One More Time

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One More Time Page 7

by Shawn Lane

I paused and she looked expectantly at me, her blonde hair pulled back into a not so neat bun.

  “But then Theo pointed out you might need your car for taking the kids off to school.”

  “So, you’re planning on staying overnight there again?”

  My face turned flaming hot in an instant, as though I were a teenager instead of twenty-six. “Well, I’m not necessarily planning on it, but there’s, well, a possibility.”

  Emily laughed. “You are so cute. Borrow away. The kids take the school bus. I’ll need to do some grocery shopping tomorrow, but other than that, it’s yours.”

  “Thanks.” I gave her a quick hug, feeling more than a little ridiculous, and I headed back to my room to inform Theo.

  * * * *

  A little while later, a packed overnight bag next to me on the passenger seat, I made my way slowly to Theo’s house. I hated driving in the rain, and this particular storm had been dumping a steady downpour for hours with no real sign of letting up. I knew it wasn’t too far to Theo’s home, though, so I felt brave enough to chance the drive.

  I noticed several cars going around me, but that was all right with me. When I pulled into the driveway, Theo opened the front door. Grabbing my bag, I ran inside as fast as I could, hoping I hadn’t scattered too much rain in his entry hall.

  “There you are,” he said, greeting me with a tight embrace. “I was getting worried.”

  “I’m wet,” I protested, trying to push away from him.

  “I know, I know.” Theo helped me out of my raincoat and hung it on a hook near the door. “Come on. I bought us burgers.”

  My stomach rumbled in anticipation, and I followed him eagerly out to his kitchen, sort of like a dog, I guess.

  “I drove slow. I hate rain.”

  He chuckled, handing me a bag. “Damn spoiled Californians.”

  “Yeah, maybe.” I plopped down on the nearest dining room chair and spread my feast of a double cheeseburger and fries in front of me. Theo sat next to me and unwrapped his burger.

  “I would have picked you up.”

  “I know, but this is better this way. Now if I stay over, I can leave when I’m ready and not have to get up at the crack of dawn like you.”

  He grinned. “Yeah, there is that. I’d really like you to stay.”

  “We’ll see.”

  “I loved having you here last night.”

  I smiled. “It was nice.”

  “Nice, huh? I’m losing my touch. I thought it was pretty amazing, myself.”

  “Maybe you flatter yourself.”

  Theo shook his head and chuckled. To be honest I was a bit nervous coming back over. For all my teasing, I knew we’d end up having sex again. He’d been devouring me with his eyes since I walked in the door. And the man was hot. Always had been. But everything was far more complicated than two horny guys going at it.

  After finishing the hamburgers, we moved out to the living room. Theo lit a fire, then joined me on the love seat. He had a flat-screen television in the room, but so far hadn’t turned it on.

  “You know, I never would have guessed you’d be a cop someday,” I said after a few moments of silence. It was funny trying to have a conversation with someone you only sort of knew, but had sex with twice in your life. Well, more than twice if you counted each time. Two occasions.

  “No?” Theo smiled a little and scooted closer to me. His arm rested on the back of the love seat. “Why is that?”

  I shrugged. “Well, it’s true you didn’t spend much time telling me your future dreams when we had sex, but I don’t know. I guess being with the police seems pretty stable to me, and I always imagined you as something of an adventurer.”

  He laughed. “Someone like Indiana Jones?”

  “Yeah, maybe. Or James Bond. Have a different lover in every port and then leave on your next adventure. Only instead of leaving your lover with a broken heart, you leave them with a smile.”

  Theo shook his head. “Nice fantasy. But real life isn’t like that. Or not for me anyway. I owe you an apology, Dane.”


  “You were just a kid.” Theo winced. “I shouldn’t have seduced you. I was older—you were only sixteen.”

  “Theo, it’s all in the past now. And I wanted you to be the first. I just, you know, I wish you’d talked some to me after, but now, really, it doesn’t matter anymore.”

  “I know,” he said softly. “Anyway, I wanted you to know I wish I’d done things differently. As for being a cop, yeah, I’d been thinking about it in the back of my head for a while, even when I was in high school. One day an old friend of my dad’s talked me into applying at the academy. And so here I am. It ended up being a pretty natural fit for me.”

  I nodded. “You do seem to be doing really great. And you’re definitely in fine shape. I know that from experience.”

  He laughed again. “Yeah, I guess you do.”

  Smiling, I said, “You have a great life. I’m impressed.”

  The smile slipped from his face. “You had a great life too. With Donald. You want to talk about it some more?”

  I closed my eyes briefly, then opened them to gaze at him. “I don’t know. It’s still so hard to think about. I…I feel guilty even being here.”

  “With me?”


  Theo sighed. “I’m pushing you too hard, too fast, aren’t I?”

  “Sometimes, I think, yeah. I know Donald isn’t coming back, but it’s just so soon. It scares me some.”

  He scooted closer still and pulled me half on top him, closing his arms around me. “I’m trying not to push. It’s just, I really like you, Dane. I hate the fact that in just a short time you’re going to get on a plane and leave Vermont again.”

  I looked at him. “What do you like about me?”

  His smile was crooked. “You’re kind, smart, sexy, interesting, talented, beautiful.”

  “Beautiful?” I raised an eyebrow.

  His hands framed my jaw. They were large, rough worker’s hands. “Uh-huh. Gorgeous. Stunning. And any number of other adjectives meaning beauty.”

  When his mouth hovered near mine, I pulled back just a little. “You’re just trying to get in my pants.”

  “Oh no, you found me out.”

  “It’s painfully,” I said, pausing to squeeze the hard ridge of his crotch, “obvious.”

  “Fuck.” He pushed up against my hand. “Maybe you could do something to make it a little less painful.”

  I laughed against his lips as I pressed our mouths together, thrusting my tongue inside to tease over his teeth. Theo deepened the kiss, his arms tightening around me, and I was pretty sure he was getting ready to flip me over to lie beneath him.

  “Whoa, whoa,” I said, pulling back. “Not quite yet.”

  I leaned back to give myself access to the zipper of his khaki pants, which I slid down. I reached inside his briefs, pulling his now fully erect cock free. Theo gave me his undivided attention as I slid to kneel in front of the sofa, my mouth open to swallow his dick.

  Theo’s fingers speared my hair as he held me to his crotch, my throat opening as I drew his shaft slowly inside my mouth. I resisted the gag threatening to spoil the moment, easing back just a bit until I was used to the size of him. The tang of his precum lingered on my tongue as I grasped the base of his cock, bopping up and down the length.

  I knew what I wanted. I wanted to blow his mind as well as his cock, leave him dripping, sated, and begging for more. Well, sure, who wouldn’t want that?

  Cupping his balls with my other hand, I rolled them, forcing his thick shaft deeper down my throat, doing my best to swallow as I sucked.

  “Jesus, Dane,” Theo moaned, his hips rocking as he pumped my mouth.

  I sucked harder, faster, drawing out more moans as Theo’s thighs tensed. And then his cum filled my mouth, shudders racking his body. I took in as much as I could before releasing his cock with a pop.

  I smiled in triumph and wrapped my arms
around his knees, resting my head there. Theo hadn’t moved much but was breathing heavily.

  “Well, at least I know I didn’t kill you—you’re breathing still.”

  He laughed. “Yeah. Almost.”

  After a few more minutes, I pulled myself up and sat next to him on the couch. “Want to watch something? Television? A movie?”

  “I’m not sure I can think yet,” Theo said. “You pick.”

  “Sucked your brain right out, huh?”

  “Something like that. Brat.” He tucked himself into his pants and waved his hand toward the TV. “Just find something. When I recover, I’ll give you some much-needed attention.”

  I leaned against him and turned on the television, and he wrapped his arms around me.

  * * * *

  I woke early. Or I figured it was early, since Theo’s heavy arm lay across my waist, holding me down. The room was dark, and Theo snored softly. I lay partially on my stomach, my neck twisted at an awkward angle. I lifted my head to reposition it and tried to see the time on Theo’s tiny alarm clock on the other side of the bed. I squinted, which reminded me I needed to see the eye doctor when I returned home.

  Five-thirty. Another night spent at Theo’s. We’d watched a movie in front of the fire, and then we’d gone to bed…again. When Emily had talked me into spending some time in Vermont, I hadn’t expected this. What was that saying about closing a door and opening a window? Was Theo my window?

  Beep, beep, beep.

  Theo stirred and reached over to hit the snooze on the little alarm clock. He rolled onto his back.

  “Morning,” I said.

  He turned on his side, facing me. “Sorry. Did the alarm wake you? I didn’t wake up before so I could shut it off.”

  “Nah, I woke up a few minutes ago. Gotta work?”

  “Yeah, I’m afraid so. I wish I could stay home and play with you.” He rolled over on top of me and cupped my face in his, leaning down to kiss me. “You are far too tempting.”

  “Mmm, maybe. But you have to go save the world or something.”

  Theo sighed. “Yeah, I guess. Can I see you tonight?”

  I shook my head. “Annie has some school assembly performance. I said I’d go.”

  “Oh. Okay. Tomorrow then?”

  “Yes, sounds good.” I kissed him. “Now go get ready for work before they send someone to fetch you.”

  * * * *

  Waiting for Theo to pick me up for the movies one night, I checked my e-mail on the laptop I’d brought with me to find a message from Marty. The subject line was I’m Home.


  I’m back home only to learn Donald passed away. I…don’t even know what to say. I can hardly believe it. He was so young. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here. I wish you had called me or e-mailed me sooner—I would have come right home. And then to learn you’re in Vermont of all places. How did that happen?

  Love you, Marty.

  I glanced at my watch, wondering if I had time to respond to Marty. Theo had called to suggest the movie about an hour ago, and he’d called from Montpelier and had said he needed to stop home to change first. I guessed I probably had the time to get something quick off to Marty.

  I’m so glad you got home safe. I hope you had a good time.

  I found out Donald had been keeping something pretty major from me. George told me Donald had a wife and a son before we met. I still can’t quite figure out why he didn’t think he could tell me all this himself. Anyway, I really wish I hadn’t had to tell you about Donald via e-mail, but Emily talked me into coming here for a month’s visit. It’s been pretty good so far.

  I paused, wondering if I should mention Theo. He wasn’t a secret, but I wasn’t sure how to go about it without sounding like I jumped from Donald to Theo right away. Had I? I did think maybe I should be slowing down. But Marty wouldn’t judge me.

  Remember that guy I told you about who was my first? Theo? He’s still in the area, and, well…we’ve been kind of seeing each other. Not kind of. We are. I know that sounds terrible given Donald’s heart attack wasn’t that long ago. I haven’t forgotten Donald, believe me. I know you’re probably saying as you’re reading this, “Dane, wasn’t Theo an asshole after you had sex with him?” Yeah, but people can change. It’s hard to explain, but I think he has. I have too, I think.

  I should get going as we’re about to go to a movie. I’ll write more later.

  Love, Dane.

  I hit Send before I could lose my nerve, and then I powered down the laptop as Emily called to me that Theo’s truck had pulled into the driveway.

  * * * *

  After the movie, Theo suggested we go have coffee together at a little corner coffeehouse. They were open late, catering to the younger Northfield crowd.

  Theo got us two lattes and brought them to the little round table in the corner I had chosen. A man and a woman sat at one table near us, and a group of friends sat at another. I could hear low classical music playing in the background.

  The coffee was a bit strong for my tastes, but I took a few sips. “So, have you ever had a serious relationship?”

  “If you mean serious like what you had with Donald, then no.”

  I nodded. “Not many people are lucky enough to have what I had with Donald, really. I know that. Even with the secrets he kept from me.” I stared down at the light brown liquid in my paper cup. “This might sound clichéd or whatever, but Donald really was my salvation.”

  Theo frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “My mom had been sick for a while, and it was hard to deal with it. I got depressed. If I hadn’t met Donald, I don’t know if I would have made it. He became everything to me—lover, mentor.”

  “I’m sorry,” Theo said. “I know his death has been very difficult.”

  “Yeah, unbelievably. Sometimes I can’t even catch my breath, it hurts so much.”

  His hand covered mine, and he squeezed it.

  I shook my head. “But given the choice, if I’d known six years ago that I would lose him now, that he would keep all these secrets from me, would I still want him? Yes. Like I said, I know not everyone gets the chance what we had. I wouldn’t trade that for anything.”

  “You’re so mature at twenty-six, Dane. You amaze me.”

  Smiling, I took another tentative sip of the coffee. “Thank you.”

  “So, based on that, no, I’ve never had anything close to what you had. I did date a woman for about six months, but other than that my relationships have been pretty casual.”

  I chewed my lip. “You’ve never tried to have a relationship with another guy?” I didn’t want to admit it, but that bothered me. I hadn’t met a lot of people who were bisexual, but I couldn’t help thinking choosing the opposite sex would be the easier way to go.

  Theo stared at me. “Not before you, no. You’re the one I’m interested in, Dane.”

  “Like you said before, some people doubt there really is such a thing as bisexuality.”

  He snorted. “Some people are assholes. I don’t know what you expect me to say. I’m attracted to both. It’s a fact, Dane. But I’m not pursuing anything with anyone other than you.”

  Sighing, I nodded. “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. Just stop looking for ulterior motives and issues that aren’t there.” Theo finished his coffee and stood to discard the cup in the trash. “Ready?”

  “Yeah.” I made a face at my own coffee. “It’s too bitter for me.”

  “It’s okay. I have something at my house you might like.”

  I waggled my brows. “Oh yeah?”

  “Ice cream.”

  I threw a napkin at him.

  * * * *

  We came together in Theo’s glass shower. He’d suggested a shower when we were driving to his house. The idea of hot, steamy sex under the water spray had definitely intrigued me.

  Theo ran his wet hands down the middle of my back and pressed his lips to mine, thrusting his tongue into my welcoming
mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, tangling my tongue with his.

  When Theo broke the kiss, I protested, but then he dropped to his knees, his mouth mere inches from my hard dick. His hot breath swept over the goose bumps spreading over the flesh of my thighs.

  “Oh God.” My legs quivered just a little as Theo trailed kisses on either side of my cock. “You’re a fucking tease.”

  Theo chuckled and then darted his tongue along the slit. I pushed at his lips, wanting him to open wide to take my cock inside. When he pulled the head in, my knees nearly gave out. He splayed his hands on my legs as he sucked my erection deeper, to about halfway down the shaft.

  He had brought in a small bottle of lube when we’d first stepped into the shower, so I reached over to the shelf where he had left it. I nudged his shoulder with the lube, and he reached up and took it from me.

  I closed my eyes, my breaths shuddering as he took me to the back of his throat. I heard the squirt of lube and braced myself for the cool slippery stuff. Theo inserted two fingers inside me while he continued to suck me.

  Theo was strong and muscular, and I wanted him to pick me up and fuck me against the tiled wall. And I wanted to come with him inside me.

  “Theo, fuck me. Now.”

  He let go of my dick with a loud pop and rose to his feet. He covered my lips with his own, kissing me breathless.

  I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and he grasped my ass, lifting me onto him, impaling me under the stream of water coming from the showerhead. He slammed me against the wall, fucking me harder and deeper than he had before. I found his mouth with mine, our teeth clacking together as our kiss turned carnal.

  I slipped my hand down between our bodies and grasped my cock, jerking it to Theo’s thrusts, desire spiraling through me like tiny lightning bolts.

  “Dane,” he growled, moving his mouth to my throat and sucking at the pulse.

  My cock jumped in my hand, coating my finger with pearly cum, and I clenched my ass muscles around Theo, urging him to join my release.

  I hit the wall of the shower hard as he sped up and shouted against my neck.

  He continued to hold me, my legs wrapped around him, for several minutes while our breathing returned to normal.


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