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Cozy Mystery Ghost Story Collection: The Complete Shannon Porter Mystery Series

Page 15

by Haley Harper

  Chapter 17

  Shannon’s first call of the day was to detective Monroe. When she only got his voicemail, she tried Maureen. Maureen answered on the first ring but sounded very rushed.

  “Hello,” she boomed in her usual tone.

  “Good morning,” Shannon replied. “You sound all out of breath. Did I get you from somewhere?”

  “Sorry. I was heading out the door and ran back in to answer. I’m meeting Jake for breakfast and I’m running late. Slept in this morning.”

  Shannon laughed.” I won’t keep you then, but it was actually Jake I was looking for. I thought you might know where he was.”

  “Well, he’s probably pacing around the café muttering under his breath about how I’m always late.”

  “Ok. When you see him, could you have him give me a call. I have some important information to share.”

  “Uh-oh. Sounds mysterious.”

  Shannon laughed. “Just ask him to call me okay?”

  “Sure thing. Chat with you later. Bye”

  “Have a nice breakfast. Bye.” She punched the end call key with a smile. Heading down to the dining room for breakfast, Shannon wondered how she would act if she encountered the phony Mr. Jordon now that she knew his true identity. She didn’t want to indicate that she had new information and maybe scare him off. But she so wanted the satisfaction of telling him what she knew. Leave it all to the police now, she reminded herself. But all of her worry was for nothing. Larry Jordon aka Tom Whoever was nowhere to be seen. Shannon was enjoying her second cup of coffee and was debating about indulging in a second scone as well when her cell phone rang. She grabbed it quickly, hoping it was Jake getting back to her. Instead, she was surprised to hear Mitch’s voice.

  “Hi. How are you?”

  “I’m fine,” Shannon replied without hiding the anger that she felt.

  “I, ummm, I didn’t like the way our last conversation ended. I was hoping maybe we could talk.”

  “I don’t think so. I don’t think we have anything to talk about.”

  “I’m sorry you feel that way, Shannon. I wanted a chance to explain.”

  “Explain what exactly? That you started sleeping with your TA because I was away? Did you think maybe I wouldn’t find out? Were you planning to have a little fling with her and then go back to seeing me once I got home?”

  “It isn’t like that,” Mitch said defensively. “It just happened. It wasn’t planned at all. I was going to talk to you about it when you got home.”

  “Well, you’ve talked to me now. We’re done, Mitch. Over. I’d appreciate it if you’d go by and pick up the things you have at my apartment before I get back. Just leave the key on the counter. Good bye Mitch.” She hung up. As hurt as she had been, Shannon was surprised at how she felt now. She realized that in the far reaches of her mind, she had already been doubting the strength of their relationship. Besides, she had so many other things on her mind right now, she didn’t have time to coddle a guilty man. She kept a sharp eye out for Larry Jordon, but apparently he wasn’t going to make an appearance. She was about to leave the café when her cell buzzed again. This time it was Jake.

  “Hi, Shannon. Maureen said you wanted me to call.”

  Hi. Yes. I have some new information about Melissa Davenport that I think you should have.” There was a bit of a pause before Jake spoke.

  “You know I’ve closed that case, right? Everyone agreed that her death was simply an accident. We couldn’t tie anyone at the mansion to her death.”

  “Oh but I think maybe you can. In fact, I’m pretty sure that this new bit of evidence will convince you to reopen the case. Can we meet?” Now Jake sounded interested.

  “Ok, you’ve got me curious now. I can be out to the mansion in twenty minutes.”

  “No, I think I should come to you. This new information seriously incriminates Larry Jordon. I don’t think he should see us talking. He might get spooked. If he heads back to the states it’s going to be a lot harder to take him down.”

  Jake laughed. “You know you watch too much police TV right? But you make a good point. Also, if you’re right and your information can prove his guilt, you could be in a lot of danger. You’d best get the information to me as quickly as possible without raising any suspicion.”

  “Just what I was thinking. I’ll see if Frederick can drive me into town. Be there in an hour. I’ll meet you at the tea house where I met Maureen.”

  Shannon hurried from the pub in search of Frederick. She found him polishing the company car in one of the mansions three large garage stalls.

  “Good morning, miss,” he said pleasantly tucking his polishing cloth away. “Is there something I can do for you.” Shannon explained her need for a lift into town. Frederick was more than happy to oblige, saying that he had been planning to go that morning anyway. Shannon couldn’t wait to give the photo to Jake and let him take things from there. She was completely worn out from all of her amateur sleuthing and her work was suffering terribly. It was time for life to get back on track, and she would be able to do that knowing that someone was going to pay for murdering her friend. She smiled broadly at Jake as she approached the table. She was happy to see that Maureen was there too. This was her second last day here in England, and would possibly the last time she saw them, unless of course she had to return as a witness. That part of the whole thing was way out of her realm and from here on in she would simply do as she was told. Jake rose as she approached and pulled out her chair. He looked at her expectantly.

  “So, okay, let’s have it.” Shannon pulled the photo from her purse and handed it to him, watching his face intently as he studied the picture. “Well, I’ll be damned. This definitely creates a connection between him and the victim, I’d say. You can bet we will be checking this out.” Shannon beamed.

  “I thought you would. But these things take time and I have a flight to catch tomorrow.”

  “You’re right. It’s going to take a little while, but I’ll keep you posted on how the investigation is going. You may have to return at some point if there is a trial and we need you as a witness, but it can take months, even years sometimes to get the ball rolling. I’ll have to do some checking into this guy’s background before I even bring him in for questioning. Probably best for you to just get back to life as you knew it before all this happened.” Shannon nodded.

  “I am so eager to do just that! So, I guess maybe this will be our last meeting then.”

  “Not on your life,” Maureen piped up. “We’re coming out to the mansion in the morning to take you to the airport.”

  “That would be wonderful,” Shannon said happily. After today I’d dare say Poor Frederick has seen enough of me in his rearview mirror for a while!” They all laughed and made final arrangements for the next day. Shannon headed back to Frederick and the car with the lightest heart she had felt in a while. She knew that her feelings over the breakup with Mitch would surface soon, but she would deal with them as they came.

  Chapter 18

  “I wonder what she’s up to,” Tom thought as he watched Shannon come out of the tea house. He watched as her red headed lady friend came out as well along with the detective who had headed the investigation into Melissa’s death. “Looks like she had something to tell the good detective.” Anger suddenly clouded his vision. “Stupid, meddling female,” he uttered under his breath. “Why did she have to stick her pretty little nose into my business?” Things had been going just the way he had planned. He finally got rid of his annoying, useless wife. The police had been satisfied that it was an accident, and no one had a clue that he even knew her. Then this nosy little writer had to ruin everything by getting involved. “Well maybe she’s just going to need to have a little accident of her own.” He slammed his car into gear and sped out of his parking spot. He could see the town car up ahead and assumed it was heading back to the mansion.

  Tom pushed the accelerator to the floor and wove in and out of traffic until he was just one ca
r behind them. He didn’t want to be noticed. He had driven into town often during his stay and he now knew the roads quite well. And he knew exactly where the road narrowed as it wound down a steep incline with a ravine on both sides. He had learned in town that locals had nicknamed that particular stretch of road Suicide Bend. Several of the depressed and downtrodden in the area had seen fit to end their days on earth by missing that curve. A look of pure evil sparkled in Tom’s eyes. Today it might not be a suicide, but it would be a tragic accident for sure. He could see the headline in his mind. “American tourist plunges to her death on suicide bend.” His lips twisted into a grin. Keeping his eye on the car ahead, Tom waited until they were almost on the stretch of road leading to the curve before moving in directly behind them. Traffic was light this time of day and it thinned out even more this far from town. The mansion and the farm across the road from it were really the only destinations along this stretch. A feeder lane brought in traffic from the next town over a few miles past the mansion. All of this worked perfectly in his favor. As they neared the deadly curve, he increased his speed until he was right behind the town car. With careful maneuvering, he stayed right on their rear bumper. Once he got that close, Frederick noticed him and muttered a curse under his breath.

  “Crazy bloke’s going to run us off the road! Why didn’t he pass while the road was straight? Shannon turned in her seat and looked back at the car. It was so close she could make out the driver as plain as day.

  It’s him!” she shouted to Frederick. “Running us off the road is exactly what he wants.”

  “Who in the world is it?” Frederick gasped, trying to keep ahead of the car. “And why is he trying to run us off the road?”

  Realizing that Frederick was far too busy trying to keep the car on the road to look and see who the driver was, she hurried to explain. It’s Larry Jordon, the reclusive guest from the mansion. His real name is Tom and he’s the ex-husband of Melissa Davenport. He murdered her and now he knows that I know it. He wants to get me out of the picture so I can’t identify him.”

  “Oh crikey,” Frederick exclaimed. “Then I best keep this auto on the road and keep you alive.” The curve was getting closer and Frederick knew increasing his speed to get away from the car on his tail would only increase the danger. But he had an advantage that this Crazy Tom person didn’t have. He knew there was a gravel lane that turned off the main road just before the curve. Instead of speeding up, he actually slowed as he approached it. This move took Tom by surprise and he hit the brakes to avoid rear ending them. He couldn’t risk his car going into a spin this close to the curve. He fell behind just enough to allow Frederick to pull off the road into the laneway but not enough to give himself enough room to do the same. As they turned, his car kept going straight. He was heading into the deadly curve and had no choice but to follow it through.

  “Damn,” he cursed under his breath. He was certain that Shannon had identified him. If he went back now he would have to find another way to get rid of her. If he did nothing, she would go to the police with accusations of him trying to run her off the road. He couldn’t just let her walk away. He was into his plan now and he had to follow it through. He drove to a straight stretch of road and turned back, hoping that they had gotten underway again and that he could catch up to them. He drove back through the curve once again at as slow a pace as he dared and then pressed his foot down hard to pick up speed coming out of the turn.

  What he saw when he hit straight road again was the last thing he wanted to see. Two police cars with their lights flashing sat sideways across the road. Parked a ways behind it, on off on the shoulder was the town car. For just a moment Tom considered accelerating around the police car and making a run for it. But where would he go? He’d never make it out of the country and back home. He was finished. His perfect crime had not ended so perfectly after all.

  He slowed to a stop on the side of the road, got out of the car and put his hands in the air. Two officers from one of the patrol cars approached him cautiously, guns drawn and pointed directly at him. He made no move to resist. As they handcuffed him and walked him to the car, he noticed Shannon and Frederick talking to the detective. He stared directly at Shannon with a look that sent shivers down her spine. She was the first to look away.

  “How did you know to follow us?” she asked Jake in a shaky voice.

  “I watched him pull out after you when you left the tea house. I had a pretty good idea what he was up to.”

  “Thank goodness,” Frederick piped up. “I’ve been driving round Suicide Bend since I was sixteen. I sure would have hated for it to get the better of me now.” And in his typical gentleman fashion, he took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his brow.

  “Thank you Jake,” Shannon said simply. “Are we okay to head back now? I just want to get packed and go home.”

  “I’ll need a quick statement from you before you leave,” Jake said sympathetically. “I’ll follow you back and we’ll get it done real quick.” Shannon nodded and followed Frederick back to the car. She could have ridden back with Jake but she wanted to keep the rather frazzled Frederick company. Maybe with each other’s help, they could calm their shattered nerves.

  “So what happens now?” Shannon asked as Jake finished up his notes.

  “For now, we’ll hold him on his attempt to drive you off the road. But in the meantime I’ll gather the evidence that will ultimately tie him to Melissa’s murder. I have a feeling he’s going to come clean about the whole thing and it will wind up nice and neat. If he pleads guilty you won’t have to come back for a trial.”

  Shannon breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m glad about that,” she said, “although it would have been nice to come back and visit you and Maureen.”

  “Agreed,” Jake said. “Guess we’ll just have to find another way to do that.” After closing the door behind him, Shannon looked around her room. She couldn’t decide whether to start packing or do a bit of work first. Finally, deciding she was far too weary to concentrate, she opted for the packing. Leaving out the essentials that she would need for the next day, she folded everything else into her suitcases. Then she began to gather her research papers and writing notes. In amongst the pile sat Melissa’s travel guide. Shannon ran her fingers over its cover thinking back to how excited Melissa had been to be out on her own having her first real adventure. In the back of her mind she could hear her excited voice, a voice that had forever been silenced by an evil and vengeful man. For the first time since hearing of Melissa’s death, Shannon cried for her lost friend.

  Chapter 19

  For her final morning at the mansion, Shannon chose to eat in the dining room. It would give her a chance to say a proper goodbye to the remaining guests and the staff. She snickered to herself as she thought of maybe catching a glimpse of the mysterious fourth maid. Dwelling on her and who she might be could be a whimsical pastime now that she knew who was really responsible for Melissa’s death. Maybe she really was a ghost after all. Shannon was okay with that deduction. It would help her add a personal touch to her book.

  Shannon joined the others at the long dining room table. For the final breakfast the cook had put out all sorts of treats and there was no question that anyone would leave the mansion hungry. She was happy to see Frederick, Mrs. Chadwick and even Mrs. Pritchard joining the guests. The mood was lighter than it had been all week. The staff was certainly doing everything they could to ensure that everyone left happy, and with as many good memories as were possible. Frederick was taking a poll to see if everyone would be riding together to the airport. Shannon was just explaining that she had an alternate ride when a booming voice filled the room. Maureen and Jake had arrived. Shannon rose from her seat and gave her friend a hug. Turning to Jake, she did the same. “Come sit,” she said motioning to the elaborate spread on the table. “There’s enough food here to feed an army.” Receiving a welcoming nod from Mrs. Chadwick, Jake and Maureen pulled up chairs beside Shannon. They dawdled ove
r third cups of coffee, knowing that the flight wasn’t until noon. Eventually though, Shannon excused herself to gather her things from her room. Maureen came along while Jake went to pull his car around to the front of the mansion.

  “I hope you’ll make a trip to the states sometime,” Shannon said to Maureen as they walked to her room. “I could return your hospitality and show you around!”

  “I’d like that,” Maureen agreed.

  “I want to thank you too, for your professional help with my first murder case. Maybe Jake’s final investigation will reveal some explanations of the visions you had.” Maureen shrugged.

  “Maybe it will, maybe it won’t, but if I helped in even some small way, I’m glad.” Shannon nodded.

  “Well, I think that’s it,” she said taking one last glance around the room. “It’s certainly been an interesting trip! Guess it’s time to go.” Shannon picked up one bag and Maureen the other. They made their way to the front gate. Jake had parked in the drive and was standing on the lawn. Frederick was waiting with the town car and all the staff were lined up on the front walk in very old British style to see their guests off. Shannon thanked each one in turn, giving Frederick an extra big hug. “You saved my life,” she whispered in his ear. “I’ll always be grateful for that. Thank you.” Frederick returned the hug with just a bit of moisture in his eyes. It wouldn’t be proper for a British gentleman to cry in public. Shannon hurried on to Mrs. Pritchard to save Frederick from any further embossment. She hugged the older woman warmly. “Thank you for everything. You keep an eye on the ghosts around here okay?” Mrs. Pritchard smiled.


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