Dragon Fusion

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Dragon Fusion Page 22

by Karen Carnahan

  The wagon jolted; he grabbed El to hold her steady but not to move her bones. Looking up, he could see they were pulling up in front of the castle. He saw Lazeen with Vigdis; they were headed in the direction of the giant. He stood as Luther came around the backside of the wagon. Picking up the board at the same time, he walked to the edge, set the board down so he could climb off the wagon. Picking the board back up, he walked with Luther into the castle.

  “Please follow me,” a woman stated as she led the way down a hall. She stopped to open a door entering the room she headed over to the bed. Grabbing the sheets, she pulled them back, giving them access to the bed. They set the board down.

  “Ok, we are going to get her off the board the same way we got her on.”

  Zamian positioned himself so he could roll El. Once he had her in position, Luther pulled out the board. Gently Zamian turned her on to her backside.

  The lady in the room grabbed the sheets, pulled them so they would cover El. She needs to rest, “Thank you, gentlemen.”

  “I am not leaving her side.”

  “Come on, man, don’t you want to question the giant outside? She is safe here. If there is any change, Katreena will come to inform you.”

  “Hmmm, yes, I would like to be there for the questioning of the giant.” He walked out the door, following Luther down the hall out the front door. He didn’t like leaving El, but he wanted to know why this had happened. He was willing to do whatever means to find out the truth.

  In front of the giant stood the King, Lazeen, and Vigdis as Zamian walked up. “How is it going?”

  Lazeen stated, “Not too well. He does not want to be cooperative.”

  “Maybe there is another way to make him talk.”

  “How do you mean?” Lazeen looked at Zamian, wondering what the young man was thinking.

  “We start slicing at him. I am sure after a certain amount of pain. He will be willing to talk.”

  “You would do that to him?”

  “To get answers, yes! I want to know why they are here. Why this happened?”

  King Oberson heard what Zamian said, “You may have the right idea. I, too, want answers, and if that is what it takes to get them, then I am all for it. Question is how do we get to him to be able to slice on him since he is frozen halfway up his body.”

  “Ok, so we slowly roast parts of his body that are not frozen.” Zamian could see fear creep on to the giant’s face. He didn’t care; maybe he would start talking. “I tell you what giant. You have until I count to three before I shift into my dragon form and start to burn the flesh from your bones.”

  The giant mulled it over in his brain when he saw Zamian shift into a dragon he started talking, “What do you want to know?

  King Oberson asked, “Why did you attack us?”

  “We were hungry; we got told we could eat all the fairies we wanted. So, we were willing to travel down here for the food.”

  “You’re from the Realm of Tangusy, aren’t you?” Zamian turned his head, looking into the eyes of the giant.

  “Yes, how did you know that?” the giant stated with fear in his voice.

  “I have been all over the realm of Pangusy; we don’t have giants. However, I had heard that the realm of Tangusy did. Who told you that you could eat all the fairies you wanted?”

  “He calls himself the Magnus Shadowmend. All I know he’s a wizard who likes to do experiments on humans and creatures. All stay clear of him if they value their life. Nothing good comes from that man. I have never seen him only heard rumors.”

  “If you have never seen the man, then how did he tell you about eating fairies?”

  “One of his hooded creatures told us they work for the Magnus Shadowmend. He is taking everything good in our realm, turning it evil.”

  “How is he turning everything evil?”

  “His hooded creatures are magic users.”

  “Now, explain why you have come down here to eat fairies?”

  “Food is scarce in our realm. It gets worse by the day. I wouldn’t be surprised if more came down this way.”

  “Did you do any other eating say some families along the way? Say, About halfway here?”

  “People have to eat.” The giant snared.

  Lazeen leaned over, telling Vigdis, “Well, that explains the deaths in Elmston and why we couldn’t find any evidence around the area.”

  King Oberson heard Lazeen, “Yes, it does.” Looking at the giant, “Does this Magnus Shadowmend go by any other name?”

  “None that I have heard.”

  Chapter Twelve

  MOANING SHE WAS IN pain everywhere, she looked over to see Zamian in a chair next to the bed. What happened? She recalled her thoughts. Oh yeah, the stupid bloody giant she remembered her sending her ice at the same time he hit her with his bat sending her flying through the air. No wonder she hurts all over; she’s lucky to be alive.

  “You’re awake. I was beginning to wonder if you were going to wake up?”

  “How long have I been out?”

  “A couple of days. Lazeen said your body was resting so it could heal.”

  “Heal, I feel like I broke several bones?”

  “You did, your left arm, your right leg and several ribs.”

  “No wonder I am in pain. How long do you think before I’m fully healed?”

  “Well, you have dragon healing; however, broken bones take a while I would say about a week.”

  “Ugh, a whole week, I will be laid up in this bed.”

  “Don’t be such a baby. I will see if King Oberson has a chess set.” He laughed.

  “Do that I’m ready to kick your butt.” She laughed.

  “Who’s butt you kicking?” Vigdis smiled as she came into the room.

  “Dragon-man, in chess.” Smiling, she was glad to see El awake.

  “How do you feel?” Vigdis came to stand by her side. “You look rough.” She stated jokingly.

  “Thanks, let see how you look at being hit by a bat sent flying through the air.” Wincing as she laughed.

  “Yeah, I would probably look horrible too.” She admitted. “Well, I am going to inform Oberson and Lazeen you have awoken. I am sure they will be happy with this news. Make sure you get your rest. I know you’ll have plenty of visitors.”

  “What is that noise it sounds like a pitiful scream.”

  “Well, it is the giant located in front of the castle. It is still alive. He is most ungracious to that fact.”

  “Why is he being kept alive?” her words flared with anger.

  “Oberson has been asking him questions to learn as much as possible as to why they attacked.” With that, Vigdis turned and walked out the door.

  El closed her eyes. She had already used up what little energy she had.

  Vigdis walked into the room where the King and Lazeen had been sitting around the table, writing everything the giant said down. “Your majesty, El has awoken, she is resting now.”

  “She opened her eyes?”

  “She not only opened her eyes; she had a full-blown conversation. She is one tough cookie. I believe she will be fine. Grumpy for being stuck in bed but otherwise fine. Oh, they want to know if you have a chessboard?”

  Smiling, “Yes, it is in the room across the hall.”

  “I will take my leave.” She turned, walked out of the room, headed across the hall. Entering the library, she walked around until she found the game up on the upper level of the room. Board and pieces in hand, she went out the door.

  Arriving at El’s room, she lightly knocked on the door before she opened it. I found something for you all. “I see she went back to sleep. It’s good for her to rest; it will help her body heal. Though I dare say when she gets to the stage where she can’t sleep but still won’t be able to move, she is going to be grouchy.”

  “I kinda figured when I saw how she reacted to being stuck in bed for a week. It will be ok; we just must entertain her. I can play chess with her, which will help keep her mind busy. I
think I’ll wait for this until she can stay up for hours.” He laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” Vigdis looked at him with a curious eye.

  “Nothing really, we are just formidable opponents; the game lasts a very long time.”

  “I see, well, that will be good for El in her condition.” She laughed as she headed for the door. “I will see to it some food is brought to both of you.”

  “Thank you, Vigdis.” He took a seat in the chair closed his eyes to rest a while he had been so worried about El he was glad she had finally woken up.

  Sitting at the table with Lazeen and Oberson. “Have we learned anything good yet from the giant about this Magnus Shadowmend?” Vigdis inquired.

  “Unfortunately. No! I am for one getting tired of hearing his constant moaning. I think it might be time to put him out of his misery.”

  Lazeen rose from his chair, “As you wish, your majesty,” he walked out of the room.

  “What can my men and I do to help you?”

  “Vigdis, you all have done so much by showing up, and I thank you. We need to make sure the food storages are in place as well as all other essentials, wood, water, medicines. Can you get with Lord Jameson he oversees the guards right now you should be able to find him out front of the castle?”

  “Yes, your majesty.” She stood, walked out the door. Heading down the hallway, she went out the front door. Seeing a man in front of a large group of men, she figured he was Lord Jameson. Walking down, she stood behind him to allow him to finish with his men.

  He had just finished when he turned, “May I help you?”

  “Are you Lord Jameson?”

  “Yes, who wants to know?”

  “I am Vigdis, Captain of the guard of the Kingdom of Valorin. I offer you my services to help ensure your essential storages are full.”

  “I take the King sent you.” His words laced with sarcasm.

  “Yes, as a matter fact, he did. Do you not approve of the King?”

  “No, he’s a good man when he’s around, but here lately, he has been gone a lot; it is making people around here nervous. Why would he leave so much? Then the attack of the giants isn’t sitting well with the people. I fear their loyalty may be shifting.”

  “Well, now we need to keep that from happening. Who are they looking to for leadership?”

  “A chap named Kinwall, he’s a spineless sort, but he talks convincingly enough they all listen.”

  “Where was this chap during the battle, he was hiding I don’t recall seeing him at the battle of the giants at all.”

  “Hmmm, give me a minute. I will be right back.” Vigdis turned and headed back into the castle. She headed for the room El was staying in; if anyone knew where he was, it would be Zamian for he flew overhead he could see everything. Walking through the door, she saw Zamian in the chair he opened his eyes. “I need your help with a matter.”

  Standing, he walked over and followed Vigdis out the door. “What’s up?”

  “We have a tad of a situation. A man is trying to convince the people to remove the King,” as she walked down the hall.

  “What who is this person?” he walked beside Vigdis.

  “His name is Kinwall, from what I’ve been told, he’s a spineless one that talks a good talk. The Captain of the Guard here doesn’t remember seeing him in the battle. You flew overhead if Jameson points him out to you. I figured you would have seen him, to know where he was hiding.”

  “Good idea, then we could prove to the people, he isn’t a leader but a coward.”

  They walked together out the door. “Lord Jameson, this is Zamian. He is a dragon; he flew over everything when the battle with the giants took place.”

  “Nice to meet you.” He stuck his hand out to shake.

  Taking his hand, “Thank you, nice to meet you as well. Can you point out this Kinwall?”

  Laughing, “I sure can. Come with me, and I will show Kinwall to you.”

  Walking down the road, he went over to where he had a large gathering of people. Standing on a bit of rubble, “See what happened to our beloved homes, King Oberson doesn’t care. He leaves all the time. Now he is hiding in the Castle, what is he doing to protect you and your homes? Nothing, that’s what.”

  The King came out of the castle. He wanted to survey the damage to know the best way to help his people—coming around the corner to hear Kinwall speaking. Kinwall was standing there, blaming him for the giant's attack, deciding to stop at a wall nearby so he could watch this scenario play out. Curious as to how the people would react to what Kinwall was saying. Did they feel the same way he did?

  Recognizing the man right away, he pushed his way to the front, with Vigdis and Jameson behind him. Zamian climbed up on top of the rubble. To stand across from Kinwall, “You are a traitor not only to the King but to your community. I am Zamian, and I am a dragon I flew the sky’s during the attack of the giants. I saw where this man was hiding inside a home three blocks; that way, he pointed in the direction. Your King hasn’t been here much; he has been making allies. Allies that came in your time of need because of trouble to help save his people. Yeah, your homes might be gone; you can rebuild. However, you are alive here today because of the actions your King took. If you listen to this traitor, you will all be traitors. The King could not have stopped the giants from coming for he did not know of it, nor did anyone else in the Realm. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. As for where your King is, he’s right there.” he pointed to show the King leaned against the wall listening to everything.

  King Oberson stood straight. He walked over, climbed onto some debris. “Zamian is correct in what he speaks. We will rebuild it may take us some time to do so. In the meantime, I have made arrangements for all whose homes got destroyed to stay within the castle walls. That’s what I have been doing in the castle, not hiding. Lord Jameson, arrest Kinwall.”

  “Yes, your majesty.” He walked toward Kinwall. Who tried to run, but Vigdis was already there grabbing him she held him until Lord Jameson arrived with several other guards, they took him off.

  “Now, we have work to do. If your home was one that got destroyed, bring only the essentials you will need to the castle, we will get you an area assigned. Once things have settled down, we will work on rebuilding Sprengan.” He climbed down, walked over to Zamian slapped him on the back, “Thank you for such loyalty.”

  “No problem, I knew what you have sacrificed for your people. It was the least I could do.”

  El was working on standing, testing her leg to see how it was doing; she had to get out of this room. The walls were closing in on her; she wanted to see something else. It was doing pretty good holding her up, so she headed for the door. Making it out the door, she headed down the hall. The more she walked, the sorer her leg got, grabbing the wall for support.

  “Do you need some help?”

  Turning to see a tall, handsome young man coming in her direction, “I got it.”

  “Sure, looks to me you could use a hand.” He walked over to her, picked her up. “Where are you trying to go, my lady?”

  “Outside, if you would please, I am tired of being inside. I need some fresh air.”

  “Your wish is my command.” He carried her down the hall then out the door. “Where would you like to sit? May I make a recommendation there is a tree with a bench over there to the right. You’d be able to see everything going on.”

  “Sounds wonderful, thank you.”

  “Anything for a beautiful lady such as yourself.”

  “You’re quite the charmer, aren’t you?”

  “I just say it as I see it. You, my lady, are as beautiful as they come.” He smiled at her.

  “Thank you!”

  “Here we are.” He set her down on the bench. “May I get you anything else, a drink, perhaps?”

  “Thank you, but not at this time. May I ask your name?”

  “Kavren, at your service, my lady.” He bowed.

  She laughed, “Nice to meet you,
Kavren. I am El.”

  “Hmmm, El nice ring to it. May I sit with you for a while?”

  “Yes, please do. It would be nice to have some company. My friends are off helping with things around here.”

  “They left you all alone how sad. Well, no fear, I am here to entertain you. You’re not from around here, are you? I don’t recall seeing you before.”

  “No, I am from Valorin.”

  “Oh, Kingdom of the Elves. That explains a lot.”

  “How so? She smiled, wondering what he meant.

  “Me not seeing you around here.” He smiled a grin from ear to ear.

  “Tell me, what is your job around here?”

  “Well, besides charming, beautiful woman. I am the advisor to the King.”

  “So, you’re an important man. What exactly do you advise the King on how to rebuild Sprengan?’

  “Well, now that isn’t something that your pretty little head needs to worry about, now is it?”

  “Actually, it is? See, I, too, am important to the King.” She sent him a devilish smile.”

  “How is that considering you don’t even live here?”

  “I may not live here but doesn’t change the fact. Please enlighten me with your advice. I will see there is a good word, is put in with the King.”

  “Looky, looky, you’re out and about, “How do you feel, my lady?”

  Turning to see who had come up behind her, “Luther, is that you?”

  “Yes, indeed, the one and only.”

  “I heard you helped Zamian get me into the castle, thank you for your services.”

  “Your most welcome, please let King Oberson know how I was helpful, might help the next time I get into trouble.” He laughed. “How is Kavren treating you?”

  “He was fixing to inform me how he would advise the King on rebuilding Sprengan?”

  “I would love to hear this.” He sat down on the grass in front of them.

  “Aww, look, it’s the King.”

  “You’re not getting out of this, you know?” She looked up to see Oberson looking at her.

  “What are you doing out of bed, young lady?”


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