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Henry (The Beck Brothers)

Page 1

by Large, Andria

  Chapter 1

  " Mommy, where you go?", Ethan asked, looking up at his mother, Claire, who was curling her hair in the bathroom mirror of their little two bedroom apartment.

  Claire glanced down at her 2 year old son, " Mommy is starting a new job today, honey"

  " I go too?", Ethan asked, his blonde eyebrows raised in question.

  Claire smiled softly, " No sweetie, you're gonna stay with PopPop"

  " Yay! PopPop!", Ethan squealed and ran out of the bathroom.

  Claire chuckled and continued to curl her long strawberry blonde hair with the curling iron. She had just finished when there was a knock on the apartment door. Ethan's pudgy legs went running while he screamed " PopPop!" at the top of his lungs. Claire shook her head and smiled. The kid was crazy about her father.

  Claire opened the door for her father, Frank, who had come to babysit Ethan while she was at work. Claire gave her father a hug and kiss then moved away so that he could pick up Ethan who was jumping up and down with his arms up. Frank hauled Ethan up into his arms, where he was promptly given a hug. Claire smiled fondly at the two. Her father was the only man in Ethan's life.

  Ethan's father, Teddy, wanted nothing to do with her once he found out that Claire was pregnant. Claire had been crushed. Her and Teddy had been together for three years, had even talked about getting married. But when Claire found out she was pregnant, Teddy said that he wasn't ready to give up his life and be a father. He split on her and never looked back. Claire had thought about giving Ethan up, she had been only 23 at the time, but she just couldn't do it. She loved him from the moment she found out that she was gonna have a baby. And Ethan has been the light of her life ever since.

  Claire's father Frank, has been a huge part of Ethan's life. Claire's mother had passed away just months before Ethan was born. A horrible car accident took her life before she even got to meet her grandson. Both Claire and her father had been devastated. But it brought them closer together and now they were a solid loving family, just the three of them.

  " Hi Ethan", Frank said, patting Ethan lightly on the back.

  " PopPop, you play wit me?", Ethan asked hopefully.

  Frank smiled warmly, " Sure buddy", he said as he put Ethan down. Ethan grabbed his hand and started dragging him through the living room towards his bedroom.

  " I guess I'll see you guys later", Claire chuckled.

  Ethan came running back, throwing himself in her arms. Claire gave him a hug and a kiss. She said goodbye to her dad then headed out. She had to catch the train to get to the office building down town that she will be working in. She had taken a job in downtown Philadelphia after she got laid off from her previous one. Somehow, she got this job, which was a huge step up from her previous one, not only in money but in importance too. She has been hired as the CEO's personal assistant. Never in a million years would she have thought that she'd go from ho-hum secretary to a personal assistant to a CEO of a major advertising company.

  Claire walked the two blocks to her new job after getting off the train. She stopped outside the double doors and looked up. The building seemed to go on forever. Claire took a deep breath, hoping to calm her nerves before walking into the building. Claire took the elevator up to the 40th floor.

  Claire was shown into the CEO's office by the receptionist. The office was empty, which gave her the opportunity to glance around to get a feel for this man she has yet to meet. She was hired by the HR lady without even meeting the big man. She wondered if he was going to have a comb over. She smiled to herself. He was most definitely an older man who was probably overweight and had grey hair. And going by the name plate on the desk, Mr. Henry Beck, he was probably uptight and old fashioned.

  Claire sat in the chair in front of the big oak desk for maybe about 15 minutes before the door opened behind her. Claire stood, smoothing out her black pencil skirt before turning. Her breath caught at the sight before her. The most gorgeous man she's ever laid eyes on, entered the office, shutting the door behind him.

  His charcoal gray suit was tailored to fit him to perfection. His blonde hair was short and styled in a professional looking cut. His face was clean shaven, showing off his square jaw. His emerald green eyes were shrewd as they looked her over. And the man had the most sinful mouth Claire has ever seen. He was just breathtaking.

  Claire's heart pounded as he got closer. He gave her a soft smile as he stopped next to her. If he knew how he was affecting her, he didn't let it show. Hopefully he just thought she was nervous. Which she was.

  " Ms. Claire Russell I presume?", his deep raspy voice drawled, sending shivers down Claire's spine. Hot damn, he had a sexy voice.

  Claire blinked, then shook herself mentally. " Ah, yes", she said, reaching out to shake his hand.

  His large hand enveloped hers and gave it a firm shake, " Henry Beck"

  Claire gaped. No way was this Henry Beck. He was supposed be to an old fart with bad hair. This guy could only be early to mid thirties. How was she supposed to work for this GOD everyday? " It's nice to meet you", she somehow got out.

  " You too, Darlin'", Henry smirked then skirted his desk. He unbuttoned his suit jacket before sitting down in his comfy looking leather chair. " Please, sit", he said, motioning to the chair she had previously been occupying.

  Claire sat on the edge of the seat, crossing her ankles and placing her hands in her lap. She sat up straight and waited for Mr. Beck to speak again. He had lifted a piece of paper off his desk and was now perusing it. It was most likely her resume.

  " Let's start off by me telling you that I am a very difficult man to please. I am very particular and I don't like change. I like things my way. I expect you to do whatever I tell you to without question or argument, if this is a problem for you, you might as well leave now", Henry said, his voice firm and commanding. He lifted his green eyes to meets her in a challenge.

  " No problems Mr. Beck", Claire said, surprised that her voice was steady, because she was shaking like a leaf. He definitely made her nervous.

  His eyebrows raised slightly, " Good. Now my requirements for being my personal assistant are as follows, I expect you to be here everyday by 8am sharp. You are to dress and present yourself appropriately. You are to answer your phone whenever I call and I expect you to be available at all times"

  Claire's eyes widened slightly, " Mr. Beck, can you clarify what "At all times" means?"

  Henry stared at her for a moment, his face unreadable, " I'm not going to call you in the middle of the night if that's what you're thinking", he said evenly.

  Claire nodded and released the breath she hadn't know she'd been holding.

  " Are you married?", Henry asked, seemingly out of nowhere.

  Claire flushed, ", I'm not married"

  " Boyfriend who's going to give you a hard time if I call too late?", Henry asked, eyebrow raised, in question and challenge.

  " Oh no, no boyfriend, I was just worried because I have a 2 year old son and I wouldn't be able to up and leave him in the middle of the night", Claire explained.

  Henry sat back in his chair, his mouth tightening, " So you're a single mother", he said, more as a statement then a question. She couldn't tell if he was pissed about it or not.

  " Yes"

  Henry nodded, running a hand over his mouth, " Okay, I will try and be considerate of your son"

  " Thank you Mr. Beck", Claire said with a genuine smile.

  Henry's mouth lifted slightly, returning her smile with a little one of his own. " You're welcome, now back to business..."

  Henry spoke some more about what he expected from her. There was a lot of pressure and responsibility on her shoulders now. She was to arrange his meetings, speak with potent
ial clients, get his coffee and dry cleaning, get him lunch, answer calls that were not personal calls, etc.... Claire was having second thoughts by the time he finished talking.

  " I can see that I've overwhelmed you, Claire, you are going to need to school your features a little better, everything your feeling is all over your face", Henry said, his handsome face serious.

  Claire gaped for a moment, " I...uh...I had no idea"

  Henry watched her for a moment, " You are going to be fine, I know it's a lot to take in and I don't expect you to get everything right overnight, but if you can't pick this stuff up within a reasonable amount of time, you will be let go"

  Claire swallowed hard and nodded. Damn, this man was so intimidating. There was no buffer when it came to him telling her like it is. And the truth was scary as hell.

  Henry stood, buttoning his jacket as he came out from behind his desk. " Come, let me show you where your office is", he said, stopping next to her.

  Claire stood. He motioned for her to lead, so she moved forward with him right behind her. Claire held her clutch purse in front of her with both hands as she walked. Henry placed his big hot hand on the small of her back and guided her down the hall.

  " Corner office", He murmured as they came up to it. He opened the door and motioned for her to enter.

  Claire walked in with Henry right behind her. The office was gorgeous and had a stunning view. Three walls were all windows, two of the windowed walls were her view while the other looked out into the office. Her desk sat in front of one set of windows. She had her own printer/copy machine in the corner. Shelves took up the one solid wall. Her office was only a stones throw away from Henry's, of course.

  " Do not be afraid to ask questions, Claire, if you get lost, just tell me", Henry said softly from where he stood slightly behind her.

  Claire turned. Henry was standing just inside the doorway, his hands tucked into his pants pockets. He was watching her, his expression guarded, like he didn't want her to know what he was really thinking. Claire nodded.

  " I will email you my schedule. Get settled in, I'll come back for you at lunch, we'll go to my favorite deli, bring a copy of my schedule with you and we'll go over it while we eat", Henry said then left, closing her office door behind him.

  Claire sighed, she was stressed already.

  Henry dropped down into his office chair. He unbuttoned his jacket and resisted the urge to rake his hand through his hair. It was something he did when he was irritated. But he couldn't do it while he was at the office, not unless he wanted his hair sticking up in all directions.

  Claire, such a beautiful name. The woman blew him away. Not only was she stunningly gorgeous but she was sweet and innocent. Henry doubted that she had a mean bone in her sexy little body. And her body was fucking sexy. That high-waisted pencil skirt showed off the slight flare of her hips. It also highlighted her amazing ass. He couldn't help but check it out while they were walking to her office. He just hoped that no one saw him doing it.

  When he walked into his office and saw Claire for the first time, he was shocked that he had been able to keep his cool like he did. He had been damn near drooling. But he threw on his professional mask and acted like the CEO he was. He didn't want to treat her any different just because she made his heart flutter and his cock swell. So he had given her the same spiel he gave all new employees. He couldn't afford to be soft.

  Claire was so beautiful. She had long strawberry blonde hair and bright expressive blue eyes. He wasn't kidding when he said that everything she was feeling showed on her face. Especially her big blue eyes. They were a light blue color and framed by long dark lashes. Claire's breasts filled out her purple silk blouse nicely. From what he could tell she had to be a D-cup. And Henry was absolutely a breast man. He was also an ass man. He'd love to give Claire's ass a swat. She had a fine ass.

  Henry shifted in his chair, his pants becoming uncomfortably tight in the groin area. Jesus Christ. He scrubbed a hand over his face. How was he going to work with this GODDESS everyday?! He had to stay professional. He needed to remember that. Women and their sexual harassment accusations were through the roof these days. God forbid you even look at some women the wrong way, right to HR they go to file a complaint.

  A loud knock sounded on his door before it opened and his floor supervisor, Asher Hirsh walked in, giant cocky smile on his handsome face. Henry stifled a groan. He knew why Asher had that stupid smile on his face. He must have met Claire.

  " Hey boss", Asher drawled, shutting the door behind him before coming and sitting in the chair in front of Henry's desk.

  " What is it Asher?", Henry sighed, leaning back in his chair.

  Asher gave him the "Give me a break" eye roll, " You know why I'm here", he scoffed.

  " No, I don't", Henry lied.

  " Beck, seriously, that woman is stunning", Asher grunted.

  " What woman would that be?", Henry drawled, eyebrow raised in question.

  " Oh, we're gonna be like that, are we? Claire, asshole, I'm talking about Claire", Asher huffed.

  " What about her?", Henry muttered. He was so not in the mood for this.

  " Jesus, you're thick. Did you not see her?", Asher asked incredulously.

  Henry glared as the good-looking blonde haired man sitting across from him, " Of course I saw her, I'm not fucking blind!"

  Asher's eyes widened at Henry's little outburst, " Ooookay", Asher said, holding up his hands.

  Henry took a deep breath, " I know she's gorgeous Asher, you don't have to come here and go on about it, I didn't hire her, HR did, so as long as she can do the job it doesn't matter what she looks like. And better keep your hands off of her", Henry said, pointing his finger at Asher.

  An amused glint flashed in Asher's pale blue eyes, " Wouldn't dream of it", Asher said as he stood.

  " I mean it Asher, she is completely off limits", Henry warned, " I don't want her filing harassment charges against you because then I'd have to fire you"

  Asher gave him a dubious look, " You're gonna go with that reasoning, huh?"

  Henry narrowed his eyes as his friend, " There is no other reason", he bit out.

  Asher looked skyward and shook his head, " If you say so", he chuckled before walking out.

  Henry banged his fist on the desk in irritation. He hated Asher for being so perceptive. Yeah, he didn't want Claire filing charges against Asher, but he also didn't want another man's hands on her. Henry had no claim to her, but he felt suddenly possessive. Claire wasn't his and never would be. But she was his assistant and he wanted her undivided attention. She wasn't going to have time to be cuddling up to any man.

  12:30 rolled around, slower then Henry would have liked. He was starving, but had gotten caught up on the phone with a client. He headed down the hall to Claire's office. He could see her through the windows as he walked up. She was sitting at her desk, elbows propped up, head resting in her hands. Henry sighed. She was overwhelmed. Usually he wouldn't give a shit, but something about Claire tugged at his heart.

  Henry knocked on her door then opened it. Claire immediately straightened, blinking her big blue eyes at him. Henry gave her a gentle smile, " Are you ready to go grab some lunch?", he asked.

  Claire relaxed a little and gave him a hesitant smile, " Yes, I am", she said.

  She grabbed her purse then came out from behind her desk. Henry moved out of her doorway and let her go ahead of him. Henry shoved his hands in his pockets to keep from touching her. He wanted to put his hand on her back and guide her like he did earlier. But he didn't think that was a good idea.

  He also kept his eyes firmly away from her behind. He could not be caught checking out her ass while they walked through the office to the elevators. He did catch sight of Asher sitting at his desk in his office. The damn fool winked and blew him a kiss. Henry shot him the finger behind Claire's back. Asher's big booming laugh could be heard even with his door shut. Claire turned her head and looked over in Asher's direct
ion. Asher waved to her. Claire smiled and waved back. Henry sneered at the man and drug his thumb across his throat, letting Asher know he was a dead man. Asher only laughed harder.

  Henry quickly dropped his hand and pasted on a smile when Claire turned to look at him. Claire narrowed her eyes at him. " What is Mr. Hirsh laughing about?"

  Henry shrugged. " No idea, he's insane"

  Claire smirked.

  They made it to the elevator and Henry hit the button to go down. They only had to wait a minute for the car to make it to their floor. Once on the elevator, Henry hit the button for the lobby. The doors closed, locking the two of them in the small confined space.

  Claire shifted beside him and he caught a whiff of her perfume. Henry closed his eyes and willed his cock not to react. She smelled so good. It wasn't a fragrance that he's ever smelled before. But it was very enticing. He wanted to bury his face in her neck and inhale her wonderful scent.


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