrapped around hers. "Thanks for the assistance. I wasn't sure the dagger would have been enough." Renee chuckled. Somehow, Will had unsheathed his dagger, and plunged it into Conrad's chest just as Renee plunged her sword. They had vanquished the monster together.

  "Your leg!" Renee remembered what brought Will down. Sure enough, it still bled. "We need to stop the bleeding."

  "I know. Let's get you off the floor first." As carefully as he could, he helped lift Renee to sit on the bed's edge, taking a spot beside her. He shrugged out of his vest, placing it on Renee's shoulders. She hissed as pain bit her back. "I'm sorry, but it will help protect your wounds."

  "Yours are worse." She said as she looked at his leg.

  He chuckled. "Sorry, dear, but yours are worse." He did rip off his sleeve, wrapping it around his leg and binding it. He winced as he tied the knot, but thankfully no more blood flowed. "Though I think mine will need stitches."

  Renee almost chuckled at his light tone, but her eyes found the lifeless form of the man who once destroyed her life. "I still can't believe it's over."

  "That monster will never harm you again, no one will. I promise you." Renee closed her eyes and leaned into his chest. She was safe in his arms, and it felt like a huge burden was finally gone. "And when we return, I promise we will be a family. I promise I will love Spera as much as our twins; she will never know about that monster, no one will."

  "Oh, Will," Renee couldn't help but smile. His generous heart just reminded her how much she loved him, and how much he loved her, even so far as to accept an illegitimate child as his own. "Of course you'll love her as a daughter, because she is yours, my love."


  "Have you seen her eyes? There's only one man I know with eyes as blue as the sea. Besides, I knew before the attack; I was actually going to tell you that night, but..."

  "Spera's my baby girl." The smile in his eyes promised so much love and joy and Renee was looking forward to it.

  Cheers resounded above them. "I hope that means we won." Renee said as she moved her arms into the vest's arms, wincing as the fabric brushed her back.

  "I'm sure we did." Will smiled at her as he stood and gathered his sword first, sheathing it in his belt. Then, he turned his attention to the other blades. Grabbing some fabric from the bed, he took them one at a time, wiping all traces of their gruesome work from the blades. The dagger was placed back in his boot, and the sword was tucked into his belt, until they reached home where he could unite the blade with its sheath.

  "Will!" Jonathan's voice called.

  "In here!" Will called back. Only a moment later, Jonathan burst through the doors.

  "Oh good, you're both alright." he sighed with relief. "It is so good to see you, Renee."

  "Likewise." She smiled.

  "The way the men were boasting, I was honestly worried, but I'm glad their boasts were for naught."

  "Oh, their boasts were definitely warranted." Will looked down at their former enemy. "I'm just glad this whole ordeal is over."

  "But, is it?" Renee asked. "We now know Retanny's been behind Conrad, Andre, all of this. I cannot just return."

  Both men drew silent. She hated silence, and she hated having a point.

  "Retanny can't know you'r
e alive, but that doesn't mean you can't come home." Will said as he knelt before her. "I can't live without you again."

  "Then, what can we do?" Jonathan asked. Will's eyes shone deep in thought, trying to figure how to move forward. As much as they wanted to be together, they couldn't put their people in danger.

  "We continue as we have been." Renee spoke, inspiration striking. Will's gaze was sorrowful, almost screaming 'no' at her. "Listen, it won't be easy, but it will be easier. Desiree knows about me, and she's been as much a pawn as we have. She can return with us, continue the ruse, at least until we have a better plan."

  "How does she know?" Will asked.

  "She saw my face, after Conrad found me."

  "Wait, she's here?” both men seemed to ask.

  "Yes. You'll find her locked in one of the rooms. In another room, you'll find a Sanskian named Pallav; he should come with us too."

  "Anyone else I should keep an eye out for?" Jonathan's voice was light.

  "No. Everyone else is an enemy." Renee replied.

  "Round the others up, and lock them aboard the other ships." Will ordered. "Check the hold for anything useful as well. Once everyone is safely off this vessel, and a safe distance away, we'll burn this ship, and make sure if sinks to the bottom of the ocean." Renee almost cringed at the harsh tone in her husband's voice, but she didn't blame him. This ship had too many bad memories for her.

  "I'll inform the men." Jonathan spoke as he turned to the door. "Give me one moment, and I’ll be back to help you to our ship," he told Renee.

  "Oh, no, I will be helping my wife." Jonathan's eyebrow shot up, but whatever glare Will sent his friend's way caused him to chuckle and leave.

  "But, Will, your leg." Renee said.

  "It will be fine. Might need stitches, but it's not going to stop me from being the heroic knight to my beloved princess." Will spoke with conviction, and Renee couldn't stop the flutters in her heart. "Now," he wrapped one arm behind her back and slipped the other beneath her knees, "are you ready my love?"

  "Yes," she said as she wrapped her arms around Will's neck. With a grunt, he pushed to his feet, hissing as he put weight on his bad leg. Renee fought back her own groan, as the pressure against her back caused a dull pain. Ignoring it, she curled into her husband's chest, feeling comforted in his embrace. She was home, finally home.

  Will carried her from the room that haunted her, leaving the nightmare behind them. She felt the hitch in Will's step, but he held his head high, chest almost puffed out with pride. As the sun kissed her face, cheers erupted around her. Friends all, their faces beamed with happiness, and their voices rose in welcoming her back. Getting over the railings proved a little more difficult, but Will managed without too much jostling, though his limp was noticeably worse.

  "Will, please see the doctor," Renee urged.

  "Alright," he agreed. "Have the doctor brought to my cabin!" he called out, carrying her there. As soon as they stepped into the captain's cabin, Renee gasped. It looked just as she left it. "Even after I gave Caleb the captaincy, he insisted on keeping his cabin, leaving this room for me, whenever I wished." He gently placed her on the bed, sitting beside her.

  He placed his hand on her face, softly stroking her skin. Leaning toward her, he claimed her lips in a gentle kiss. Pulling back, his eyes gazed down at her with warmth and adoration. "Welcome home."


  Renee watched as the ship that had been her prison, physically, mentally, and emotionally, slowly dipped into the sea's embrace. She couldn't remove her eyes from the fiery sight until it fully disappeared beneath the waves, taking the horrors with it. Once it was gone, Renee could feel tension leave her body.

  "Thank you," Desiree spoke from Renee's side.

  "For what?" Renee asked.

  "For trusting me. And for freeing me. I never realized just how trapped I was until I met you."

  "I, for one, am glad to count you as a friend." Renee said as she took the girl's hand.

  "But what do we do now?" Caleb asked. Renee turned back to her husband, feeling assurance in his gaze as he wrapped an arm around her.

  "Unfortunately, we cannot allow Retanny to continue as it has been," Will spoke. "Not after finding out that the emperor not only orchestrated to have Schwarz Feur… Conrad… attempt to murder Renee, but also Andre’s coup and the death of my parents, along with countless others. I'm sorry, Desiree, but your uncle needs to be stopped."

  "I grew up secluded, but learning what I have about what my uncle's done, what my father's done, I know something must be done, not only for my people, but yours, and all others. For the greater good, I must claim my throne, and have my uncle abdicate."

  "Are you sure you want to do that?" Fedor asked. "To assume a throne is no easy thing, especially when you are young. I know; I watched my sister become empress at fifteen, and while she is amazing, it's been hard on her. You will carry that same burden, and an even greater one if you are deposing the ruler before you."

  "I know. But it is for the best." Renee couldn't help but admire the girl's conviction. Retanny would be in great hands with her as empress.

  "Then we should gather as large a force as possible," Jonathan added. "If we amass a large enough army to combat him, he won't have a choice but to surrender, without bloodshed."

  "Cartiana and Espan may be small, but our navy is not." Will spoke.

  "I will have to confirm with my sister, but Vikieva has a large force." Fedor added. "After all, we've held our own against Retanny for quite some time."

  "Thank you," Desiree told him.

  "You'll need my help," Ama Lei spoke up as she joined the group. "More specifically, you'll need Jenha's help. My empire boasts of a large army and navy. And, the river that cuts the mainland in half, that opens to the sea; it is a direct access to Retanny's capital."

  "As helpful as that would be, isn't Jenha Retanny's puppet state?" Renee asked.

  "It is. Which is why I've decided to return and claim my throne."

  "Ama Lei, are you sure?"

  "Very. It is time that I accept who I am, and take my rightful place on Jenha's throne."

  "Whatever you need, please let us know." Renee told her friend, already beginning to miss her.

  "All I ask is for a ship and a crew unafraid of piracy."

  "Then take the Crimson Thorne."

  "Renee, are you sure?" Ama Lei's eyes widened in surprise.

  "Absolutely. If the crew's willing, she's all yours, Captain." Renee winked at her friend.

  "Thank you." Ama Lei hugged Renee, grabbing her arms for the embrace.

  "Then we have a plan," Will spoke. "But first, I think it's time we go home."


  "Captain!" Taras's voice called from the other side of the door.

  "Yes?" Ama Lei called back.

  "According to the navigator, we should be there soon."

  "Thank you." After Renee gave her the Crimson Thorne, Ama Lei gave the crew a choice to continue with her, or find another home. Some joined the Qilin's crew, choosing the thrill of purer piracy to what she planned, but most followed her, and even a few from Renee's former crew asked to join. They all enjoyed the thought of helping her regain her throne, even if their prey was more military than merchant. And there was only one man Ama Lei could think of as her first mate, and it especially helped that Renee also suggested him: Taras.

  The last couple of months had been interesting, and enjoyable, becoming comfortable with the new crew and leadership. She did miss her sister, though. Mei had offered to come, but Ama Lei couldn't bring herself to keep her sister with her. Mei hadn't been raised with the same combat lessons Ama Lei had, and besides, she was far too happy with Little Wolf. Ama Lei didn't have the heart to break the two apart.

  Strapping her sword on, Ama Lei took a look around the room. It felt odd to have it be hers now. Gone was the railing built for Spera along with the rocker and crib. It felt like a new room, especially as Renee outfitted it with trappings from
Jenha. It felt like home.

  She finally stepped from the room, breathing in the cool night air. Echoes of "Captain" reached her ears, causing her to smile. The sound of snapping brought her eyes up to the flag waving in the wind. The sky was just light enough for her to see the golden phoenix rising amidst a shower of pink cherry petals. It felt right; it felt like her.

  "Captain Phoenix," Taras called. Ama Lei strode towards him, smiling at his use of her new chosen name. As she approached, he handed her a spyglass. "There." He pointed to the distance, and Ama Lei lifted the spyglass.

  The first light of dawn appeared before her, silhouetting a land she knew well.


  About the Author

  K. R. (Karen) Martin has always loved stories, whether reading or writing them. Her passion for stories led her to a BA in History with a minor in English. She’s unapologetically a princess at heart, even if she loves a good rapier as much as a formal gown. Deeply romantic, she loves that she gets to live with her own prince charming, and her best friend, in Texas along with their cat and two children.





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