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Chasing Daniel

Page 18

by Nia Arthurs

  I tried to explain that I had been defending myself on both counts, but the officers insisted that the complaint had been filed, and they had to take me in.

  In the eyes of the police, I’m nothing but a woman-beater.


  A few minutes later, Gwen and Aiden return to the jail cell. This time, they’re escorted by an officer.

  Aiden smiles. “How you holding up?”

  “I’m in jail, Aiden. How do you think I’m doing?”

  He flinches.

  “Sorry.” I sigh. “I shouldn’t take it out on you. Is it settled? Can I get out of here?”


  “What?” I stare into my best friend’s face. “What did they say?”

  Aiden coughs. “They’re going to hold you until we can appear before a judge.”

  “What does that mean? I have to sleep here tonight?”

  “And tomorrow night.” Aiden rubs the back of his neck. “I know it’s tough, man. We have to wait until Monday. I can pull some strings so you’re the first case on the bracket, but that’s all I can do. We’ve got to go through the formal proceedings.”


  I don’t want to spend two nights in jail. It was demoralizing to be treated like a criminal for a measly half-hour. I’m looking down the barrel of a whole day and night behind these bars.

  “We’re going to figure this out,” Gwen says, dipping her forehead near mine. “Aiden will get you out.”

  My head tilts toward hers, but instead of her warm skin all I feel is cold metal.

  “I’ll gather enough evidence to throw out the case. We’ll be back tomorrow to check on you. I swear you won’t be in here any longer than that.”

  I hold my best friend’s gaze. “Whatever you do, don’t tell my parents.”

  My mom would faint if she heard I was in jail. With her high blood pressure and the chaos of the wedding, she might not recover.

  “Try not to ignore me this time,” I tell Aiden, staring pointedly at Gwen.

  He smiles sheepishly. “I’ll do better.”

  Tears glisten in Gwen’s eyes as she says goodbye next. “I’ll punch Winnie in the face so they can throw me in beside you.”

  “We’d like that, honey,” the drunk who’d expressed interest in Gwen earlier says.

  I cut him a look over my shoulder, and he falls silent.

  “Go home and try not to worry. Time will fly by.”

  The next few hours prove that statement to be a lie.

  After a long, restless night on the hard bench bracketing the side of the cell, I greet a new morning. It feels like I’ve spent five days in this stuffy cell.

  Most of my drunken friends are released on Sunday afternoon since they were just incarcerated so they could sleep off their buzz without being a public nuisance.

  They had a great time making fun of the only Asian in their cell and, as they leave, they clasp their hands together and bow to me.

  I’m grateful for the peace and quiet and even doze off a little since I slept fitfully last night.

  What feels like a minute later, I hear someone calling my name. I crack my eyes open and find Gwen and Aiden outside my cell.

  I roll off the bench and approach them. “Morning.”

  “Hi, Danny.” Gwen smiles bravely. She’s dressed in a T-shirt and jeans. Her slender arms wrap around her middle.

  I know I look like crap, but I try to smile so she doesn’t worry too much. “Hey, babe.”

  Aiden leans close and whispers. “We got our hands on one of the full recordings. The video in our possession shows everything that happened that night, including Winnie hurling herself at you first and Brock throwing the first punch.”

  “Thank God.” I wilt against the bars. “That means I can leave tomorrow right?”

  Aiden nods, his eyes bright. “We’ve got enough to clear you of all charges. We can countersue—”

  “No. I just want this to end. No more drama.”

  “But they’ve put you through unspeakable stress and emotional trauma. We’d have a winning case.”

  “I’m done with them. All of them. I just want to go home.” I look longingly at Gwen. “I want to give my girlfriend a hug.”

  Aiden glances between his sister and me. “Uh… I’ll give you two a minute.” Aiden trots away until he’s out of sight.

  Gwen leans close to me. She smells like coconuts and vanilla. I want to kiss her skin and enjoy that fragrance until my dying day.

  “Hey,” she whispers.

  “Hey.” I lean back. “Don’t come too close. I didn’t get to brush my teeth.”

  “Stop it.” She grips the bars again. “I heard from Emily.”

  “Emily? As in my sister?”

  Gwen nods soberly. “Yeye wanted Richie and Mei An to wait a few months and then get married. Emily said anything else would bring shame on their family. Mei An looked like she could be convinced, but Richie—”

  “Did he tell Yeye no?”


  My eyes widen. “Are you sure? Maybe Em meant something different.”

  “Your sister said Yeye was furious.” Gwen glances at the ground. “Richie was disowned.”

  My heart stutters. To be disowned from the family means that Richie will be excluded from Yeye’s will and thus not receive any part of his inheritance.

  But it also means he will not be welcomed at any of our gatherings or included whenever the family has an official event.

  I hang my head. “No… Richie.”

  “Emily sounded upset too,” Gwen informs me.

  “Where is he now?”

  “I’m not sure. She thinks he’s skipped town.”

  “So he’s not even in Belize anymore?”

  She shakes her head. “I know Richie. He’ll be in contact with you soon.”

  “What if he…” I picture Cam’s hands in my mind. “What if he tries to kill himself?”

  “If he didn’t want to fight, he would have gone along with Yeye’s wishes. Richie decided to be his own person. He won’t give that freedom up just like that. Even if it hurts now.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I know I’m right.” She lifts her head confidently.

  “Gwen,” Aiden appears then and places a hand on his sister’s shoulder, “we need to leave now.”

  Gwen puts her fingers to her lips and blows me a kiss. “I’ll be back tomorrow morning.”

  I pretend every minute in this tiny cell hasn’t been torture and strike a pose. “I got this.”

  She giggles. “I love you, Danny.”

  Aiden freezes.

  My jaw drops.

  Gwen looks stricken. “I mean…” She backs away.

  “Hey! Gwen!” I yell at her as Gwen races out of the police station so fast she leaves skid marks.

  “Bet she’s glad you’re locked up in there, huh?” Aiden jokes. “No? Okay.”

  They both leave and I sink to the floor.

  Gwen didn’t even give me a chance to say it back.

  * * *

  The next morning, I head to court. Most of the proceedings go by in a blur.

  I snap to attention when the officers stop in front of my bench and take my handcuffs off.

  “That’s it, Mr. Kwan.” The judge rubs his eyes like it’s five in the evening when it’s actually nine o’clock in the morning. He adjusts his black robe. “You’re free to go.”

  “Yes!” Aiden pumps his fists.

  Gwen throws her arms around me. I hug her tight, burying my nose in her neck. The numbness fades.

  I’m free.

  “Congratulations, man.” Aiden slaps my back, a wide grin on his brown face. “I canceled my morning schedule. Let’s go to LaRuba’s and eat until we’re stuffed.”

  “Thanks, Aiden.” I hook an arm around Gwen’s waist and pull her to me. “But I just want to talk to Gwen for a bit.”

  “Oh.” He bobs his head. “I see how it is. You’re dropping me for my
sister?” He backs away, still mumbling. “I’m not bitter.”

  I laugh and follow him outside. “We’ll meet up tonight.”

  “What if I don’t let you go tonight?” Gwen asks, a sultry smile on her lips.

  My heart jumps. I turn to Aiden. “Yeah, tonight might not work for me, bro.”

  “Fine.” Aiden jogs down the court steps and yells, “Do whatever you want! I don’t care!”

  I look down at Gwen’s gorgeous face. “I think I offended him.”

  “Ah, he’ll get over it.”

  Unable to resist, I bend down and capture her lips in mine. She kisses me eagerly. A hoot from a passerby forces us apart.

  Gwen laughs breathlessly. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too.” I hold her hand as we jog down the steps. “I hope I never see the inside of a jail cell again.”

  “Winnie’s lucky you’re not countersuing or I’d sue her for everything she had.” Gwen glares at the lamppost in the park across the street.

  “She doesn’t matter. Her plan failed. The good guys won. Don’t dirty your hands for her.”

  Gwen turns to me. “I didn’t know you were so noble.”

  “I’m not. I just… I have everything I need.” I caress her cheek.

  “Smart man.” Gwen points to my car.

  My jaw drops. “You didn’t.”

  “I drove it here for you.”

  I grab her by the waist and swing her around. “I love you.”

  Gwen stops mid-laugh. The amusement drains from her sparkling brown eyes as she looks at my face. “What?”

  “I love you, Gwen.” I let her down slowly and hold her small hands in mine. “No matter what we face next, whether its my parents disapproval or jealous friends or crazy exes—”

  “Crazy exes?” She leans back. “What are you talking about?”

  I silence her with a kiss. “I love you. I promise I’ll pine for you even more than you did for me. I’ll make sure you never regret loving me.”

  “Those are lofty goals.” She pops an eyebrow. “You think you can keep them?”

  “Of course I can.” I grin at the sky. “I’m Daniel Kwan.”



  You know those moments when you see an old friend across the road, and you just want to beat them to a pulp?


  Just me?

  Sometimes I wonder if I’m crazy. When I see Winnie crossing the halls or walking down the quad, a moment of pressing, uncontrollable rage falls on me.

  It was just one day, but seeing Danny behind bars tore my heart up. I’m still not over that.

  My one consolation is that Britney got enough of Winnie’s BS and ditched her.

  Brit and I are even talking again. Not like we did when we were best friends, but at least I know I can count on her if I’m ever in a pinch. Since my friend circle is hilariously pathetic, I’ll take it.

  Winnie replaced us quickly. A few weeks after Danny’s incarceration, she and Brock started dating. Again.

  I guess a couple that makes false allegations together, stays together.

  Alright, Gwen. Enough about Winnie and her annoying self.

  I’ve got no time for hate today. No, today is a day for celebration.

  Last night, Dad invited me to family dinner. At first I made up some lame excuse not to go. Danny and I had plans to go swimming in the blue hole this weekend.

  Then Dad said this: “We’re inviting Aiden and his girlfriend too.”

  That right there killed it for me.

  I’m driving up to Belize City and making sure this dinner goes off without a hitch. Mom’s invitation is the olive branch we’ve all been waiting for. I can’t let Aiden’s girlfriend mess it up.

  And she can.

  Melissa’s gotten progressively… more opinionated as she moved into her second trimester.

  The television blares an insurance commercial jingle as I pack up the last of my stuff and check that Danny’s house is secure. Since that infamous party three months ago, I’ve maintained every room.

  Danny’s letting me stay here because he loves me, but I don’t want to take that for granted.

  I palm my keys and take the television off when I hear a knock at the door. My nose wrinkles in confusion. I rarely get visitors—which is fine by me. My human interaction quota is met by Danny, Aiden, my few associates at school and the many children in the child care center where I volunteer.

  I rise on my toes to peek through the peephole and spot Danny’s face. My fingers fumble with the door lock. At last I get the pesky thing to turn and throw the door open.

  Danny offers me a dashing smile that makes my heart race. “Hey, Gwen.”

  I step outside, reeling from shock. “You didn’t.”

  “I couldn’t wait an hour. I wanted to see you.”

  “Come here.” I bend my pointer finger, beckoning him closer.

  He stalks toward me, encircling me in his arms. His thumb caresses my hip. “I gotta find a way to transfer to the Belmopan store. Going five days without seeing you is torture.”

  I toss my hair over my shoulder. “I’m so busy with school and my kids at the center, I barely remember you.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  I grin and play with the top button of his shirt. “Yeah.”

  “Do you remember this?” Danny swoops down and kisses me.

  Fireworks explode in my stomach. My fingers dig into the hair at the nape of his neck as I nip and suck and taste with unbridled passion.

  Danny knows exactly what I like, and I return the favor. I run my hands down his muscled arms, struggling to breathe when every inch of me feels like it’s burst into flames.

  Danny pulls back, his eyes gleaming. “Is it hot out here or is it just me?”

  I nod to his long-sleeved shirt. “You came straight from work?”

  “I took off early. My duties have doubled because I have to do my job and Richie’s.”

  My desire takes a backseat when I hear that name. “Has he emailed you again?”

  Danny shrugs. “I figure he’ll reach out when he’s ready. For now, we’re all just glad he’s alive.”

  I cup his cheek. “Your sister texted me this morning.”

  “Yeah?” Danny pulls me into the porch swing and sets me in his lap. His hand brushes my hair away from my neck. Electricity skitters over my skin everywhere his calloused fingertips touch. “What did she say?”

  “She invited me to the family’s Chinese New Year’s party.”

  “You interested?” Danny’s voice is muffled since his lips are otherwise occupied.

  I close my eyes, savoring his touch. My mind goes blank. “What?”

  Danny places kisses up my throat to my ear. “Are you coming to the party? I planned to skip it.”

  “Say that one more time?”

  Danny’s chuckle is dark and tempting.

  See, this is why my bedroom is off limits. He’d have me undressed and sprawled out at the first touch of his hand.

  So instead, we gross out the neighbors by making out on the porch.

  Danny abandons any attempt at conversation and kisses me softly.

  “Excuse me!” someone yells.

  “Did you hear that?” I ask, pulling away and glancing around.

  “Nope.” He draws me back in again. Our lips collide.

  “Anyone home?”

  Danny freezes.

  I climb out of his lap and wander to the edge of the verandah. A gorgeous girl stands on the lawn. She’s dressed in a white skirt that flares around legs that go on forever. A pair of designer shades covers her eyes. Her long black hair lifts in the breeze.

  “Can I help you?”

  She moves her shades to the top of her head, revealing gorgeous almond-shaped eyes. “Who are you and what are you doing at the Kwan house?”

  Danny’s footsteps clop behind me as he draws by my side. His hand casually lands on my waist. “Who is it… babe?”

  I glance b
ack at him. His face has gone completely white.

  Danny straightens and his hand falls away from my waist. “Joana?”

  Joana’s grin shows off even white teeth. I’m looking but I can’t see a flaw. “Hey, Danny. It’s been a while.”

  Something twinges in my stomach.

  I turn back and look at Danny. “This won’t be a problem, right?”

  He says nothing.



  A Word From The Author

  Hello! Thank you for coming along on this journey with me. If you enjoyed this story, I would be honored if you would let others know by writing a review. Word of mouth is important for an author’s success.

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  Other Books by this Author

  The Taming Series

  Taming Mr. Jerkface

  Taming Mr. Charming

  Taming Mr. Know-it-all

  Taming Mr. Darcy

  The Seven Realms Series



  The Tree of Knowledge (coming soon)

  Love & Reggae

  Amid the Noise

  Count Me In

  Buffalo Soldier

  Confessions of A Church Girl

  Glass Houses

  Fitting In

  Standing Out


  Whiter Than Snow

  Married By Science


  Fool Me Never

  Audrey’s Choice


  From the Stars

  River’s Journey

  That Was Then


  Becoming Rachel

  Desperate for a Date

  Something New

  Love In Many Shades Series


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