Dragon Fusion

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Dragon Fusion Page 23

by Karen Carnahan

  “Tired of seeing the walls needed to see something else. Your advisor here, Kavren, helped me outside. He was fixing to tell me how he was going to advise you how to rebuild.”


  “Well, I was just entertaining the lovely lady, your majesty.”

  “I see this should be good?”

  “Here, your majesty, please have a seat.”

  “Thank you, Kavren. Seriously, how are you feeling, El?”

  “Better a little sore, bored, but otherwise, I feel good considering I flew about a hundred feet in the air.”

  “You had us worried there for a while.”

  “Good thing, I have healing powers.”

  “Yes, I am grateful for that. So Kavren, tell me about this advice you were going to give me?”

  “Well, I thought we could fix all the outer walls first to the homes that got damaged. That way, people could stay in their homes while the insides were fixed. It would keep their spirits up being back in their own home.”

  “You may actually have a good idea. Is this a one-time thing, or are you smart like this all the time?”

  “I don’t know what you mean; this is me just no one ever stops to listen to my ideas.”

  “Well, we will have to change that, you are now temporarily on my advisory committee. We shall see how you do?”

  “Committee? You have an actual advisory committee?”

  “Yes, more heads are better than one.”

  “I think that is extremely wise. I might have to inform Queen Ivoka to see if she will do something similar.”

  “She’s the one who gave me the knowledge of it.”

  “Really, who is among her committee?”

  “Vigdis and her twelve.” He smiled at her.

  “I never knew.” She stated with a surprised look on her face.

  “Not many people know, she likes it that way.”

  “She is a mysterious woman at times. Now let’s talk about the darkness that is spreading throughout the land; it just hasn’t started in our realm. It was good that we have already started to prepare. “What have we learned about the Magnus Shadowmend?”

  “I am afraid not much. We know he’s in the Realm of Tangusy. He has hooded magical creatures working for him. Otherwise, that’s it.”

  It doesn’t sound good, “What does he hope to achieve by creating all this destruction? What does Lazeen say?”

  “He too is at a loss. We will come up with a plan, but that is for a later time. Right now, I need to see my people rebuild our kingdom. You, young lady, need your rest. Luther, please carry Miss El back to her room; she needs her rest. I believe she has had enough outside for today.”

  “We need to get back to Valorin, so we can prepare for what is coming. That way, the Queen can be informed of the evil that is spreading through the Realm of Tangusy. I know you want to stay to help to rebuild. Oberson has plenty of help. Plus, maybe we can come back later.” Zamian held El’s hand.

  “I know we need to inform Ivoka,” make sure Vigdis and Lazeen are ready. “We’ll leave at first light. This time we can take our time returning home. We don’t want to overwork the horses; we may need them in the future.”

  Walking into the castle, he headed down the hall to look for Lazeen. Coming into the throne room where he and King Oberson sat talking. “I did it,” she’s agreed to leave come morning we need to get everything ready.”

  “Good, I’ll make sure Vigdis has everything ready for the morning.” King Oberson stated. “Your job is to get El home so Queen Ivoka can prepare her kingdom.”

  “Lazeen, you should send word to the Keepers so they can inform all of the dangers that are lurking.”

  “Your majesty, before we put fear into everyone, we might want to do some investigating to ensure what the giant said was the actual truth. You have enough to do here. I am sure Queen Ivoka would be willing to send people out to find out this news.”

  “It might be wise to check things out get a perspective of what is going on.”

  “Yes, you may be right. Please keep me informed.”

  The sun had just come over the horizon; everyone was out in front of the castle. King Oberson stood there talking to Lazeen. As El approached, Oberson hugged her, “Goodbye, for now, I will see you soon.”

  “Goodbye, take care of things here first. I know you will come to see me as soon as you can.”

  “Be safe, you may have healing powers, but you’re not invincible.”

  “Yes, sir!” Letting go of Oberson, she climbed up Zamian’s wing settling down on his back. She grabbed his horn. He waited until Vigdis, along with the rest of them, mounted. He took flight. He climbed higher and higher into the sky. Looking down, she could see the parts they had cleaned up. It was getting better. It shouldn’t be too long; they’ll have all the streets clear as for the rest that might take a while.

  He flew ahead to check if the pass was clear. He banked around, flying over Vigdis then down the line everyone was staying together with the wounded in the middle, so no one fell behind. He had to admit El came up with a good plan. He flew ahead, seeing the area where the bandits were at the last time they traveled this road.

  This time it was all clear, so he flew a bit farther the sun was starting it descend, over the horizon, he was looking for a place. He found a spot big enough for them all to stop for the night. Diving down toward the ground, El could see there was ample space. She figured he was having them stop so they could all take a break, especially the wounded. Grateful, she was hungry as well as sore. Standing, she climbed down his wing. Stepping onto the ground, she walked about to collect wood. As she watched Zamian go to the middle of the open area, to dig a hole for a fire pit. Once he had finished, he shifted back into human form. He began to help collect firewood. Walking over, she put the wood in a circle standing up using her fire magic; she lit the fire.

  Vigdis came into sight; she pulled over to the side dismounted. Coming over to El, she sat on the ground; she opened a bag handed her some dried meat. As they ate, Vigdis opened a canteen took a swig gave it to El, who did the same.

  Zamian came to sit next to the women, Vigdis handed him some dried meat and the canteen. It wasn’t long before Lazeen came over sat down, “Ugh,”

  “You ok old man?” Zamian looked at him, concerned.

  “I am fine, a little stiff; that is all.”

  “Just making sure, don’t want anything to happen to you.” Zamian laughed to lighten the mood.

  As she chewed her food, El watched the guards set up tents for everyone. Many of the wounded joined them around the fire. The heat felt good in the night air for the sun had gone down she placed several more logs on the fire. It was now big enough to be able to see everyone.

  Flying over the mountain, El could see below Zamian descended landing in the training area. Once on the ground, El slid down Zamian’s wing. He shifted back into human form; they stood there and waited for Lazeen, Vigdis, to come into the area along with the rest of the guards. Everyone dismounted Vigdis gave orders to Beleg to ensure all the equipment got put in its proper place, plus the horses are need of feed and of being brushed down.

  They all walked inside, headed down the hall. Entering the Great Hall, they walked over to the sitting area where Ivoka was sitting. As soon as she saw them, she stood, pulling El close, hugging her tight. “I am so glad you are alright. Please, everyone sits, tell me what happened and what you found out?”

  Vigdis started the conversation, “When we arrived, it was devastating the destruction the giants were causing. Several had huge bats; they were swinging through the houses. Destroying all in its path.”

  “It was El’s idea for us to split up to take out the giants. Each magic user took a group of guards with them. While we froze their legs, the guards cut through the ice shattering their legs so they would fall to the ground. Then they were stabbed in the head to finish them off.” Lazeen explained.

  “We questioned one of the giants he told us that
a hooded creature who works with the Magnus Shadowmend told them to come to eat the fairies. Food is scarce in the Realm of Tangusy. The Magnus Shadowmend is destroying everything. He is spreading evil throughout the land. They are in dark times,” Zamian stated with concern in his words.

  “We talked with King Oberson he is rebuilding. We told him we’d talk with you about sending out scouts to investigate what is going on in the Realm of Tangusy to see if, in fact, what the giants said is true. If so, we need to warn people, but if it's not, we don’t want to cause a false alarm.” Vigdis took a deep breath; this wasn’t good; she prayed the giant lied. Though she feared his words were valid.

  Everyone waited to see what Ivoka would say about the suggestion of the scouts. It would be her choice; she is responsible for all the lives within these walls. “I have to say I agree we need to know, but for now, we will let everyone rest a few days. Lazeen, can you write to your friend at the Keepers to see if she has heard any word or knows of anything. I feel it is good to do some leg work before we send out a scout.”

  “Yes, your majesty, I will write the letter tonight.”

  “Good, in the meantime you all get to settle in I am glad you are back home. I have missed you all dearly. We will meet tomorrow afternoon to discuss this situation further. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am going to retire for the night.”

  Everyone stood as the Queen rose from her chair, walking out of the room.

  “Well, she agreed to it. I agree some leg work needs to get done before we send someone off into unknown territory into whatever might be going on up there.” El smiled. “I call it a win.”

  Vigdis laughed, “Yes, it is a win. Don’t normally get many of them with Ivoka.”

  “Now that is no lie,” Lazeen piped in. “Well, I am off to write the letter to the Keepers. Goodnight.”

  “Well I’m going to check on my guards, you two go get some rest see you tomorrow.” Vigdis walked away from them then out the door.

  “Walk with me to at least the cross-hall, please?” Zamian smiled as he put out his arm.

  El smiled put her arm through his. “I will walk with you.”

  Once El was in her room, she had taken a bath; she had just finished dressing in her night attire when a knock came at her door. She walked over, pulling the door open, Elva was standing there with a tray in her hand. Opening the door wider, giving Elva access to enter the room, she walked over, setting the tray on the table. She thanked, Elva before shutting the door, locking it so no one could come in while she relaxed. Walking over to the table, took off the cloth to reveal a plate full of meat, vegetables, and some fruit. She sat at the table, started to eat.

  Zamian entered his room, he looked around, seeing a tub with hot water waiting for him. He stripped his clothes to climb into the tub, soaking to relax. He worried about this Magnus Shadowmend, creating destruction across the land, which looks to be very near, he wondered what they would have to do to ensure the safety of the Kingdoms. It took a lot of magic to bring down the Giants. He had to wait to be able to help El. He didn’t like that, though she handled herself thoroughly when she went flying through the air, the pain he felt within his chest was undeniable. She is vulnerable though she will never admit to it. She is still young; she needs to have time to grow for her powers to become stronger. He feared, she won’t be able to have that time, the enemy is on their doorstep, he doesn't like it at all. He had just finished, with his bath, when a knock came at the door, wrapped in a towel he went over opened the door.

  Elva stood there with a tray in her hand. Zamian moved behind the door, as he opened it up wide enough for her to come into the room, she walked over to the table, setting down the tray as she was leaving, seeing the redness in her cheeks from her, seeing him in a towel. He quickly thanked her as she walked out; he closed the door turning the lock.

  Zamian walked over to the table, sat in a chair, pulled off the cloth that covered the plate. He looked; it held a stack of meat. Which he just smiled; he was starving. It took no time for him to polish off every bit of food. Now with a full belly, he walked over and laid down on his bed, he stared at the ceiling, he was thinking about El, when she had laid here in his bed, the night the Dreamwalker had caused her so much agony. There were so many things they were going to need to learn; he knew she would be up to the task. She was a strong one. He hoped they wouldn’t have to go to the Keepers to seek info from the Seer; they were a creepy sort from what Lazeen had told him. He knew he needed to sleep, so he closed his eyes, trying his best to clear his mind.

  CRAWLING OUT OF BED, she could still feel the effects from the last few days of travel. She took her time getting dressed, not being in any rush, as she looked in the mirror, it was as good as it was going to get. She was heading downstairs to the balcony. She was ready to eat, she was hungry, plus she hoped it would help her to recover some of her energy. As she arrived on the balcony, she looked at Ivoka, seeing her smile, “Good morning, dear! How did you sleep?”

  “Like a log!”

  “Where is Zamian, will he not be joining us this morning?”

  “Right here.”

  She was turning to see Zamian coming out the door. He walked over to take the chair next to her at the table. She turned to look at him, wondering why he had chosen to sit next to her when he usually sat next to Lazeen.

  Lazeen came out joining them. He was full of energy this morning; he sat down at our end of the table, he sat next to Ivoka.

  “Where’s Vigdis this morning?” El inquired.

  “She is eating with the guards; she is trying to keep morale up.”

  It was just the four of them, they talked about little things, going on around Valorin. El knew her mother was keeping the conversation on the light side so everyone could enjoy their morning meal. The hard part of the day would start soon enough. She loved how at ease, Ivoka was as she played diplomat, even at her own dining table.

  Unfortunately, the morning meal ended, way to quickly for El, with all the dishes cleared; Lazeen jumped in with both feet. “So, I have sent word to her Grace Alice at the Barvicia Forest of the Keepers, for any information she could find out for us about any threats going on? Hopefully, it won't take too long to get a response back.”

  In the meantime, they can prepare on the home front, Zamian stated. For starters, El needs to work more with her magic. She needs to be able to get to the point where she can maintain her magic for long periods. She proved that it is powerful when she fought the Giants, but still being young, she’s not at her full capacity.

  “Zamian’s right, I had to keep upping my power. It was way harder than I expected it to be to take down giants.” She went on to explain, if she was to be able to endure a big battle, She needed to work on getting stronger, for right now, there would be no way for her to be able to stay in a war very long. “During practice with the guards, I used a lot of energy, but in an actual battle, it is more spread out and drawn out.”

  “From the sound of it, we are going to have some significant foe, out there, courtesy of this Magnus Shadowmend and his hooded creatures,” Zamian stressed he wasn’t sure how they need to prepare when they have no idea precisely what they will be facing.

  “Lazeen, I know you are friends with the Keepers, but how well do you trust them? Hear me out, if the Keepers have a Seer, why haven’t they done anything to stop this Magnus Shadowmend or the giants? Why have they not spread the word letting the Kingdoms know what is going on, so people could prepare to keep these lands safe? Plus, with all these people out to get me, we don’t know who we can trust; we have no idea who put the order out.” El’s voice echoed the concern she was feeling.

  Lazeen listened, he had to admit, what El said was sound in logic. With all that has been going on, it was hard to know who to trust anymore!

  “We can still ask the Keepers for information, but we need to investigate ourselves as well. We need to ensure the information that we are receiving is correct, we don’t want to be walking into
a massacre, because we didn’t do our homework,” El stated as she sat back in her chair. She grabbed her drink from the table; she drank down the last bit of her juice. She was happy to be back home; it felt right being here. She knew she wouldn’t be sitting here much longer, Zamian would have her out in the training area soon enough. She was still tired; all the traveling had taken a lot out of her, she so wanted a day to herself, but knew with all that was happening it wasn’t going to happen.

  “I will take care of sending out scouts. For now, I want you to relax. I just got you back it has been a while it's nice to have you home.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I am glad to be home.” She looked at Ivoka; she knew this had to be tough on her knowing she would be going into a battle.

  Once everyone had finished with their meal Ivoka and Lazeen had excused themselves, leaving El and Zamian at the table.

  Zamian smiled. He sat back in his chair, thinking to himself; El is exceptionally unique, she had talked Ivoka into sending scouts; she would make an exceptional leader someday. His heart fluttered with the thought of her being the ruler of the land. He was still feeling the effects of the last few days travels; he knew she was as well, “Why don’t we take today off, rest up a bit.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes, I am still feeling the effect of traveling, aren’t you?”

  El smiled. She knew that he already knew the answer, “Yes, I am.”

  “Then it is settled, will take today to relax and recover. Tomorrow when we have recovered our strength, then we get back to the grindstone of magic training.”

  “Sounds good to me.” She smiled.

  “Hey, you up for a game of chess?”

  Zamian smiled, “If you are up for losing?”

  Laughing, “You will be the one losing!” She got up from the table and walked down the hall to the room that contained the Chess Set. Stepping inside the room, she took her seat as she watched Zamian sit down across from her. “You want to be white or black?”

  “Last time you were white, I got my butt kicked, so this time I am going with white.”


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