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Virgin Thief

Page 2

by Sage Burnett

  "Pardon me?"

  "Yeah, I invited you. I'd like to buy you dinner."

  "Well ... sure. Okay."

  Why did Chloe sound so uncertain about going out to dinner? Hell, she'd just called him less than five minutes ago wanting to cook for him. He hoped he hadn't hurt her feelings since he had no idea what kind of cook she was. “You can cook another time.” Now he'd set himself up for another date with her. Shit.

  "That's fine by with me."

  Her voice sounded strained, which in turn bothered him. “I'll pick you up at seven."

  "See you then."

  The line went dead.

  Nick lowered the phone, and scowled at it. Instead of all these dinner plans, maybe the two of them should just steer clear of each other.

  That day at Dot's, the look in Chloe's eyes had spoken volumes. Something still lingered between the two of them.

  Chapter Three

  Nick had shot down her plan of a cozy intimate dinner to hell when he'd called her back the other day. She dropped the hair brush on the bathroom counter and frowned at her reflection in the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed with anticipation of spending the evening with him. How was she supposed to exact her pound of flesh when her stomach fluttered at the mere thought of being with Nick for a few hours?

  She should just drop her entire plan and instead enjoy a pleasant evening with him before she called it a day. But some crazy, irrational emotion lodged deep inside of her wouldn't let go of wanting Nick Logan to pay. She'd given him a precious part of herself.

  When the front doorbell rang, she raced out of the bathroom, but quickly reminded herself she needed to act nonchalant. Two old friends getting together for dinner to catch up on old times.

  Chloe paused and drew in a calming breath before she opened the door. The soft glow of the porch light illuminated the planes and angles of Nick's face. He'd always had a rugged look to him, even back in high school. The deep green button down shirt under his leather jacket nearly matched the color of his eyes.

  "Hi,” he said.

  While his gaze perused her body, her panties dampened again. Her low-cut black clinging long sleeved top suddenly seemed too low cut as his eyes lingered on her breasts for one burning moment.

  He leaned a shoulder against the doorframe. “Ready?"

  Besides the sexual gleam in his eyes, she couldn't read his expression. She supposed that came from practicing law. “Ah ... yeah. Just let me get my things.” Chloe grabbed her fleece jacket from the closet and picked up her purse and keys on the way back to the door.

  She fumbled to get her keys into her purse without dropping them. Hopefully a glass of wine with dinner would calm her jitters. Nick placed his hand on the small of her back as they walked down the steps to his truck.

  "How's business?” He opened the passenger door of his Chevy sport utility for her.

  Did he have to be such a gentleman? “Slow.” Chloe climbed inside and waited with mixed emotions for Nick to stroll around the front of his truck.

  Once he was settled inside, the cozy warmth of the interior and Nick's clean manly scent wrapped around her. Bittersweet memories of that summer night tumbled through her. She elbowed those long ago memories aside as she hooked her seat belt.

  "I thought we'd go to the new steak house in town.” Nick turned on the ignition.

  "That sounds nice."

  "You've changed, Chloe."

  She tilted her hand in his direction, but he was eyeing the rearview as he backed out of her driveway. “How so?"

  "You were always cute, but now you're a knockout."

  She remembered him whispering in her ear how cute and sexy he found her. When she felt the flush spreading across her cheeks, she shifted on her seat. Time to turn on the charm. “Thanks. You're looking pretty good yourself."

  After he pulled onto the street, he glanced over at her. “You think so, huh?"

  "Oh ... yeah...” For once she wasn't conning him.

  Several minutes later they arrived at the restaurant. The hostess seated the two of them next to a window in the corner. Candles glowed on the tables in the softly lit room.

  Chloe ordered a glass of red wine, while Nick ordered a beer from the waitress. She slipped off her jacket, and didn't miss the quick look he gave her breasts again. When the memory of his lips closing around her hard nipple washed through her, she wished the waitress would hurry and return with their drinks. She needed the wine to equalize her metabolism.

  "I still can't believe you left Chicago."

  "It's really elementary. I was a high powered attorney for a prestigious law firm. I got tired of the game, the rat race, and everything else involved with the deal."

  Funny, how they both grew tired of city life. Nick had always been ambitious, though. He'd been president of the student council, captain of the football team with near perfect grades. The list was endless. “Are you going to find small town life as stimulating as Chicago?"

  Before he could answer, the waitress returned with their drinks and took their orders.

  He picked up the long necked bottle of beer. “Depends."

  Chloe grabbed on to her wine glass like a life line. “On what?"

  "On what happens here."

  His eyes fixed on hers. Since she had no idea what he was implying she didn't answer. But an unnamed emotion glinted in his eyes that she felt related directly to the two of them. If he was looking for more, he was definitely driving in the wrong lane. Maybe he was just into another one nighter again. After she got sweet payback, Nick Logan would be history.

  So far they had avoided the subject of their one night together. She had no intention of bringing it up. Chloe leaned forward, and rested her elbows on the edge of the table to show some cleavage to him. By the gleam in his eyes, she knew she had a definite affect on him. “High school seems like a lifetime ago."

  "No kidding.” He glanced out the window for a moment before looking back at her. “Why aren't you married?"

  "Is there a law that say says a woman has to be married at thirty-three?"

  He glanced at her over the beer bottle before he took another swig. “No, there isn't."

  "I could ask the same of you.” Although she already knew the answer.

  "I'm surprised you never heard. I was married for three years. I've been divorced for a couple of years now."

  Over the years, her mother had kept her informed on the local gossip, her school chums whereabouts, marriages, births, and divorces. So far no presidential candidates or Oscar winners had came out of Turner. “Let's see.” She tapped her forefinger against her bottom lip. “As I recall, my mom may have mentioned you getting married. I'm sorry it didn't work out.” She might be out for revenge, but she wasn't cold-hearted.

  Nick shrugged. “It seems like you always learn after the fact, you weren't compatible in the first place."

  She and her ex-fiancé were a case in point. At least, they figured it out before the wedding day. Nick didn't seem that upset about his divorce. Not that she had been that tore up over her own broken engagement.

  The waitress delivered their steaks and baked potatoes. Conversation dwindled as they ate. She happened to catch Nick watching her, his fork halfway to his mouth. It was almost as if he was struggling to read her thoughts. No way, was he clairvoyant. The man might be shrewd, but he couldn't read her mind.

  "What?” She set down her fork. “Do I have a milk mustache or something?"


  When he didn't elaborate, Chloe finished her steak, and kept wondering what was on his mind.

  * * * *

  While Chloe unlocked her front door, Nick fisted his hand at his sides. Keeping his hands off her proved to be harder than he first figured. “Are you going to invite me in?"

  She pocketed her keys before turning to face him. “Hmmm ... it's late and I have to open the shop in the morning. But,” she placed her hand on his chest. “We'll have to get together again. Soon."

  Nick draped his
hands over hers, loving the feel of her soft skin against his. He wanted more of Chloe Kastle. Years ago, he'd only had a taste of her. Tilting his head he slid his mouth over hers. When he heard her quick intake of breath, he coaxed her lips open. His tongue barely touched hers when she drew back, ending their brief kiss. “Ah ... what's going on?"

  "Nothing.” She stepped back and smiled at him. “We wouldn't want to get carried away.” Trailing her fingers down his cheek, she studied him for a moment. “Now, would we?"

  Carried away is damn well what he wanted. His hands slid around her waist to pull her closer to him. Just close enough so his cock brushed her sex, but she wriggled out his grasp.

  "Good night, Nick, and thanks.” Chloe circled around and disappeared inside.

  Scowling at the closed door, he cursed under his breath. One elusive kiss produced a whopper of a hard-on. “Damn."

  Nick stomped down the steps and over to his truck. After he turned on the ignition he sat and stared at her house. Lights started coming on in all the rooms. Shoving the gear shift into reverse he backed out of her driveway. He figured he'd need the old cold shower routine by the time he drove to his place.

  Neither one of them had mentioned one word about their night together. He'd considered apologizing to her for never writing or calling. But she acted like she didn't even remember that night or didn't give a damn.

  One kiss, if it could be called a kiss, and his blood felt like it was on fire.

  Chapter Four

  The taste of him still clung to her lips as Chloe stared out the kitchen window and watched the tail lights of Nick's truck disappear from her view. She'd been that close to melting against him and sucking his tongue into her mouth. She reached up and touched her lips.

  "Close call.” Her body felt flushed like she'd woken up with a bad case of the flu as she shrugged out of her jacket. She tossed it on a chair, and leaned back against the counter.

  She now realized executing her plan wouldn't be easy. Discipline. She needed a case of discipline and restraint delivered to her front door. In fifteen years not one man had ever came close to turning her into a quivering mass of female flesh like Nick managed to do to her.

  He definitely wanted to get inside her pants again. She'd felt the hard length of his cock pressed against her, if only briefly. He wanted her, like she had wanted him.

  Like she still wanted him.

  Running her hands through her hair, she questioned her motives. Why was it so damned important to her that she get back at him? If they both hadn't ended up back in Turner, the opportunity never would have arisen. She'd dated some decent guys in her life, but she always found herself comparing them to Nick.

  For God's sakes, she'd given away her innocence to him one sizzling summer night. And the guy hadn't even followed through on his promise to stay in touch with her.

  For her own peace of mind, she'd better carry out her plan and fast. Then she could move on with her life.

  * * * *

  "Hi, handsome.” Chloe wedged the phone between her shoulder and ear as she sorted through the mail at the shop the next morning. Nick couldn't see her, but she needed the pretense of acting casual to steady her nerves.

  "Hey there."

  His deep voice still carried the remnants of sleep in its tone. She imagined the dark stubble on his face, and his hair all tousled from sleep. Her fingers tightened around the phone. “How about we get together tonight?"

  His voice lowered a notch. “What do you have in mind?"

  "Oh, we could drink some wine and watch a movie at my house. Or maybe you have another idea in mind."

  "Your idea sounds good to me. What time?

  "Seven-thirty. Why don't you bring the wine and I'll pick up a movie on my way home later."

  "We'll do."

  "Till then..."

  Her conscience nagged at her as she replaced the phone. She ignored her conscience as she finished sorting through the mail.

  Tonight everything would come to a head.

  * * * *

  Chloe took her time choosing just the right outfit for the evening. Under her short black skirt she wore a black silk thong. A silky black bra that barely held her breasts in was covered by a hot pink clingy top. It was a proven fact men loved black lingerie. She dabbed extra perfume behind her ears, wrists and knees. Not that Nick would have the pleasure of sniffing behind her knees.

  The doorbell rang exactly at seven-thirty. She supposed he deserved a half point for being prompt. She strolled to the front door like she had all the time in the world. Only her hand trembled as she turned the knob.

  When his dark eyes narrowed to slits as his gaze perused her body, a smug feeling of satisfaction mushroomed inside of her. Ignoring the sexual burn that ignited to life inside of her was damned hard to do.

  His eyes slowly traveled back up her body and met her gaze. “Wow."

  Ah ... her outfit did have an impact on him. He held a bottle of red wine in his hand. “Looks like we're set.” Smiling at him was easy because he looked so good.

  Nick sauntered in wearing new blue jeans, a black button down shirt, and a well worn black motorcycle jacket. The man wore casual like some men wore tuxedos. To calm her quaking nerves, she snatched the wine bottle out of his hand and sashayed toward the kitchen, at the last minute remembering to put some attitude into her hips.

  Glancing over her shoulder, she noticed how his gaze lingered on her butt. She quickly looked away and walked over to the counter. She dug a corkscrew out of the drawer, attempting to open the bottle, but her hands trembled too much.

  Out of nowhere, two strong hands covered hers, removing the bottle and corkscrew from her hands.

  Nick cocked his head for a moment as he worked the corkscrew. “Nervous, Chloe?"

  "Nervous?” She laid a hand on her chest. “What could I possibly be nervous about?"

  He twisted the cork out of the bottle. “I don't know. You tell me."

  Lordy, was she that obvious? She needed to get her act together and fast.

  She grabbed two wine glasses out of the cupboard. Nick leaned close to her, his shoulder pressing against hers. At the feel of his hard strength she almost dropped the glasses. Damn him. His subtle cologne reminded her of clean mountain air and rugged male. Double damn him.

  He leaned a little bit closer. “You smell good."

  Lowering her lashes, she looked at him. “Why thank you.” If she blew this, she would never forgive herself.

  Nick poured the wine, while she sauntered over to the fridge and took out a tray of cheese and crackers. As she walked back over to him, Nick checked her out again with a long, lazy look. Sexual heat washed over her. It had always been that way; since the first moment she had spotted him swaggering down the hallway in high school. “Let's go into the living room."

  He picked up the glasses and followed her.

  Suddenly her silky thong felt terribly uncomfortable. She never wore the damn things in the first place, but the thong was part of her plan.

  Remembering the hip attitude she angled over to the couch and set the tray down on the coffee table. Nick held a glass out to her. As she took the glass from him, lust smoldered deep in his eyes. Chloe trailed her fingertips over the back of his hand.

  Watching him, she realized Nick had no idea the nights she dreamed of him or the hundred and one ways to murder him she had systemically planned. Of course, she had no intention of murdering him, her goal was to make him suffer and cry uncle.

  Now if he apologized to her ... she might consider letting him off the hook. An apology would certainly change the dynamics for her.

  Chloe took a small sip of wine. No getting tipsy tonight. Her objective was to be stone cold sober when she carried out her plan. She slowly stretched like a cat after a long nap before she sat down on the couch. Her skirt slid high up on her thighs which caused his eyes to lower and linger. Score another point for her.

  She patted the couch. “Sit down and get comfortable."
br />   Nick studied her with a dark probing gaze before he sat down next to her. She felt the couch shift under his weight.

  He took a few sips of wine before he turned to look at her. “Are you trying to seduce me, Chloe?"

  She struggled to keep her expression innocent. “Now why on earth would you ask that?” Feigning surprise, her eyes widened. “We're just old friends catching up on old times."

  "Uh ... huh. Last night you barely let me kiss you. Why the sudden change of heart?"

  By the look in his eyes he knew what she was up to. Not possible. He believed she only wanted to seduce him. There was no way he could be onto her because she was sure she'd given nothing away since running into him at Dot's.

  When she didn't answer, he laid his hand on her thigh. “You're dressed for seduction. Not that I mind."

  The feel of his rough palm on her bare flesh tested her will power. Chloe glanced down at her top and skirt. “These old clothes. They were handy."


  She took another tiny sip of wine, and focused on her vow to stay sober. Leaning forward, she put her glass on the coffee table and picked up the tray. She held the plate in front of him. “How about some cheese and crackers?"

  "No thanks. That's not what I have a craving for."

  "Oh ... what do you have a craving for Nicholas?"

  "I think you know the answer to that."

  Chloe set the tray down again, wishing Nick would bring up that long ago night. Not one word from him about the two of them. Instead he swung his arm on the couch back and continued to watch her with deep sexual interest and taking an occasional sip of wine.

  As she leaned back she noticed he sported a hard-on under his jeans which in turn caused intense pressure low in her belly.

  Nick reached across her and slid his glass on the end table next to the couch.

  When his lips brushed over hers like a soft whisper, she cursed herself for so easily falling under his spell. Staring into her eyes, he gently brushed his lips over and over hers again before he moved in for the kill. His tongue assaulted hers with a swift motion. Her eyes fluttered closed against her will.

  Feeling slightly heady from the taste of wine on his lips and his touch, she fought to swallow the crazy little moans tumbling from her. His arms circled around her, and pulled her tight against him.


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