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The Rock Star And The Virgin (Virgin Erotic Romance)

Page 4

by Harmony Raines

  Shifting his weight he moved in and out of her slowly, giving her body time to adjust to him, although he had to use all his self control not to take her hard and quick. His cock throbbed, he needed to come, her mouth had brought him so close and he hadn't calmed down enough in between then and penetrating her to last too long. But for her comfort and need, he controlled himself.

  He increased his momentum slightly, feeling her body less tense, Sarah ran her fingers up and down his back, pressing them into him and urging him on. She tilted her pelvis up slightly, his body brushed against her mound, the pressure stimulating her clit. Billy knew from experience with women that she was close to coming, he covered her breast with his mouth, sucking in the hard nipple, it had the desired effect, sending her crashing in waves of ecstasy.

  Her nails dug into his back, he nipped and sucked on her breasts, swirling his tongue over first one then the other. Her sex contracted around his cock, which in turn he allowed to erupt, filling the condom with his seed. He allowed himself to thrust into her as she clung to him in the throes of her orgasm. Grinding his hips to penetrate deeply, jerking inside her tight sex.

  Sarah's whole body tensed, overcome by the feel of him inside her and the touch of him on her skin. Her nipples had hardened until they were painfully sore, from his mouth on them. Yet the pain was like no other, it added to the intensity of her orgasm. Her body a mess of raw nerves all clamouring to be heard. Never in her life had she been physically out of control until now, it felt wonderful and so freeing.

  Billy relaxed on top of her as his climax subsided, his breathing laboured from the exertion. He moved his weight off her and slowly slid out of her, keeping the condom over his cock. The last thing he wanted was for Sarah to become pregnant, he wanted to offer her a life of freedom for a couple of years before they settle down and had children. Yes, he had thought that far ahead. In fact he had thought it through so thoroughly that the only thing that scared him was Sarah turning him down. After this evening he didn’t think that would be likely.

  “Are you OK?” he asked her, his breathing coming back to normal.

  “Yes, I’m sorry if I scratched your back.”

  “Its fine, I hope that means you enjoyed it.”

  “I did. Really. Thank you.”

  “I didn’t hurt you?”

  “No, not at all. And anyway it was worth it for...after.”

  He smiled at her naivety, he had spent too long with women who were not afraid to ask for what they wanted. Sarah was the innocence he thought he had lost, now lying with her he felt at ease, more than he had for years.

  “Shall we go and eat? I switched everything off before I came up, but I didn’t expect to be so long. My mother would be disappointed if she finds out I let everything spoil.”

  “I’m sure it'll be fantastic, if the smell is anything to go by.” Sarah's stomach growled in anticipation. “I need to go clean up first though.”

  “Of course,” Billy said moving off the bed and grabbing his clothes. “Well. You know where everything is, come on down when you’re ready.” He disappeared down the stairs and began clattering about in the kitchen. Sarah picked up her dress and things and headed for the small bathroom.

  She closed the door behind her, catching sight of herself in the mirror. Looking closely she could see no visible signs of difference, other than her make-up had run a little. She didn’t expect to, yet she felt so different inside, light, happy. For the first time in a long time, she had something that was hers and only hers. She had a lover.

  Smiling to herself she switched on the tap and began to make herself presentable again. Five minutes later she left the bathroom and went down to join Billy. He had set the table and dished up the food he must have spent hours preparing.

  “You're Mom taught you well,” Sarah said.

  “I was in a bit of a downward spiral, too much drink,” he paused, “And drugs.” He looked to see how shocked her expression was, relieved when she only showed interest not horror. “She took me home and treated me like a child, curfews and everything. Then she turned me into quite the home-maker, to keep me busy. As you know she works hard and is a stern taskmaster. But thankfully it worked.”

  Sarah laughed, “I can just imagine. She always was the hardest worker, so my father said.”

  “She hasn't changed, now she doesn’t need money, she helps out at a couple of charities, and I don’t think they knew what hit them.”

  “I don’t think she would like being idle.”

  “No. It took a while to persuade her to leave Cedar Falls. And then to accept the money I put into her bank each week. But now she's happy, and she knows it makes me happy, after all she's done for me.”

  “It can’t have been easy bringing you up alone.”

  “I was a bit of a handful.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that!”

  “I know,” he smiled reassuringly, “But I was.”

  “She must be proud of you.”

  “Yes.” Billy fell silent.

  Sarah wondered if she'd upset him. “This is delicious, my Mom will be after your recipes.”

  They chatted like they had never been apart, skirting around any sensitive topics. They could wait for another time, Sarah told him about everyone in town who he still remembered. What their old school mates were doing, who had married who. He told her about all the different countries he had been to.

  As he went on Sarah realised what completely different lives they had made, and wondered if they really could make a life together.

  “I need to get home,” Sarah said noticing the time. “My parents will be worried if I’m too late.”

  “OK. I don’t want them to think badly of me. They'll think I’m corrupting you with my rock star ways.”

  “They trust you. It's just, I don’t go out normally, so this is a bit strange for them.”

  “I’m sorry you’ve had a tough few years.”

  Sarah cupped his face in her hands, kissing him on the lips. “Don't feel sorry for me. I’m just glad you’re back.”

  He took her home, driving carefully down the track and onto the road. They were outside her house within ten minutes, as she thought the lights were still on, her parents had stayed up waiting for her.

  “Shall I come in?”

  “No, I’ll go in and get straight to bed. We've all got to work in the morning.”

  “Except me.”

  “Except you. How long are you going to be around for?” Sarah hoped it was more than a few days.

  “As long as it takes. The band is having six months off and I kind of like the idea of having nothing to do. Except see you.” He kissed her, a long kiss filled with passion and longing. Sarah struggled to break away, wanting it to last forever, but she had to get to bed.

  “Goodnight, Billy.” She jumped out the car and ran up the driveway.

  “Goodnight, Sarah. I’ll pick you up tomorrow after work.”

  She waved as she disappeared into the house. He drove off, heading back to the little cabin his head filled with the thought of Sarah, wishing she was waiting for him in bed.

  Chapter Four

  He waited for her outside the diner when her shift finished. She slid into the car next to him and he leaned over to kiss her. “Good day?” he asked.

  “I guess, Jenny came in. I think she was trying to find out what you were doing last night.”

  “Did you tell her I spent it here,” he said sliding his hand up under her skirt.

  “I most certainly did not!”

  “Shame, I would like to have seen her face.”

  “You are a wicked man, Billy.”

  “I want to be so wicked with you.” He let her go and started the engine. “Do you want to go and get changed into something that's easy to take off? Because I want to make love to you again, and I can’t wait much longer.”

  Glancing down she could see the bulge in his trousers, Sarah smiled to herself, glad she had the same effect on him as he did on

  They drove to her house, Billy parked the car on the road and they went up the drive hand in hand. Anyone seeing them would think they were a couple of teenagers in love, and that was exactly how Sarah felt. Her heart could burst, she was astounded at the difference a day could make. Was it only yesterday that she had come home worried he was going to make a fool of her?

  “Hi, Mom,” Sarah called as she opened the front door, Billy close behind her. “Billy's with me.”

  “Hi kids,” her Mom called from the kitchen. Sarah went through to see her, giving her a hug.

  “I’m going to get changed and then we're going out. Can I leave Billy with you, but please don’t ask for his autograph.”

  “As if I would!”” Her Mom laughed. “Although I do like listening to you’re music Billy.”

  Sarah grabbed two drinks from the fridge and handed one to Billy. “I’ve already told him you have all his CDs”

  “I’m not ashamed to admit I’ve taken an interest in Billy's career. But then we all knew you would make a success of yourself, you just needed a bit of a break, and you certainly got it when you left our little town.” She patted Billy affectionately on the arm. “Don't worry he'll be quite safe with me.”

  Sarah went upstairs, giggling.

  “Tell me Billy, why did you come back?”

  Billy took a sip of his drink then placed it down on the counter top. “To see Sarah.”

  She sighed, “Please don’t hurt her, Billy. She's given up so much for us, she deserves to be happy, but not led on. If you're just having a fling with her, don’t hurt her by promising her more.”

  “I promise you, Mrs H, I have only good intentions towards Sarah. I want to make her happy, I’m just worried my previous behaviour will come back to haunt me.”

  “Your past is your past Billy. We all make mistakes, you have to learn from them and move on. Sarah had to live through all the stigma of her family losing its fortune. We lost everything, people we thought were our friends shunned us. Sarah accepted it and moved on, she's a tough girl. You need to be honest with her, and it'll be fine.”

  They could here Sarah coming down the stairs. “Thanks Mrs H, I will do the right thing by Sarah, don’t worry.” He kissed her on the cheek as Sarah skipped into the room.

  “Wow Mom! I bet you won’t wash that cheek for a week.”

  “Or more,” said her Mom, blushing. “You look beautiful, honey; now go and have fun like young people are meant to.”

  She smiled as the two of them headed out, her mind eased by Billy's words. Despite everything, Sarah's parents thought highly of Billy, and she hadn't seen her daughter this happy for months. Thinking further back she realised she hadn't seen Sarah this happy for years.


  Soon they were driving up the track leading to the cabin. Sarah couldn’t wait to look at the place properly, in the light. Even though the image of the cabin was firmly etched in her mind she wanted to see how it had changed. How big the trees had grown, whether the shrubs they had planted had survived. Would it still look the same to her as it did in her childhood dreams? Or would it have changed as much as she had?

  They were close enough for her to see it, slowly getting bigger as they approached. She caught her breath, it really did look the same. She could make out the big oak where they had carved their names as kids, the flowers she had planted with her father still grew. Her heart filled with happiness, this cabin had always been a link to good memories and she was relieved those memories would not be tarnished.

  “So what do you have planned?” she asked Billy as they got out of his car.

  “A picnic.”

  “A picnic! I can’t remember the last time I did that.”

  “Give me a hand to bring everything out. We can sit and watch the sun go down.”


  They went inside. Billy had been busy cooking again, everything was ready to eat. He grabbed a rug and they lay it out in front of the cabin. The air was warm, with a faint breeze, perfect. Billy watched Sarah move, the sway of her hips, the way the breeze caught her hair. His cock hardened in his pants, he would like nothing better than to lay her on the rug and make love to her. But first he wanted to tell her what she was letting herself in for if she stayed with him.

  Sitting in close proximity, their bodies barely touching, they ate. Talking about the cabin, sharing their memories of the place. Many of the things they remembered were times they had spent here together. Halloween ghost stories, sledging down the hill and spring when the whole of the mountain seemed to be alive with nature waking from its winter slumber.

  “I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed moments like this,” Billy said, sounding serious. “Life went a bit mad, if only I had come back here more often it might have helped ground me.”

  Sarah leaned forward and kissed him. “There's the rest of your life to enjoy Billy.”

  “I know,” he said turning to her. “And I want to share it with you, Sarah. I’m afraid that one day my past might come back to haunt me and you'll get hurt. Maybe it would be better if I hadn't come here.”

  “Don't say that, Billy! You coming back is the best thing that has happened to me for as long as I can remember. Even if you aren't planning to stay, last night, all of this, I have no regrets.”

  He reached up, tangling his fingers in her hair. “Do you have any idea how much I want you?”

  She slid her hand into his lap, feeling his hard cock. “I think I have a big idea.”

  “But what if I’m wrong for you? What if someone sells a story about me, what I’ve done...? You know, women and things.”

  “So? As long as you are faithful to me now, Billy, that's all that matters.”

  “I will. I’ve learnt from experience, believe me, I’m not going there again. Anyway, my Mom would kill me.”

  “I bet she would.” Sarah stroked his cheek. “I think I’ve been waiting for you, now you’re here I can’t imagine being with anyone else. And my parents already love you.”

  “I owe them so much.”

  “Really? I thought we owed you so much, buying the cabin and all.”

  “You don’t know?”

  “Know what?”

  “That it was your Dad who paid for my ticket to LA. He set up a job for me in a recording studio, some buddy of his. That’s where I met the band, they were looking for a guitarist, I auditioned, and the rest is history, well urban myth mostly.”

  “No. He never said.”

  “First I thought it was because they wanted me away from you. But it wasn’t, he knew I wouldn’t get anywhere in this town. He was right.”

  “But you’re back now and the past is the past.” Sarah wanted them both to be able to put their pasts behind them. “I thought you had some wine, why don’t you get it and we can make a toast to our future.”

  Sarah lay back, watching the clouds skitter across the sky, while Billy disappeared into the cabin. He returned with two glasses and the bottle. He popped the cork, pouring it into the glasses while Sarah held them. He took one from her. “Here's to us, and whatever life has in store for us.”

  “May it be good,” Sarah added, as their glasses touched.

  They drank the wine, neither of them saying much, the alcohol made a fire in Sarah's body that flared into a deep need to feel Billy's hands on her body. As they both finished and placed their glasses on the rug, Billy reached out for Sarah's hand. Drawing it to his mouth he kissed the palm of it sending tremors through her body. He used the tip his tongue to trace patterns on the sensitive flesh, Sarah sat staring at her hand, her sex flaming with the need to be touched.

  Billy slid his hand up her thigh, she parted her legs for him and he pushed her panties aside, inserting his finger in her sex. His tongue made the nerve endings in her palm tingle, while his fingers explored her wet depths.

  While she still had control of her senses Sarah managed to bring her hand back to his hard shaft and massage it through his pants, she
ran her fingers up the length of it, squeezing it as the moved.

  Billy groaned, “I need to put my cock, in here,” He said pushing his fingers deep inside her pussy.

  “Yes, please.”

  He reached up her skirt with both hands and tugged at the elastic of her panties. “What are you doing?” Sarah felt shocked.

  “If we get rid of these,” he said, pulling her panties over her feet, “And you sit in my lap, no one will see, your skirt will cover everything.”

  “You want to make love outside?”

  “Yes. You do know I’m a rock star? I have to do these things to keep up my reputation.” Billy said mockingly. “Come on. No one will see, and it’s been a fantasy of mine for some while now, making love to you here on the side of the mountain”

  “You've had fantasies about me?”

  “You have no idea. Believe me this is one of the tamer ones.”

  The fact she no longer had any panties on made Sarah feel strangely aroused. She reached for his belt, together they undid his pants and she slipped one leg over his thighs to sit astride him. She raised herself up on her knees while he got a condom from his pocket and expertly put it on under the cover of her skirt.

  “Ready?” Billy asked. Sarah nodded. “Slowly, take you time.”

  He held his cock and guided her down onto it. Sarah felt the head press against her sex; she closed her eyes as she lowered herself down and took the head of him inside. She was acutely aware of her sex spreading open for him. She felt every inch of his invasion into her pussy, it was incredible being so in control.

  Billy placed his hand under her skirt and rubbed his finger over her clit, Sarah's eyes flew open. “Ohhh!”



  She lowered herself down, impaling herself on his wide girth, his fingers making her clit throb. Slick with arousal he slid inside her easily with none of the stinging pain of the night before. When she was sat completely in his lap, her sex wrapped tightly around him, she felt incredibly full. Billy watched her face as she adjusted to his thick shaft, his fingers stimulating her clit still.


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