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Abducted: A Mafia Hitman Romance

Page 3

by Alexis Abbott

  I still don’t know what it means. When I’m ready? But I have the worst feeling about it. That he wants to break me down. That he wants me to go to those cameras and beg for him to rescue me from this Hell on Earth. That he wants me broken and simpering, desperate for any kind of human touch.

  Even his.

  My stomach growls and my face twists in anger. Every time I have to do anything other than sleep, I feel like my body is betraying me. Acting like everything is normal, and this isn’t the worst thing to happen to me.

  How can I worry about hunger, about showering, about doing anything when I’m just a toy to an absent kidnapper?

  But he’s never really absent. I walk over to the little kitchenette area and stare up at the hidden camera with anger and hate in my eyes. It’s a dark kind of poetry how similar this place is to my studio apartment. Same small square footage. Same stark, minimalistic decor.

  Except my apartment was my sanctuary, filled with my treasured possessions, and allowing me to come and go as I needed. I hate my freedom. My privacy.

  My sanity.

  This place is like a hellish shadow of my apartment.

  Whoever put me here had the place fully stocked, though. There were plenty of towels and rolls of toilet paper. The kitchenette had a massive pantry filled with canned goods and preserved food. None of it was particularly tasty, but my captor wasn’t starving me.

  If he wants me begging for him, it’s probably just another ploy to try to get me on his side. His own twisted version of bad cop, good cop, but he’s both players.

  I try to remember more from that day when I was brought here. After that man chased me into the alleyway, I fell. I cut my foot. It still hurts, even now, after washing it profusely and keeping it clean. It doesn’t look infected, and I’ve stayed off it as best I can. What else is there to do?

  After I fell down, the man caught me. I tried to slash at him with a piece of glass but I couldn’t do it. There was that nasty sweet smell and then I blacked out. I assume he chloroformed me. I remember little bits and pieces, vaguely. Waking up in a moving vehicle, lying on my back. I couldn’t move or speak for some reason. I saw flashes of moonlight through the trees. And then nothing, until I woke up here, in this room.

  “I’ll be back for you when you’re... ready for me.”

  The last words I’ve heard spoken to me in days. Weeks maybe.

  There is something else I remember, but it has nothing to do with why I’m here. There’s no way it could. A few weeks ago, someone I had no memory of, no attachment to, decided to suddenly appear. Someone I never expected to see. Someone I didn’t even miss.

  My father.

  In between my tears, my anger, my fear, I keep mulling over the strange details of our meetup. It’s a distraction from my horrific situation, but not a very pleasant one.

  The man who ignored my existence for twenty-three years, this complete stranger who wanted nothing to do with me or my mother, suddenly wanted to see me. When I walked into his office at the manufacturing plant he owns in Rochester, he looked ill. Tired. He was pale and fragile-looking, nothing like the strong man I used to imagine when I was a child.

  I was suspicious of his intentions. After all, what could he possibly have wanted with me now after all this time? But it seemed to me he was feeling guilty. Ashamed, maybe, of how he treated mom and I.

  Like he wanted to make up for lost time or something.

  “Too late for that,” I frown morosely, feeling my stomach growl again and ignoring it.

  My biological father mentioned something about a will, some paperwork he decided to add my name to. But I knew not to get excited about that. All my life, he has let me down. Pretended I don’t exist. Why should I expect anything from him now?

  Besides, I don’t want anything from him. I prefer to make my own way in life. I don’t want to owe anything to anyone.

  And now it doesn’t matter anyway. Because I’m trapped down here in this horrible pit, being watched and stalked by some creepy old pervert.

  “Sorry, Dad. I’ve already got one awful old man trying to ruin my life right now, don’t have room for another,” I mumble.

  I walk to my bed, slowly stripping the sheets once more. It’s the only real routine I have, something I can turn my brain off on. Just go through the motions of taking the sheets, hanging them on the metal shower rod. Everything in here is damp from the humidity of my constant showers, but I can’t help but feel like I’m coated in something nasty.

  Especially knowing that the cameras are tracking my every move.

  I turn on the water, the warm steam filling the air. If I close my eyes, for just a second, I can pretend I’m back in my own apartment, showering in the morning to get ready for the day. I imagine the hands of daycare kids wrapping me in a hug, tickling me and brightening my day. I can almost smell the scent of tempra paint and the outdoors and their lunches in my nose, and a faint smile reluctantly comes to my lips.

  But I’m not there, and my breath gets choked off in my throat. A sob comes from me, and in the only private place I have, I begin to truly cry. Not to anguished, angry and frighten cries of earlier in my captivity.

  These are the tears of grief. Of mourning.

  As if I’d finally accepted that my old life is dead and gone, and all I have to look forward to is up to the whims of a disgusting creep.

  Tears mingle with the shower water and my shoulders heave until there’s no more tears to cry. I’m empty, the sensation almost cathartic after feeling so much for so long. I stay in the shower until it runs cold, wanting to hide my vulnerability from those damnable cameras. I don’t want him to know he’s won. That he’s beaten me down.

  “I’ll be back for you when you’re ready for me,” he promised. I never want him to think I’m ready for him. I’ll never be ready for him.

  I reach for the towel, drawing it in behind the sheet, drying off quickly, my body starting to shiver from the cold water. My clothes don’t smell so nice anymore, after being down here for so long, but I grab for them and discreetly get dressed in the tub.

  In the corner of the room is a dresser with brand new lacy lingerie and other pieces of scant clothing. I won’t wear any of it. As I walk out of the bathroom I turn and flip the mirror camera the bird. I mouth the words fuck you. I’m not going to let him know he won.

  But even with all my anger and fear, I find myself torn. I certainly don’t want that nasty old pervert to come down here. I never want to see his horrible fucking face again.

  On the other hand, being alone with my thoughts for so long... I’m losing my grip on reality. Loneliness eats at me, and not knowing what’s going to happen, imagining every horrific possibility... At least if he came down here, I’d know more of what to expect. At least I’d have something solid to fear.

  I’m pushed from my reverie by the sound at the door.

  I freeze up, looking over at the door with wide eyes. My heart begins to pound.

  No, no, no no no!

  I immediately move to the kitchen, looking for a weapon. There’s no knives, and the sharpest thing in there is a can opener. I grab a can of tomato soup, hoping I could throw it at him and dart for the door.

  Now that he’s here, I definitely know what I want. I want to be free. I want the third option.

  I can hear a series of locks clicking, coming undone. And then the door knob turns. The door clicks open and a beam of light pours into the room, illuminating the dark silhouette in the doorway.

  Instantly I can tell that it’s not the same man. This man is broad and very tall, blocking off the entire door with his wall of muscle. I gulp and reel the can back, preparing to throw it at his head as I shake with fear.

  “Who the hell are you?”



  Anger flashes behind my eyes, but when I see Mink’s secret in the flesh, I’m stunned into silence.

  A woman. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

  Her face hit
s me like lightning. She has icy blue eyes that shine brighter than anything else in the furnished room around her. Her dark blonde hair is long, past her shoulders, and even in the bad lighting, it seems to shine like a golden halo.

  She’s a full foot shorter than me, and I recognize the look on her face. I know the sight of it well.


  We’re both frozen in place for a long moment, stunned at each other. Her eyes look me up and down. I’m wearing a tight black tank top and my usual black jeans. I loom in the doorway, my breathing heavy and my jaw tightening.

  Until this morning, I thought the shed behind the house was just some storage space for old junk. I couldn’t have been more surprised when I stepped inside.

  It was a surveillance room.

  There were computers, camera setups, and video feeds all over the interior. It looked like a security guard’s room.

  I saw what I thought was a recording of a girl walking around on the screens. I assumed it was some strange fetish porn the old man liked to watch.

  Then I found the hatch in the floor.

  When I opened the thing up, I felt like I’d found a staircase to the underworld. It was a long staircase into darkness, and the light bulb I turned on flickered and revealed cobwebs most of the way down.

  Then a military grade door, keeping whatever was locked inside a secret from the outside world. Mink had kept his secret well, and no one would have been able to find her should he have lived. He was careful, and in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by concrete and steel, no one would have heard her scream for help.

  She was his prisoner, but I have no idea for how long. Pity swarms my heart, and it brings a bitter taste to my mouth. I shove it all down, anger rising up in me once more.

  I have a living, breathing problem on my hands. One I can’t simply murder and run away from. I might be the Angel of Death, but I do not kill children or women. That was one of the reasons why all my mafia contacts are dancing with the Devil, now.

  So what can I do with a lovely, broken captive that I’ve inherited?

  I take a few steps into the room, and as soon as I do, she starts running toward me at full tilt. I’m taken by surprise, and she tries to run past me out the door, scrambling like a wild animal.

  I catch her around the waist and pull her back. Immediately, she starts kicking and scratching at me, a can of tomato soup smashing against my bicep before slipping from her hands and denting on impact. She doesn’t try to lunge for it, instead battering her little fists off my rippling muscles like rain as I hold her back and grip her wrists as she struggles.

  I don’t want to hurt her, but she’s going to hurt herself like this.

  “Get the fuck off me, let me go!” she cries, thrashing in my arms.

  “Calm down,” I grunt, “I’m not going to hurt—”

  “Fuck off!” she shouts, trying to lean around me and shout, “Help! Help!” up the stairs.

  “I’m not going to hurt you!” I say in a firm, commanding voice as I pull her off me and pin her arms to her side, holding her away from me and looking into her terrified face. “Listen to me. What are you doing down here?”

  She breathes heavily a few seconds, watching me with wild eyes as her chest rises and falls, color flush in her cheeks.

  Her gaze goes to my hands, then to my chest. The anger in her face starts to fade, and it slowly gives way to something else. Something I’m more used to seeing when people look at me.


  “You’re... you’re not him,” she says at last, more to herself than to me.

  “No. I’m not him.”

  “Your grip is different. You’re way too big,” she says, talking to herself. “And the smell, too. You’re not him. Are you... did that bastard send you to kill me?”

  “No. I’m not here to kill you.”

  I look her in the eye, and I see a hundred emotions in that intense expression. She’s anxious, terrified, confused, and still a little angry, but there’s something else in that gaze.

  How long has it been since she’s seen another person? Longing lingers beneath her heavy lashes, and that’s confusing to me. Concerning. But perhaps I can use that to my advantage. If she’s been down here this long, if she’s desperate for anyone but Mink to visit her...

  “Let me prove that I’m not here to hurt you. I’m going to let you go. Do not try to run. I’m not him, but you’re still in the middle of nowhere with me, and the quicker we can work this out, the better it will be for both of us.”

  She looks up at me with defiance at first, but I can see the conflict in her eyes. There’s desperation there, too.

  Finally, she relents, and I release her arms, my eyes narrowing critically at her.

  She rubs her arms and immediately backs away from me and moves to her bed. It’s a rickety-looking thing, but the way she moves to it makes it seem like it’s the one thing in the room that brings her any comfort. She sits down on it, her posture closing up, and her hands grab handfuls of her blanket.

  My eyes move from it to the bathroom area. There are no walls, and the shower has no curtain. I clench my jaw, thinking back to all the camera feeds set up in the room above us. All of them showed a room... this room.

  Mink was watching her every move.

  She was his sick little perverted game.

  “What are you doing here? Do you work for him?” she asks, her voice still suspicious, but her eyes keep moving up and down me.

  “No,” I say simply, taking another step into the room. “Who’s this ‘him’ you keep talking about?” I already know, of course, but if Mink had friends, or someone else who knew of this woman, things could get messy very quickly.

  “I... I don’t know,” she says, her lip quivering. “The guy who put me here.”

  I think carefully about how to approach this. Judging by this woman’s mental state, she has probably been down here a while. I’ve met soldiers of the mafia who have spent long spans of time in solitary confinement with no other human contact.

  It can have serious effects on their psyches. And those were hardened criminals, men who knew why they were in solitary. She’s desperate for answers, and very fragile. She didn’t have the training those men had, didn’t have the constitution.

  I take another step into the room. She watches me carefully, but she doesn’t move.

  “Do you know how long you’ve been down here?”

  She seems to try to think for a moment, but she swallows and shakes her head. “There are no windows and no clocks.” Her eyes are rimmed with tears. “It... it feels like a lifetime.”

  “You said someone put you here,” I say. “Were you taken against your will?”

  “Do I look like I want to be here?” she snaps, but she immediately softens, and I see tears roll down her cheeks as she buries her face in her hands, sobbing.

  I stiffen, watching her, unsure what to do. I haven’t had contact with another person since killing the previous owner, and I’d never been one for the company of others. Especially when they were... vulnerable.

  For a brief second, I think back to a brief moment in my past, the last time I saw a woman cry. I was only a child then, but it was in that second I knew that women were special. Something to be protected and guarded against the hurt in the world.

  And then I became the hurt in the world.

  Is this a chance to make amends for all the hearts I broke? All the husbands and fathers I took from the world?

  Slowly, I walk toward her, and once I’m close enough to her bed, I kneel down in front of her to look at her on her level. She gasps in surprise when she realizes how quickly and quietly I approached her, and she recoils a little, but she doesn’t run.

  She just stares at me with those wet, blue eyes.

  She probably still thinks this is some kind of dream. Some horrible, hopeful fever dream.

  “Do you want to come out of here?” I ask her, trying to keep my gravelly voice soft.

  It seems like a qu
estion with an obvious answer, but one glance around the room says so much. There are signs of her living in it everywhere. With no human contact, no view of the outside world, this place has been her whole world for god knows how long.

  She looks at me with foggy eyes, as if I’d just spoken a foreign language to her.

  I hold out my hand to her, and she stares at it for a few moments before carefully putting her small hand in my palm.

  She seems almost surprised that my hand feels real. Despite everything, she feels warm and soft.

  I close my hand around hers and stand up slowly.

  “I don’t even know where I am,” she breathes, her voice so delicate.

  “Let me show you,” I say. “Trust me for a moment.”

  After a pause, she nods.

  I take a few slow steps backward until we reach the threshold of the door. She looks at it cautiously, as if wondering if this is a trap.

  Finally, she walks over it with me, and she squints up at the stairway to the exit before I gently guide her up.

  As we climb the stairs carefully, one thought haunts my mind.

  Who is this angel I’ve found down here in the bowels of hell? And what am I going to do with her now that she’s seen my face?



  I step up into the yellowish light of the shed, my heart thumping like crazy. As I look around the room, my mouth falls open and I can feel tears burning in my eyes.

  But I’m not crying because I’m finally free from that fucking bunker.

  I’m crying because this room is a pervert’s paradise.

  There have got to be ten or eleven different monitors around the room, and every screen shows a different angle of the bunker I was being held inside. It’s even worse than I thought. When I was trapped, I assumed that the blinking camera over the mirror was the only bathroom camera. But I was wrong. There are three different angles of the bathroom, one of which is more or less inside the shower. Which tells me that even when I draped a bed sheet over the metal shower rod to form a makeshift courtesy curtain, it didn’t matter. There was an even more intimately-placed camera watching me the whole time.


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