Dragon Fusion

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Dragon Fusion Page 21

by Karen Carnahan

  Jumping over a large section of a wall, she landed in a group of guards. Swords now on her, “Who are you?” one of them asked.

  “El, I am here to help. I am from Valorin.”

  “Seriously, Queen Ivoka sent help?”

  “Yes, she did. Where is King Oberson?”

  “Last I saw him he was over there. He pointed to another half wall across the way.”

  “Thank you,” she took off in the direction that the young man pointed. Jumping the wall, she landed in another group of guards. Again, El’s met with swords in her face. She looked around, seeing King Oberson.

  He saw her, told his men to stand down. “What in the world are you doing here?” he demanded.

  “That’s the thanks we get for coming all this way.”

  “We? Who’s we?” he asked curiously.

  “Well, it’s me, Zamian, Lazeen, Vigdis, and about three battalions. The Queen wants you to survive.” She saw a smile cross his face.

  “Welcome, we are glad to have you. Where is Zamian?’

  Pointing to the sky, “He’s up there somewhere.”

  “What is up with these giants, why are they attacking?’

  “I wish I knew they are destroying everything in their path.”

  “Yeah, using the debris as weapons. I froze one back that way I am not sure if he’s still frozen or not he wasn’t moving, I took advantage of it and ran.”

  As if on cue Zamian flew overhead, several guards aimed. “No, don’t shoot him; he is on your side.”

  “Yeah, right, look at that beast; it’s a dragon.”

  “There will be no shooting the dragon understood.” The King ordered.

  “Yes, your highness.”

  “Ok, do you have a plan?” the King looked at El.

  “I might.” She smiled.

  “Want to share?” The man next to her stated.

  Looking over at him, she moved her head to the side while looking at the King, “He is Luther; he’s good at his job.”

  “Good, I need you to go out there and be a distraction.”

  “You want me to do what? Who do you think you are? I only die for my King.”

  “Well, then good luck.” King Oberson said.

  A stunned look on his face, his jaw hung wide open, “Seriously, I have given you my allegiance, and you pick her over me? Why?”

  The King leaned over whispered in his ear, “She is my daughter and your Princess. It is a secret and needs to remain that way, or it will be your death as well as anyone you tell.”

  Wide eye, “Sorry, my lady, I meant no disrespect.” He climbed over half of a wall and walked to the middle of the street.

  The giant took the bait. He’s headed toward Luther. El raised her hands, wanting the giant to come closer, “Come on, just a few more steps.” She knew Luther was getting antsy, for she saw it on his face. Close enough, she let her magic fly. It hit him in the midsection of his body. He screamed, thrashing about while she kept her magic upon him.

  King Oberson leaned over El; you can stop. He’s not moving anymore.

  She snapped out from being so focused on freezing him. She saw Oberson was correct.

  Luther standing there in the street looked over at her then back at the giant. In utter shock, he saw his buddies come behind the wall. Luther kicked into gear, “Aim for the giants head. We need to make sure it is dead; she gave us a break we needed. All arrows were flying into the giant’s head.

  El watched, the arrows weren’t doing the trick. “We need a spear for an arrow. Those little arrows aren’t even penetrating his skull.”

  The King looked to see what she was talking about, “You’re right.”

  “Little girl, do you see a giant bow,” stated a man a couple of feet away.

  Taking a deep breath, these men were wearing on her. She got up moved over to the opening between the two boulders seeing large logs on top of both sides it would be perfect. She looked around for something to use as a string. No luck. Then she got an idea. She walked past the man sent him a smile as she walked up the road to where the giant was still alive. She froze his leg with her ice then took out both her battle axes raising them, and she swung cutting and slicing until the left leg shattered into pieces, which caused the giant to fall to the ground. The ground shook when he hit it.

  The guards now had access to the giant’s head, taking their swords, driving it into his skull blood oozed outran down the giant’s head onto the street.

  Walking back over to where King Oberson was, she looked at the man, who was being a smart ass earlier. Problem solved.

  The man snorted as he stood.

  “You owe her an apology.” The King growled.

  The man looked at the King, not believing he got ordered to apologize to this child, “I am sorry for what I said earlier.”

  “You are forgiven. El smiled, hugging Oberson. “Good to see you.” Hearing horses behind her, she turned to see Vigdis, Lazeen, and many more coming up behind them. “You made it.”

  “Yes, had a little bit of a maze to get through to make it here. Nodding her head, “We are at your disposal, your majesty.”

  “Thank you. We appreciate all your help. We need to fan out. I am trying to keep the giants away from the palace, so no matter what, we have shelter and food to feed all who have lost their homes.

  “Ok, men, you heard the King station yourself between the castle and the giants.”

  The battalions rode out, headed for the castle.

  “How many giants are left?” El inquired.

  “Truth, I have no idea.”

  Zamian was flying overhead. El yelled, “Zamian,” as loud as she could. She waited to see if he heard her. She knew he had for he circled back and came in for a landing. All the fairy guards were freaking out. She walked over, “Hey, how many giants do you see left?”

  “I have seen at least six left, spread out throughout the Kingdom. One is about a half a mile from the castle’s gate. One is near the crop fields at the northern corner. Two are at the fountain in the center of the city. The last two are near the stables at the southern border.”

  “Ok, Vigdis sent the battalions over to protect the castle. We need to split up, freeze their legs, they won’t be able to move. Several hits to their frozen leg, and they shatter. They fall to the ground giving the guards access to their head to be able to kill them.”

  “I’ll take the two in the city.”

  “Lazeen, will you take one on the southern border?”

  “Yes, I can do that.” He smiled, set his horse in motion.

  “Zamian, will you take the one in front of the castle first they are going to need the castle for shelter. Then the one to the northern corner.”

  “Only for you, well, and King Oberson.” He chuckled as he took flight.

  El started to run in the direction Zamian had said the two giants where. Coming around a corner, she could see the one she froze earlier. He was still alive, so she froze his legs while the guards took to hacking away at his frozen limbs. It wasn’t long he was on the ground dead from the many swords shoved into his head. Again, she headed in the direction of the other giant. Coming around a corner, she saw a club with spikes. Great, he has a weapon. The men ran out in front of the giant, making sure they stayed out of reach of the club. She went to work, sending her magic to freeze the giant’s legs.

  Several of the guards shattered the legs while the others stabbed its head. “Yay, we did it!” They all cheered. Once everyone settled down, El heard a crashing noise. She set out to investigate what was making the noise. The sound got louder; she stopped to pinpoint where the origin of the noise was coming from. As she went around a corner, there was another giant with a weapon; the sound was debris hitting the ground. He was looking around, swinging his bat back and forth, taking out homes on both sides of the street. She saw him sniff the air. Did he smell them, at that very moment he looked dead at her in the eye? She had lost the advantage, “Run!” She turned, took off running behind
the others as the giant came after them, he swung his bat he caught one of the men he went flying into a building. The bat was getting closer to her; she had to act quickly. She needed to get off the street, seeing an open door she ran into the house. Running from room to room, she wanted to get out before the bat swung through the house, she had just enough time to slam herself against a wall before the bat flew passed her. Man, that was close.

  Vigdis had ridden ahead to inform her men to keep the giant Zamian was about to freeze in front of the castle alive. They needed answers coming around the corner; she saw Zamian let his ice fly while he was in the sky. She yelled, “Wait!” She knew her men were fixing to charge.”

  Rhassbaradhon heard her he turned, “Stop!” He saw everyone pull back on the reins stopping their horses.

  Relieved to see them stop, she rode in front of them, “Don’t kill this giant, we need it alive so we can get answers. He’s not going anywhere.”

  “So, we rode all this way to babysit.” One of the new recruits yelled.

  “You rode all this way to do as I say. If I say babysit, that is what you will do.” Vigdis laced her words with anger; she wanted him to know she wasn’t happy with him. “I know the threat is not over, for there are more giants out there; we all have a part in this plan. I will not tolerate any insubordination from anyone that is final. Now keep a sharp eye out for any trouble you are the last line of defense for these people to have shelter.”

  Lazeen rode around a corner he almost ran into the giant lucky enough he was far enough away he could stop before entering the danger zone. Sending his magic, he froze the legs of the giant. He hoped it held until the guards that were following him could arrive and take him down. He stayed to watch over the giant to ensure he didn’t break free. He circled the giant to ensure the ice was thick enough. There was one spot he felt needed more; he sent his ice. Satisfied, he rode back toward the road he had come down. He could see the guards coming.

  Turning, he watched the giant, who was grabbing at the ice, trying desperately to break free. He was out of time; the guards had arrived. They split into two sections one took to work on the legs. The other waited as soon as the body fell to the ground they took to stabbing the head until he moved no more.

  Moving slowly, El didn’t want to give away her position. She climbed over the debris heading to the front of the house where she had come so she could see where the giant had gone. Looking out the door, she didn’t see anything. She headed out the door; she knew it was too late turning around, raising her hands using full force. She let her ice fly as the giant swung, hitting her with his club; he sent her flying into the air, landing about a good mile away.

  “No!” Zamian screamed as he saw El fly through the air. He flew in her direction, seeing the giant she had frozen was still standing alive he let his anger out on that beast freezing him solid. Then he flew to El, landing on the ground he shifted back to his human form ran over to her side. He could hear her heart beating; it was weak, but she was still alive. He checked her for broken bones, finding several he set the bones as best as he could. If she had healing powers, he wanted her to heal right. Now it was a waiting game. He wasn’t leaving her side.

  Hearing a noise, he turned to see Lazeen coming on his horse. Stopping, he climbed off his horse, came over knelt by her. Looking at Zamian, seeing tears stream down his face, “Is she alive?”

  “Yes, barely, I set the broken bones as best as I could.”

  “You mind if I double-check them?”

  “No, be my guest.”

  Lazeen quickly went over her entire body, Zamian had been right there were a couple of broken ribs, her arm, and a leg. “You did fine work setting these bones. She seems to be healing rather quickly.”

  “She has self-healing; it’s part of the dragon within her.”

  “Well, I say it is a good thing. El will be fine. How about you? I have never seen you cry before?”

  “When I saw her flying through the air, I thought she was dead. I killed the giant she had frozen before he hit her with his bat. I was relieved she was alive even barely, for I knew she could pull back from this. It just made me realize how vulnerable we all are, especially if she is the Elite Dragon Fusion. If this can happen to her, what can happen to the rest of us?”

  “We all die, let’s thank the stars it’s not today. Now I think we should get El someplace more comfortable than this street.”

  “Will it be ok to move her? Do you think her bones will shift?”

  “Hmmm, that is a possibility we need a wagon. El will need to be moved with as little jolting as possible. Let me see if I can find the King. He’ll know where we can find a wagon. I will be back soon.”

  “It’s ok I am not leaving her side.”

  “I didn’t think you would unless it was to protect her.” He rode off in search of the King.

  Zamian sat next to El, putting her head in his lap. How did this young lady get into his heart hook line and sinker? He was madly in love with this young Elven. She might not be in love with him; he didn’t care. He would always be by her side to protect her no matter what; he said this is my dragon’s oath. Stroking her hair, he was unsure of all these emotions he felt.

  It seemed like forever that Lazeen had ridden off in search of the King to find a wagon. He heard one of the giants screaming it was coming from the direction of the castle. They must have kept one alive to question. It would be good to get answers. He wanted to know why this happened. Why was El lying here in the street broken?

  Hearing a noise, he looked up to see a wagon headed in their direction. It wasn’t Lazeen, but another man was driving the wagon. Pulling up next to them, he stopped the wagon.

  Climbing down, “Hi, I am Luther. I am here to help you move the Princess.”

  “How do you know who she is?”

  Smiling, “The King informed me right after she sent me on a death mission, and I questioned her authority.”

  “I see, that would definitely do it. Help me; we must be careful when we move, El. She has a broken left arm, several broken ribs, and a broken right leg. She has self-healing powers if we move a bone out of place it will heal that way for her healing has already started.”

  “Lazeen told me, I brought these to make splints to hold her bones in place while we move her.”

  “Splints, what is that?” Zamian raised an eyebrow.

  “Here, I will show you. First, where is the break at on her arm?”

  Zamian pointed to the spot.

  “Ok, I need you to carefully lift both sides so of the break at the same time to ensure they stay together. You don’t have to lift it high just high enough for me to slide this board under.”

  Taking a deep breath, he grabbed both sides of El’s arm lifted; she made a noise she must be in pain.

  Luther slid the board under her arm, “Ok, set it bad down slowly onto the board.”

  Setting her arm down gently, “Ok, now what?”

  “Now, I need you to lift the board with her arm on it so I can get these pieces of cloth under the board.”

  Grabbing both sides of the board, he slowly lifted the board with her arm on top. Seeing Luther get the strips of fabric under the board on both sides, he gently set the board back down. He sat back and watched Luther put another board on top of her arm, then tied the fabric to hold the boards in place.

  “We need to do her leg the same way. There is nothing we can do about her ribs; we are going to roll her onto a board and lift the board, so her ribs stay in place. First, let’s tackle the leg. Same process as the arm.”

  “How about this time you put the strips down first, then the board, so we only have to lift once?”

  “Good thinking. Ok, I am ready.”

  Slowly Zamian lifted both sides of her leg, holding it in place as Luther quickly laid the strips in place than the board. Gently he set her leg down on the board. He watched as Luther placed the board on top, tied it in place.”

  “Now which side are her
ribs broken?”

  “Her right side.”

  “Ok, then we need to roll her onto her left side, place the board under her, roll her back down.”

  Zamian moved to where he could roll her.

  Luther had stood and walked over to the wagon he pulled a long flat board off the back. As he walked around next to Zamian, he slid the board under Zamian’s arms, adjusting it until it was in place. “You can lay her down now.”

  Slowly he set her down; he made sure both her arms laid to her side on the board. Standing, he walked over to her head, bending down, he picked up the front while Luther picked up the back of the board simultaneously. They walked together to the back of the wagon, Zamian laid the head of the board on the cart. He climbed into the wagon, lifted the board again, walked backward into the wagon, gently setting her down. He stayed with her.

  Luther walked to the front, climbing into the seat; he flicked the reins setting the wagon in motion. He led the horse in the direction of the castle.

  Zamian sat next to El. He played with her hair moving it out of her face. She was beautiful even when she’s knocked out. It was a little bumpy, but nothing that should jolt her bones. She made some moaning noises he believed was from her being in pain. She was going to be sore when she wakes up. Looking up, he saw Luther turn onto a road he had to maneuver around the debris in the road. He knew this was making this trip longer than it would have been if the giants hadn’t destroyed all these homes. There had better be a good reason for all this damage as well as the deaths and injuries. It wasn’t sitting well with Zamian. This wasn’t right.

  Luther was doing his best not to hit any of the debris within the road. There was just so much of it everywhere. Slowly he turned to the left then back to the right he was glad the castle was right in front of him. He didn’t want anything to happen to the Princess; she is an amazing woman with unique powers. She would be an asset to this kingdom.


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