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Defender's Blood Tatiana's War (An Urban Fantasy)

Page 14

by A. K. Michaels

  “Finn, this is marvellous. I love it. So what do we do in a bath?” Glorel couldn't get over the heat of the water, it was far warmer than what she was used to.

  “Well yea it's for cleaning your body, we use soap and a sponge, like this.” Finn had already picked up a sponge and rubbed the soap into it and now his hand snaked around and started to rub the sponge all over Glorel's body. His touch made her gasp and lean a little further back into Finn's hard body.

  “Mmmm that's so nice Finn. So is the bath made for two, we bathe together?” Glorel wasn't sure of the customs here but although the tub was large it didn't seem quite big enough for two.

  “No, usually just one. It's a good way to relax if you've got sore muscles or just stressed. But, my little elf, I like bathing with you in the tub. Makes it so much better.” Finn's hand had lowered and the sponge was now between Glorel's legs, a moan escaping her lips.

  Finn was hard again, ready again, but he didn't want to hurt his mate. She wasn't wolf, wasn't as hardy, she was tiny and delicate. Finn was sure he would need to take things slower with her than he would if his mate had been a wolf. Jeez if it had been a wolf, they probably wouldn't have gotten out of the bed for two days, at least.

  Glorel could feel her mate's hardness against her lower back and pressed back onto it. Finn moaned and one of his arms came around her front and started to play with her breasts. Glorel felt like she was in heaven.

  Finn was still worrying about hurting Glorel, he would hate to start off their life together by doing that. Glorel's head fell back onto his chest and she looked back and up at him.

  “What's wrong Finn?” The elf was getting a feel from him, one of worry.

  “It's nothing Glo, it's just that when wolves mate then that's basically what they do for quite some time, mate!” Finn had tried hard to make his hardness leave but it was still there, not heeding him at all.

  “And that's something to worry about?” Glorel was confused. She thought that was a great way to spend the time.

  “No, it's're so small, and delicate, ….uhm.....I ….shit Glo, I don't want to hurt you. Make you sore.” Finn finished and knew his cheeks would be bright red with embarrassment.

  “Finn, my big strong wolf, I'm not quite as delicate as you think. Trust me, I'm not sore and if I was I would let you know. So why don't we go back to that big bed of yours. Show me exactly how a wolf mates.” Glorel's heart had started to speed up in anticipation and she hoped Finn was not gentle.

  No, Glorel wanted her strong wolf, she knew he had been holding back. Now he better not or she would not be happy.

  Finn grinned from ear to ear as he got out of the bath, grabbed a couple of towels and then helped his elf out. He wrapped a towel around his hips and then wrapped Glorel in the other, the towel completely encompassing her. He picked her up and moved back to the bedroom.

  Finn had no intention of leaving this bed for quite some time and he growled down deep inside. Allowing his wolf a little leeway now that Glorel had said she wasn't as delicate as he thought. Shit, that turned him on all the more, and he was going to show her just how a wolf mated.

  Chapter 14

  Dmitri wakened early. He had made love to Donna for a long time and he was still tired. However, he had something on his mind. He hadn't told Donna yet about Finn and Glorel.

  He knew the minute he did she would be full of questions and he had just wanted to savour his mate after the mission. He knew it had been selfish but he just couldn't help himself. Now, he felt bad, hadn't slept well because of it and looked down into his mate's sleeping face.

  Dmitri smiled, once more amazed that he had found happiness after such a very long time. He hoped Donna wouldn't be too mad at him.

  He pulled her closer and she murmured in her sleep, her face going from deep sleep to half asleep. “ Laskovaya Moya, wake up.” Dmitri used his pet name for his mate and he saw a small smile spread over her lips.

  “What? I'm tired Dmitri, you didn't exactly let me get much sleep.” Donna wanted to cuddle in and go back to sleep, but it seemed Dmitri had other ideas.

  “I need to talk to you and I don't want you to get mad at me.” Dmitri saw the frown and Donna's eyes popped open in question.

  “What? Why would I get mad at you? Is Finn ok? Was he hurt on the mission?” Donna's voice had became alarmed as her mind came awake and she worried for her son.

  “No, no, Finn's ok. He wasn't hurt but it is him I need to talk to you about. Promise you won't be mad?” Dmitri and Donna had never had a falling out and he didn't want to start the day with their first.

  “Well if he's ok then what's up? Did he do something wrong?” Donna felt a little panic. Had Finn messed up on his first mission? Shit, she had only known he was going because he had sent her a text.

  As Dmitri was also going she had relaxed, knowing her huge vampire would keep an eye on her son. Now Dmitri was saying he had to talk to her about Finn. What on earth could be wrong?

  “I was going to tell you last night but I was selfish. I just wanted to savour my mate but I've not slept well, knowing I should've told you. Now Donna, you can't go running over there. You need to give them time alone.....”

  Donna interrupted Dimtri.. “What? Leave who alone? Dmitri what are you havering about?”

  “Well on the mission we met a lot of folks. Lilli, Tatiana's sister, but she's the opposite of Tatiana, all delicate and scared. Then we met some friend of Tatiana's, his name was Mornor, he's an elf, and that's a story all on it's own but he had his son Calaron and his daughter Glorel with him......”

  Donna interrupted again, getting irritated at Dmitri's procrastination. “For goodness sake Dmitri, get to the point, you're worrying me!”

  “Ok, well Finn didn't come home alone. He brought someone with him.....”

  Once again Donna spoke. “Who? Who did Finn bring?” Donna was wondering what this was all about.

  “He brought Glorel. Finn brought Glorel, she's his mate Donna. Finn found his mate.” Dmitri was staring hard at Donna's face, trying to figure out if she was going to get mad at him.

  Donna's eyes went wide. Had she heard right? A mate? Her son had found a mate? In the fairy realm, an elf?

  “Calm down Donna, I can hear your heart my love, it's beating way too fast.” Dmitri smiled down at his mate, saw all the emotions running over her face.

  “Finn's found a mate? What's she like Dmitri, is she nice? Are you sure they're mates? Maybe they just like each other, I mean, Finn is so young! He's not even twenty yet.” Donna's head was going in a host of different directions as she thought of her oldest son taking on the responsibilities of a mate.

  “Oh they are most definitely mates Donna. It was clear to all of us. Yes she is nice, she is a most beautiful looking female, even if she does have small pointed ears.” Dmitri was glad that the first words Donna had spoken had not been a rebuke at him for not telling her.

  “Pointed ears! She has pointed ears?” Donna could envisage something along the lines of those Vulcan beings in the sci fi films.

  “Yes, but they are very small and her hair mostly covers them.” Dmitri could see the shock on Donna's face at the thought of her handsome son with a female with huge, pointy ears.

  “Oh well that's not so bad. You're sure they are mates though aren't you?” Donna didn't want her son tied to someone and then find out they weren’t mates. A mating was a lifetime thing, not something that could be changed with any measure of ease.

  “Yes Donna, they are mates. You're not angry with me?” Dmitri found that even the thought of his mate being upset with him had a profound effect on him. Not a nice feeling at all.

  “No Dmitri, if you had told me I wouldn't have slept at all. Now I'm going to be all nervous and excited until I can meet her. And yes I know I can't just go over there!” Donna was smiling now. She wanted nothing more than to charge round and see her. She also knew she couldn't.

  “I'm glad you're not upset Laskovaya Moya an
d that you understand you can't go over there right now. I'm sure they will be busy for quite some time!” Dmitri was chuckling, knowing what a wolf mating meant first hand. Dmitri's eyes started to shine just remembering his own.

  Donna looked up into her vampire's face and saw the shine there. “I see you're remembering ours my vampire. We've got some time, the kids won't be up for another hour.”

  Dmitri growled low in his throat as he moved to embrace his mate and pull her closer to his large body. The slight moan that escaped from her lips told Dmitri she was feeling exactly the same as he.


  Finn and Glorel were back in the bed, not having left it for more than quick trips to the bathroom, or having a drink of water. Now though, Finn's wolf was hungry. For food, and he pulled his mobile from the top of his bedside table and dialled the diner for a delivery.

  Glorel's eyes were wide as she saw her mate use a small device and talk into it. She could hear voices on the other end and wondered what on earth the thing was? She also wondered at the strange words, burgers, chips, cola? She had no idea what those meant.

  Finn saw her expression and had to remind himself that his mate had no knowledge of the human realm. He relaxed back against the pillows and pulled her to him and started to explain a few things.

  They were still discussing such things as mobile phones and food when the doorbell rang. Glorel jumped at the noise and Finn laughed. “It's only the doorbell, lets me know someone is at my door. It will be the food. Come on, you can try some of our food. If you don't like anything just let me know and I'll order something else for you.”

  Finn grabbed a robe and pulled it on before going to answer the door. He turned to find Glorel standing completely naked just a little behind him.

  “Glo! If someone is at the door you need to put something on! I'm not having anyone but me see you naked.” Finn was more than a little upset and Glorel couldn't really understand why, but if that's what he wanted she would do it.

  Glorel ran back to the bedroom and pulled on her dress. A dress that was in dire need of cleaning. She realised she had nothing else to wear and wondered how she would get the material and supplies to make another?

  Finn was already seated and eating his way through a huge mound of food when his mate returned. As he saw her in the dirty dress he realised she would need new clothes. His first thoughts went to his mother. He would get her to help in this, he had no idea about women's clothes and stuff.

  Later though, definitely later. They wouldn't be leaving the apartment for another few days yet.


  Tatiana was in her usual place, sitting in the corner of the sofa in Thadius' office. She had a book on her lap but couldn't concentrate on it. Her thoughts running all over the place and wondering if Glorel was ok. Nobody had seen hide nor hair of those two since they had returned from the Fairy realm.

  Tatiana, of course, understood, but she wished she could know for sure that Glorel was ok and coping with everything here in the human realm. This realm would hold so many new things, and sometimes scary things, for the elf. She would leave it another few days and then try and contact to see Glorel was ok. Tatiana would offer her assistance if required but wouldn't push herself onto the elf.

  Thadius growled. The paperwork he had to catch up on was horrendous and it was giving him a sore head.

  Tatiana looked over at her mate, a small smile on her face. Thadius hated all the paperwork he had to do every day. With them being away for a little while he had came back to a mountain of the stuff. Viktor, the Head of the Council, had left it all for Thadius instead of doing some of it while they were away.

  The fairy got up from her place on the sofa and moved to the side room where she made some coffee and got a tub with her home made cookies. The cookies always made her mate feel better. She carried the tray with coffee and cookies back through and placed it on the desk in front of Thadius.

  Thadius lifted his head, gave Tatiana a huge smile and pulled her onto his lap. “Thadius!” The fairy squealed but the smile on her face showed she wasn't upset, not at all.

  “Thank you little fairy. I need a break from all this. I'm sure one of these days I'll drown in this stuff!” Thadius placed a small kiss on her lips before returning her to her feet.

  Tatiana poured the coffee and Thadius took the cup gratefully from her hands, picking up a cookie at the same time.

  Her mate now with coffee and cookie, Tatiana took her own coffee and went back to her place in the corner of the sofa.


  Zach and Alex were back in their office, a few days had passed since their return and they were trying to sort out some teams for upcoming work. As usual, they were busy, something that annoyed both of them. Not at the work per se but because if they were busy then it meant folks were getting hurt and abused.

  “How do you think Finn and Glorel's getting on?” Alex asked as she typed a reply to a request for help from New York.

  “Oh I'm sure they're getting on just fine. It will be after this initial passionate time that maybe Glorel will need some help to adjust.” Zach smiled as he answered and typed his own reply to a plea from an Alpha in Canada who was having trouble with a couple of rogue vampires.

  “Yea, I suppose, though I'll bet she has plenty of help. Donna is desperate to meet her and I'm sure she'll help the elf. Then there's Tatiana, I'm sure she'll help too, and Lisa – she's so caring she'll be there helping too. Glorel will be fine.” Alex knew this as sure as she knew her own name.

  Both Zach and Alex went back to answering the emails on their computers.


  Vlad was in his own office catching up on paperwork and his Second in Command, Simeon, was giving him an update on personnel. The large vampire had even taken notes, which made Vlad smile. Vlad nodded at all the appropriate places and his mind wandered.

  Irina, his mate, had been VERY pleased to see him back and they had spent a very enjoyable and erotic night when he got home. His little wolf was always upset when he went away on any kind of mission.

  Vlad loved missions, but he didn't get to go on nearly enough missions any more. Sometimes he wished he wasn't the Head of Security with all it's responsibilities. Wished he was still a Second or even just an Elite Guard again. Those days he was always on some mission or other.

  Vlad shook his head, no, then he wouldn't be at home in bed with his very sexy wolf. Or get to put their little girl to bed at night. He would just have to be content with occasionally helping out. That way he got to go on some missions but was also mostly home with his mate and child.

  Vlad tuned back in and realised that Simeon had finished. He nodded his head and Simeon left, with a slight frown on his face. The large Guard was sure Vlad hadn't heard half of what he had just said.

  Chapter 15

  He stood watching Lexi, or as they had all called her, the little angel, and he smiled. God she was beautiful and he wished once more that it was he and not Michael that had caught her eye.

  A scowl came over his face as he thought on Michael. He was sure Michael had manipulated Lexi into falling for him. Sure that if Michael hadn't been around, or indeed kept Lexi away from him, then the girl would've felt for him what she was now feeling for Michael.

  His anger was great and he could feel it strumming through his large Angel's body. The thought of Michael having an eternity with Lexi had him almost pouring his energy out to destroy the once Angel, Michael.

  How dare he take the one being, in his long life, that he cared about, from him. He had been an Angel for many millennia but had never felt for anyone or anything the way he felt for Lexi. He adored her and it should've been him instead of Michael who lay next to her in bed. Her naked body wrapped around his own.

  Once more he wondered what would happen if Michael were not around? He knew Lexi would be bereft with grief. However, would his little angel accept his offer of succour and a very large shoulder to cry on?

  Plans ran through his bra
in as he tried to figure out if this would work. Would Lexi turn to him? One of the Angels who had raised her and Conall. Would she come to love him, over time of course, but could his little angel feel for him the way she felt for his brother, Michael?

  He hoped so because he had made so many plans for their future. He would go to any lengths to have Lexi lie in his arms as she was now lying in Michael's. He could even see part of a breast, a white, soft, mound that he longed to kiss, feel, suck. God he wanted his little angel so bad and he was determined to get her, all to himself.

  Michael was stirring, he knew he would need to leave. Knew that if Michael woke whilst he was there that he would know one of the Angels had been in the room. He wouldn't know which one but he would know that one of them had been there, in their bedroom. That wasn't something he wanted the once Angel knowing. Not yet.

  With a great sigh he moved, leaving his perfect angel lying in the arms of another.


  Michael stirred and as he came awake there was something niggling at the edge of his consciousness. Something that he couldn't quite grasp and was totally forgotten as he felt Lexi's naked form wrapped around his own nude form.

  A smile came over his perfect features as he nuzzled the top of her head and took in her unique smell. A scent that always felt so right to his senses.

  Lexi woke slowly, feeling Michael's hand slowly caressing her back. His touch something that she always craved and she was awake in seconds.

  Just as her arousal started to take over her body she stilled. Shit. She didn't feel right. Not at all. The feeling alien to her. She had never been ill a day in her life. Not even an hour had passed when she had felt ill. What was wrong?

  Michael could sense it. Something wasn't right with his angel. She was feeling ill? She was never ill. Period.


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