Dragon Fusion

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Dragon Fusion Page 14

by Karen Carnahan

  “You been eating enough? I know how much you dragons love to eat?”

  “Speaking of eating, I could go for some food now?”

  “Me too, don’t fret. I’ll go arrange to have some food brought to us so that we can chat more.” He stood and walked out the door. It wasn’t long before he came back in. “Food will be here shortly.”

  “It’s been a while since we’ve been able to sit and talk. I have to say I’ve missed this old-man.”

  “I got your old-man,” Lazeen laughed. There was a knock at the door. He stood and walked over, opened the door, grabbed the tray from Elva, “Thank you.” He shut the door with his foot as he returned to the table he set the tray down. “Now, let’s see what goodies we have to eat?”

  Laughing, Zamian lifted the cloth to reveal a couple of plates with meat and bread. Smiling at the old-man, he was glad it had been raining today, so there were no magic lessons. As much as he wouldn’t admit it, Lazeen was like a father to him in so many ways; he was his only family. He never knew who his parents were. He was dropped off on Lazeen’s front stoop, been with him ever since. Lazeen was the one who taught him, at an early age, to use his magic with control. Because he learned early in his life, it made it much easier for him to learn. Not like El, she hadn’t grown up learning it. She had to do it with a large amount of power behind her magic. He loved the Wizard with all his heart. He would do anything for him.

  As they ate Lazeen gloated, how Zamian and El would make a good couple. Though he was serious, he did it playfully; he didn’t want to scare Zamian away for good.

  Zamian laughed, more than he had in a long time, though he was very much enjoying his conversation with Lazeen. His thoughts drifted to El, what was she doing since the rain had canceled magic lessons? Was she in her room by herself, or was she doing something with someone else like Vigdis? It didn’t seem to him that she spent a lot of time with anyone. If she didn't have lessons, she was in her room. He noticed she didn’t have any friends, kind of like himself. Then again, there was only him. She had a lot of people of her own kind here. Well, except for the dragon part. He wondered if people were afraid of her.

  Lazeen cleared his throat, which brought Zamian back to the present. Realizing he had asked a question.

  “Sorry, I didn’t catch that?”

  “Indeed,” Lazeen raised his eyebrow, “I asked how El’s training was coming?”

  Smiling, “Rather well, she’s picking it up quickly, still haven’t figured out everything she can do yet. But what she can do; she’s doing rather well.”

  “Good! I wouldn’t be surprised if there aren’t more coming after her. These are the beginning of troubled times. We all need to prepare. Anything may happen. The best way to prepare is by making sure we have all our bases covered. Knowledge is power, which is a good place for one to start, another one is training; to defend oneself.”

  Zamian didn’t like the idea that Lazeen thought, there would be more attempts to get El. Still, why should he care? Better question, why does he care? Is it because she is part dragon, or is it something else entirely? That is something he is going to have to figure out. “Ok! So how do we best prepare everyone to be as ready as possible for the dangers to come?”

  “We need to have a serious talk with the Royals, let them know we believe this is only the beginning. We need to up the training exercises not only for the guards but for anyone involved, especially El. I’ll request a meeting at the evening meal. I am sure Ivoka will want to hear what we have planned for a training exercise. Now, we have to come up with one.”

  “Any idea’s as to how we should train everyone?”

  “Actually, I do. I believe if we get a group of guards to attack you and El. It would allow you all to work on your magic as well as the guards learn how to deal with magic users.” Of course, this will require not only Vigdis but the Queen’s approval. Also, the King might have some insight strategically wise about the training they were putting together.

  By the time they had finished, it was time for the evening meal. They walked out the door and headed down the hall. As they walked inside the dining hall, Zamian looked at the table. El wasn’t there. He wondered where she was. Why wasn’t she dining with them tonight? Had she eaten with them all day? He was the one who hadn’t wanted to see her, spending the day in his room. Now, he felt let down because she wasn’t here for the evening meal. He realized he was looking forward to seeing her this evening. Then a thought occurred to him, was she having issues about this prophecy like he was. He couldn’t blame her, shoot she was only fifteen. It was a lot to take in, plus he was pretty sure she didn’t have anyone to talk to about this situation. He at least had Lazeen to speak with; she has gone through an awful lot by herself. He sure did hope she would be ok.

  Taking their seats at the table, Lazeen had asked, “May we have a meeting after the evening meal, your majesty’s, concerning training for El, Zamian, and the guards?”

  As they sat at the table eating, Ivoka wanted to know more about the training.

  Lazeen had explained, they’d come up with a plan, how to help all of them prepare for the evil that is starting to spread across the land, now is the time to prepare, by training for battle, it would be wise to have Vigdis involved for she’s cunning in battle warfare, it’s rumored she’s the best in the land.

  Ivoka listened to every word Lazeen had spoken. She agreed it was wise to start preparing now, rather than when it’s at their doorstep, for then, it would be too late. “We will all meet here this evening, bring your plans, there is plenty of space to spread everything out, we can decide the best strategy.”

  Elva had come back into the room, Ivoka instructed her to inform El, and Vigdis they are required for a mandatory meeting to be held here, within the dining hall.

  “Yes, your majesty.” Elva walked out of the room.

  Chapter Eight

  RHONDA HAD BEEN WALKING down the hall from taking the scraps outside to feed the pigs. When she got snagged by the Seer, now nearing the Thorne Room, she wasn’t looking forward to having to tell her Grace, the Seer wanted to see her but feared if she didn’t, it would be far worse. None of the servants were thrilled with having to interact with her Grace. They never knew what type of mood she’d be in, sweet as pie, or take off your head. As she entered the room, she saw the woman. She was sitting in her chair. she walked over to the bottom of the steps, “Pardon me, your Grace, sorry for the interruption, but the Seer would like to see you as soon as possible.”

  “Thank You.” Her Grace stood descended the stairs before she walked out the door.

  Rhonda scampered off to do her chores, before something came about, putting her back in the main light of her Grace. She was grateful; her Grace wasn't cross with her for disturbing her.

  Alice walked down the long hall; she was anxious. Walking into the Seers room, “What news do you have for me?”

  Cyn turned looked at her friend Alice, “It is not good news, Gurk is dead.”

  “Dead, how?”

  “The dragon.”

  “Dragon! What dragon?” The news had Alice’s full attention

  “The dragon, training El, the one with the special powers.”

  “Have you seen her use any powers yet?” Alice was curious.

  “Yes ma’am, she has used Energy Blast, Ice, Blue Fire, and Red Fire.” Cyn went on to tell Alice; she was practicing her magic when Gurk tried to take her. Unfortunately, the dragon could either sense her or Gurk; she wasn’t sure. Her visions didn’t always show everything. It was just bits and pieces; she had to put together. She walked over sat down in a chair by the fire, though it was warm outside; it stayed chilly within her room.

  Alice came sat down in the chair across from her, "She’s the one, I know she’s the one in the prophecy! Have you had any visions as to her future?”

  “No, her future is blank,” Cyn explained, she wasn’t sure if it was being blocked or the fact her fate had yet been decided. “Oh, also Laze
en is in Valorin as well.”

  A bit of good news, Lazeen knew of the prophecy, he would do what he could to ensure the prophecy would come true, to keep our Kingdom’s safe from the evil. Her Grace stated that if anyone can make it happen, it would be him. She had a sense that time was of the essence, feeling frustrated, “Keep me informed.” she got up and walked out of the room. Gurk had been one of her best fetchers, should she send an another, or would she be sending them to their death, would they succeed where he had failed? She needed to think about this. It weighed heavily on her mind; as she continued down the hall.

  As her Grace walked the halls, one of her guards approached, she was sure it was terrible news, the look on his face told her he’d rather be anywhere other than here, “Your Grace we found several guards dead about a mile from the eastern border. Their bodies were very disturbing. I don’t understand why someone would do such a horrific act to anybody.”

  Her Grace knew about the deaths in Elmston Forest, Cyn had informed her of them. Now it was on her home front. She didn’t like this fact. “I want security tightened, bring everyone within the outer boundary into the Kingdoms walls. I want every able male who can yield a sword or weapon to begin training. Have the women and children stay in the stables, allow them to bring any food, blankets, plus some clothes only, we don’t have a lot of room, they only need to bring the essentials, now go make this happen quickly.”

  Alice paced the floor while thinking she should send word to Lazeen. She could play her hand with her long lost friend. She knew he knew about the prophecy. Maybe he was doing her work for her; they need this prophecy kick-started into motion. She headed for her desk, sitting down, digging out paper, she jotted down a quick letter, seeking any information about the deaths in Elmston. Not wanting to seem the prophecy was her only motive. She also shared the news about the deaths within her own Kingdom. She was inquiring if he had heard any news of the fulfillment of the prophecy? Going over to her owl, she secured the parchment to her leg, she whispered, find Lazeen, sending her owl off out the window. There wasn’t more she could do but wait for his reply.

  Her Grace knew, whatever was coming was terrible, even Queen Zelda of the Dark Elves had confessed concern about the safety of her Kingdom. That woman didn’t fear anything, for her to be concerned meant whatever was lurking in the shadows, responsible for these killings was a nasty as they come.

  They had faced many things in Alice’s lifetime. First, it was when Zelda took power over the Dark Elves. The older Queen wanted to take over the lands, Zelda put her in her grave. The Dark Elves are about power; however, Zelda knew too much would be their undoing. Zelda is an intelligent woman, though crazy as they come but wise beyond her years. Alice learned it was smart to listen, Zelda rarely spoke, but when she did, it was of great importance—deciding it was a good idea to send word to Zelda informing her of the deaths within her Kingdom. Zelda was one person, she wanted to make sure to stay on her good side, Alice had no doubt, if Zelda wished to take her Kingdom, she would do so in a blink of an eye. Even with all the magic within these walls. It wouldn’t save her from the cruelty, the wrath that woman would rain down, inflicting whoever was in her path.

  As Alice headed for the kitchen, she wanted to make sure there were plenty of supplies, not just for them, but for the incoming families that are displaced, she was sure they wouldn’t have much to bring. Times have been harsh. They aren’t getting any better. She told the servants to make sure they dug out all the extra blankets from storage, pass them out to those who’d need them. Also, have someone clean the empty stalls, put lots of fresh hay within them it would give the women and children a warm place to lay their heads, it was the best she could do for temporary housing. The men and boys would bunk with the guards; they’d be in training, do them good to get to know one another. Alice walked out of the kitchen back down the hall, seeing one of her guards she instructed him to fetch the Head Gardener, have him meet her in the Throne Room.

  There was much to do to ensure everyone would be taken care of, Alice was about to sit down when the Head Gardener walked into the room.

  “You summoned me, your Grace?”

  “Yes, we need to plant extra crops, anything that can be planted right now, we are having all the outer people brought into our walls for their safety. We need to keep our food storage up, also get with the hunters, have them get as much game as possible, we need more smokehouses built, I want them filled to the brim. I do not want us running out of food this winter. Also, get with the woodchoppers, make sure that they chop four times more than last winter, we need plenty of firewood.” Alice dismissed the Gardner. Her fear was it’s going to be a long winter. She wanted to prepare as much as possible. It was going to be a frigid winter this year, with evil crossing their land, things were only going to get worse, she wasn’t looking forward to what lies ahead.

  Sitting down in her chair, leaning back thinking to herself, Lazeen must get that girl to take part in the prophecy for all their sakes. Alice didn’t like the fact there were deaths at her front door. She decided it was time to gather all the Witches and Wizards within these walls. They’ve all gotten way to slack. They need to practice their craft with some severe training; it might be what’s required to keep their Kingdom alive.

  The women from the outer territories could take over as servants; everyone needed to do their part. If any woman from the external regions possessed any magical abilities, they would join her army. Alice wasn’t going to stand-by, she was going to do her best to keep all within her kingdom safe.

  Alice called for a guard; within minutes, one stood before her. She told him, “I want every magic user within these walls, in the Throne Room within two hours. After that task, he was in charge of assigning the women from the outer territory’s servant duties, unless they possessed magic abilities, then they were to report to her; she dismissed the guard.

  It wasn’t long before the stream of people had entered the Throne Room. It took a while. They were coming little by little. Finally, it seemed they all had arrived. Alice stood descended the stairs and walked about the room, “Dark times are coming, we all need to prepare, this day forward you’ll all will be in training to the best of your abilities. There is a grave matter at hand, we’ve gotten to slack. Peacetime is over with death knocking at our door. Jen, you are the strongest; outside of myself, you’ll oversee ensuring everyone in training. This training will commence in the morning on the South Lawn. Make sure you’re ready. I will not tolerate any slackers, understood?”

  They all answered in unison, “Yes!”

  Alice dismissed them, as she walked back to her chair, she wondered was there anything else she could do to enable her to protect her kingdom. She had just sat down when she saw Jen come over to her.

  “Your Grace, I am not going to take much of your time, however, what are we facing?”

  Alice, just looked at the woman, “We don’t know, be prepared for anything.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Jen nodded her head, turned, walked out of the room.

  Alice rules with an iron fist her people fear her, but they don't know what fear is, however, she feared they’d all know before this is all over with, she stood and walked to the barracks.

  “There you are General Melcinitan, “I want security beefed up, plus all-new recruits I want to be trained within a month. The younger men need to be training with a bow; they’d make good archers. I don’t think they’d have the strength, for hand to hand combat; however, I want them trained none the less. Do you have any suggestions as to why these deaths are occurring?”

  “No, ma’am. I have to say I went out to investigate the deaths myself there wasn’t a shred of evidence outside of the clothes that had been shredded to pieces along with a few bones.”

  “And you’re sure it was our people?”

  “Yes, ma’am, there was one head which remained; it was my brother’s wife. She had gone to visit her family.”

  “Oh, sorry to hear. If war is
coming, what do you think is our best advantage point?”

  “Our best advantage point is the Barvicia Forest for those woods are cursed.”

  “True that they are. Ok, I want you to inform all in-charge of every station to meet with me in the Throne Room, after the evening meal. Jen is in-charge of the Magic users.” She turned, walking off.

  Alice wanted updates; she didn’t want to have to track everyone down. She wanted to be on top of things, to address any problems head-on before it became a crisis. It would be good to have their input as well. No idea was bad; it was important to be strategically wise to survive what is coming. What feared her was the fact she had no clue what was coming.

  She headed down the hall arriving back at Cyn’s room; she knocked on the door.

  “Come in.”

  Opening the door as she walked inside the room, seeing Cyn sitting in a chair in front of the fire. She walked over to the chair opposite of Cyn sitting down she joined her in front of the fire. “I need to talk with you, there have been deaths on our eastern border. Have you seen anything?”

  “I am sorry to hear about the deaths. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen anything related to any deaths outside of the Elmston Forest. Even that vision was limited. I told you all that I had seen. If I get any more insights, I will let you know as soon as possible.”

  IN HER ROOM READING when El heard a knock on the door, she figured it was Vigdis, getting up she went over opened the door. To her surprise, it was, Elva, standing there.

  “Sorry to disturb you, my Lady, but the Queen has requested your presence at a mandatory meeting in the Dining Hall.”

  “Thank you.”

  Elva turned walked away.

  Standing there in dismay, El wondered what was so important, Ivoka had summoned her to a mandatory meeting. Well, only one way to find out, she marked her page, setting the book down on the table before she headed out the door. Walking past the guards, as usual, they fell into step behind her. Arriving at the Dining Hall, everyone was at the table waiting on her. She walked over to the table and sat down; everyone was at the same end as her mother.


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