Dragon Fusion

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Dragon Fusion Page 19

by Karen Carnahan

  Zamian looked around he realized they had added more guards to this training exercise.

  As fast as El took one down, it seemed there replaced with another one. She moves over toward Zamian, “Are there more guards for it seems that there is no end to them?”

  “Yes, a lot more guards, I don’t think it set well with Vigdis yesterday as to how well we took out her guards.”

  “You think she wants us to pay dearly for it?”

  “Looks that way.”

  “I was barely able to keep up yesterday, how in the world am I going to do it today with more guards attacking?”

  “I don’t think she is aiming for us to win this battle today. I think she wants us to lose.”

  “Great, I am not giving up; I will expend all my energy they are going down.”

  He liked her way of thinking, “I am with you all the way,” he laughed.

  Energy blast going everywhere she even sent one at the archer. She also sent a fireball at Lazeen’s ice that he sent. She must have gotten to use to the ice for he switched it up to fire she noticed it right at the last moment sending ice, she’s now soaked to the bone for the water had splashed all over her. The only good part was it seemed the guards were getting to be fewer. The lousy part she was exhausted; this was taking way more out of her than she expected. She hoped she could keep control of her magic and not hurt anyone.

  Zamian was using his tail to wipe out as many guards as possible; he was trying to save as much energy as he could for when he needed to use his magic. As he swung his tail around, he could see El. She looked exhausted. He hoped they could hold out to win this training battle, but he had his doubts.

  El pulled out her battle-axes; she had made sure to pick up the training battle axes. She went to town using them; she now understood why Vigdis was so hard on her. These guards could be ruthless with their fighting, but she was holding her own as she kept up with them. There were only a few guards left. Getting excited, she got a second burst of energy. She took on three of the guards while Zamian had the last four. When she heard three short blasts again, the second wave of an army of fifty or more guards came out. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Vigdis did have it out for them. She looked over at Zamian, who looked at her.

  “You still ready to not give up?” he asked.

  “I’m exhausted, but I will do my best to keep fighting. You?”

  “Let’s do this. Round two has begun.” He laughed.

  That was when she noticed he opened his mouth with an energy blast he took out half the crowd of guards that was heading toward them. He had better control than she did so he could do that, she, on the other hand, had to concentrate more to ensure she didn’t kill any of them.

  “Ok, I believe we can do this,” she smiled at him.

  She switched back to her magic. She could take out more than one with it; she sent an energy blast at all who came into the five-foot radius. Which she was determined to keep until she could dwindle the large group. She knew if they got close enough with that many of them, they would overtake her; she wasn’t allowing that to happen.

  “I hope if we make it through this group, Vigdis doesn’t send another to follow. I sure don’t think I could do this for a third round.”

  Zamian shook his head since he had energy blast coming out of his mouth, wiping out as many of the guards as possible.

  El had forgotten for a moment about Lazeen when a fireball hit right in front of her. She sent ice to kill the fire. Looking around, she saw Lazeen she sent an energy ball at him with another right behind the first one, maybe she could delay him from sending any more fireballs in her direction. Now, where’s that archer? She didn’t want to be shot by another arrow. She was spotting a couple in the trees she sent energy blast at each of them. She heard one scream before seeing them fall from the tree branch they were on. She hoped they were ok.

  Zamian had an energy blast coming out of his mouth and his tail swinging in every direction. He saw El was taking care of the other threats, so he had her back. Now that she was back in action with the guards, he took a break; his mouth was getting sore for being opened so long. He swung his tail, knocking the guards back a good twenty feet. Praying the whole time, he didn’t seriously hurt any of them. Again, the number of guards was dwindling.

  Seeing there were only six guards left, she took out two that were together while Zamian swung his tail and took out the last four. They had done it; no more guards were running at them. They had won.

  “Great job, you took out two full battalions.”

  Hearing this, El hit the ground hard. She had no energy left to hold herself up.

  Seeing her hit the ground, “El!” Zamian ran to her side, “Are you ok?”

  “Yes, just very extremely tired.”

  He picked her up, walked over, sat down with her in his arms under the tree in the shade. He laid her head on his lap. Looking up, he saw Vigdis and Lazeen coming to join them.

  “Is she ok?” concern in Vigdis’s voice.

  “Yeah, she’s just worn out.”

  “Are you sure?” Vigdis asked with concern in her voice.

  “Yes, I am fine, tired as all get out, but fine. Tell me, were you upset that we beat your guards yesterday? Is that why you added more guards and a second wave?”

  “No, Lazeen, and I wanted to see how far we could push you. I have to say you did much better than I had expected. Lazeen said you two could handle more, and he was right.”

  “Thanks a lot, Lazeen.”

  “Look, how are you going to know your limits if we don’t push them.”

  Not wanting to admit he had a point. “I take it we passed this training test?”

  “Yes, rest now. Tomorrow is another day.”

  El just looked at them; she wasn’t sure she be ready tomorrow. Guess she had no choice, she was so tired she leaned back, closing her eyes.

  “How many days are we going to continue this training?” Zamian questioned.

  “As many as it takes to build up your stamina for fighting with your magic,” Vigdis replied.

  “Are your guards, ok?”

  “They're a bit banged up, but this is good training for them. Many of the guards have never seen battle, so it an opportunity to give them some experience. “We drill every week; however, there has never been a magic-user involved. They are now learning what a magic-user can do and what they can do to stay in the game.”

  “We’ll evaluate the two of you in the morning before we start the next training battle. We are here to help you, not do you in.” Lazeen looked at him with concern on his face. “You sure you’re alright?”

  Looking up at the old man, “Yeah, I am sure. I will need to hunt again to replenish my energy.”

  “Hunt?” Vigdis asked. “Why aren’t you eating here?”

  “I am not taking all of your food supply. I eat a lot.”

  “How much is a lot?” She wanted to know.

  “Yesterday, I ate two Liafant’s before getting full.”

  “Ok, no problem, we will have some brought to you. You don’t need to be going hunting after expending so much energy. I will have the hunters get you some. As for tonight, you will eat here; we will make sure you have plenty to eat.”

  “Thank you,” he would never admit how grateful he was for the offer of them bring him food. He was more worn out than he had initially thought. He laid back on the grass, closing his eyes, he let the exhaustion take over.

  Vigdis order one of the guards to bring out a couple of blankets and cover them. She headed for the door with Lazeen following behind her. Once she arrived at the balcony, she saw Elva, “I want a vast number of trays of meat sent out to the training area for Zamian and a tray for El. They’re asleep, but when they awake, they’re going to be hungry.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” She headed for the kitchen.

  Lazeen had already sat next to the Queen, Vigdis sat across from him.

  “How did the training go?”

  “It went
better than I expected. Those two are strong; both Zamian and El expended all their energy today. We know for now two battalions are their limit. They’re asleep; I had them covered up so they could remain asleep. I made arrangements for the delivery of food left for them, for when they awake, they can eat and replenish their energy.”

  “Good, do they need anything else?”

  “No, I don’t believe so. What about you, Lazeen?”

  “Rest is the only thing I believe they need. We may have to postpone tomorrow's training exercise until the next day to allow them to recover before we drain them again fully.”

  “I agree we want to train them not to wear them out so bad they take ill,” Ivoka stated.

  “It will also give my guards a chance to recuperate. They as well took a beating today.”

  “Then it’s settled we will resume training the day after tomorrow,” Ivoka stated as she took a bite of her food.

  Vigdis went out by the training area to ensure Zamian and El were ok. Seeing they were still asleep with a cover on them to keep them warm, along with several trays of food. She headed for the barracks to check on her guards.

  Upon entering the first building where they all ate, she saw them sitting there, cutting up with each other. Walking over, she sat down, “How is everyone doing? Any major casualties I need to know about?” she asked her son Beleg.

  “Not really, one of the newbie recruits will be out of commission for a while. He broke his leg when he flew backward; he hit the tree with his leg. Otherwise, the rest of us are in pretty good shape.”

  “Good, tomorrow will be a day of rest. Training will resume again on the following day.”

  “Is this really how a battle goes?” Kera asked.

  “Yes, this is as close to coming to a real battle as you can get without being in an actual battle. An actual battle will be far more devastating. People will die; no one will be holding back their magic.”

  “You mean to say their magic is stronger than what they have been using?” Kera's voice quivered with fear.

  “Yes, far stronger. I think it will be wise for me to set up a demonstration. So, you all can see exactly how strong they are magical.”

  “If this is the case, how are we to survive against a magic-user?” Beleg wanted to know.

  “This is what the training is for, so you can learn how to survive. I won’t lie to you in a real battle; a lot of us won’t make it. However, when the time comes, we will stand, and we will fight to preserve our lands for our loved ones, as well as our allies. It’s good you are learning the truth of how war is. I have seen people I never expected to survive a battle live to tell the tale. Don’t ever lose hope.” As she looked around the room, she noticed several people had come closer to hear what she was saying.

  “I hope you aren’t basing our survival on hope?” Someone in the back said.

  “Yes, hope is a strong emotion,” stated Rhassbaradhon.

  “Many of you haven’t been through a battle. Many of you have. The only thing that keeps you going on, anytime you’re in a fight is hope. I will set up the demonstration tomorrow. You need to see what you will be up against so you can prepare for a real battle. With that said, she stood and walked out of the room to retire for the night.

  Waking, she realized she wasn’t in her bed. Where was she? Noticing she was on top of someone. Looking she saw it was Zamian, then she remembered the training battle. He was still asleep; someone had put a blanket on them. Sitting up she looked around she saw several trays one was near her and the others where on Zamian’s side. Man, there were at least twenty trays with meat stack a mountain high on each. Does he really eat this much?

  Feeling him stirring, she looked over to see his eyes staring at her. “Your awake, sorry if I woke you?”

  “No, I am starving.”

  “Well, you have plenty of food to eat,” she pointed to the trays to his side.

  Zamian looked over to see the stacks of meat on all the trays. Vigdis had made sure he had plenty to eat. “Thank the stars and Vigdis.” He laughed.

  “Well, I was fixing to eat as well, care to join me.” She smiled.

  “Sure, though I think I will be eating longer than you.”

  “It’s ok. I can keep you company even after I have finished.” She chuckled.

  “Great, then let’s eat.”

  “Do you think they’ll make us train again tomorrow?” She asked between bites.

  “Yes, we talked earlier; they are planning on us doing this every day until we build up our stamina.”

  “Seriously, how long do you think that will take?”

  “Honestly, I have no idea.” He picked up several pieces of meat, placing them in his mouth.

  “Do you always eat this much?”

  “No, only when I exert a lot of energy.”

  “Oh, ok, I understand.”

  “Do you think we would make it through an actual battle?” she heard her voice quiver, wishing it hadn’t.

  “Truthfully, I don’t know, I thought so, but after today I am not so sure anymore.”

  Silence filled the air. Neither one talked. They sat there coming to terms about what the days training had revealed to them. Once Zamian had finished all his food, they stood and walked off, to head to their rooms.

  Walking into the Great Hall, she saw the Queen sitting in her chair. She was surprised to see El sitting next to her. It would be good for her to hear her plan. Vigdis walked over to join them, “Your majesty, may I speak with you?”

  “Yes, would you give us a minute, please.” She turned to El.

  “No, I think it would be wise for her to be in on this conversation.”

  “Ok, then you may stay. What is on your mind?”

  “I want to set up a demonstration where Zamian and El can show the guards how strong their magic is. They don’t have to use the full amount, but what it would be like if they weren’t holding back. I want them to realize how important this training is.”

  “I understand what you’re saying, but don’t you think a demonstration like that would scare our guards off?”

  “They need to know, though.” Vigdis was feeling frustrated.

  “I think we can do a demonstration to show the guards more magic, but not the whole amount of our power, so they get the jest of the severity that magic can bring.” El looked at Ivoka. “They should have an idea than to go into battle blind; otherwise, there’s no sense in doing these training exercises.”

  Vigdis wondered how this young one got to be so smart.

  “You are right, Ok, I will allow this demonstration. Now, where do you want to hold it?”

  “I know a perfect spot.” Ivoka and Vigdis looked at her. “The place Zamian took me the first day when he taught me to control my magic. It is a large enough area, so nothing around here gets destroyed.”

  “Hmmm, good point, ok, I will allow you to travel to this spot. It’s not far off, is it?”

  “No, ma’am. Not far at all.”

  “Good, Vigdis make the arrangements. When are you looking to do this?”

  “Yes ma’am, I was thinking this afternoon. I’ll inform you and Zamian when we are ready.” She stood and walked off.

  “I should go give Zamian a heads up about the demonstration will be doing this afternoon.”

  “Might be wise so he can prepare himself.” She smiled at El.

  “Thank you.” She stood and walked off. Arriving at the guest wing, she came to stand in front of Zamian’s door, she knocked. She waited a minute. Nothing, so she knocked harder this time. She heard him move around right before the door opened. She could tell she had woken him. “Sorry to wake you, but I thought you should know we are doing a demonstration for the guards today.

  “Ok, I will be down in a minute.”

  “I’ll be in the Great Hall.” Turning, she walked off down the hall.

  Sticking his head out the door, how is it she is up and full of energy as he watched her walk out of sight.

An hour later, Vigdis walked into the Great Hall. “We are all set, are you two ready to go?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” El stood, she walked off.

  Zamian stood following El out of the room. Once outside, he saw the mass number of guards.

  “Wow, is Vigdis taking all the guards?” El asked, shocked at the number before her.

  “No, just two battalions, this is the group you two took on yesterday.” Vigdis laughed.

  “Seriously, it was this many.” El could hardly believe they had taken out all them. There were so many.

  “You ready?”

  “Yeah, guess so.”

  Zamian shifted into his dragon form.

  Climbing his wing, El settled down on his back, grabbed ahold of his horns. As she watched Vigdis climb onto her horse, Zamian took flight into the sky. He was leading the way they were following. As they flew, the massive group of guards was making there way out of the back gate then over the mountain. There was a long line of guards coming down the path.

  Seeing the meadow come into view, Zamian dived downwards. El was holding on tight; she knew he was fixing to land. He went to the end of the field, where he had her stand when she was practicing her magic. Now, on the ground, she climbed off his back and down his wing. Standing there waiting, she could see the horses start to file out of the trees, now headed in their direction. It didn’t take long for them to gather. Looking at Zamian, “Would you like to go first?”

  “You can, might as well give them the full effect.”

  “No, we don’t want to scare the dickens out of them to the point they give up.” Raising her hands to the Mountain, deciding she wouldn’t let it trickle out but flow a little. She allowed her energy blast to go; it headed toward the top of the mountain. It hit the top portion blowing it apart debris was going everywhere there was a valley now in the top of the mountain where she had aimed. She heard the gasps behind her. Looking at Zamian, “Your turn.”

  He opened his mouth. His energy blast flew through the air, hitting the section below where El had blasted the mountain. There was now an even bigger valley that ran through the mountain; they probably could make a passageway if they’d hit it again. Turning, he looked at the guards. They were a little on the pale side. He wondered if they would be alright.


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