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B*stard: Royal B*stards MC (Texas)

Page 14

by Sapphire Knight

  He carefully draws back, jerking my skirt in place to cover my cum soaked thighs. He moves to fix my blouse for me also, before he goes to tuck his cock back inside his jeans. “Exactly what you think…what I said while we were fucking.”

  “You don’t think it’s too soon?” I can hear the guys yelling in the background, but this conversation is far too important to break eye contact and allow them to interrupt us.

  He shrugs. “I’m going by what I feel, not by what I think. My heart and my gut tell me you’re it for me. I’m not trying to scare you, but I want you to know that this is absolutely real to me. After hearing you tell the guys you weren’t sure what I wanted, it’s pretty fucking imperative that I make myself clear with my intentions.”

  Biting my inner cheek, I think over what he’s saying. No matter how unconventional I’d have thought it to be in the past, this is what I want now. The only problem standing in my way right now is my father. I can’t see him accepting Ripper and me as a couple or in any scenario that has us ending up together. Although I was shocked with him allowing me to remain back with Ripper a while longer. I know it doesn’t mean it’s a permanent thing, when it comes to my father’s compliancy though.

  “My heart is telling me it wants you too.”

  “Then what’s the issue? I can see it in your eyes…there’s something bothering you.” He takes a step backward but reaches for my hand. He’s always touching me. That’s another thing I like. He never makes me feel like I’m putting him out, but that he wants me close by his side.

  “You’ve met my father, Ripper…he’s not exactly fond of his daughters having much freedom.”

  “Mm,” he grunts, pulling me away from the wall. He turns around, dropping my hand to tuck me under his arm. He takes his time with me, striding back to the table with the others. Before we reach them, he says, “You let me worry about the senator, yeah? You just concentrate on relaxing and getting used to the club. If I have any say in how this turns out, this’ll be one of your homes. The other will be alone with me, when we’re ready for it.”

  I shoot him a soft look, my lips tilting up. Like I said before, this bastard has his moments. I’ll do as he asks, and if my father doesn’t eventually concede, I have a feeling that I’ll be the next one running away from him.

  Chapter 14

  You are either on my side,

  by my side, or in my fucking way.

  Choose wisely.

  - Our Mindful Life

  The mark was easy to get to. He's not as well protected as Senator Compton's grown accustomed to being. This idiot merely has a basic security system inside his big ass gated mansion. He doesn't even have cameras; he's making this far too easy on us.

  Once Gem and I had our little talk in the club, I knew I had to get up here and take care of this shit. I need something on her pops to hold him off for good, and murder is just the thing to do it. I’m not planning on letting Alice go back to that overbearing fuck, and if he fights me on it, he’ll pay. Of that, I’m certain. I told my woman to let me handle him, and she’s agreed. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know what in the hell to do with me, so she just goes with it. It’s one of the many things I enjoy about her most—her willingness to be open and trust me.

  I wasn’t kidding in the least bit when I told her how I feel. If anything, it grows stronger with each passing day. It sucks I had to leave her right afterward, to head out on this run. The job has to get done, though, and my brothers will look after her. I’m hoping the time apart will give us each a chance to think on things without the other being right there to influence our feelings. So far, however, the distance has only made me want her more. I keep looking to the future, and she’s always included in those thoughts.

  "Seems too good to be true," Angel snarls, keeping his voice quiet. He's my backup, along with his prospect, Lunatic. The club wasn't too keen on me doing the job myself. The only way I got them all to agree to the vote for it was with the club enforcer having my back. Along with his twisted project Lunatic, to take the fall in case we got caught. Luna doesn’t know that last little bit of the plan though, as I’m sure he wouldn’t exactly volunteer himself to get locked up on the account of us. I'm more than capable of snuffing this rich fucker out, but the club doesn't want me, their prez, risking my neck.

  My brothers don't realize that I have to be the one to do this. I'm keeping good on my word. While Alice may not know a fuckin' thing about what I'm doing out here to keep her at my club, she's not completely oblivious. She's smart enough to see that something big is going down, and to know it's gotta be significant if her pops has agreed to letting her stay with me at the compound so far.

  I told the senator I'd do what I had to-to take care of his request, and I meant it. Powerhouse and Whiskey have taken to Alice, so they’ve agreed to keep a close watch on her while I'm out of state. The last thing I need to be concerned about while on a job is her safety and well-being. If that so-called threat the senator had previously mentioned decides to show up, I’m going to lose my shit and hightail it back home to fuck somebody up. At least with me killing this john, the senator will know I’m dead fucking serious about burying anyone who thinks they can fuck with Alice—in any aspect. I won’t play with her life. As far as I’m concerned, her father is as much a threat to her as anyone.

  I cast an impatient glance at Angel and crack my neck. It's time to handle this shit and get the fuck outta here. I have a woman waiting on me and that's the best sort of motivation to hurry the fuck up and take care of business.

  The huge fucker nods to me and orders Lunatic to stay behind as our lookout. The stubborn enforcer pushes inside through the back door. It’s one of those doors filled with windowpanes you can easily kick in. I guess the owner didn’t think about security with the back entry either, since it leads out to a sparkling heated sapphire pool.

  The brothers and I each hold our own set of talents—aside from killing, anyhow. For example, Angel isn’t only responsible for death, but is also smooth as glass when it comes to breaking and entering. You wouldn't think that by his massive bulk. If you know anything about my brother, however, you’d be aware that he's the quiet type. That trait works like a charm for him slipping into places undetected.

  I, on the other hand, am a jack of varied trades. I dabble in whatever the fuck heeds my attention. The upside of being prez is I can do whatever I want.

  The door opens soundlessly. There’s not even a creak to give away our position, thanks to the new construction. We slip inside, already aware of which side of the house our prey is on. The uppity motherfucker was stupid enough to leave all his lights off when he was gone. Once he stepped over the threshold, he was flipping on lights as he went. It was like a beacon, and our luck doubled in size when we realized his family didn’t come home with him. That could’ve been a hiccup, as I won’t stand for hurting innocent women and children, but no need to think on it now. I can put a few bullets in him, courtesy of my silencer and the world will be rid of one more perverted fucker with a God complex.

  Our steps are nearly silent as we move together, careful not to bump into anything. I take the lead with Angel at my back. The brothers always got my six and that's a damn good feeling to have about a Royal Bastard.

  His hand hits the middle of my back, and I reach behind me. He passes me his blade. I wasn't trying to get messy, I brought a silencer to make this quick and easy, but Angel's plan must've shifted. I wonder what he saw to make that call. Regardless, I trust him and his instinct. He's our enforcer because he knows what the fuck he’s doing when it comes to this shit. I palm the blade handle, ready to make my move and step closer to the doorway that’s cast in warm light.

  The opportunity comes sooner than I'd anticipated when my mark opens the door. He steps into the dark hallway and I hold my breath. His eyes widen comically as he finally notices us and I’m suspended in the moment, my head suddenly blank on what to do.

  Angel leaps past me like a limber fucking pan
ther. He grabs the guy with such force he doesn't have a chance to react. My brother spins the john toward me, and rather than a quick slice across the throat, I go for his meaty gut. With Angel holding him securely, I plunge the knife into his stomach again and again. Blood gurgles out the man's mouth, mimicking the holes I've poked in his middle.

  The dark crimson trails over his lips, to smear down his cleanly shaven chin. Angel steps backward, releasing the body to unceremoniously fall to the ground. He flops down like a dead fish and a chuckle makes its way free from me. I wasn’t expecting that to happen just then, and I’ve got a case of the laughs.

  Angel glares, shaking his head at me. The fucker’s always serious, even at a time like this.

  “Hey, don’t look at me like that. You could’ve stuck him a couple times too, but you handed over your knife.”

  He complains, “I had a feeling something wasn’t gonna go as planned.”

  “That explains why you changed things up. I was wondering.”

  He shrugs. “That and after seeing his daughter’s photos on the wall, I figured we could torch the place.”

  “Burn it all?” I probe, staring at him like he’s lost his mind. With Angel, he probably has.

  “Yeah, erase everything about this scum. They’ll get the insurance money along with a fresh start.”

  “Ah.” I nod, understanding where he’s going with this. “Bet. Let’s fuckin’ do it then, brother.”

  “You go out the back. I get to torch this place, since you had all the other fun,” he declares dejectedly.

  I flash a quick, amused grin, thoroughly enjoying his grumpiness at me getting in the kill and not him. Wiping the blade on my black jeans, I pass his knife over. “All right, then, sour puss. Take care of it, and I’ll catch you in a beat. I’ll go make sure your prospect hasn’t fucked anything up.”

  Angel puts his knife away, his irises sparkling with malevolence. I guess setting a huge mansion on fire elicits some kind of emotion out of the crazy fucker. Now that this guy’s out of my way, I have one more person in line to take care of. Once my club figures out who the fuck has been threatening my woman, then it’s hell to pay. I’ll be able to relax again once I put their body in the ground and know my woman’s safely by my side.

  I wait in the backyard, in the shadows with Lunatic for Angel to come out. We’re next to the sparkling sapphire pool, chlorine and moisture permeates the air stealing away some of the allure it holds at first sight. It takes my brother all of about three minutes to make it out the back door. He’s looking much more relaxed now as well.

  “All set?” I ask, although I already know his answer.

  “Mm,” he confirms, sending me a nod. “Let’s get the fuck outta here, Prez. This place will be going up in bright flames any minute now, and we don’t need to be around when it happens. Come on, Luna, you got our flank.”

  “Gotcha, brother,” I mutter. “The light wouldn’t be a good thing in a home invasion,” I let a twisted chuckle escape.

  We hightail it down the road to where we’ve parked our rental van. We rode our motorcycles up here, of course, but rented the nondescript cage for this particular job when we got into the city. In a rich neighborhood like this, someone’s always getting shit updated or fixed, so no one thinks twice about a white van being parked on the side of the road. Fucking idiots, they should realize it’s burglary 101 when it comes to criminals to have a plain vehicle like this. Still, they couldn’t be fucked to pay attention. They’d damn sure call the cops if my loud ass pipes went ripping through their neighborhood though.

  We head for the hotel, ready to get cleaned up and call it a night. Angel and Lunatic can do whatever the fuck they want tonight, but I’ll be passing the hell out. I plan to be up early to hit the road, I want to be back at the club as soon as possible. We’re risking our necks up here in another MC’s territory, as well as the gangs this shit hole seems to breed, let alone for committing murder and arson.

  “I’m guessing it went well, since you didn’t die.” Blow greets me in the parking lot as we pull our bikes to a stop in front of the club.

  I release a snort. “Missed you, too, motherfucker. Glad to hear you were worried about us.”

  He grins at my response and nods to Angel, ignoring the grumpy prospect in the back who rode behind us the entire way. The brother and his minion must’ve drunk all night when we got to the hotel as they were hungover as fuck for the whole ride home.

  “How’s things?” I ask, heading for the door.

  “Fine. Most of us have sold our stashes already, so we’re gonna need to go on another run soon and pick up some powder.”

  “Good. When we’re selling, we’re making money.”

  “I may’ve snorted a chunk of my brick, but you can take it outta my cut.”

  I shake my head. He’s been escaping reality more and more lately, it seems. I wonder if this has anything to do with Maddy’s absence? “Don’t let it get outta hand. You’re still the motherfuckin’ VP of this club, brother.”

  “I know, I know. I like to party, what can I say?”

  I gripe, “You can pull your big boy panties on. We’ll discuss this further in church.”

  “When you callin’ it, so I can let the brothers know?”

  “Later. I want to see Alice for a bit, then I’ll update everyone on what all went down.”

  “Bet.” He veers off as I head through the club in search of my woman. She’s been on my mind constantly since I took off, and I can’t wait to see her gorgeous ass.

  “Gem?” I call as I cross the threshold to my room. It’s nothing special, just your standard bedroom with a small bathroom. There’s barely room in there for a shower, but I get by with it just fine. I could’ve demanded more space, being prez, but I refuse to take away any extra from my brothers.

  “Hm?” She rolls over, parting those pretty irises of hers.

  “Babe, you’re actually taking a nap?”

  Alice sits up, sleepily rubbing her hands over her face. She sends me a half-awake smile that has my world tilting on its axis. She’s absolutely stunning like this, all mussed up, waiting for me in the middle of my bed. “I didn’t sleep well the past few days with you gone,” she admits. It shouldn’t make me feel good inside, but I’m a selfish asshole, and it does.

  “Did dickless end up taking you swimming?” I ask on a possessive growl. I’ve grown a bit selfish over my woman in the time she’s come to stay here. She makes me happy, so I seem to try and drown myself in her any chance I get.

  She flashes me an amused grin. “As much as I begged, Richardson still didn’t relent. So, you can relax, tough guy.”

  “You can beg me for something,” I rasp, desire coating my voice. I crawl toward her, starting from the foot of the bed. She opens her arms, welcoming me and I fall into her warmth. She feels so fucking good wrapped around me that I can’t help but groan in comfort.

  “What is it?” she asks on a near whisper.

  “I like the way you feel, I like seeing you in my bed, and I like you.”

  She giggles. “Well, that’s a relief. I couldn’t tell by the dickin’ you gave me before you left.”

  I chuckle. “I can’t believe you just said dickin’, babe. I’m pulling you over to the dark side.”

  “You’re corrupting me.”

  “And I’m not sorry for it, one bit,” I admit, tucking my face into her neck to rain my assault of kisses over her flesh. It makes her squirm and my heart beats so fast I feel like it may never stop. I pull her hand from under me and place it against my chest. “You feel that, Gem?”

  “Your heartbeat?”

  “Yep, it’s going fast for you. It only does that when you’re close to me.”

  “Aww, that’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me!” The skin around her eyes crinkles from her smiling so widely in return.

  “Nah, pretty sure that was when I told you that you have a bomb pussy.”

  “Uh,” she groans, rolling her eyes a
nd I can’t help but grin like a lovesick fool. “I’m glad you’re home. I missed you.”

  “Home,” I repeat.

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “I just realized that’s what you are to me. I always thought it was the MC, but it’s you. Gem, you feel like home, all warm and welcoming, and mine. There’s no other place I’d rather be.” When I glance at her face again, she’s got tears in her eyes. Happy ones, I hope. I lean in, pressing my mouth to hers. I suck the sweet flesh between my lips, making her open for me. My tongue dives inside, reuniting with hers.

  Alice moves underneath me. I realize she’s shoving the bedding down off her and my hands come in contact with her smooth, bare skin.

  “Fuck!” I draw away enough to allow the curse to escape. “You’re naked, aren’t you?” I flick my gaze downward, discovering her body on display, ready for me. “Jesus, Gem, you’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?”

  She giggles again, and it’s the sweetest sound—like pure honey. My woman is happy. What more can a man ask for? I yank my wrinkled old shirt over my head, not giving a shit that I have road grime on me still. We can take a shower together after this, and I’ll worship her body all over again. I manage to kick off my boots, sending them flying from the bed, then I’m moving to force my jeans down off my hips. I don’t wear underwear; it’s just a waste of time, in my opinion. Besides, I like having the freedom to whip my cock out whenever I need to. With Alice, that seems to be frequently, as I can’t get my fill of her sexy ass.

  Grasping my hard cock, I rub the tip through her wet center. Her core’s ready and waiting for me to thrust inside. I hope she greets me this way after every run I go on. “You want my cock?”

  “Yes, Ripper. I’ve been waiting ever since you left.”

  “Damn, you sure do know how to make a man feel special.”

  “I try.” She flashes me a flirty smile.

  Thrusting my hips forward, I slide home. She’s tight and needy, just the way I enjoy the most. If I had to stay in bed with this woman for the rest of my life, I’d die a lucky man. That thought is crazy considering how quickly things have progressed between us, but it’s the truth. My pops always told me that if I find something that makes me feel good and it isn’t illegal or will kill me, then to keep doing it. At the time, he was speaking about our motorcycles, but it fits here, too. Alice is exactly the type of respite I need to have in my life. She’s a damn fine woman, with one hell of a smart head on her shoulders. I couldn’t ask for anymore when it comes to the right ol’ lady to have at my side.


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