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Loving the Lion

Page 9

by Marie Mason

  But still…

  As they neared the place where Bachar sunned himself, the lion turned, letting out a small tuft of sound at the sight of Tarek’s hand on her elbow. Even though the other man was helping her, keeping her safe, Bachar still had issues with any male touching her. And she felt the same. She’d gotten into more than one verbal match with the females of the pride who overstepped the bounds when greeting her husband. Didn’t matter that he was their alpha. He was hers.

  She picked up her pace, eager to get to her mate. “Thank you,” she called over her shoulder as she pulled away from Tarek and covered the last few yards on her own.

  She climbed onto the boulder, ignoring the small growl the lion gave. He didn’t like her exerting herself if she didn’t have to. “You should have thought of that before you climbed up here, big boy.” She grabbed a handful of his fur to steady herself as she made her way over the warm surface of the rock. In seconds, she was beside him, resting against his side, her fingers buried deep in his golden mane. He laid his head down and stretched back out. When she didn’t immediately start to scratch him, he bumped his head against her thigh.

  “You big overgrown house cat.” She smiled at him and did what he wanted, running her fingers through his fur until her nails could glide over his skin. Instantly, his loud purr filled the air around them. She continued to stroke him even as her eyelids grew heavy. “I love you,” she murmured as sleep overtook her. “I’ll love you forever.”

  She didn’t know how long they stayed there, the golden lion lying quietly beneath her touch. When she woke, the lion was gone and in its place was the man she loved. She loved the animal, knew it would give its life for her. But the man held her heart, held her soul within the very palm of his hand.

  “Hello, beautiful.” Bachar smiled up at her. Somehow, he’d managed to maneuver them until she was sprawled across him, his body protecting her from the unforgiving surface of the granite rock.

  “Hello.” She covered her mouth as a yawn escaped her. “How long have we been asleep?”

  “You’ve been asleep for about an hour.”

  She punched him playfully in the chest before sitting up, thrusting her arms above her to stretch out the kinks that had developed during her short nap. “Don’t give me that, buster, you were sleeping too. I heard you snoring.”

  “That was you. Cats do not snore.” He sat up too, and she started to avert her eyes when she realized he was naked. She’d learned over the last few weeks how unselfconscious the shifter community really was. She’d walked up on more than one of them naked after a shift.

  She allowed her gaze to travel over his body. She had more than a right to look at him. All over. She was one lucky girl because her lion was golden and delicious all over. As she looked, his eyes sparked gold, and his cock grew.

  “And don’t give me that look either,” she laughed. Before she even finished her sentence, he had her wrapped in his arms and lying flat on her back, his body bowed over hers.

  “And what look would that be, albi?”

  My heart. The word he had repeated over and over again when she had been shot. A flash of fear at what had almost happened filled her when she remembered that she could have lost him that day. She could have lost her heart.

  “The one that says you’d like to eat me right now.”

  His smile grew sexy as his eyelids grew heavy. She knew the smoldering look was only the beginning of the fire that was about to burn out of control.

  “You are my favorite meal, habib albi.”

  “You say the nicest things.” Another giggle escaped her.

  “I will show you nice.” He wiggled his brows, and she wondered at the change in him. Either he’d been hanging out with Keair more, or her husband was indeed growing less rigid.

  Well, maybe less rigid wasn’t exactly correct as he pressed himself against her thigh. He was definitely rigid today.

  “Come.” He sprung off the boulder showing the gracefulness of a cat even as a man. He reached for her, and she grimaced, knowing her descent from the boulder would be anything but graceful. In fact, she probably reminded him of a small rock rolling downhill.

  He didn’t even allow her feet to touch the ground. Instead, he lifted her straight off the boulder into his arms, managing her bulk with ease. She wrapped her arms around his neck. During the first days of their being together, she had protested vehemently each time he had carried her. Soon, he convinced her how lucky she was that he was indeed a big strong lion shifter more than capable of taking care of his woman. And taken care of her he had.

  She’d never felt so loved and well-cared for in her entire life. He had insisted on being there for each of her follow-up appointments. He’d even had a specialist flown in before she’d been released from the hospital. Thankfully, the wound to her shoulder hadn’t been life-threatening. It had been somewhat slow to heal, but she was fully recovered now. In fact, she’d been given a clean bill of health over a week ago.

  To celebrate, they had made love in front of the fire that night. The first time they’d been intimate since she had gotten out of the hospital. It had been so slow and so sensual that she’d had tears in her eyes before it was over. He had kissed them away and started all over again.

  But he hadn’t shown her the passion they’d shared that first night together. She tried not to let her mind go where it shouldn’t, but it was difficult. Was she really his mate? He hadn’t marked her which was one of the first things she thought happened. She was afraid to ask Keair or even Tarek in case that would somehow show disrespect for Bachar.

  “Where are we going?” The both knew she would follow him to the ends of the earth and back. And she knew he would never break her heart, never lead her astray. Always protect her. Always love her.

  “I have something to show you.” His voice was a low, throaty growl that immediately got her girlie parts ready for action.

  “Well, if you show me yours, I’ll show you mine.” She wiggled her eyebrows as she laughed. She tilted her head up until her lips could reach his throat. She pressed her mouth against the strong, brown column of his throat, licking the saltiness of his skin. She gave a satisfied smile when he stumbled slightly because she knew it wasn’t from the unevenness of the ground, but the way her touch could turn his knees weak. He had admitted as much to her.

  She continued to nibble on his neck. “But why didn’t we stay on the boulder?” It was nice and flat, and she’d imagined him taking her there on more than on occasion.

  “You are too delicate at the moment,” he answered, ducking beneath a large tree limb. The move brought his dick into contact with her ass, and she couldn’t resist giving a little wiggle.

  “Oh, aren’t you the sweetest lion, thinking of me like that.”

  He gave a little growl as he walked a few more yards, then he was placing her on her feet. In front of them was a wrought iron gazebo anchored firmly into the ground complete with sheer, white fabric draped from the top and down the sides. Inside was a raised platform bed covered in matching satin bedding. She didn’t know how he had done it, but a bed of bright green moss lead up to it, making her eager to take off her shoes and sink her toes into the springy green flora.

  It was beautiful and erotic. Much like the man who had stolen her heart without even trying.

  “It’s beautiful, Bachar.” She turned her face up to him, tears glistening in her eyes at his thoughtfulness.

  He frowned down at her, his hand coming up to cup her face. “I did not mean to make you cry.”

  “Everything makes me cry at the moment.” She placed her hand on top of his, turning her face to place a kiss in the middle of his palm. He bent his head and pressed a soft kiss against her lips.

  “You are still too delicate for what I had planned.”

  She stepped away from him, her hands on her hips. “Now look here, mister mighty lion shifter. I’ll tell you when I’m too delicate for something. Now tell me what you had planned. Or better y
et, show me.” She cocked her head to the side, every line of her body a challenge she was hoping her mate couldn’t resist. “Or are you lion enough?”

  She yelped as he lunged towards her, picking her up and throwing her onto the bed. She bounced once, trying not to let her gulp for breath show. He stood by the side of the bed, all fierce and warrior-like and her panties were suddenly drenched.

  “On your hands and knees.”

  She eagerly complied, kicking off her shoes and wiggling until she was turned away from him, her ass in the air. She’d worn a lightweight knit dress this morning that wouldn’t prove much of a barrier. She gave her ass a shake, looking back over her shoulder at him. “Ooh, are we’re going to play—”

  “Silence.” The sharp command was delivered with an even sharper slap against her tender rump.

  “Bachar!” Her voice quivered as she looked at him. It quivered with need and want.

  “There are two things that you are to learn this afternoon, Sally Wilder.” He climbed on the bed behind her. She could feel the heat of his body as he snuggled up against her. His naked lower half pressed against hers, as hard and heavy as she had ever felt him. “First, you will learn that a mate does not disobey her lion.”

  Sally remembered the words he’d spoken when he had first gone in search of her brother and later when she was still in the hospital.

  His hands settled on the orbs of her ass, kneading the fluffy flesh. “In days past, a mate of a lion, especially that of the alpha, would be brought to the public square where her mate would deliver twelve blows to her backside.”

  “Wait. Are there people watching now?” Sally tried to wiggle out from beneath him. There was no way in hell he was going to spank her with an audience.

  “Stay still.” His hands gripped her hips and held her in place.

  “Bachar,” she began, her voice holding a strident note that even an alpha lion should know to heed.

  He leaned over her, caging her in with his arms and body. “Do you think I would allow anyone, much less another male to gaze upon your naked body?”

  “I’m not naked, Bachar. And I don’t want anyone to watch you spank me.”

  “You’re not naked yet, albi.” He rose above her again, and she felt the sharp edge of one of his claws as he slashed through her dress.

  “Bachar!” Again, her voice rose with indignation, and again he ignored it, giving two more slices with his hand until the dress fell from her body. He snatched it away before she could grab hold of it and use the remnants for some type of cover. She had worn no bra, and he growled. “Why do you walk around half naked in front of my men?”

  “I—I don’t.” Her voice quivered because his cock was pressed against the exposed slit of her cunt, hot, hard and throbbing.

  “Mmm.” Was his only answer. “And now these.” His hand clenched around the fabric of her panties and gave a mighty tug. The satin gave a rendering sound that made her pussy quiver. “So much better,” he growled as his hands rubbed along her thighs

  Bachar felt dizzy as he gazed down his mate’s perfect body. Her ass was heavy and heart-shaped. Perfection. All it needed was a little color.

  He drew back his hand and slapped it against her right cheek. She jerked but didn’t pull away. In fact, her hips ululating as if trying to find his hand. Again, he smacked her. She groaned into the mattress, her fists clenched beneath her. He knew her nipples would be hard and aching, just as her clit. He raised his other hand and landed a blow across her left cheek. His dick throbbed between his legs. He wanted to slam inside her, fuck her until they were both raw and sated.

  But first…

  He gave each check three more strokes, enjoying the moans she made, the scent of her desire filling the air around him.

  “Do you promise not to disobey me ever again?”

  When she didn’t answer right away, he grew concerned. Her breathing was labored, and he cursed himself for doing this today. The doctor had given her a clean bill of health, but perhaps this had been too much, too soon.

  Damn his lack of control. “Sally.” He was just about to move away and turn her over to when he heard her voice, low and soft.

  “I can’t promise that, Bachar. You are very old-fashioned in some respects, and I’m a strong, independent woman. I don’t want to disappoint you.”

  “Oh, baby, you could never disappoint me.” He turned her on her back, leaning over her. “And I didn’t mean to frighten you just now.”

  “You didn’t,” she hastily reassured him. “It’s just that, these last few weeks have been wonderful.”

  She didn’t need to say anything else. He heard the doubt in her voice and cursed himself. He laid down beside her and drew her into his arms, pushing back the dark covering of hair from her face. “First, let me make it perfectly clear that you can never be a disappointment. But also let me make if perfectly clear that if you do something foolish again—”

  “Like getting kidnapped?” she interrupted him. “Hardly, my fault.”

  Bachar gave a deep growl. “Do something foolish enough as to disobey—”

  She interrupted him again. “Disobey? Sure you want to use that word, big boy?”

  “Shut up and let me finish, woman.”

  “Okay.” She blinked up at him with wide eyes, and he cursed again.

  “If you ever do anything as foolish as disobey me when it comes to your safety and wellbeing, I will bend you over my knee and in front of the entire pride and any other damn shifters I can find. Do I make myself perfectly clear, mate?” He gripped the back of her head and brought her face close.

  “Yes, Alpha.” She breathed the words and then licked her lips.

  “Damn it, Sally.”

  “What?” She licked her lips again, knowing exactly what it did to him to see her full, red lips like that. “I agreed with you.”

  “On your knees.”

  It gave his ego a jolt when she obeyed him readily. “Are you going to spank me again?” She looked back over her shoulder that spark in her eyes that had been missing for the last few weeks back again.

  “Do you think you deserve it?”

  “Well, maybe.” She gave a little coltish flutter of her lashes.

  He threw back his head and laughed. His life had taken such a turn that he was still a little dazed by it. Dazed by the passion and love he felt for this woman. For his mate.

  He placed his palms on her reddened skin, rubbing slightly. He knew even that touch was somewhat painful but still sensual. Without giving her time to prepare he slapped his hand across her right cheek, then her left. She groaned and pressed her shoulders into the mattress, pushing her ass against his hands. He gave a hiss as he pulled her buttocks apart, exposing her to his gaze. Her pussy was now almost as bright red as her ass cheeks, she was so aroused.

  “Do you want me to fuck you now, albi?”

  “Yes, yes,” she almost screamed. “I need you now.”

  “You are so beautiful.” He slid one finger through her juices before placing it in his mouth, licking it clean. “And you taste so damn good.”

  Unable to hold off another moment, he bent down and put his mouth on her.

  “Bachar!” His name was a sound filled with need and desperation, and she melted under his tongue. Soon he had her twisting and panting. He ran his tongue over her opening, sucking up the nectar that was dripping from her body. Over and over, he licked her, gathering every intoxicating drop. He then lowered his touch until his tongue slid over the swollen bud of her clit. He lingered there, rubbing against it with his tongue, much as he would his finger. Her hips bucked and he tightened his grip, pinning her in place as he loved her with his tongue.

  Sensing she was near, he drew the battered bud into his mouth and sucked. That was all it took for her orgasm to overtake her, and she was crying out into the pillow.

  But he wasn’t done with his little mate. He slowed his movements, leisurely gathering the dew from her body. When her breathing had slowed, he cov
ered her body with his. He pushed the hair back from her neck, exposing the place where he would place his mate mark. He placed a kiss on her shoulder, then moved along her back, before kissing the length of her spine. When he reached the mountains of her hips, he spread her cheeks apart again, loving her until she was on the brink of coming once more, whimpering his name. The sound tore at him. He placed another long line of open-mouthed kisses along her spine before gathering her close in his arms.

  “Sally Wilder, will you do me the honor of becoming my mate?” He knew by rights all he had to do was sink his teeth into her shoulder, take her, fuck her, and she would be his. But he needed her to know that this was her choice. More importantly, that it was his choice. He choose her.

  “Bachar.” She twisted in his arms, and he allowed her to turn around.

  “I love you, Sally. I want you to be my mate, my wife. The mother of my children.”

  “Oh, Bachar.” She threw her arms around his neck and pulled him close. His mouth found hers and their tongues tangled.

  “Say it,” he growled.

  “Say what?”

  He growled again. “You are spending much too much time with Keair. It is not safe to tease the lion. Now say it.”

  “I love you.”

  “Go on.”

  “I want to be your mate.”

  “Good girl, now what else?”

  “I want to be your wife?”

  “Why does that sound like a question?”

  “Because you’re all growly.”


  “And I can’t wait to have your babies. Or cubs. Or whatever it is that we’ll have. I love you, Bachar, and I want nothing more than to share the rest of my life with you. Is that what you wanted to hear me say?”

  “Yes, yes it is.” That superior smile that she’d come to love so much spread across his face. “Now, there’s just one more thing to do.” A look of almost trepidation entered his eyes.


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