Dragon Fusion

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Dragon Fusion Page 13

by Karen Carnahan

  El had just finished running laps around the arena when Zamian showed up. “You ready to practice some more with the metal man?”

  “I guess if I have to.”

  Vigdis took her usual spot on top of the rock to watch.

  “Well, you do, you need to channel your magic to one pacific spot.” He smiled at her.

  “Yeah, easier said than done.” She stated smartly.

  “You can do this; I know you can.”

  “Thanks for the confidence, though I’m not feeling it.” She raised her hand took a deep breath blowing it out as she released her magic. The man caught fire, but so did the grass in front of the metal man.

  As he watched El, he wondered, she could do a lot of the same magic as him. How was this possible? Lazeen had told him he was a rare Dragon since he could do several magical elements. A normal Dragon only typically possessed a few magical elements. He wasn’t sure how it came to pass that he ended up with so many magical gifts, but he had them.

  “Better now, put out the flame, and do it again.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  Now it seems El possesses a few herself, he thought of the book, he had started to read about Dragons, Zamian was beginning to think she was an Elite Dragon Fusion, he needs to finish that book tonight.

  She sent her ice magic to kill the fires. Raising her hands and threw her fire, getting the same results. Feeling better that she wasn’t setting a large area of the grass on fire as she had done two days ago. She quickly put out the flames.

  “You’re doing better, as you practice it will get easier. You can do this.”

  Was he confident in her ability, or was he trying to convince himself she could do this? “If you say so.”

  “Remember to release a very, very tiny bit; you don’t want to burn the place down.” Zamian laughed.

  “Ha, ha, ha,” she raised her hands. She released a trickle of her fire when a hand with a rag clamped over her nose and mouth. Fighting with all her might, she couldn’t break free the sweet smell coming from the cloth was winning this fight. She tried with every ounce of strength she could muster to keep her eyes open, she failed.

  Blinking, Zamian couldn’t believe what he had just seen. El had vanished right before him. “El!” He could always feel her magic, and now there was nothing, not even a trace, it had just disappeared like her. Was this a joke he looked over at Vigdis she had jumped off the rock, she was looking around frantically.

  “El, where are you?” Vigdis cried out.

  He knew this was no joke; this was serious. “El!” he yelled. He had a bad feeling wash over him. He walked about the area, trying to sense her magical trait. Nothing! He knew time was of the essence. Shifting into his dragon form for his magic was more potent. He sniffed the air as he walked, still nothing. Fear began to creep into him; he was desperate to find her. Where had she gone? His mind began to run wild, had one of the spirits from the hall below come to seek revenge? If so, why couldn’t he see her? Walking frantically, he looked for any trace of her at all. When he felt a slight magic trait; it wasn’t hers, but someone else’s. He looked in the direction of the magic trait was headed, he realized whoever it was, was headed for the back gate. He had to stop them from leaving with El. He blew his ice magic out of his mouth, freezing around the ball of invisibility. He transformed back into a man, walked over, grabbed a sword, he hit the ice it broke into a million pieces. There on the ground laid two bodies. One was El, and the other was a man; he was a human.

  Vigdis ran to El’s side, checked her over she was breathing, but she wasn’t waking up. She looked back at Zamian. She knew he was worried; it was all over his face. El’s alive. She heard him take a breath. We need to get her inside to Lazeen.

  Without hesitation, Zamian swooped her up; he carried her with ease stepping inside. He walked down the hallway; he was in front of Lazeen’s door within minutes. He knew she had to be alright; if she died, he would never forgive himself. He was still learning the boundaries of his own magic. He kicked Lazeen’s door, as he prayed, the old man was in his room. He heard a shuffling noise come from inside the room; just then, the door swung open.

  Lazeen saw El in Zamian’s arms; he opened the door, “Put her on the bed. What happened?”

  “We were in the training area, practicing her magic when she disappeared. I could no longer sense her magic. I had to shift into dragon form still couldn’t detect her magic trait, but I did discover a slight magic trait I believe it was the intruders, and he was trying to hide his magical trait. When I realized the intruder was trying to leave the arena via the back gate, I froze the air around the invisibility ball. When I grabbed the sword and broke the ball, I realized I had, in turn, froze everything. I feared I had killed her, though Vigdis checked her out said she was alive that she needed to be brought to you. As for the other man, I don’t know I left him with Vigdis.”

  Lazeen shook his head, acknowledging that he understood. He then walked over to El. Leaning over to listen to her chest. He opened her eyelids so he could see her eyes, then he bent down, smelled her face. He stood back up, “she’s fine, she’s been drugged with Chloroform. The fact that you froze the air didn’t affect her at all.”

  “Seriously, how?” Zamian was shocked, hearing this news.

  Lazeen walked over to where his robe was hanging on the wall. He grabbed it, handed it to Zamian, then he went over sat down in a chair at the table. He motioned for Zamian to sit opposite him. “Well, the only thing that comes to mind, from what you have said, she has more powerful ice magic than you, it has no effect on her, which worked in your favor.”

  Zamian was even more curious about this young lady. He wished he had answers for the list of questions he had, like, how was this lady part dragon, why was her magic more potent than his? He didn’t like not having answers. He was about knowing for it was his nature; it was starting to wear on him. “She’s going to be alright?”

  “Yes, lad, she will recover the effects will wear off; it’s just going to take time.” Lazeen stood, he walked over to his bookshelf, as he ran his forefinger along the spines of the book, it was clear that he was looking for something. After several shelves, he finally pulled a sizeable leather-bound book that seemed extremely old. He placed it on the table as he sat down in the chair. He opened the book and leafed through the pages. He stopped flipping the pages; he pulled the book closer to read the contents.

  El started to stir on the bed. She was shivering horribly, her stomach was rolling, not to mention, her head felt like there was someone with an enormous hammer, beating the inside of her skull. She struggled to sit up. She almost hurled her stomach. She blinked her eyes to get them to adjust. Finally, they focused; she could see Zamian sitting at the table with Lazeen, who was reading a book.

  Lazeen sat back, “Hmmm!”

  “Hmmm, what?” Regretting it as soon as she had spoken the words, sharp pain scattered throughout her head.

  Both men turned to look at her. Lazeen stated, “Good, you’re awake.” Lazeen nodded toward the book, as he said, “It was prophesized generations ago that there would be two individuals, they’d have special magic, their magic would be like one another’s. They needed to bond together as one, doing so they would save the land from a great evil.

  “Owf, so you think this prophecy is about us?” Wincing from another sharp pain in her head, while trying to keep her stomach within her. She wished the guy that was beating up the inside of her head, and the roller coaster in her stomach would go away.

  “Don’t you?”

  “Truthfully, I have no idea what to think!” Zamian had thought she was a part, but he had no clue about himself.

  She was just getting used to everything else, now Lazeen thought she was part of some prophecy to save the land from a great evil. Man, she needed the guy with the hammer to get out of her head, he had picked up his pace, not to mention, the roller coaster in her stomach felt as if it was getting faster, creating some severe nausea.

  Lazeen saw the pain on El’s face. He rose, walked over to his bag, took out a bottle of something. Then he went got a teacup, poured some tea, then add a couple of things to the tea stirred it up; handed it to her, “Drink all of it.”

  “Thank you!” she took a sip from the cup, the tea was bitter, she coughed from its taste. “This is very bitter.”

  “I never said it tasted good, now drink if you want the pain to go away.”

  She suffered through the bitterness. Once all the liquid in her cup was gone, she placed the teacup down. It wasn’t long before the pounding in her head, eased up and rolling in her stomach settled; she was grateful for whatever he had just given her to drink even if it did taste horrible.

  Zamian was in deep thought about what Lazeen had said. Could this be about them, if it’s true, could this be the reason he felt the need to protect her, he also didn’t like the idea of great evil spreading across the land. Could this be why someone was after her, they thought she was a part of this prophecy. He hadn’t signed up for all of this. He’d only come to train her with her magic. Now it sounded as if he’s a part of a prophecy, the faith of the land wasn’t his concern. Besides, there was no real proof this prophecy involved them.

  Sitting in silence, going over every word Lazeen had said. Could she seriously be a part of a prophecy to save the land? Yeah, she liked Zamian as a friend, she was attracted to him. He affected her, for her body seemed to betray her, her heart flutters, her mind races, like the day he grabbed her hand electricity flowed throughout her body. It was like she was being electrified from within, she was only fifteen; she had her whole life ahead of her, “Is there a way to find out if we are the ones in this prophecy?”

  “You could go to the Keepers. They have a Seer; she might be able to tell you. Though I don’t know how safe you’d be, nor if the Lady of the Keeper; would grant you access to speak with her Seer. She’s not a very nice person, not evil per se, she likes things her way, plus she loves power.”

  So much for that idea, El didn’t like the sound of that at all. She wasn’t about to go off on an exhibition, where they may, or may not, get to see a person called the Seer. Not to mention, it didn’t sound very safe. She had enough to deal with right now, especially with someone trying to kidnap her. Not sure she wanted to know, for a fact that she’d be bound to someone for life, especially since she didn’t love him, It didn’t sit well with her.

  “Other than the Seer, you two are the only ones that can decide if you are indeed the ones in the prophecy, you will have to look deep within yourselves for the answer?”

  Just then, Ivoka and Oberson had come in with Vigdis. They all stopped, seeing El sitting up on the bed. She could see the look of relief on all their faces.

  It was Oberson who noticed something was about, “What’s wrong?”

  “I read in this book about a prophecy in which I believe El and Zamian are a part of because they share similar powers, if it is indeed them, they need to bond to one another to save the land.

  A look of shock was on all their faces except Ivoka’s, “You knew about the prophecy?” El questioned.

  Ivoka swallowed hard, “Yes, it was told to me a long time ago. That I would bear a child, she would be a part of the prophecy! So yes, I, too, believe you are. I wanted to tell you I was just waiting till you got a bit more familiar with everything before doing so. I kinda told you when you read your grandmother's Kaylessa diary.”

  She remembered the part she was talking about; this was too much for her. She climbed off the bed headed for the door, “Vigdis, will you walk me back to my room, please!” With that, she walked out the door, leaving them all in Lazeen’s room. She walked in silence down the hallway. She was deep in thought, was she going to be bound for life. Could she be a part of this prophecy at the age of fifteen, now she may be the one to save the lands of her Kingdoms. Talk about having the weight of the world on your shoulders. Walking into her room, she closed the door, locking it, she heard Vigdis pull on the door to double-check it was locked. She walked over to her bed; she laid down. This was too much to think about right now; she closed her eyes.

  Zamian woke up. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do, after the news of the prophecy, it was a bit much for anyone to digest. He had laid awake most of the night, trying to figure out what plan of action to take, part of him wanted to go home and forget this place, another part of him wanted to stay to protect El, from whoever was out to get her. He felt as if his life had been turned upside down, all over a young lady that’s part dragon. He wanted to know, who was after her, and why, plus what they knew. Now he wished he hadn’t killed the man, wanting answers, but he couldn’t let the intruder leave with her.

  He knew he had to get up, though he’d rather stay in bed to contemplate everything repeatedly. Unfortunately, today wasn’t a day to decide anything. Not until he knew for a fact, El knew how to control her magic. She had to be able to protect herself. As he climbed out of bed, he got dressed then walked out the door to his room. He was off to find some food. He opted to skip the balcony this morning. Spotting Elva, he followed her into the kitchen.

  Elva turned around seeing Zamian, she was shocked, he was there and not on the balcony. “What can I get for you?”

  Zamian wasn’t sure, but he felt Elva was flirting with him, “I am just looking for some food to take back to my room.”

  Elva smiled, “Ok, I will fix you up a tray, just give me a minute.”

  Standing there as Elva walked around the kitchen, she collected things, putting them on the tray, “Would you like me to carry the tray for you?”

  “No, thank you, that won’t be necessary!” Zamian grabbed the tray off the counter; he walked out the kitchen door. He was happy to be getting away from Elva. She was a nice girl, but not someone he wanted to be involved with, he was already having enough trouble with Lazeen trying to bond him with El.

  Once back in his room, he sat at the table, eating the food from the tray. He picked up the book he’d been reading, thinking it would be a good distraction, he didn’t want to think any more about the prophecy. As he read on, he learned that there were Ice/Water Dragons, Fire (Red/Blue) Dragons, Energy (Electrical) Dragons, Stone Dragons, Air Dragons, and Metallic Dragons. There were also some rare dragons; they had four or more magical elements. Krones, the Dragon God during times of great evil, would send an Elite Dragon Fusion, their job was to protect all dragons. However, it was detrimental that they find their soulmate. Once their love would bond the two, they each would receive a mark. However, until that time, the Elite Dragon Fusion could call upon their dragon with the “Elite Dragon Call.”

  Zamian choked on his food; could this be him. El had to be the Elite Dragon Fusion, could it be the prophecy Lazeen had read. Just then, he heard a knock at his door. Getting up, he walked over and opened the door; there stood Lazeen, “Come in!”

  Lazeen walked in, sat down in the chair at the table. “You didn’t show up for the morning meal. I figured I would come to check on you. How are you?”

  Zamian should’ve known Lazeen would come looking for him, “I am fine, just wanted to be alone.” He wasn’t about to tell Lazeen what he had read. He wasn’t even sure it was about him.

  “Look, I know you like your solitude, but I think it has more to do with, what I said to you about the prophecy, then you wanting to be alone. You have changed a bit since you have arrived here. You’ve let your guard down, allowing people to see the real you. No, you’re not the social butterfly at the party, but I’ve seen the change in you. So, what is bothering you?”

  Zamian knew Lazeen had been right, though he didn’t want to admit it, maybe that was part of what had been eating at him. “I don’t know. I feel the need to protect El, though I don’t know the young lady. I want to help her learn to control her magic, plus I am concerned for her safety with someone after her; however, I don’t want to be bound to her, nor am I sure I want the prophecy to be true.”

  “It’s a lot to handle
, take it one step at a time, you don’t have to make any decisions right now. Everything happens for a reason. If it’s meant to be, it will happen, if it’s not meant to be, then it won’t happen. You can’t change your destiny.”

  “Great!” Zamian sighed.

  “Look, start with training El with her magic. Help her to learn to control and use it without obliterating everything in her path.”

  “She is doing better. I’ll give her that. She learned to direct her magic better.

  “Tell me, are you still looking for any sign of dragons?”

  “Yes, but I haven’t found any. Other than you informing me of El.”

  “I never did get to ask you how your trading went in Kalinera?”

  “It went pretty well. I got a lot of herbs we could use, plus some fine fabrics to decorate the homestead. I also learned of some deaths that occurred over in Elmston Forest. Oberson and I went there to investigate. Nothing left but the clothes that had been on those poor people’s backs. There wasn’t a trace of evidence that someone had been there.”

  “Not good.” Zamian frowned.

  “The people in Elmston are wary of anyone they're afraid. I can’t blame them.”

  As they continued to talk, Zamian started to relax. He began to be more like himself; he was a carefree type of person. Though he didn’t socialize a lot due to the fact, he was a dragon, and not a lot of people understood what that meant. So, to avoid the fifty million questions, everyone always asked. It seemed they all ask, the same questions over, and over again except for Lazeen, he never really asked any. Come to think of it, no one here asked him a single question about being a dragon. It was nice; it made him feel as if he was at home. It is the first place that he has ever felt comfortable, that was scary. He didn’t want to let his guard down. He liked being on the alert. He never knew who was going to try to kill him, being he was a dragon.


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