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Cozy Mystery Ghost Story Collection: The Complete Shannon Porter Mystery Series

Page 32

by Haley Harper

  “Hello Kerry,” she said with a lot more confidence than she really felt. “My name is Shannon Porter. Do you remember me from the castle?”

  “I do,” she sneered. “If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be in here like I am.”

  Shannon wasn’t sure what to say, but decided to get right to the point. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you about something. As an employee of the castle, I assume you are familiar with the little sewing room in the cellar?”

  “Of course,” she shrugged.

  “Are you the one who does the mending and sewing? Are you in charge of the items that are brought in to be fixed and cleaned?” Getting information out of this woman was like pulling teeth. Shannon sighed.

  “I am.”

  “And are you familiar with a particular grey gown that came in for repair? One with a large red stain on the front.”

  Kerry nodded. “For sure. I just hung it there a few days before I was dragged off to this place.”

  “You hung it there? Where did it come from?”

  “Why, Miss Elena, of course. She asked if I might keep it in the mending room for a bit to see if I could get the stain out before sending it up to the main laundry. I hadn’t had a chance to see to it yet.”

  “Elena Winthrop?”

  “She’s the only Elena I know of.”

  Shannon sat back in her chair and let the information sink in. Why was Elena Winthrop pretending to be the Lady in Grey? Shannon stood to leave, and thanked Kerry for her help. “Good luck,” she said as an afterthought, unsure what to say to a woman facing criminal charges.

  Shannon’s mind whirled as she maneuvered the winding road back to the castle. What reason would Elena have for pretending to be The Lady in Grey? Was it purely for malice or was murder her ultimate goal? Maybe Aiden wasn’t the only one who had concerns about Winston being written out of Maeve’s will.

  Satisfied that she now had some solid evidence to turn over to the authorities, Shannon let herself relax. She would report her findings as soon as she got back and let the professionals take it from there. They would need to gather the items from the cellar before any of that evidence could be contaminated.

  Just as she had assumed, by dinnertime, the castle was once again swarming with police. Shannon accompanied them to the cellar and showed them the gown, wig and knife. They questioned her extensively about her discoveries and her subsequent interview with the castle maid.

  Feeling almost like a criminal herself after their grueling interrogation, she wanted nothing more than a big glass of wine and some peace and quiet. She was enjoying both by the fire in the great room when Sean suddenly appeared at her side.

  “I hear you’ve had quite a day,” he said with a weary note to his own voice.

  “I have,” she nodded trying to sound a little brighter than she felt. “Have you heard anything more from the police?”

  Sean nodded and pulled a chair over closer to hers. “It’s over,” he said simply. “We were all quite shocked to learn that Elena was involved. She always just seemed like such a quiet thing. She never said much, just followed Winston around like a meek little lamb. Guess none of us knew her at all really.”

  “So she really did it? She poisoned your mum?”

  Sean shrugged. “I guess at first she tried scaring mum with her ghostly antics. Maybe she thought she could scare her into having a heart attack or something. Then when she found out that Aiden had called Gus about changing the will, she felt she had to step up her game.”

  “She was afraid Winston would lose his inheritance.”

  “Exactly. Apparently she was only after Winston’s money all along. I always thought they were a bit of a miss-match. When it started to look as though he might not inherit anything, she got desperate and stole the poison from Winston’s bag and drugged mum’s tea.”

  “Unbelievable,” Shannon whispered. “I’m so sorry. This must be difficult. I know how much Winston means to you.”

  Tears glistened in Sean’s eyes. “I just feel so bad for him and what he now has to face.” Then, gathering himself together, he cleared his throat and ran a shaky hand across his eyes.

  “So, moving on. I guess this means you’ll be heading home soon?”

  Shannon nodded. “I changed my flight this morning. I leave the day after tomorrow.”

  Sean reached over and took her hands in his. “Thank you so much for caring, and seeing this thing through. So what’s next for you then? More trips and more ghostly research?”

  Shannon laughed and shook her head vigorously. “Absolutely not. No more ghost books for me. This one just about did me in. I’m going to get home, get this book published and enjoy a little down time.”

  Sean smiled. “Well I wish you well, Shannon Porter. And I do hope if you’re ever in Ireland again, you’ll look me up. It’s been a pleasure.” He rose to leave then and Shannon stood as well.

  “The feeling is mutual.” Shannon smiled and squeezed his hand. “And if I’m ever back I will certainly let you know. Good luck with everything. I hope things with the castle work out the way you hope.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Shannon scanned the terminal for her Mom and Burt. They were supposed to be coming together to pick her up but she saw no sign of them anywhere. Her flight had landed a bit early, but she was still sure they’d be there.

  Trying to keep from worrying, she wheeled her bags over to a sitting area where she could see people coming and going from all directions. For a few minutes she did just that, and then giving in to her worry, she started digging in her purse for her cell phone.

  Suddenly a light tap on her shoulder made her jump. She looked up, expecting to see her Mom and instead found herself looking into a pair of very familiar green eyes. Her pulse started thumping and she let her purse fall to the floor as Kevin pulled her into an embrace.

  “I thought you weren’t coming until the week after next.” She hugged him close.

  “You want me to go home and wait till then?”

  “Absolutely not!” she said giving his shoulder a friendly punch. “But you could have told me you were coming and that you were picking me up.”

  “What, and ruin a perfectly good surprise?”

  “You are such a devil, and I love it!” They embraced for a few minutes and then Kevin drew back as he pointed out that her purse and most of its contents were spilled on the floor.

  “Let me get them,” Kevin said bending to retrieve the assorted items. Shannon couldn’t take her eyes off him. She wouldn’t have said it was possible to love someone this much when you had only known them for a few weeks, but she did. She felt as though she had known him all her life and he had said the same.

  “Here you go. All back in place. Ready to head for home?”

  “Boy am I! I can’t wait to start planning a wedding, and my fingers are itching to give Edgar a good scratch!”

  The trip home seemed to take forever. Rush hour traffic out of the airport was brutal but their speed increased once they passed the city limits. Shannon was nearly sitting on the edge of her seat by the time her little house came into view.

  She could see Myra and Burt were sitting on the porch, Edgar resting at their feet and she undid her seatbelt before Kevin had the car stopped. Edgar reached her first and covered her face in a frenzy of slobbery kisses.

  Standing after his assault and wiping her wet face, she laughed.”I doubt if anyone else wants to kiss me now, but hugs are good!” Hugs were exchanged all around and Edgar was back in her face as soon as they were done.

  “Okay, you. How about you go fetch this and let the lady have some peace,” Burt tossed one of his old footballs out into the yard and Edgar bounded after it.

  “Thanks,” Shannon smiled. “Oh, it’s so good to be home.” She sank into a weathered wooden Adirondack chair, curling her feet up underneath her. Kevin had taken her bags inside and returned with a tall glass of iced tea for her. She smiled gratefully and took a long deep drink.
  They sat on the porch and chatted until a cool drizzle started to fall. Then Myra and Burt excused themselves.

  “You get some rest, honey,” Myra said, patting her hand. “Tomorrow we’ll discuss wedding plans.”

  “Sounds good,” Shannon agreed giving her Mom another hug. She and Kevin waved goodbye from the shelter of the porch.

  “I suppose I should go too and let you get some rest.” Kevin pretended to head down the steps. “I don’t think so,” Shannon said, pulling him towards the door by his sleeve.

  “Rest isn’t exactly what I had in mind for the rest of the day.”

  Hours later they were seated in front of her small fireplace, enjoying a glass of wine and a thrown together supper of pasta and mushrooms. Shannon was once again impressed with how comfortable their relationship was. They didn’t need to be talking to be at ease, the silence was as warm and cozy as the conversation.

  She was deep in these thoughts watching the flames dance and change when she suddenly realized Kevin was staring at her with an odd expression.

  “What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  A slow, sheepish grin started to spread across his face. “I have news.”

  Shannon raised her eyebrows and waited expectantly. Kevin just kept smiling until she tossed one of her throw pillows into his lap.

  “And are you going to share this news or do you want me to come over there and beat it out of you?”

  “Hmmm,” he said rubbing his chin. "That sounds like an interesting proposal.”

  “Quit it!” she said tossing another pillow. “What’s your news? Is it good?”

  “I hope you think so. I’m transferring to Reston. The job came up while you were away and I put in for it. I know you talked about moving, but I figure this way you can stay close to your mom, and we won’t have to do the long distance thing. And it’s a promotion for me.”

  Shannon felt her jaw drop. “Reston? Reston is only a few minutes’ drive from here. I can’t believe it. When do you start?”

  “Soon. That’s part of the reason I’m here early. I had to come for a couple of interviews and I thought maybe we could do some apartment hunting together.”

  Shannon jumped up and perched herself on his lap. Giving him a huge hug, she wondered if life could possible get any better.


  It was a beautiful day for a wedding. Myra looked absolutely stunning and Shannon couldn’t remember her ever looking happier. Burt wore a happy grin for the entire day and his love for his bride couldn’t be more obvious.

  Edgar had been on his best behavior and had managed to get through the ceremony and the reception without causing any disruptions, and the entire day went off without a hitch.

  When it was time for the happy couple to leave, the guest gathered in the garden to send them off.

  “Before I go, I want to throw my bouquet,” Myra announced. “I need all the single ladies to stand together,” she said to the crowd. With her eyes locked with Shannon’s she added, “Before I leave for my honeymoon, I want to know who will be planning the next wedding.”

  Shannon looked around at the crowd. There were maybe a handful of single women there. She had a feeling exactly where the bouquet was going to land.

  Myra turned her back to the crowd, double-checking Shannon’s location then tossed the bouquet over her shoulder.

  Shannon caught it easily and smiled at her mom. When she looked away and found Kevin in the crowd he grinned and winked at her. Maybe she was wrong, maybe life was about to get a whole lot better!!

  The En d

  Authentic Irish Recipes

  Irish Colcannon

  1 ½ lbs potatoes

  1 ½ cups of milk

  1 ½ cups of boiled green cabbage or curly kale

  1 tablespoon butter

  Salt and pepper to taste

  Boil the potatoes until tender and drain.

  Return to the pan and mash well.

  Toss the cooked cabbage in the melted butter.

  Add the cabbage and butter to the potatoes and fold well.

  Add salt and pepper to taste.

  Traditional Irish Stew

  2 tbsp vegetable oil

  1 small lamb shoulder, trimmed and cut into chunks

  2 onions, peeled and roughly chopped

  3 celery stalks, trimmed and sliced

  1 bay leaf

  4 large carrots, peeled and roughly chopped

  2 cups beef or lamb stock

  2 pounds of potatoes, peeled and cut into slices

  1 tbsp butter

  sea salt and ground black pepper

  In a large, heavy pan over a high heat, brown the lamb pieces in 1 tbsp. of the oil.

  Remove and set aside on a plate.

  Add a bit more oil and sauté onion, celery and carrot till onions are soft

  Preheat the oven to 325°F

  Return the meat to the pot bay leaf, stock and seasonings

  Bring back to a boil

  Remove from the heat and add potato slices and butter

  Cover and place in the oven to cook for about 1½ hours or until the meat is tender

  Irish Soda Bread

  2 cups flour

  1 cup plain yogurt

  1 tablespoon oil

  1 tablespoon honey

  1 teaspoon baking soda

  1/2 teaspoon baking powder

  1 pinch salt


  Grease and flour a 8" round cake pan

  Preheat oven to 375°F

  Sieve flour with baking soda, baking powder and salt into a large bowl. Add the wheat flour to the bowl (no need to sieve).

  Mix the yogurt, honey and olive oil then pour onto the flour mixtures in the bowl.

  Stir with a wooden spoon until well mixed and a soft sticky dough is formed.

  Flour a surface for kneading and knead lightly (20 turns max).

  Form into a round shape and place in pan. Dough will spread during cooking

  With a knife make an x across the top and place in the oven for 45 minutes

  Irish Coffee

  3/4 ounce Bailey’s Irish Cream

  3/4 ounceKahlua

  4 ounces hot coffee

  whipped cream to taste


  Pour Baileys and Kahlua into Irish coffee glass.

  Fill glass with hot coffee.

  Top with whipped cream and serve.

  Dublin Coddle


  1 pound bacon, sliced

  2 pounds pork sausage links

  2 onions, peeled and sliced

  2 cloves garlic, whole

  4 large potatoes, thickly sliced

  2 carrots, thickly sliced

  1 bouquet garni (bay leaf, tarragon, whole cloves, whole peppercorns; see Procedure step 8)

  Black pepper

  Apple cider (about 4 cups)

  Chopped parsley for garnish


  Cook bacon until crisp.

  Remove from pan and wipe most of the bacon grease out with a paper towel.

  Brown sausages in the same pan

  Combine bacon and sausages in a large pot.

  In same fry pan, sauté sliced onions and garlic cloves until softened.

  Add onions and garlic to the bacon and sausage in the pot.

  Add the thick slices of potato and carrot.

  Place bouquet garni in pot.

  Pour apple cider (or apple juice) over mixture.

  Cover, and simmer 1½ hours over medium-low heat.

  Season to taste

  Irish Scones


  8 cups flour

  Pinch of salt

  ⅓ cup sugar

  4 teaspoons baking powder

  1½ sticks butter (¾ cup)

  3 eggs

  1¾ cups milk


  Preheat oven to 475°F.

  Combine flour, salt, sugar, and baking powder in medium mi
xing bowl.

  Cut butter into small cubes and add it to the flour mixture.

  With hands, or a pastry blender cut the butter into the flour.

  In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and milk together

  Add to the flour-butter mixture to make a soft dough.

  Place mixture on a floured board. Knead lightly for 3 or 4 minutes.

  Roll out with a rolling pin to a thickness of about one inch.

  Cut dough into 3-inch circles, using a cookie or biscuit cutter.

  Place dough circles onto a lightly greased cookie sheet. Bake 10 to 12 minutes until golden brown.

  Apple Cake


  1 pound of apples (about 3 or 4 medium)

  Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon

  ¾ cup butter (1½ sticks)

  1 cup sugar

  3 eggs, beaten

  2 cups self-rising flour

  ½ teaspoon baking powder

  ½ teaspoon cinnamon, ground

  5 Tablespoons raisins

  2 Tablespoons hazelnuts, chopped

  4 Tablespoons powdered sugar


  Preheat oven to 350°F and grease a 9-inch round cake pan.

  Peel, core, and slice the cooking apples and place them in a bowl.

  Sprinkle apples with the lemon juice and set aside.

  In another bowl, beat together the butter, lemon rind, and all but 1 Tablespoon of the sugar until light and fluffy.

  Gradually beat in the eggs.

  Add the flour and baking powder to the butter mixture and mix well.

  Spoon half of the mixture into the prepared cake tin. Arrange the apple slices on top.

  Mix the remaining Tablespoon of sugar and the cinnamon together in small bowl. Sprinkle evenly over the apples.

  Scatter the raisins and hazelnuts on top.

  Smooth the remaining cake mixture over the raisins and hazelnuts.


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