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Virgin Thief

Page 6

by Sage Burnett

  His jaw tightened before his expression slowly lost emotion, like a curtain being drawn across a window. “We just had mind blowing sex, and you're telling me it shouldn't have happened?"

  Chloe nodded. “That's right."

  Nick placed both of his hands on either side of her on the door, which blocked any hope of escape for her.

  "You're in denial,” he said. “There's something happening between us. Something happened the first time between us."

  "The only thing that happened is I lost my virginity."

  "What happened this time?"

  She'd given control to him, just like the first time. Then again, she'd let him control her for the past fifteen years. At least, the memory of the two of them together had controlled her. “I want to get dressed."

  "You're not getting off that easy. Is this another tease job?"

  Chloe averted her eyes for several moments. “You got you want you wanted, so you should be satisfied."

  "Oh, I was baby, until you went postal on me.” His eyes narrowed to mere slits. “You loved every second of our lovemaking just as much as I did. Tell me, I'm wrong."

  She might be a hopeless fool when it came to Nick Logan, but she wasn't a liar. She'd done enough lying and conniving over the past week. Time to face the truth and be honest. Lifting her chin, she said. “Why would I deny it? We had another one-nighter."

  Nick shook his head, and dropped his hands before backing away from her. “I like you Chloe. I like you a lot. I can't get you out of my mind. I deserved last week. I thought we had this straightened out. This was a chance to get to know each other like we didn't when we were kids."

  "We certainly know each other in the biblical sense, but that's as far as it goes."

  "Jesus, Chloe.” He bent down and picked up his clothes. As he dressed he kept his eyes glued on hers.

  Not bothering with her clothes scattered about on the floor, she walked out of the room to get her robe. When she returned to the living room a few minutes later, Nick was gone.

  And so was a big slice of her heart.

  * * * *

  Anger tensed and balled inside his muscles as Nick kept to the speed limit on his drive home. He'd gotten off last week with a warning but he wasn't about to push his luck.

  After making love with her, he'd experienced the first real satisfaction in over a week. His plan had been to regroup, then take Chloe to her bedroom for round two. What the hell was with that woman? He'd had a feeling she'd like it rough and hard, because she'd been a wildcat in the back of her car all those years ago. Now, she acted as if she could care less, which really pissed him off. Tonight she hadn't been teasing. Tonight had been the real McCoy for both of them.


  Just like the first time, they'd ripped each other's clothes off and went at it full bore. Why couldn't Chloe just give into the inevitable? The two of them were dynamite in the lovemaking department.

  Is that all he wanted from her? Mind blowing sex? A hot, passionate, and no-strings attached affair? Still soured on marriage he'd steered clear of deep meaningful relationships with women the past couple of years. Nick eased up on the gas as he approached a stop sign. After he came to stop, he sat there, mentally scratching his head.

  What did he want from Chloe besides sex? He'd told her this was a second chance for them to get to know each other. Yeah, he liked to get to know the women he was intimate with, but that didn't mean permanent was on his agenda.

  Chloe was the first in a helluva long time that he couldn't get out of his mind.

  When a horn tooted behind him, Nick frowned and accelerated. Under his breath, he cursed a blue streak. Instead of feeling satisfied after making love with Chloe, now his emotions churned like a swift ocean under tow.

  * * * *

  Bobbing the herbal tea bag in the mug of steaming water, Chloe leaned against the kitchen counter. Another long hot shower after Nick left, just like the previous week. Last week the shower hadn't washed away her sins. Five minutes out of the shower, and wearing her old comfortable flannel robe, his touch still lingered. And the feel of him deep inside of her sex taunted her.

  It all boiled down to zero willpower on her part where Nick was concerned. All he had to do was touch her and she turned into a wanton mass of quivering female flesh.

  Now that he'd gotten what he wanted from her, she figured it would be over between the two of them. Nick had a strong male ego and understandably he needed to prove himself. Maybe she deserved tonight after what she'd done to him last week.

  But he'd said this could be a second chance for them. As far as she was concerned she and Nick had been doomed from the beginning. A one nighter, fifteen years ago without any communication or contact until recently, what could possibly develop between them? Okay, they had the major hots for each other. She didn't even know his favorite food or color. The things she did know were he was a successful attorney, returned home for a simpler way of life. That he had been married and was now divorced.

  Chloe dumped the tea bag in the trash can under the sink. She blew at the steam billowing from the mug before she took a sip. No, they really didn't know each other, except in the physical sense. Damn, why did they have to be so good together?

  She took another sip of the hot tea. A heavy feeling of disappointment and regret sat right smack in the middle of her heart.

  Chapter Eight

  Sitting at her desk in the shop's office, she sorted through the monthly bills. Not a word from Nick in three days, and with each passing day her mood dipped to a new low. She regretted her move back to Turner. Her deal with her mother was for a year. If Arizona didn't work out for her mother, then she would return home. She didn't think she could handle twelve months of trying to dodge Nick or running into him on occasion. She stood and rounded the desk when she heard the shop's door open.

  "Dot, hi.” Her mood lifted because she knew Dot would cheer her up.

  "Hi, hon. I'm off today, so I thought I'd stop by and see how you're doing."

  "Come in the office. As you can see, the shop is basically a tomb.” The lack of customers this morning had added to her gloomy mood. “You want some coffee or something else to drink?"

  Chloe sat down in her chair while Dot sat across the desk from her.

  "No thanks,” Dot said. “I'm all coffeed out.” Her blue eyes narrowed a bit as she stared at Chloe. “Are you coming down with something? You look drug out."

  She shrugged. “No. I didn't sleep well last night."

  "Is it because of Nick?"

  How did her friend know these things? What was the point in lying? “Yeah."

  "You must have seen him again."

  Chloe slumped in her chair. “Saturday night."

  "You two went on a date?"

  No, they went at it in her living room. She shook head. “No, he stopped by and things basically got worse between us."

  Dot unbuttoned her jacket and settled deeper into her chair. “I'm sorry, hon."

  Chloe threw her hands up in the air. “I have no willpower where he's concerned. I didn't when I was eighteen and at thirty three I still don't."

  "Oh ... dear. You did the nasty with him."

  Chloe nodded.

  "Some men are capable of bringing a woman to her knees. My first husband, John, was like that. Twenty years later and I still have a soft spot for him."

  Another twenty years of mooning over Nick. Chloe didn't think so, at least she hoped not.

  She heard the door open again.

  Dot glanced over her shoulder out the office door, and then quickly looked back at Chloe. “Speak of the devil."

  "Tell me you're kidding."

  "I'm not. He's here in the flesh."

  Her palms suddenly turned clammy. She stared at Dot, and hoped her friend would have an answer for her. Part of her wanted to jump up and bolt out of the office to greet him. The other part of her wanted to climb under her desk and hide so she wouldn't have to face him.

  Dot st
ood up. “I've got some errands to run."

  Panic raced through her. “You can't leave. I mean, I need moral support."

  "I'll only make it more awkward. He obviously wants to talk to you or he wouldn't be here."

  Dot buttoned up her jacket as she walked out of the office. Chloe found herself dragging her feet as she walked out of the office, too.

  "Hi, Nick. How are you doing?"

  "Dot, good, thanks. How about you?"

  "Just great. I stopped by to say hi to Chloe. Now I have to run and do my errands."

  Chloe leaned her shoulder against the doorframe of the office and watched Nick nod before his gaze caught hers. Oh, how she wished she could read his expression, but unfortunately for her his face gave nothing away.

  "See you two later,” Dot said at the door.

  "Bye. Thanks for dropping by.” Chloe raised a hand.

  "Yeah, catch you later.” Nick said.

  If she had thought the shop was quiet as a tomb before the arrival of Dot and Nick, now the thick, uncomfortable silence seemed to bounce off the walls.

  "You look tired, Chloe.” Nick walked over to her, and stuffed his hands in the front pocket of his jeans.

  Why did he have to remind her of the sleepless nights she endured since last seeing him? “Maybe a little.” Nick look a little frayed around the edges, too. Dare she believe he'd lost sleep over her, too?

  "Looks like a slow morning."

  "I keep busy."

  He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Nick..."

  He dropped his hand to his side. “I came over to talk again, and now that I'm here, I'm not sure what to say."

  "What happens if you run out of things to say in the courtroom?'

  "That never happens. I'm fast on my feet in a courtroom."

  Was he here to blow her off? Or was there something else on his mind? Telling someone to get lost could be hard for both men and women, no matter how articulate they were. “So,” she paused. “What's up?"

  "You feel like taking a drive out to the river? We could pick up some coffee and doughnuts?"

  No, no, no. He wanted to return to the scene of the crime. Her throat clogged with emotion. She shook her head, and struggled to hold his gaze.

  "It's a great morning for a walk. Cool and sunny out."

  "I don't do doughnuts."

  Nick's jaw line tightened. “Actually neither do I. We could get muffins or something else."

  She shook her head for the second time.

  "Come on, Chloe. Help me out here. I thought if we both got some fresh air maybe we could talk things out."

  A tiny ray of hope shone inside of her heart for a moment, but she cautioned herself to tread lightly. “What do we really have to talk about?” She noticed a muscle tick in his jaw now.

  "Why are you being so obstinate about this?"

  "Me? Obstinate?"

  "Yeah, I can see you have a stubborn streak."

  "I made three mistakes with you. Do you think I'm foolish enough to make another one?"

  "All I suggested was some coffee and a walk by the river."

  She had to admit he had a point. And he hadn't put the moves on her. Apparently, she was the one assuming things. Perhaps, she needed to be tested. If she could spend an hour with Nick without him stripping her panties off, then she might be able to begin the slow process of getting him out of her system. “Okay. Let's do it then."

  Chloe didn't miss the quick flash of surprise cross his face. “I need a few to gather my things and lock up the shop."

  Nick nodded, his solemn unreadable expression back in place.

  * * * *

  Damn, talk about awkward moments in life. Nick finished off his coffee, and then crumbled the plastic cup in his hand. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Chloe sip on hers while she stared out at the river. He'd driven to the picnic area next to the river because he didn't think the secluded spot where Chloe and he had made love that night would go over good with her. They sat on a weathered wooden bench facing the wide, lazy flowing river. One lone fisherman stood on the bank. He kept casting his line out and coming up empty handed every time he reeled in.

  The conversation between the two of them on the drive from town had been stilted to put it mildly. “You about ready to walk?"

  "Sure. Why not?"

  Nick gathered up their garbage and tossed it into a nearby trash can. He wanted to take her hand while they strolled by the river, but instead he stuffed his hands into his fleece jacket pockets.

  Chloe took the lead down the narrow trail that ran parallel with the river. Distracted by her shapely butt in her snug blue jeans, Nick kept glancing away so he wouldn't get hard. A slight morning breeze tossed her black hair as they walked. She wore gloves so she swung her arms as her sides. Nick wondered why she was in such a damned hurry. So much for a leisurely stroll and a chance to talk.

  The impatience that ate at him finally got the best of him. He grabbed her arm and swung her around to face him. Her cheeks were flushed from the brisk morning air which added to her sex appeal. “What's the hurry?"

  Her eyes widened. “I was slightly chilled so I was trying to warm up my blood."

  This was the time, when he would normally come back with a sexual come on, but he ground his back teeth together to keep the tone away from the sexual zone. Because he sensed that's what Chloe needed. Hell, he might need it, too.

  Being with Chloe always blew his analytical mind right out of the water. “Okay, we'll walk fast then."

  One of her brows lifted a fraction, but she didn't respond. Nick dropped her arm. Chloe spun around so fast; he wondered why she didn't lose her balance. Was she really cold or was she purposely keeping her distance from him?” “We're only going to talk today, Chloe,” he said behind her.

  She slowed and glanced over her shoulder. “Why that comment?"

  "I get the feeling you're trying to get away from me?"

  Chloe stopped and turned to face him. “Why would you think that?"

  Nick saw the challenge in the set of her chin. He stopped, too and lifted a shoulder. “I don't know. You tell me."

  Chloe took a step toward him and poked him in the chest with a finger. “We both know we have this sexual thing going on between us. Every time we're together, it's like a pack of bees or whatever a bunch of bees are called buzzing around and between us."

  He wanted to grab her finger and suck into his mouth. “And your point is?"

  "My point? Excuse me? My point is we don't have anything else in common."

  Nick glanced down at her forefinger still resting against his chest. That simple little touch with Chloe standing so close to him tested his willpower. “The only way to find out is to start talking."

  She dropped her hand, jutted one hip out and said. “Start talking."

  Usually he spent some time on the phone schmoozing with a woman, then asked her out for a date where they proceeded to get to know each another. With Chloe, it didn't seem to work that way. “Do you have a guy back in Seattle?"

  She immediately frowned. “No."

  "How long have you been without a man in your life?"

  "You're getting personal."

  "We've already been personal."

  She seemed to consider his question for several moments. “It's been awhile since I've dated anyone."

  For some reason, that made him want to whistle. “Your turn."

  "What was your ex-wife like?"

  His failed marriage continued to be a sore spot for him. He didn't like losing. “She was a tall, leggy blonde that was really into nesting."

  "You mean she wanted kids and you didn't?"

  He hadn't given kids much thought over the years. Yeah, someday he'd like to have one or two when the time was right. “I guess at the time I wasn't ready for the minivan, late night feedings and a soccer mom wife.” His ex's biggest complaint had been the hours he'd spent at the office and with his clients. Insensitive popped into his mind ag
ain, which he shoved aside.

  Chloe tapped her hiking boot on the ground. “What's your favorite color?"

  "My favorite color?"

  "Yeah, your favorite color?"

  "Hell, I don't know. Black, blue. I've never gave it much thought."

  Chloe rolled her eyes. “You never gave it much thought. Everybody has a favorite color."

  He'd never been much of a shopper. After he graduated law school, and on a tight budget, he'd bought the cheapest suits he could find. Once he started making good money he hired a personal shopper. His favorite color seemed important to her so he did a swift mental inventory of his closet. “Blue."

  "It should be green because of the color of your eyes."

  "I can make it green."

  She rolled her eyes again. “What's your favorite food?"

  He'd had more personal questions in mind, not generic questions like food and his favorite color. “I like just about anything and everything. I'm not a picky eater."

  "Okay, then ... that about covers it."

  Nick's brows knitted together. “What do you mean that about covers it?"

  "I was curious about your favorite food and color."

  "That's it."

  Chloe chewed on her bottom lip, while she glanced over at the river.

  A bud of desperation sprouted inside of him. If he didn't get her talking how would anything ever develop between the two of them? “Hit me with some more questions, Chloe."

  She looked back at him. “I think that's enough for today."

  "No way is it enough."

  Her eyes were cloudy with emotions as she watched him. She blew out a long breath. “Okay, then, let's go for broke. What do you really want from me? Besides sex?

  Nothing like going for the jugular. He had hoped they could discuss politics, religion, their life philosophies. The only thing he knew for sure was he couldn't get her out of his mind. His hesitation obviously upset her because she spun around and walked down the trail.

  "Hey, wait a minute.” He caught up with her and reached for her arm again.

  "All you want from me is sex.” She didn't turn around and face him.

  "That's not true."

  This time she tilted her head in his direction. “I think it is."


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