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The Library (The Librarian of Alexandria Book 1)

Page 36

by Casey White

  Steadying himself, he edged out from his cover, creeping forward.

  James and Maya walked at the front, with Leon hanging behind. Owl smiled through the waves of his irritation. Good. The better to-

  Leon shrieked when Owl grabbed his shoulder. Just a little. He bit the sound off, shuddering. Maya jumped, letting out a squeak, and spun. “What the-”

  “Don’t do that,” Leon whined, sagging as he glared at Owl. “Jesus Christ. You scared the shit out me. Again.”

  “Should pay better attention,” Owl said, making his voice sound more cheerful than he felt. “You should know that I’ll find you after you show up here.” He glanced toward the other two. “Especially when you bring friends.”

  “Enough bantering,” James mumbled. “Can we hurry up?”

  Owl looked to him, then back to Leon. “You guys in a hurry?”

  “Not really,” Leon said, shooting James an irritated look. “We, uh. Well.”

  “Surprise test got added for next week,” Maya said. She winked at Owl, smiling shyly. “They’re freaking out. You might have noticed.”

  James’ ears turned red, but he only stared at the ground. “Oh, fuck me for not wanting to fail.”

  “O-Oh,” Owl said, nodding. Studying. Now. Sure, why not. “Yeah, I gotcha. Um, we can-”

  “Sorry,” Leon mumbled. “We’ve got some time. We can come back tomorrow night. Let’s-”

  “Leon’s in the procrastinating phase,” Maya said, leering at her friend. “You might have noticed that, too.”

  Leon scuffed at the floor with his toe, scrunching up his face. “We’ve got all the time in the world,” Owl heard him mutter. “No reason to force the matter tonight.”

  “It’s fine,” Owl said. “Yeah. It’s...You just caught me a little off guard.”

  Leon’s brow furrowed. “If it’s going to be a problem-”

  “C’mon,” Owl said, gesturing for them to follow. “I’d feel like an ass if you jerks failed.” When they hesitated, momentarily nonplussed, he let out a huff of air. “Just come with me, okay?”

  This time, when he started walking, they followed. He could feel Leon’s eyes on his back every step of the way. The bastard was perceptive. Owl could already hear the questions bubbling from his lips. But, he didn’t say anything - he just trudged along behind Owl, watching silently.

  Owl scanned the doorways that sprang up around them, looking for...something. A place to tuck them away, a place out of sight. You brought them here, Alex. So how’s about you-

  A candle flared, burning brighter from alongside a doorway. Owl smiled. Thanks. “This way,” he said, jerking his chin for the others to follow.

  Motes of dust floated through the air as he veered into the room, disturbed by his passage. He paused for a moment, halfway through the doorway. It was...dusty. That much was for sure. Revenge for him not following through in the chapel? Petty, Alex.

  It had a long, wide table, though, like a conference room, and one wall was made up entirely of windows that filled the room with light. Windows. Right. The dreamer. A pang of worry shot through Owl’s chest, but he shook his head. He’d see to it later, once he’d gotten this lot settled.

  “Okay, then,” he said with a sigh, waving his friends toward the table. “Let’s-”

  “Oh, perfect,” Maya said, her eyes lighting up. She slipped past Owl, heading straight for a stack of books and binders on the corner of the table. “This is- Yeah. James. Ass in seat, right now.”

  James grumbled, but sat down. For someone who normally lived in a bubble of artificial confidence, his face had gone ghostly white.

  Owl hesitated as the two started working, giving the room another look. The table, the books. One wall was windows, the other mortar-lined stone. And on the far side of the room...he smiled. Another door was set into the far wall, the mirror of the one they’d come through - and in the Library, that door could lead wherever they needed it to. They weren’t penned in here.

  He reached out, taking hold of the still-open door, and eased it shut. The latch settled in with a click.

  “You good?”

  The voice was quiet, barely above a whisper, but Owl jumped anyway.

  Leon was half-sitting on the table, just a little separated from his friends. He was smiling, still, but the expression was reserved.

  Owl nodded. “I’m fine.”

  “You sure?” Leon said. “Only, you seem...jittery.”

  Owl groaned. “Ah.’s nothing. There’s no problem.’s complicated.” He made a face. “It’s...We’re not alone.

  Leon nodded. “Guests.”


  The serious look didn’t leave Leon’s expression, though. “You’ve had guests over before,” he said softly. “It’s not that unusual.” His eyes narrowed faintly. “You were worried over those applications the last time I was here. It’s them, isn’t it?”

  Owl sighed. “It’s...yeah. These are important guests. High-ups in the guild.”



  Leon chuckled under his breath. “So you probably don’t want them to see that you’ve got a side deal going.” His lips curled into a crooked smile. “Sorry. Looks like we’re putting you in an awkward position. If it’s not going to work, we can head out. There are still a few more nights before the test. We can-”

  “N-No,” Owl said, shaking his head. “No, no. It’s fine. I meant it.” Damn it, he knew that getting rid of Leon and the rest for this visit would be the safest way...but the thought of kicking them out just like that didn’t sit well with him. He didn’t want to see Leon go so soon. “We’ll just...we’ll have to play it safe.”

  “Got it,” Leon said with a wink. “We’ll be extra careful. We’re just studying, anyway.”

  Owl nodded, starting to smile. “R-Right. Yeah.”

  “Hey,” Owl heard James call from across the table. “Book Man.”

  “He has a name,” Leon said, glaring at him.

  Owl’s smile grew. Yes, he did.

  Maybe, if they hung around for long enough, he’d have the chance to hear Leon say it again.

  “What?” he said instead, pushing gently on the door once more before striding over to the table.

  James scowled down at the book Maya had thrust in front of him. “Um...I don’t...could you...”

  His eyes lifted to Owl’s, and even if he didn’t say it, the plea for help was all too evident. Owl snorted. “Okay, big guy,” he said, dropping into a chair and reaching for James’ book. “Let me see that.”

  * * * * *

  By the end of it, even James wasn’t looking so worried anymore. The minutes slipped away as Owl rotated from person to person, trying desperately to keep up with everything they threw at him. Should’ve been a damn private tutor in the outside world, he thought as yet another book was thrust under his nose.

  But being a tutor or teacher probably wouldn’t pay that well - not unless he got way, way more attention than he wanted. Yes, he’d probably be good at it. No, it wasn’t in the cards for him. Most things weren’t.

  With every break and pause, though, Owl lifted his head - and cast a glance to the door, to the window. The slightest noise had him flinching, jerking in his seat. Every time, Leon would elbow him, and he’d settle back in.

  He was on a deadline, though. He knew it, and so did Leon, even if James and Maya were too wrapped up in their own work to pick up on it. It was only a matter of time until Olivia and Will started poking around. Before that, he had to be-

  Something chimed, soft and low - and it came from beyond the door Owl had closed just a few minutes prior. Owl stiffened, his eyes snapping wide open.

  He could tell an alarm when he heard one.

  Leon twitched right alongside him. “Is that-”

  “Time for me to go,” Owl said, standing with a clatter. He gently pushed the latest book back toward Maya and James, stepping away from the table. “I’ll...well, if you still need
help, come back tomorrow night. I’ll do what I can.”

  James blinked - and his frown deepened. “W-What? Come on. I’m going to fail, man. Can’t we just-”

  “He’s a very busy man,” Leon said, grinning at James. “Stop crying. We’ll make sure you don’t bomb.” He glanced up to Owl. “Ah...should we-”

  “Get away from here,” Owl said, his voice low. “It- It should be fine. Someone probably just has a question, and wondered why I was missing.” Because he should have been there helping them. He always was. He needed to be more attentive, dammit, especially if he didn’t want them to wonder if something was wrong. “Um...”

  He gestured toward the secondary door - and Leon nodded, his eyes lighting up. “Right,” Leon said, grabbing books from the table and loading them into his arms. “Come on, guys. Let’s go.”

  “Go where?” Maya said. She looked between Leon and Owl, still shoulder-to-shoulder with James. “What’s wrong with here? Why should we-”

  “Just hurry up,” Leon said, rolling his eyes and darting to the door.

  It came open silently, sliding on perfectly-oiled hinges. Despite the adrenaline now flooding his veins, Owl smiled. Thanks, Alex. Appreciate your consideration here.

  James and Maya were still dithering around with their textbooks, white-faced and jumpy. Owl stepped closer to Leon for a moment, dropping his voice lower. “Ah...Sorry about all this,” he mumbled. “If you hang around until after, I’ll finish helping. But otherwise, I’m sure Alex will let you-”

  “You gotta do what you gotta do,” Leon said, shifting the stack of books. He shot Owl a sidelong grin, though, narrowing his eyes to slits. “You might owe us, though. For running off and leaving us hanging.”

  “Like hell I will,” Owl said with a snort. “Just get out of here.”

  Leon nodded, still grinning, and ushered Maya out.

  The door closed behind him. Just like that, Owl was alone again.

  But not for long. Owl took a deep breath, then, steadying himself. His mind raced, trying to switch gears.

  He turned back to the first door - the one that even then, he could hear echoing with the low, soft warning of chiming bells.

  A sound that died as he pulled the door open, launching himself out into the Library beyond. Owl smiled tightly from behind his mask. Warning received. He didn’t really need Alexandria announcing him for anyone around, either.

  Reaching up to tug his hood a little more snugly about his face, he strode through the halls with what he hoped was casual nonchalance.

  Alexandria was trying to warn him - of what? If there was some sort of catastrophe happening, what would it be? It was just Olivia and Will left in the Library, and neither of them were as destructive as past guests. Besides. If they were about to blow a lab up or collapse a study-full of shelves, he very much doubted Alex would be so cavalier about it.

  That didn’t leave much by way of other things she might be warning him of. And he was perfectly capable of putting two and two together.

  Which left him prepared when he rounded a corner, boots ringing against the stone, and saw Olivia meandering through the halls farther down. His steps slowed.

  She hadn’t noticed him, and she didn’t look like she was about to start paying attention anytime soon. Her honey-brown hair was mussed, like she’d hardly pulled a brush through it, and her eyes were still swollen with sleep. She wore her backpack, though, and the yawn she was fighting desperately to mask didn’t stop her from casting an inquisitive eye about the Library.

  Owl swallowed, drawing himself up a little taller. “Hey, Olivia.”

  She turned down a cross-hall, still yawning.

  Great. Owl drooped, one hand still half-raised toward her, but shook his head. Leon and the others were still around, he realized. He couldn’t let her wander. Not here. Not now. No matter how she looked half-asleep.

  He hurried forward, his eyes fixed on the passage she’d disappeared down.

  She reappeared as he rounded the corner, her hair swaying gently behind her. “Olivia!” he called, more loudly. “Hey! Slow down and-”

  Her yelp echoed down the hall. She spun, her brown eyes wide. “O-Owl!” she said, pressing a hand to her chest. “Shit. Don’t- Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

  “I wasn’t sneaking,” Owl said, smiling faintly. “I called. You didn’t hear.”

  “Oh,” she said, with a hint of red creeping into her cheeks. “It’s...I suppose I did have a late night last night.”

  “You know, you really should get proper sleep. It’s not good for you to-”

  “D-Don’t you start with me, now,” Olivia said, masking another yawn. “Bad enough Will’s on my case.”

  “Is he-”

  “Didn’t think I’d run into you this morning,” she said, letting her hand drop - and she continued on her way, drifting farther down the hall. “Figured...Figured you’d be busy back in the common areas.”

  “Oh,” Owl said. “Um. Just looking after things. You know how it is.”

  Olivia nodded. Her eyes were still foggy, misted over with sleep. She hardly seemed to register Owl’s words, even.

  And still she meandered, working deeper and deeper into Alexandria.

  Which was exactly where he didn’t want her to go. “Are you looking for something?” he said, quickening his steps to keep pace with her. “You just woke up, didn’t you? Why don’t you let me know what you want, and I can bring it to you. I’ll take it right to the-”

  “Don’t really know,” Olivia said. Her fingers twined with the mussed-up waved of her hair, working a knot free. Her eyes scanned the stony walls idly, searching for...something. “I was just thinking, I...” She bit back another yawn, squeezing her eyes shut. Finally, she shook her head, lifting her chin. “I see everything I can. To find something different. I want to do something.”

  “Well, I can-”

  “I’ll study later,” Olivia mumbled, taking another step forward. She flashed a sleepy smile at Owl. “Don’t tell Indira, okay?”

  “...I won’t,” he mumbled. And he wouldn’t but that was hardly the point. The odds of her turning another corner and finding Leon and the rest lurking around the other side were small - but even a small risk was unacceptable, when it came to something like this.

  He needed to stop her. Fast. “Well, if you’ve got time-”

  “Don’t want to do more chores,” she mumbled, wrinkling her nose. “I’ve carried so many books. Give me one day off.”

  Damn it. She wouldn’t go back and study, and she wouldn’t set herself to his tasks. If she wouldn’t help herself, and she wouldn’t help him-

  Another option screamed into his mind at a hundred miles an hour. “Olivia,” he said, hurrying forward. He reached for her arm, stretching his fingers out. “If you’ve got a minute, would you help me?”

  The look she shot him was positively venomous. “Didn’t you hear me?” she said, her brow furrowing. She yanked her arm away from him, leaving only the memory of soft skin on his fingertips behind. “I’m not going to do your damn busywork. Not today. I’m not in the mood.” Her lips pressed together, arching into a pout. “At least let me wake up, first.”

  “Would you let me finish, next time?” Owl said wearily, glaring at her.

  She froze, blinking. “W-What?”

  Little by little, he could see the sleep starting to leave her expression. Owl smiled grimly. Perfect. This doesn’t have to work exactly right - it just has to wake her up enough to get her back to work.

  “I had a favor,” Owl said. “One I was going to ask of you. Um.” He faltered, suddenly aware that his palms were sweating.

  “What is it?” Olivia said. She turned to face him, finally stationary.

  “Um,” Owl mumbled again. Damn it, it was going to be embarrassing as hell. But he needed a way to slow her down. Any way.

  This was just the only one that was presenting itself to him right then.

  “You said y-you teach, ri

  Olivia’s bemused expression only intensified. “W-What? Owl, you already know I-”

  “Could you teach me?”

  Olivia stopped, going statue-still in the blink of an eye. “Pardon?” she squeaked at last.

  “To draw.” Owl gestured at her wildly. “Y-You’re talented. I could- It’d be nice to have someone who knows what they’re doing show me how.”

  “But why would you want to learn to draw?” she said.

  He grinned, letting his head hang forward just a little. “I’ve got a lot of time to kill, y’know,” he mumbled. “I like to learn how to do this stuff.”

  Olivia blinked. “Oh.”

  “Unless you’re too busy,” Owl said. “I know you’re so tied up in being an artist. I suppose I shouldn’t try and interrupt your-”

  “I’ll make time,” she said - and a smile broke across her face, earnest enough he almost started to regret his deception. “It’s my pleasure, Li- Owl.”

  “Thanks,” he said, a little more quietly. “I appreciate you taking the effort.”

  “It’ll be fun,” Olivia said. She thrust a hand out, grabbing his before he could pull away. “Come on. Let’s do the thing.”

  “W-What?” Owl stammered.

  Olivia’s head craned back and forth as she started to tow him farther down the hall. “I just have to ask her for a place, right?”

  “What are you-”

  “Alexandria,” she said, turning just far enough to glance at him sidelong. “That’s what you keep doing. I’ve been trying to get better at it, anyway.”

  Which was why she’d been out here wandering around aimlessly, half-asleep. Owl groaned quietly. It all made sense - the malleable nature of the Library was hardly a secret. She’d likely learned it the first time she talked to a guest after they left. So he hadn’t bothered to hide it.

  He couldn’t quite tell why, but the fact itched at him more than it had before. He liked Olivia well enough, but...he sighed. This last month was going to be an odd balance of keeping her close enough she didn’t suspect him of anything, but far enough she didn’t learn too much.


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