Love in Surrender

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Love in Surrender Page 3

by Lexi Buchanan

  “You do know Violet leaves for an interview in Boston in two days? What if she gets the job?” Kasey kicks his feet back and rests them on the porch railing.

  What if she gets the job?

  I haven’t thought that far ahead because Violet not being here with me isn’t an option anymore. “I’ll follow her to Boston,” I blurt, shocking myself. “I mean.” I frown. “I don’t know what I mean.”

  Kasey shakes his head, a smirk stretching his lips. “Why can’t you just tell her the truth?”

  “It’s not that simple.” I groan.

  “It is that simple. You’ve been lying to her for months now. Letting her think you don’t give a shit when all along you’ve been in love with her. I agree with Felicity and Violet. You’re an idiot.”

  I glare at Kasey who ignores me. I know I’m an idiot, but it pisses me off hearing it out of someone else’s mouth. “I want to be able to give her everything that you give my sister. But, until I can walk I’m not even going to talk to her about it. I refuse to give her hope.”

  “You’re a stubborn ass, you know that? But I do understand where you’re coming from. The thing is, even if I’d had nothing to offer Felicity but myself, I would have chased her to the ends of the earth. I knew we were meant to be together from the moment we’d met in Vegas.” Kasey pauses, smiling softly at the memory.

  “That feeling you get in your chest when you look at the woman you love is special. It becomes reserved for her and her alone…I love your sister, and I don’t give a shit who knows it. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to make her happy.”

  My hand automatically rubs at my leg while I take in everything Kasey is telling me. Everything he described, I feel for Violet and maybe it is time I’m honest. A conversation were I’m totally open with her, I need to stop pushing her away.

  She was right, I’d never asked her what it is that she wants, I’ve only ever decided for her—at least were I’m concerned.

  “Sore leg?” Kasey asks, and I pause mid-rub.

  Sighing, I admit, “Yeah. The more feeling that I’m getting back, the more pins and needles I’m getting.”

  “She’s your physical therapist, I’m sure she’s well aware of what’s going on in your recovery. You do realize that right?”

  I’m saved from answering the question as Violet slams through the front door, and nearly falls right into my lap.

  I reach out and steady her, my own fear rising when I look at her panicked face. “What is it?”

  “Felicity’s in labor.” She squeaks.

  Kasey’s chair flies back and he’s inside. I quickly transfer from the rocker to my wheelchair and before I can move myself, Violet takes control and quickly runs me down the ramp and to the car. “You get in the passenger seat, and I’ll drive.”

  For once I don’t question Violet and assist her in getting me into the car. She quickly folds my chair and shoves it into the trunk. I watch as she runs to Kasey’s SUV and grabs Felicity’s packed bag, shoving it in beside my chair.

  “Back in a second.” Violet rushes off while I try and catch my breath at how quickly she’s reacting to my sister being in labor.

  I want to be at the hospital with her even if I’m not allowed in the delivery room, I just didn’t think I’d get to arrive with her. Thanks to Violet thinking about me, I will.

  Kasey carries my sister in his arms while Violet quickly dashes ahead to open the back door of the car. They quickly get settled when Felicity scares the shit out of me, a scream ripping out of her lungs. “Oh God! That really hurt.”

  “Breathe,” Kasey suggest, taking her hand and rubbing her stomach. “I love you. You can do this.”

  He glances at me and I don’t miss the worry in his eyes. I know he’s worried about the baby being too big for Felicity, so is her OB. But my stubborn sister wants to try to give birth the natural way.

  I’m worried sick about her. She’s the only family I have left and I wish she wasn’t as stubborn as me.

  By the time we’re close to the hospital my panic has risen, although I try not to show it. The last thing anyone needs is me getting in the way. Violet pulls into a disabled parking spot and then I feel her hand tightly on mine. “She’s going to be okay.” She squeezes and then she’s gone.

  Kasey helps Felicity into my wheelchair and they run into the hospital as Violet brings a hospital chair around for me.

  “We don’t need to rush now,” she says, her hands moving to my legs.

  Once everything is locked up, we’re soon waiting for the elevator up to maternity. I take Violet’s hand into mine. Her surprised gaze locks on mine as she questions me.

  I smile and say, “Thank you. You thought of me when you didn’t have to. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that.” I kiss her hand and keep it in mine until the elevator arrives.

  In order to move forward I force myself to let her go, but the minute we’re sitting in the waiting room, I grab her hand again. I don’t look at her because I’m afraid of what I’ll see. But I place her palm on my thigh and hold her other hand tightly. She’s my lifeline now.



  For hours Blake has needed me, while we wait for news on Felicity. It’s a completely new side of him and I like it. I like it a lot. He keeps reaching for my hand as though he needs me close, and when I’m moving around the room to stretch my legs, I’m aware of his eyes trailing me.

  I’m not sure what I’m supposed to think, even though I’m hopeful this is the start of something for us. With Blake, and how distant he can be, it may not last. I’m so used to him pushing me away, I’m afraid he’s going to break my heart all over again.

  If he needs me though, I’m not going anywhere. What should I do about Boston? I don’t really want to be so far away from him, but if this isn’t the start of something good for us, then I can’t be here anymore.

  Diego walks in looking a bit rough around the edges. “I can’t stay long. Rae’s been admitted while they do some tests.” He drops down in a seat facing us, his eyes focusing on our joined hands before moving upwards. “Felicity is okay, right?”

  “As far as we’ve been told, yes… What’s wrong with Rae?”

  “She hasn’t been very well and she’s lost some weight. I found her passed out in the front garden. They told me to come back in thirty minutes.” Diego rubs his face. “I’m scared it’s something serious.”

  I move toward him and wrap my arm around his shoulders. “I’ll come and find you and Rae when we have any news, and you let me know if you need anything.”

  “Thanks Violet.” He squeezes my hand, unsure of himself. “I’m going to head back in case the Doc needs me.”

  Gently pulling away from Diego, I glance at Blake.

  He holds his hand out, so I grip it, allowing him to pull me back down beside him. “Felicity is going to be okay. You do know that right? She’s a fighter just like her brother.”

  “I know. It’s just—” he inhales and exhales slowly, “—she’s the only family I have.”

  “When she married Kasey, you both gained a new family Blake. I get what you’re saying, but you’re not alone anymore. Neither of you are.”

  His eyes pierce into mine and I can’t look away. Blake tightens his hold around my hand and says, “Once things calm down, we need to talk Violet. I mean really talk.”

  I can’t find my voice, so I nod my head in agreement.

  A wry smile dances across his lips. “I know I’m an asshole and that I’ve hurt you, but I want all of that to change. It has to, I can’t lose you.”

  He turns away when the doctor enters the room. I’m grateful for the distraction because I have to rapidly blink away my tears at this unexpected but welcome side of Blake.

  “Blake, Violet,” the doctor confirms. “Can you follow me?” He turns back the way he came.

  “My sisters okay, right?” Blake asks as we follow after him, his voice tight with tension.

  The doctor turns back
, smiling. “Your sister and…her baby are doing just fine.” He holds the door for us. “So is your brother-in-law.” He sniggers.

  I chuckle and lean down to Blake’s ear. “I wonder if Kasey passed out?”

  “I promised not to tell,” the doctor comments, trying to keep a straight face as we enter the room he leads us to.

  Felicity is sitting up in bed with a small baby wrapped in a pink blanket, while Kasey sits next to her, looking slightly pale.

  Pushing Blake forward on his sisters side, I click on the brakes so he can reach forward and stroke the head of his niece without fear of rolling backwards.

  I take a step back but find my wrist held in Blake’s grasp. He shakes his head and pulls me into his lap. He nuzzles into my neck, and whispers, “I want you here with me.” One arm tightens around my waist and the other reaches back toward his niece.

  She has a head of thick, dark hair and appears content in her mother’s arms.

  “Are you okay?” Blake asks, placing his hand on Felicity’s thigh.

  She beams a smile at him. “Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.” She smirks. “Kasey on the other hand—”

  Kasey quickly interjects, “We won’t talk about that,” grumbling.

  She smiles and turns back to us. “I’d like to introduce you both to our daughter, Blake Francis De La Fuente.”

  Tears appear in Blake’s eyes, knowing that his sister has named her first child after him. I don’t know what to do or say, so I take a chance and wrap my arms around his shoulders.

  He returns my tight embrace.

  “I’m okay,” he breathes into my neck. I pull back slightly and meet the mutually amused gaze of Felicity and Kasey.

  Blake clears his throat. “Can I hold her?”

  “Of course you can.” Felicity smiles. “Violet, can you do the honors?”

  Blake’s arms reluctantly fall away from me as Felicity gently passes the little pink bundle into my arms. I briefly kiss her on the forehead while placing her in Blake’s eagerly waiting arms.

  There is nothing awkward about the way Blake holds his niece and just watching them together brings a tear to my eye. It’s while he’s so distracted that I watch in amazement as his right leg moves slightly, and then he rubs it.

  His eyes meet mine before going to his lap and back to my eyes. A blush starts creeping onto my face, but without glancing at anyone else, I sit back down in Blake’s lap. An arm wraps around my waist and he brings me closer.

  I wrap an arm around his shoulder while my other helps him to hold his niece.

  “I love the name you’ve chosen,” I say gently touching her tiny hands clenched into fists. “You’ve honored both your families.”

  “We have,” Kasey agrees. “I think my dad cried when I told him her middle name, after my mother.”

  “You realize that I’m going to be spoiling her rotten. I mean she does have my name.” Blake grins.

  “Thought you’d like that,” Felicity says. “I wanted it to be a surprise which is why we didn’t tell anyone beforehand.”

  “I love it.”

  “Hmm,” Felicity mumbles. “So, umm, Blake, you do realize you have Violet anchored to you so tightly it looks like you’re not letting her go anytime soon?”

  Instead of being pushed away like I’m used to, Blake grins. “I don’t know what I’m doing but having Violet this close feels right.” He holds my gaze. “We’ll talk later.”

  My belly flutters with nerves as I pass baby Blake back to her mother and father.

  “She’s beautiful. Congratulations.” There’s a moment of peace, interrupted as the door bangs open.

  “We’re pregnant,” Diego says the minute he bursts into the room.

  He helps his wife to a chair, and then all eyes turn to him as he slumps to his ass on the floor, leaning up against the wall. “Sorry, but I was worried as fuck that there was something seriously wrong with Rae.” He glances at his wife. “Turns out it’s all my fault and I’ve knocked her up again. Potent swimmers.” He grins.

  Kasey roars with laughter and gets an elbow in his side for disturbing baby Blake.

  “I’m nearly fifty and I’ll have two children under the age of two.” Rae winces, but the smile in her eyes is only for her husband, who grins like a cat who got the cream.

  Rae rolls her eyes and comes closer to look at Blake, sleeping soundly. “I’m so happy she’s finally here. Congratulations.” She grins.

  “Thank you,” Felicity says. “I can’t believe Kasey and I created a little human.”

  “Lots more where our daughter came from,” Kasey chuckles.

  “I’d rather be able to pee without it burning before we talk about other babies.”

  “Geez sis,” Blake shudders, “we don’t need to know shit like that.”

  Felicity narrows her eyes and I know Kasey isn’t going to like what she says next. “The fact that we can’t have sex for six weeks helps.” She smirks.

  Blake stays quiet as he subtly shifts beneath my bottom. No doubt trying to hide what the word ‘sex’ did to his body, not that I hadn’t already felt the erection. Bit difficult not to when I’m sitting in his lap and he’s throbbing beneath me.

  On purpose, I refuse to look at Blake, and glance at Diego while I wiggle on Blake’s lap. He hisses in my ear and clamps his arms tightly around my waist. “Don’t move.” He grumbles.

  Diego says, “There’s something about the woman you love being pregnant. Knowing that the pleasure we shared created such a precious child. I love touching Rae when she’s growing our child. Nothing sexier than seeing your woman pregnant.” He grins, pleased with himself.

  “Yeah, well, after this one you’re getting a knot put in it.” Rae arches a brow at the look of horror on Diego’s face.

  “We’ll talk about that later.” Diego pales.

  Kasey snickers. “Give it up brother.”

  “You won’t be laughing when Felicity says the same to you,” Diego grouches.

  I change the subject. “Have you had chance to tell Andie yet?”

  Rae blushes and looks worried. “I called her before we came up here.” Her eyes fill with tears and Diego rushes over to her. She cups his face. “I love you Diego, you know that. I’m also happy to be giving you another child.” She sniffles. “I just never imagined that I’d become a grandmother at the same time as a mother.”

  “What?” Felicity asks.

  “Andie is also pregnant. Due a month before us.” She shrugs and laughs. “I guess that’s what happens when you marry a sexy younger man.”

  Diego brushes his wife’s lips with his own. “I think you should show me just how sexy you think I am when we get home.”

  Blake groans in my ear, his arousal thick under my bottom.



  I haven’t had sex since before the accident, so today holding Violet on my lap was both exciting and painful. I couldn’t stop thinking of what she’d look like sitting on my lap without her clothes on while I was buried deeply inside of her out of my head, which kept me hard. My blood had rushed to my groin and stayed there until I had seriously thought I was going to come with her wiggling on me.

  Kasey knew exactly what she was doing to me, so I avoided looking at him, and eventually had the excuse I’d needed to wheel us both out of their room. Violet had stayed on my lap until the door had closed behind us and we’d been alone.

  Then she’d blushed deeply as she’d stared at my lap, and told me to ‘do something about it’. I’d been tempted to ask her to put me out of my misery. I’d thought better of it. Thank fuck!

  Lying in my bed in the dark with the patio doors open, a light breeze caresses my skin, hardening my cock. I want Violet to be lying next to me. Now I’ve had her in my arms, I want her to stay there. I don’t want her getting on a plane to Boston. Her home is here, with me. I’ve been an ass, and now I need to man up and admit she’s the only one I’ve wanted all along.

  At the thought of Violet
being all mine, my rough hand wraps around my erection, gently stroking.

  I close my eyes imagining that Violet is the one touching me, just like the dreams I’ve been having since we first met.

  Violet nervously reaches out with her delicate fingers, the tips lightly rub back and forth along the slit on the head of my dick. I weep in excitement, straining closer.

  “Let me,” she whispers against the head of my cock while her hands nudge mine away. Then I feel her. All silky smooth jerking me off like a pro.

  I have no control over anything as my hips jerk forward and she captures me in her warm wet mouth. My head feels like it’s about to blow off, and that’s exactly what it does when she blows over the heated tip.

  My eyes snap open as my orgasm tears through me, my dick jerking long streams of come over my stomach. One hard jerk sends it flying beside my ear on the pillow.

  Panting hard, I grab my shirt and quickly clean myself up before tossing it toward the laundry hamper.

  “Blake?” Violet whispers my name and my whole body stills while embarrassment washes over me. Surely she didn’t see me jerking off. Did she?

  Ask her?

  “Hell no!”


  “Umm, nothing. What’s up?” I ask trying to slowly tug the sheet over my groin, praying like hell she can’t see my quickly growing erection through the darkness.

  “I can’t sleep.” Her words come out husky.

  The sound of clothing rustling gets my attention and then she’s sliding into bed with me. I catch sight of a naked boob before she yanks the cover to her chin.

  I blink a few times while my head is spinning. I have a very naked Violet in my bed, and my cock knows it. My hand holds my solid length down against my stomach so that it doesn’t tent the sheet with how freaking hard she has me.

  “This is new,” I mumble. “Not that I mind having you in my bed, but, umm, why now?”

  “Kasey told me to,” she blurts out.

  Pausing for a few minutes, I then throw my head back laughing. “He told you to get naked in my bed?”


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