Dragon Fusion

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Dragon Fusion Page 20

by Karen Carnahan

  Vigdis walked over, “I knew you two were powerful, but didn’t we agree not to show them your full potential?”

  “That wasn’t even a quarter of our potential.”

  “Seriously, how much was that, then?”

  Zamian laughed, “About a tenth of our power?”

  “What have you been using on the troops?”

  “A trickle of magic?” El smiled brightly. Never in a million years did she think she would ever see fear cross Vigdis’s face, yet there it was. She hoped it didn’t change things between them.

  “Well, I am glad you two are on our side. Do all magic users have this power?”

  “They have power. It might not be as strong as ours. Ours aren’t even at their full potential, for we aren’t fully grown.”

  “You mean your powers are going to get stronger.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “The only way I would think someone could be as strong as us would be another dragon.”

  “Good to know, I will keep that in mind. Glad you didn’t go full force, or we wouldn’t have an army left.” Vigdis turned to the troops, now that you’ve seen what they can do, aren’t you glad they are on our side.

  Cheers rang through the crowd, as they raised their arms in unison.

  It was eerie to El how they all moved at once at the same time in sequence she seen the soldiers back home do it, but they were nothing like this. This army would put them all to shame in the other world.

  “Anything else you want to see Vigdis while we are out here?”

  “Nope, I think we are good. Don’t want to give them too much to think about.”

  “Ok then, let’s return home.” El climbed back up Zamian’s wing, then walked over and settled on his back. He took flight. She looked down, seeing Vigdis mount her horse then took off riding for the opening in the woods. She was enjoying the ride with the wind blowing her hair behind her. She thought about the last time, the way Ivoka reacted, she didn’t think she’d ever get to do this again. Yet, here she is watching the clouds roll by as he flew through them. She was amazed at how wonderful it felt to be up so high looking down at the ground, which looked like specks of dirt. Even the trees were small in comparison to being on the ground, looking up at them.

  Chapter Eleven

  IT HAD BEEN A WEEK since the demonstration they did for the guards. El had been getting better at controlling the amount of magic she could release longer. She had to admit she wasn’t as tired at the end of the day, nor was Zamian. No more sleeping in the field from sheer exhaustion. Though she had to say it was nice spending time with him while they ate. Today Vigdis was adding another battalion to the fight. She wasn’t sure they were ready; she wonders how many men she had to spare without taking them from their post.

  “Are you ready for today’s fun?” Zamian laughed as he shifted into his dragon form.

  “Is that what this is, fun?” El smiled at him, lightly chuckling.

  “You two better get serious,” Vigdis stated as she walked passed.

  “Oh well, here we go.” El was ready. She decided to start with her weapons this time. There was the call the three horn blasts. In ran all the men at once. She wasn’t expecting it to be like this, thinking it was a bit unfair. She was swinging with all her might when another tried to sneak up on her other side. She looked over at Lazeen staff, she lit up the crystal blinding everyone, but her and Zamian, she heard him laugh as they went to town on the guards.

  “That’s cheating, you know,” Zamian said jokingly.

  “Look nothing is cheating when you are in a battle, our enemy isn’t going to be fighting with honor, or by a sense of code, they are going to do whatever it takes to take us out, just remember that.” El smiled at Zamian as she laughed.

  A prolonged horn blowing got everyone’s attention. Everyone stopped; as they all look at one another.

  “Our we supposed to be having visitors today?” El asked Vigdis.

  “Not that I am aware of.”

  With that Vigdis, her twelve elite guards, El, Zamian, and Lazeen, all ran for the door. They went down the hall into the Great Hall, where the Queen was standing waiting for whoever had just arrived. Walking over to stand with her. Vigdis asked, “Your majesty, our you expecting company?”

  “No, I have no idea who this is.” Ivoka words gave way to the nervousness she was feeling.

  In walked a bunch of guards around a lone man. As the guards parted, they revealed Lord Ashner he was one of King Oberson’s personal guards, bowing before the Queen, “Sorry for the interruption, your majesty, but I must speak with you of some great importance.”

  Ivoka saw he was hurt; please take a seat. She led him over to the sitting area for him to sit in one of the chairs.

  Vigdis called to the guards. He needs medical attention go help Lazeen to get medical supplies.

  The Queen sat next to him, “Now, tell me about this critical matter you need to discuss.”

  “Our kingdom is under attack, by Giants, King Oberson wanted me to forewarn you about this matter.”

  “Ok, tell me everything in detail, when did the Giant’s show up? Do we know why they are attacking?”

  “No, your majesty, we don’t know why they’re attacking. As for when the Giants showed up that happened this morning. So far, we have seen ten of them.”

  “Ten!” El stated more frantic than she should have revealed. She didn’t like this news one bit.

  “How is your Kingdom fairing, against these ten Giants?” Lazeen inquired as he went to work on doctoring his wounds.

  “Not very well, we aren’t sure we can stop them, that is why I’m here to inform you, so you’ll have time to prepare. In case we aren’t able to stop them.”

  “We have to help them; we can’t just let them all die.” El pleaded.

  “She’s right!” Zamian stated he didn’t like the idea of King Oberson in danger of being killed. He had grown on him, and she represents the Fairy Folk.

  “You will never reach them in time, to help, I spent my magic teleporting here.”

  “That’s it; I can teleport us there! You’ll have to walk me through it, I have never done it before, but I have Fairy magic in me; I should be able to teleport us to the Kingdom.”

  “It could work. All you need to do is think of your father, King Oberson; you should be able to teleport yourself to him. However, I don’t know that you will be able to teleport anyone else with you. I fear you may not be strong enough yet. You don’t want to try unless you are certain for both of you could end up in limbo or dead.”

  El didn’t like that thought at all; she didn’t want to go by herself.

  “I can fly us there; it shouldn’t take me too long to get there.”

  Vigdis stated, “If we ride hard, we can be there in a matter of days.”

  “How many men would you need?” Ivoka inquired.

  “I’ll take the three battalions that have been training with us.”

  “Make it happen. I want Zamian and El to fly above you to ensure you all reach there safely. We are going to help our ally in their time of need. I know King Oberson he will hold out until we arrive. Now prepare for war. Elva, please escort Lord Ashner to a room so he can get some rest and bring him a tray of food to eat.”

  Grabbing El’s arm as she stood, “Please, be careful while you are gone. Zamian, you look after her, and both of you make sure you return safely.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” El walked off; she heard Zamian right behind her. They headed down the hall and into the training area. Vigdis was their giving orders.

  Lazeen was putting gear on a horse before he mounted.

  Zamian shifted into his dragon form.

  El was fixing to climb up his wing when Elva ran over and gave her a bag. “What’s this?”

  “Ivoka wanted you to have some food to take with you.”

  “Thank you, and thank her as well.” She climbed up Zamian’s wing and settled on his back.

  He didn’t take fligh
t right away this time. He waited for the rest of the guards to be ready to ride. Once he saw Vigdis lead the pack out the gate, he took flight.

  El looked down; she could see the horses lining the path that would lead them over the top of the mountain. No one could see unless you were above looking downward.

  It took a while for all of them to get over the mountain, once the last person was down, they took off full speed. All except Zamian, he did circle above so he won’t lose them. He would fly ahead to scout to make sure the way was clear. They rode hard through the day even into the night; there was no stopping. El was now grateful for the food Elva had handed before she left. Opening the bag, she tore a section from a loaf of bread. Eating it all before she laid on Zamian’s back as she closed her eyes to get some rest.

  “You asleep back there?”

  “No, just resting.”

  “El, you might as well sleep while you can. It will be at least three days before we arrive.”

  “Seriously, that long?”

  “It’s a whole other kingdom. I know you are worried. I am as well, but you need to keep your strength up, so when we get there, you’ll be prepared for the task at hand.”

  She knew he was right, “Ok, I’ll sleep just don’t drop me on one of your crazy turns.”

  “I’ll make my turns wider so that you don’t fall off.”

  “Thank you.”

  Awaking the sun was just rising, El looked about there was still a lot of trees below, “Where are we?”

  “We are outside of Sprengan’s border.”

  “Aren’t you tired?” El asked.

  “No, I don’t require a lot of sleep unless I use a lot of magic. That is pretty much the only thing that zaps my energy.”

  “You lucky devil.” She was jealous though she wasn’t about to tell him.

  “With you being part dragon, I am sure you have it as well. You just haven’t tapped into that power yet. I didn’t get it right away.”

  “Well, that’s good to know. Unlimited amount of energy. I could go for that.” She laughed.

  “You do have to sleep though it’s not an unlimited amount.”

  “Yeah, ok, but to be able to stay up for days. Still can’t argue that ability.”

  “Ok, your right, it is pretty cool.” Zamian chuckled as he banked to fly back to the group. They weren’t where they should have been, so he flew farther. They had stopped to give the horses some water and a break before going on.

  Zamian came in for a landing in front of the group since they were in a large open area.

  El climbed down Zamian’s wing. Once off, she stood to stretch her muscles. The inner part of her thighs was sore from sitting on him for so long. She raised her hands over her head to stretch out her back.

  Vigdis walked over, handed El a canteen full of water.

  Zamian has shifted back into human form.

  El walked over, handed Zamian the canteen of water.

  “How long before we should arrive in Sprengan?”

  Vigdis looked around, “I would say we should be there by morning. We have made great timing. The reason I stopped here is there is a watering hole in which the horses can have plenty of water. We don’t need them giving out on us. That would only delay our arrival. Come, you two should eat something.”

  El walked with Zamian by her side. Taking a seat on a log near the group El opened her bag of food, pulling out some more of the bread she gave some to Zamian. Vigdis walked over, handing both of them a stack of meat.

  Everyone rested long enough for the horses to have plenty of food and water. Plus, Vigdis wanted everyone to get a fair amount of food in them as well as some rest. Once they arrived, they’d be in battle mode. It was a secure place since they didn’t know how soon they would be running into the enemy. Several hours later, Vigdis yelled, “Mount up.”

  Zamian shifted back into his dragon form.

  El climbed back up his wing, settled onto his back, grabbed his horns as he took flight.

  He flew ahead to check to make sure there was no trouble lying and waiting from them. Zamian didn’t want any trouble. He wanted them to get there as soon as possible. He didn’t want the King to die. They had spent much time together, getting close while he visited Valorin. Seeing something below, he circled back around to double-check.

  “Is something wrong?” El questioned.

  “I’m not sure; I’m heading back to check it out.” He changed the focus of his eyes so he could see better, sure enough, there was a band of bandits in the woods. They were waiting for someone to come by to ambush. He flew back to the group, coming in low just above the tree line. “Vigdis about a half a mile ahead, there is a group of bandits lying and waiting to ambush whoever comes down the road.

  “Thank you for the warning. I will send a small group ahead so that it won’t slow us down.” She turned her horse, rode back to speak with Rhassbardhon, “I need you to take a small group, ride ahead some bandits are waiting in the woods about a half-mile ahead.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He turned pointed to ten of his men, “Follow me!” He took off down the road.

  Vigdis rode back to the front next to Lazeen; they were leading the way. It wasn’t long before they reached the area where the group of bandits had been. Her men fell back into position as they rode down the road.

  Zamian saw they had taken care of business. He took off ahead again.

  “I take it everything is ok?”

  “Yep, the bandits were no more. They won’t be doing anyone any harm.”

  “That’s good to hear. Those thieves don’t need to be stealing from people, to begin with.”

  “I agree, unfortunately, some people like that way of living. It’s an adventure to them; they don’t like doing everyday jobs; they think they are boring.”

  “I can understand everyday jobs can be mundane. I am glad I don’t have to do that work. I think I would be right there with the bandits.”

  “El, you wouldn’t do that, it’s not your way.”

  “I don’t know. Life is crazy right now. I have other things to worry about than being a bandit.”

  “True that you do.”

  “Zamian, do you think we will make it in time?”

  “We are making good time. You need to have some faith.”

  The sun was going down. The air was turning cool as they flew through the sky; it was colder than last night. She leaned down onto Zamian; she could feel the warmth radiating through his body. It felt good for it was warming her front side.

  The woods gave way El could see utter chaos along with mass destruction, buildings torn apart. Wood, concrete, food, and dead bodies littered the stone streets. There wasn’t much left; she looked back to see the horses were having trouble getting over the debris. Lazeen was using magic to move the more prominent parts to clear the way.

  “Let’s fly ahead. I want to see where they are holding up, and what is left?”

  “Ok, let’s check it out.” He took off flying faster.

  Scanning below, she was looking for Oberson, “Can you fly lower? I can hardly see anything?”

  “What are you looking for?” he asked.

  “I am looking for Oberson?”

  “Ok, hang on.” He scanned the area looking for the King. From the looks of things, the giants have made their way into the Sprengan. The good news is they hadn’t reached the castle. Turning his head from side to side, he finally saw the King. “There look to the right you’ll see him with about five men. They are fighting a giant.”

  “Take me to him. We need to help him.” Her voice was cracking with emotion.

  “Hang on here we go.” Zamian did some maneuvering to get around the giant and landed on the backside of a building. “Go straight ahead you’ll see the King.”

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “I’m going to help others that I saw battling a giant. I know you got this. Remember, you don’t have to hold back as much when fighting this time.” He took flight,
leaving her there.

  She ran forward. There were houses made of wood that once had been beautiful, for she could see the designs of them with some of the houses had half still standing after they got torn to shreds. She came around the corner to see Oberson and his men had moved. She ran smack dab into a Giant who had spotted her. He was coming her way. She dove rolling along the ground to keep out of his hands; quickly, she got to her feet then ran as fast as she could. She needed to get somewhere safe to be able to use her magic. She couldn’t fly as Zamian could. Instead, she had to be smart about this. She ran as fast as she could thanking Vigdis for the laps she had made her run.

  As she came around a building, she saw an opening in the wall, squeezing herself through the hole. On the other side, she noticed a child lying on the floor dead; it tore at her heart. She ran from room to room, maneuvering through the house, she found a way out on the other side. Looking around, she found a place to crouch down; it gave her access to see the giant coming down the road. She raised her hands, releasing her energy blast, hitting the giant in the chest where she could see it had cut into his skin. He bellowed it was ear piercing as he bent down, placing his hand on his chest. He picked up a handful of debris from the building and started chucking them at her. Jumping to her feet, she had run right before the rock hit the spot where she was hiding. He was still chunking rocks in her direction. Telling herself, “Run faster, El run faster.” Around the building, she went looking for someplace to hide. She ran into a building into the inner room where she leaned against the wall trying to catch her breath.

  El stuck her head out the door; she saw Zamian fly overhead, wondering if he was having better luck than herself. Out the door, she went not seeing anything. Climbing over what looked to be half a wall to a house with a young fairy lady beneath it when she heard a noise. Turning, she saw the Giant he had raised his arm with more stones in his hand fixing to release them in her direction. She dodged into an alley between two houses. She raised her hands, sending her ice magic at his chest, turning up the amount of power she had been releasing and held it as long as she could, praying he would freeze long enough for her to getaway. Not being able to keep it any longer, she released waited to watch fearing the worst. Her ears rung from his crying out in agony. There were no signs of him moving. She took this chance to run down the street toward the screams, not the giants.


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