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Heaven's a Beach

Page 7

by J. A. Cipriano

  I covered my mouth with my hand and shook my head, refusing to tell him why I laughed.

  Gabriel’s eyes narrowed to slits and his arms caged me in against the counter. “Jane.” The warning in his voice made my insides twist into sexy knots. “Tell me, or I won’t touch you again.”

  “You’re touching me now,” I pointed out, his arms brushing against my side.

  “You have a smart mouth. Has anyone ever told you that?” Gabriel leaned in close, his mouth just inches from mine.

  “All the time,” I murmured back, leaning toward him to close the distance, but he pulled back at the last second, making me growl.

  “Tell me.”

  My brow furrowed for a second forgetting what we were even talking about in the first place but then my mouth dropped open as I remembered. “Really? We have so little time together, and you’re going to risk not getting to finally have sex over a little giggle?”

  Gabriel’s gaze didn’t waver.

  “Ugh, God you are such a …” I trailed over, crossing my arms over my chest and muttering under my breath. Still, Gabriel didn’t budge. “Fine! Okay. You win. I giggled because you took the Lord's name in vain.”

  Gabriel frowned. “I don’t get it.”

  “Of course, you don’t.” I sighed. “You said ‘God, you’re beautiful.’ For a regular person, that’d be all fine and dandy but for you, it could mean several things. You could be saying ‘God, you’re so beautiful,’ and mean God actually. Cause you know, he’s your dad and all.”

  Gabriel’s face scrunched up even more by my explanation, but I wasn’t even done yet. “Or you could actually mean, ‘God, you’re so beautiful,’ in reference to me, but in that case, it means you are using his name in vain, which in turn could get you in trouble. And then I thought your dad would give you a spanking, which in of itself ended up in a very naughty, weird place.” I threw my hands up and grabbed my hair. “I’m such a freak.”

  He didn’t say anything at first, only stared at me. Which only made it all the worse. I jiggled my leg in place and grabbed his arms. “Please, just say something. I’m dying here.”

  The downturn of Gabriel’s mouth slowly moved upward in a grin as he shook his head. “You are something else, Jane Mehr. Truly something.”

  “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I asked, still very anxious about his reaction to my weird brain patterns.

  “I think …” Gabriel shrugged out of his jacket and set it on the counter. His hands moved to the buttons of his shirt. First the cufflinks and then the front, his tie loosened and discarded. “It’s a very good thing.” He leaned in once more, his mouth skimming mine. “In fact, it’s so good, I don’t think I can spend another moment without finding out every strange and obscure thought in your head.”

  “Well, I do think about cheese a lot,” I started, confused on where this was going.

  Gabriel burst out laughing and then tugged his shirt off leaving me breathless. “That’s great, but now I want to know what kind of sounds I can pull out of you.”

  “Okay,” I squeaked, my eyes boring into his bare chest. His hands went to the waist of his pants, and suddenly I was really into slacks. In particularly, slacks that were on the ground. Which was where I wanted Gabriel’s to be.

  In what felt like an eternity, Gabriel undressed completely, leaving me burning and wet with desire. He had barely touched me, and already I wanted to climb him like Everest and ride him like an award-winning steed. Oh, we’d make great babies together.

  The thought popped into my head so unceremoniously that I almost lost my cool but then Gabriel’s hands were pulling down my bra straps, and the random thought was gone. All I could focus on was his hands on my flesh, his mouth on my skin, each action causing my body to flush and dance.

  By the time he got me out of my underwear, my panties were ruined. I’d never felt so turned on in my entire life. Everything about him made me hot. From the way he gently cupped my breasts to the way he gripped the back of my legs as he hoisted me into his arms, I couldn’t get enough of him.

  So much so that I was surprised when my back hit the cloud-like bed. I’d expected us to end up doing it against the wall. Another thing about Gabriel that had me in knots.

  I gripped the back of his head, his mouth attacking my breasts as if they were something he’d found on the buffet. And if you’d seen this man eat, you’d know he savors his meals. Wholly. Fully. Making sure to savor every part of it to the fullest. I should know, he took the same kind of pleasure to my pussy not too long ago. The very thought of it had me getting impatient for more.

  Pushing at his shoulders, I tried to subtly hint at where I wanted him. Gabriel glanced up from my chest and chuckled. Okay, maybe I wasn’t that subtle, but it still got me what I wanted. His mouth slid across my stomach until he settled his shoulders between my thighs, spreading me open to his gaze.

  I held my breath, the anticipation of his mouth on my swollen clit killing me by the second. When it didn’t immediately come, I almost cried out in frustration. Instead, I kept my displeasure to myself as a light kiss was pressed to the inside of my thigh. And then another. And another. Each one came even closer to where I wanted him. Needed him. Then just as I prepared myself for the onslaught on my core, he bypassed it to give the other thigh the same treatment.

  This time I couldn’t hold back my aggravation and growled. Gabriel’s laugh reverberated through my skin, making my insides clench deliciously. Thankfully, he didn’t comment on it but continued his trek, moving up the inside of my thigh. His hot breath lingered on my throbbing core, and I arched up slightly as if I could make him close those final inches.

  A single stroke of the tip of his tongue circled around my clit, and I cried out. My hands tore at the bed beneath me, that small moment sending fissures of pleasure through me. I didn’t have time to calm down from the first touch before he tasted me again. At first, just moving in slow, soft circles before turning into long hard strokes.

  My breathing came in heavy, each lap of his tongue more prominent than the last, and I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer. Just as I began to come, Gabriel slipped a finger inside of me, pumping it while my insides spasmed wildly.

  “Gabriel,” I gasped out, my fingers digging into his hair, fighting to pull him closer and push him away. It was almost too good. When he withdrew, I found myself disappointed and relieved. As much as he gave good oral, I wanted to feel him inside of me before time ran out, which could be any minute.

  I reached out and wrapped my hand around the length of his cock, familiarizing myself with it. I didn’t like to compare the three of them, it didn’t really seem fair, but they all were well proportioned. Nothing crooked or weird. I didn’t know why I was surprised. They’re angels. Even their cocks are perfect.

  Gabriel let me take my time touching him, not rushing me to the next phase. I licked my lips and stared down at his length. Did he taste the same way as a human? Even with the time crunch pressing down on us, I couldn’t let the question go unanswered.

  With my other hand, I gave Gabriel a slight push on his abs, and he took the hint to turn over. Now, hovering over him, I grasped him more firmly in my hand, pumping it up and down. I cupped his balls and squeezed slightly, causing him to groan. Dipping my head down, I licked the head of his cock, letting the taste of him settle in my mouth.

  Yep. Just like a human. What was I expecting? Some kind of divine cum? I laughed at myself internally. You know, cause laughing out loud earlier had been such a good idea. Doing it with his manhood in my hand and mouth probably not a good idea.

  Pushing my thoughts to the side, I focused on giving Gabriel the same treatment he had given me. I lapped at his head a few more times, before taking him fully into my mouth. I forced my throat to relax as I moved my mouth over him taking him in deeply. As I reached the base, I squeezed his balls once more. A hand went into my hair, and I took that as an encouraging sign.

  Bopping my head up and do
wn, I alternated cupping him and swallowing. Each sound I pulled from Gabriel fueled my desire to see him fall apart. To taste him.

  Unfortunately, Gabriel had other ideas. Before I knew what was happening, I had been jerked off his length and was flat on my back, Gabriel looming over me. His eyes bore into me, and a lust-filled grin covered his mouth. I only had a moment to see it before my eyes rolled up into the back of my head as Gabriel slid into me all at once.

  Gasping, I grabbed hold of his biceps.

  “Are you alright?” Gabriel asked, pausing mid-thrust.

  I nodded with a forced grin. “Oh, yeah. Just caught me off guard is all.” Man, he might not seem much bigger than the others, but those few centimeters sure made a difference.

  A dull ache started inside of me as he moved again. Each thrust made my fingers tighten on his arms. With my recent orgasm still so prevalent in my lower regions, the feel of him rubbing against my insides was bordering on painful. Telling myself not to be such a weenie, I powered through the sensitivity, at least until his fingers found my clit once more, and then I was screaming. My toes curled under and my arms and legs wrapped around him as he pounded into me.

  When my orgasm hit me this time, it felt like I’d been literally hit. Like someone had punched me right in the ovaries, and all I could do was beg for more. Gabriel ducked under my arms and lifted my legs up higher until they straddled his shoulders, his hips pistoning into me.

  “Gabriel,” I cried out, my head moving from side to side, “I don’t know if I can come again.” I’d never begged a man not to make me come before. It was unheard of. No woman - or man, for that matter - didn’t want to come.

  But my cries fell on deaf ears. Gabriel pushed into me, his eyes boring into mine as his finger circled my clit. My breath hitched once more, and then I was spiraling. I was briefly aware of Gabriel tensing against me, a grunt coming from him before he collapsed beside me on the bed.

  “Oh. My. God,” I said when I finally got my breath back.

  “Now is this my dad God or a lamentation on my skills as a lover?” Gabriel asked, laying back on his folded arms.

  “Both.” I giggled to myself. We lay together for a few moments, our breathing the only sound in the room.

  “Hey,” Gabriel said out of the blue. “You know what?”

  “What?” I asked, still smiling like a loon.

  “This bed does feel like a cloud.”


  I was in the middle of a delicious dream, one in which I had all three angels in my bed and not a stitch of clothing on. A dream I doubted I’d ever get to come to life but still a girl could have her fantasies.

  Lucifer’s lips trailed along the side of my neck, placing hot wet kisses. I laid my head back against his shoulder and arched my back as Michael cupped my breasts, his large hands the perfect size. Twisting the peaks until it bordered on pain, I gasped, my thighs clamping down to stop the ache between my thighs. Unfortunately, they landed against the side of Gabriel’s head.

  “Hey there, now,” Gabriel said, reminding me of where he was. Before I could apologize he dipped his head back down and gave me another reason to moan.

  “You really should eat something you know,” my mother’s voice suggested, making me pop my head up. Penny Mehr sat next to us on the bed with a plate of pizza in her hands. “You’re going to get a low blood sugar if you don’t carb up.”

  “Mom!” I cried out just as Gabriel lapped at me, making my words come out as more of a moan. “Get out, mom. Get out of my head!”

  My mother opened her mouth and started to say something, but what came out was ringing.

  “What?” I asked, trying to get the hands that suddenly seemed everywhere off of me. “I can’t understand you.”

  When my brain began to realize that the ringing was happening outside of my head, the foursome disappeared, and I jerked awake. The incessant ringing of my phone greeted me. What the fuck? I opened my eyes and saw the pristine white ceiling above me and panicked. Where was I?

  I sat up in bed and saw the rumpled sheets and the half-opened suitcase and remembered I was on a case. At a spa. Which I hadn’t done anything on yet to make my stay worthwhile.

  The scattered clothes from Gabriel the night before made me smile. Well, I couldn’t say I had done nothing. Doing an angel was quite an achievement.

  I suddenly remembered the other achievement that had been ruined by my mother’s appearance. Man, I either had mommy issues or I just had one messed up brain. Shaking my dream off, I grabbed my phone off the nightstand, putting it to my ear and started to pick up Gabriel’s clothes. “This is Jane.”

  “Jane!” Mandy yelled into my ear, and I leaned away from the sound. “I’ve been calling you all morning.”

  “Good morning to you, too,” I grumbled, as I gathered yet another suit jacket to add to my growing collection. Really, these guys needed to start finding something to do with their clothes ‘cause at this rate I was going to end up having enough for my own men’s department store.

  “Sorry, you’re right. Good morning.” Mandy sighed, and I could literally hear her tugging at her hair. “I’m just a bit stressed. This murder case is kicking our asses. We have one guy we are pretty sure is the killer, but we keep missing him.”

  I frowned. “I’m sorry. I hope O’Connor isn’t taking it out on you. There are two of you on the case. It’s not like you’re doing it on purpose.”

  “No, no.” Mandy quickly said. “Nothing like that. The captain is breathing down our necks as well as the reporters, all wanting to know when we’ll be getting the killer off the streets. Which was why I was calling you. Please tell me you solved the robberies already, so you can help us with this?”

  Guilt ate at me. Here I was using up the city’s time and resources to lounge around the beach, eat lots of food, and have crazy angel sex. Okay, the last bit I wouldn’t feel guilty about because it was HAWT! I’d never been pushed so far in sex in my life, and I couldn’t say that I hated it. In fact, if Gabriel hadn’t lost his corporeal self and had to get back to work, I’d have begged him to rock my world again.

  “I’m sorry, Mandy. I haven’t found anything yet,” I admitted, tensing as I waited for her to explode. Except it never came.

  “Not surprised. That’s the way my day is going.” Mandy let out a depressing sigh, it was even worse than having her yell at me. Now I really felt bad.

  “But don’t worry,” I added, holding Gabriel’s clothes to me tightly. “I’m going to scour this place until I find the thief and then I will be there to help you. I promise.”

  Mandy sighed again even more dejected. “I’m sure you will. But please be careful. You might only be looking for a thief, but it could easily go badly. I wouldn’t want to be looking for two killers.”

  “I’ll be safe, I promise. No crazy antics for this gal.” I smiled, hoping to get a laugh out of my best friend.

  “Okay, I’ve got to go. I’ll check in later.” Mandy hung up without so much as a snicker.

  Damn. That case must really be draining the life out of her. I suddenly wanted more than anything to catch this burglar and get to Mandy.

  I bundled up Gabriel’s clothes and set them to the side of my suitcase to deal with later. Digging through my bag, I searched for something acceptable to wear while sleuthing around the spa. Grabbing a tight, mint colored skirt and dark green top, I laid them out on the bed and then went to take a quick shower.

  By the time I got out of the shower more than just my clothes were waiting for me on my bed. Michael sat on the edge, one leg crossed over the other, his eyes scanning the room.

  “Hey,” I greeted, very much aware that I had left the bathroom naked and only had a small towel to dry my hair. Instead of freaking out, I decided to just go with it. He couldn’t make me feel uncomfortable unless I let him. Besides, he’d already seen me naked, it’s not like it was anything new.

  “Hello,” Michael greeted in return, his eyes scanning over my form. There
was a certain heat there as well as appreciation, but he didn’t try to start anything. Not like Lucifer would have. Instead, he simply watched me dry my hair.

  “Were you here for a certain reason?” I asked, pulling my underwear up my legs. “Not that I mind your company.”

  Michael smiled one of his rare smiles that made me suddenly wish he would try something. “I enjoy your company as well.” We exchanged a soft look for a moment before he cleared his throat and got serious. “But I did come here for a reason. I found out more about our little situation.” He gestured between us, but I was at a loss.

  “What situation?”

  His words caught in his throat, his blue eyes watching me intently as I put on my bra. It seemed I wasn’t the only one affected. Too bad I had thoughts of Mandy’s depressed voice in my mind.

  Shaking his head, Michael seemed to find his bearings. “The situation regarding your blood and our sudden corporeal form.”

  “Oh. That.” I tried to listen as intently as I could as I finished getting dressed. “What about it?”

  Michael laced his fingers around his knee, pulling his crossed leg closer to him. “Well, it seems like we are able to take in some of your essence so to speak. Some of your humanity is passed to us which is what allows us to become solid.”

  “Okay,” I drew out, not sure if this was a bad or good thing. “Are we happy or upset about this?”

  “Curious would better describe it.” Michael’s eyes crinkled at the sides. “We don’t know much more about it. Only the how, not the why. There are many questions unanswered in this regard, but I am unable to find answers. Even Father does not have anything to offer me. For all I know, it’s part of His plan.”

  I snorted at that as I zipped up my skirt.

  “You laugh, but He has used the same excuse on more than one occasion. Many times, it has proved to be a good thing. So, I will let it be for now.”

  I frowned, pulling my button-up shirt on. “How can that be? The all-mighty Archangel Michael is just going to go with the flow?” I raised a brow, and Michael suddenly stood from the bed.


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