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B*stard: Royal B*stards MC (Texas)

Page 11

by Sapphire Knight

  Ripper meets my stare, keeping our gazes locked as they all come to a stop in front of me. “Gem,” he greets with his signature throaty rasp. I’ve noticed it only sounds like that when it comes to the nickname that he’s given me. He flicks his intelligent hazel orbs over my thin blouse and business skirt. He’s never seen me in my work clothes before now; he’s always gotten the relaxed version of me. Especially when he sneaks into my hotel room at night, I’m barely wearing anything at all, eager for his touch.

  “Ripper,” the road name leaves me on a breath and then two security men are coming down the stairs, my father following behind. He’s got two others behind him and one on the plane for backup My own detail stands beside me, not that eight men could protect us from the Royal Bastards. I know better. These guys would never fight fair if it came down to it, and they’d chew through the security guys with bullets like they were an appetizer. The MC takes whatever they want and, in this case, it’s cold hard cash for my younger, rebellious sister. Madison’s fortunate. Another club could’ve gotten ahold of her and she may’ve not been as lucky to make it out of this unscathed.

  “Ripper?” My father scans the guys until he lands on the president standing near me. There’s no way you can misinterpret who’s the leader here. He wears it like an invisible crown.

  Ripper nods, appearing stony and intimidating.

  “My daughter says you have something to speak with me about…a favor of sorts?”

  “I do,” Ripper confirms, holding his hand out for my father to shake.

  I’d begged my dad to hear him out. Thankfully, he seems to be taking my request seriously. He shakes the biker’s hand, offering him a nod. The move sets me at ease, thankful my father isn’t rebuking the idea immediately.

  “We can walk and talk, if you’d prefer?” my father suggests, and my eyes shoot to Ripper, silently begging him to be on his best behavior. I’d never want to change the stubborn man. I only want him to have a fair shot at getting what he desires.

  He acquiesces, and they veer off to the right. Blow picks up his flank and a guard does the same for my father. I watch as Powerhouse securely holds my sister to him. He’s careful not to hurt her, while telling her to be a good girl and do as she’s told. Little does he know, my sister has never done what she was supposed to. I certainly don’t expect her to start now, either.

  “You’re a bitch, you know that?” Madison says to me as tears streak down her cheeks. Of course, she acts like this is my fault, and she hates me for it. Never mind that she’s the one who ran away and scared us all half to death like some unruly teenager. She won’t take responsibility for any of it. She never has in the past.

  “You should’ve called, then maybe you could’ve worked something out with Dad. This isn’t my fault.”

  She scoffs and rolls her eyes, glaring at me as if I’m the filth beneath her shoe. “Give me a fucking break! You know he would’ve sent the hounds, regardless. He always does.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t have left in the middle of the night then!” I scream in return, losing my temper. She’s so selfish. Doesn’t she realize that she’s not the only one who bears this responsibility? I’m just as stuck as she is, damn it! Besides, I was just as worried about her too, and let’s not forget our poor mother who Dad likes to keep everything from. Her behavior wasn’t fair to any of us, yet she wants to place the blame all on me. She’s lost it if she believes I’ll accept that burden as well.

  “I’m a grown woman! You sold me out, you fucking kiss ass!” she shrieks in return.

  “Your language has certainly gotten more colorful this time around. This is why he treats you like a child, because you act like one. Excuse me for being worried about you!” Tears prick at the back of my eyes, but I won’t allow them to fall.

  This is the thanks I get for searching for her for months. She doesn’t deserve my tears right now. She’s never been happy to come home, but she’d always given in as soon as I’ve had a chance to really speak to her. This time, though, she’s treating me like I’m the Antichrist—as if I’m as bad as our controlling father. The last thing I desire is influence over her life. I only want her safety, for Christ’s sake.

  She wails into Powerhouse’s massive chest, sobbing and calling out brokenly for Blow. She sounds like a little girl who’s lost her mother—it’s a bit heartbreaking, to be honest. The brawny sergeant at arms wraps her up, shushing her, cooing like she’s a fragile being. The entire scene is bizarre, and if my father witnesses her acting like this, he’s really going to freak out and make sure she doesn’t have a chance to leave again. She’ll be married the moment we touch down at home to some country club prepster, knocked up by next week, and placed on a steady supply of Prozac as soon as the kid leaves her womb. If she knew what was good for her, she’d be rational about her behavior. Has she learned nothing from me being trustworthy and devoted to our father? In doing so, he’s given me more freedom then she’s ever had.

  The security guys around us act as if nothing is going on, and it irks me like no other. How can they be so blind? I know they’re paid to be discreet, but I’d at least be asking if this was legal.

  “Calm down, you’re only making this worse than what it could be.” I attempt to break through to Madison, but you’d think I was speaking to a wall. She doesn’t even acknowledge me. She pretends I’m not here, just like the security guys. She’s really gone off the deep end this time around, and I know my father won’t take to that very well. He craves stability and a good image, and she’s defying all of that at the moment. On the upside, my father will be too distracted with Madison to pay attention to me. After all this, less attention sounds like a blessing.

  I wish I knew how to help Madison, but I’m at a loss. There’s only so much I can make happen, unfortunately. While my parents are wealthy and powerful in a sense, depending on which circle they’re pushing their weight around in, I don’t have the same luxury. My parents’ money and father’s title is theirs alone. It doesn’t help me past getting a decent job or an occasional favor. My sister is on her own with this and I hate that.

  I love my father, I really do, but I’m beginning to realize just how much he cages us up. It’s not only my sister and me, but my mom too. Only she doesn’t fight it. She sneaks around him to get information, but overall, she keeps the peace. Until recently, I’d never realized that I’d been doing the same thing in my own way. Madison’s the only one in our family who’s repeatedly stood up to him for what she wants.

  I used to see her as young and immature, but that’s not the case at all. She’s brave, and the fact that she’s willing to give up everything to find her happiness—to fight for it—has me in awe of her. I’ve been jaded my entire life, believing that I was the one being a role model for her. When in reality, I should’ve been taking a page from her book about independence.

  “I’m sorry,” I manage to whisper in her direction, watching as my father and Ripper begin their stroll back toward the private jet and motorcycles. She stares at me with such devastation, that I can’t help but feel a touch of hate bloom in my chest. What have I done? I think, but I know the answer to my own question. I can see it plain as day…I’ve clipped her wings.

  The two men come to a stop, sandwiched between my sister and me. I look to them both for any signs that they’ve reached a mutual deal, or God forbid, the opposite. Ripper had wanted more, though I’m not exactly sure what that was or what it’d entail. Whatever happened between them has things moving so quickly that my mind begins to spin, not knowing what to think.

  My father calls for one of his guys and gestures in the direction of Madison. Ripper nods at Powerhouse, and the giant SAA immediately follows the silent order to hand my sister over. Madison fights like a hellcat, screaming and clinging to Powerhouse. She doesn’t realize that unless the MC steps in to protect her, nothing will stop my father from putting her on that plane. She’s too weak compared to these men and given that she’s been doing her fair share
of drugs, she’s thinner than her usual tiny self.

  My father jerks his cell from his inside breast pocket, pressing a speed dial. The person on the other end must answer instantly as he barks, “Marissa!” That one word is all I need to hear to know what’s about to happen.

  An older, dark haired woman dressed business casual descends the jet’s stairs with grace. I recognize her immediately as my father’s personal doctor. She’s with him at all times when he’s busy campaigning to make sure he remains as healthy as possible. The traveling, germs, weather, and everything else combined takes a serious toll on the body.

  “Please,” he waves toward my sister.

  Marissa reaches into her slacks, coming back with a shot. She plucks the plastic protector off the needle and adjusts the plunger.

  “I hate you all!” Madison shrieks in outrage, vibrating with fury.

  Marissa coos, attempting to come off as soothing. “Shh, darling, this will help you relax. We don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

  Powerhouse and my father’s man both struggle to hold my sister still for the doctor. Marissa somehow squeezes in, sinking the shot into my sister’s thigh. Madison wails during the entire process, and my stomach spins with unease, making me want to puke. None of this should’ve ever happened.

  One quick glance at Blow shows he’s about to lose it himself. He won’t do anything until Ripper gives him the okay, though. I think that’s the only thing saving anyone from him right now—his respect and loyalty for his president.

  My sister grows quiet within moments, her body becoming limp. Powerhouse looks to Ripper before handing her over. Once he has the okay from his prez, Madison is exchanged and is instantly carried to the jet. Marissa follows behind. She’ll monitor my sister, checking her vitals and such once they get her laid down on the plane. I know Madison will be taken care of, but it still has my heart racing for her. I hate that this happened and especially like this. My stubborn younger sister will hold a grudge against me for who knows how long.

  The tears I’d been fighting trail down my cheeks. It makes me sick seeing my sister so distraught, and knowing I’m partially responsible for setting this exchange up claws up my insides. I’m overfilled with guilt and turmoil.

  My father steps to me, drawing me into his arms. His spicy aftershave that I’ve sought comfort in so many times in the past, only makes me feel more nauseated. I can’t believe everything went this far today. It’s crushing to process. I’m in shock that he took it to this level. If she wanted to stay so badly, why didn’t he offer up security and just let her have her way? It doesn’t fit his narrative, but when is it ever going to be too much to him?

  “I’ll make sure Madison gets the help she needs. Marissa will take good care of her. Once your sister is back around your mother, she’ll come to her senses. Don’t you worry about this anymore, honey.”

  I nod, sniffling. I don’t believe that, though—not anymore. I won’t say it aloud after witnessing my sister get drugged to stop fighting for her freedom. I could be next at this rate, and that thought absolutely terrifies me. The person I’ve believed in just showed his true colors, and I can no longer place my trust in him. That revelation is life altering. I’ve always been a daddy’s girl; now, I can’t stand the sight of him.

  He pulls back, holding my shoulders to meet my teary gaze. He offers me a smile, the kind one he’d often only share with me in the midst of his busy days. It always made me believe that I was his favorite. I was stupid. “Ripper tells me you’ve been enjoying it here. That’s good to hear, honey.”

  I bite my cheek. There’s a lump in my throat that feels as big as a baseball. I offer a silent nod, not wanting to upset him and taste the repercussions. I’ve always thought that I knew my father completely, but apparently, I know nothing.

  He squeezes my shoulders affectionately, the smile lines around his eyes crinkling. “After so much traveling, you deserve a chance to relax. I was planning on us having a celebration when you came home, but Ripper made another suggestion.”

  I can feel the man in question’s gaze burning into me, but I don’t dare break eye contact with my father. If I show him any disrespect, he shuts down. He’s been like that for as long as I can remember. “How thoughtful,” I offer, managing to conjure up a placating smile.

  “Indeed. He’s offered to host you here for a while longer. Only if you’d like to stay, that is.”

  “I would love to. There’s so much in central Texas that I’ve yet to see. This sunshine is a nice changeup compared to home too.”

  He nods, acting as if he’d thought the same thing. It’s all lies. Everything is a lie. How could I have been so blind before to not see it?

  “Ripper has agreed to allow Richardson to stay back with you. We have an understanding that the MC will assist in protecting you.” He wags his finger to implement his words. “Don’t leave the safety he’s offering, or I’ll be forced to send your team back.”

  It takes everything in me to not jump up and down and squeal in excitement. I don’t know what type of voodoo magic Ripper managed to work over my father, but he’ll be getting his cock sucked later for it.

  “How generous.” I flick my eyes to Ripper’s momentarily. “Thank you.”

  He nods, wearing a haughty smirk. The cocky bastard. I don’t care, though; he can be a bit conceited after working out a deal with my father for me to stay here. The only thing that could make it any better would be Madison remaining here with me. That will never happen though, and I know better than to ask.

  Ripper murmurs, “It’s nothing. I’m glad we could work something out that’ll make us all happy.”

  My father nods along, like a life-sized bobble head. “I hate to cut this short, honey, but I need to get your sister home and back on the right track. I have a feeling this time will take longer than the last. I wish she were more like you,” he confesses, making me uncomfortable. I’m standing here wishing I were more like her in the courage and independence department.

  I lean in to give him a squeeze and then step out of his hold, wanting him to leave as soon as humanly possible. “Have a safe flight.”

  “Will do and we’ll speak soon. Love you, Alice.”

  “Love you too,” I reply automatically and slide another step closer to Ripper. I’m almost in the clear.

  I can handle having Richardson here; he doesn’t bother me much. He won’t be fond of being around Ripper and his MC brothers, but that’s not my problem. My father is willingly leaving me with Ripper, so he must’ve asked for something extensive in return. Frankly, I’m shocked he’s allowing me to stay here at all, let alone with the MC. I was expecting him to snub the club and have me on the next flight home, quicker than I could blink. Something extraordinary had to happen between them for me to be remaining in Texas.

  I could ask Ripper for more details, but I have a feeling he won’t say much, and my father will only lie. That much I’m certain of now. I should probably worry about what my freedom’s costing, but at the moment, I can’t find it in myself to.

  While I’m sad for my sister, I’m grateful I’m not in her shoes. There’s no telling what my father has planned for her. Call me heartless, but at some point, I have to think of myself. I was literally traipsing all over the country looking for her. I’ve done more than what I should’ve, according to Madison. She wants me to butt out of her life, so that’s what I’m going to do.

  Richardson falls in beside me as I turn in the direction of the Cadillac. My belongings are in the trunk, along with Richardson’s. I wonder if we’ll check back into the same hotel or if we can find one closer to Ripper? That’s not up to me, unless I’m paying for it, and my father never mentioned as much. To me, that means he’s footing this bill, and after discovering he’s not the man I thought he was, I’ll take whatever I can get from his pockets. I don’t care if that sounds shallow. I’m angry and feel betrayed if I’m being honest with myself.

  Ripper growls, “Where do you think you’r
e goin’, Gem?”

  The deep rasp pulls me from my thoughts. I spin around to him, my brows lifting. “I’m going to the car. We’ve got to check back into the hotel and put our things in our rooms.”

  He chuckles, adopting that sexy grin I enjoy so much, while swaggering over to me. He stops less than a foot away and shakes his head. “Oh, no, babe.”

  “No?” I cock a brow, confused. I thought I was staying here.

  “Mm, you’re coming home with me. Didn’t you hear your pops? You’re staying with me and my club. Same as ol’ boy, here.” He tilts his head in the direction of Richardson. My mouth falls open. I definitely wasn’t expecting this turn of events. “Your security is my motherfuckin’ priority now, not any hired suits. I agreed to him.” He chin-lifts to my personal bodyguard. “Staying as a courtesy to your father. He can follow in the cage. You ride with me on my bike, and that goes for all times, babe.”

  Richardson moves to protest, but I hold my hand up, stopping him before he starts any trouble. “I’ve never ridden on a motorcycle.”

  “There’s a first time for everything. Hike that skirt up on your sexy thighs, wrap them gorgeous legs around me, and hold the fuck on. There ain’t much else to it.” He winks, placing his palm out to me.

  I smile, my cheeks pink at all the compliments he managed to work into his brief instructions. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.” I lay my hand in his, allowing him to take me where he wants.

  I can hear Richardson protesting all the way to the bikes, and I can’t help but laugh. He eventually takes the hint as I climb on the motorcycle behind Ripper and wrap my arms tightly around his middle. Richardson takes off in a jog to the car as the thunder of the roaring engines consumes the air.

  I manage to get off a quick wave to my father’s plane, as I know he’s probably fuming at seeing me like this, then I hold on to the delicious man before me. I’m ready for the ride of my life, and there’s no doubt in my mind, Ripper’s the man to give it to me.


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