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Bad Boys of the Underworld Box Set

Page 21

by Jacey Ward

  “No!” Nathaniel yelled. “That is exactly what – ”

  Suddenly Nath found himself unable to speak, his lips welded together sickeningly as Satan glared at him.

  Josiel looked uncomfortable.

  “Well it does seem like a proper solution,” the old angel muttered. “I should clear it with – ”

  “There is nothing to clear. It’s done. Run along now, Cassiel. Our business is concluded.” Then he turned to look derisively at Nathaniel.

  “But for you however, our time has just begun,” he murmured maliciously. Nathaniel jumped to his feet, staring after his brother with hate filled grey eyes.

  You cannot leave me here to burn! He tried to scream. I am your brother!

  But the only one who seemed to hear him was Lucky who leered at him, his mouth curled grotesquely.

  Cassiel did not turn to acknowledge his brother as he turned to leave the room.

  It is not fair! I deserve better than this! Nath cried.

  “No, you do not,” Lucky assured him from within his head. “But soon you will get precisely what you deserve.”

  He shook his head reprovingly.

  “Trying to steal your brother’s woman. What kind of monster are you, anyway?” the devil asked mockingly.

  There was no chance to reply.

  Heat filled the room and in moments, Nathaniel was consumed in flames.

  “Welcome to Hell!” Lucky chortled in his ear. “Poker night is every second Thursday!”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Summer was a much more pleasant experience in Detroit but Cassiel was certain their future was not in the heart of the rundown city.

  “One of these days,” Sera chirped in his ear. “You are going to have to explain what happened that day.”

  “What day?” he asked innocently, squeezing her hand firmly in his.

  She grunted and punched him in the arm.

  “You’re just full of mysteries, aren’t you?”

  “Not any longer,” Cass replied quietly, encircling his arm around her waist to pull her near. “I am exactly what you see.”

  And he meant it. Gone were all his powers and Lucky’s voice in his head.

  He was able to experience the world as a mortal once again and his senses were on fire.

  I won a bet against Satan. I wish that was a story I could tell our children.

  As far as Sera could remember, there had been an altercation with a client who had gotten a little too close.

  The details of the day were fuzzy to her but Cassiel was grateful for small favors. How could he explain that he was really a demonic angel sent back after a misunderstanding?

  He was glad he did not need to figure it out.

  “You’re coming with me?” she asked, and he nodded, grinning.

  “Do you believe I would miss this?” he asked, and she laughed.

  “Sadist,” she replied, pulling his hand as they entered the unkempt lobby of the office building.

  Someone had been very generous to Cassiel after the terrible evening in the hotel, but he was not sure who; Michael or Satan.

  Two months after the fiasco, an envelope was slipped under the apartment door when Sera left for work. It was addressed to Cass in a pen which he did not recognize and when he opened it, there was a set of keys and directions to a house…in California.

  “It is yours if you should ever need it,” the note read. “Ask the girl how to use this.”

  A small rectangular card made of hard material fell into his hand. It bore numbers, but it made no sense to him until Sera explained it to him.

  “You really are from another planet, aren’t you? It’s a bank card!”

  He looked at her blankly and Sera had laughed, leading him to a building where she explained how to use it.

  “What do you do with all your money? Put it under your mattress?” she demanded, laughing. She stopped abruptly, her eyebrows raising with interest.

  “Do you?”

  “I have no money,” he replied, and she scoffed, glancing at the note which accompanied the card. At a machine he had never seen before, she punched numbers into a keypad and Cass watched her with awe.

  She’s so beautiful – what did I ever do to deserve her? he thought, a now-familiar blast of heat rising through him as he realized how good their life was going to be together.

  Sera whipped her head around and gaped at him.

  “You have no money?” she choked, pointing at the screen. “You have no money?”

  He looked to where she was pointing, his jaw falling slack as he read the impossible amount of numbers on the screen.

  What number is that? He asked himself. Do numbers go that high?

  “Who are you?” she demanded. “Have you been lying to me? Are you really an illegal alien?”

  Cass shrugged and nodded, unsure of what else to say.

  It was the easiest way he knew how to explain it to her.

  “Where has all this money come from, Cass?” she asked, her eyes nearly bugging out of her face. “I mean – “

  “It is family money,” he explained. “I inherited it. I just hadn’t realized there was so…much.”

  She gaped at him, a strange look in her eyes.

  “Oh,” she whispered, retrieving the card and handing it back to him. “That’s nice.”

  Cass grabbed her by the shoulders and peered into her face.

  “It is your money too,” he told her gently. “Everything I have is yours.”

  She stared at him, shaking her head firmly.

  “I don’t want your money,” she growled defensively, but Cass could hear the wistfulness in her tone. “I’ve always made my own way.”

  “You can still make your own way,” he replied. “With a partner.”

  That was how they found themselves climbing the dank stairwell to the third-floor offices.

  “Sera! Where have you been?” an over-eager man gushed as they pushed through the dilapidated door.

  “Down, Conrad,” she snapped, striding past him without pausing.

  Cass swallowed a smile as he followed her toward the back of the office space.

  She threw open a closed door and a stout, balding man looked up in shock as he saw her.

  “I have been calling your fuck – oh hello.” The older man caught himself as he noticed Cassiel standing in the doorway. “Who might you be?”

  “Cassiel,” he replied simply, and Harry jumped from his chair, hurrying toward the man but Sera stood in his path.

  “Keep your dick in your pants,” she instructed. “He’s with me.”

  The phony smile slipped off Harry’s porcine face and he scowled.

  “In that case, where the fuck have you been? I’ve been calling you for – “

  “I quit, Harry.”

  He gaped at her before a smirk fell on his lips. The attorney glanced at Cassiel leeringly.

  “Oh, you finally found a man to take care of you, huh?” he jeered. “You’ll be back here in a week, begging for your job.”

  “No,” Cassiel replied. “She will not.”

  Harry snorted.

  “You don’t know her type,” the lawyer snickered. “But trust me, when the novelty of her pussy wears off – “

  He didn’t have a chance to finish his sentence before a blow sent him into the far wall behind his desk, blood from his broken nose spilling onto his clothing and the furniture impartially.

  “She will not be back,” Cassiel said again and Serafina had to hide her smile behind her hand.

  “We better get out of here,” she muttered, yanking his arm as Harry moaned. “He’s the type to call the cops and file a lawsuit.”

  Cassiel shrugged indifferently.

  “I doubt they will come looking for us for something so trivial.”

  Sera’s smile widened and she paused, bracing herself on her tiptoes to kiss his lips.

  “I bet you’re right,” she agreed. “Let’s get the hell out of Dodge

  Chapter Fifteen

  Rolling over in bed in that morning, Sera marveled at how much her life had changed in the past few months. The breeze from the ocean blew softly through the open patio doors of their oceanside house. It was a small house, but perfect for them, and for once, Sera realized, she never felt cold anymore.

  She glanced over at Cassiel, as he started to wake up, loving the way his face looked when he first opened his eyes and looked at her. He always smiled, as if he was just a little surprised to see her there, and that she made the sun shine in his world. That was one thing he was oh so talented at – making her feel special to him. Aaand, she supposed as heat pooled in her core, there were a few other special talents he had too.

  She gasped when he suddenly lifted her hand and put his mouth on the inside of her wrist. It was a kiss, a brand, and his eyes were on her, a flicker of heat rising in their depths like the beating of wings.

  He slipped his other hand behind her back, pulling her against him. She felt the hard outline of his arousal against her belly.

  “Feel this?” he rasped. “Do you want it?” And just that quickly, her body heated, and her breasts swelled. He truly is the other half of me, she thought lovingly.

  She nodded her head, her lips parted, her tongue darting out to wet them as the images in her mind of their lovemaking last night caused her pussy to clench in anticipation. God, yes, I want him. Every inch of his hard, strong body pressed to mine.

  That delicious masculine scent was everywhere, starting a fire in her belly. She wanted him to touch her, to kiss her, to fuck her, and God, what was this spell he had over her?

  “Come on. Tell me,” he demanded, the shadows in his eyes deepened, lashes lowering until they hid his gaze, and his lips parted, letting out an uneven breath.

  She couldn’t think, not when he was pressed up against her like this. His hard body, his steel cock, his muscular arm tight around her back, keeping her close. Right where she had always dreamed of being in her fantasies.

  For a long moment he was still. She kissed him deeply, his mouth as soft as she remembered, his taste exploding on her tongue. She licked at his lips, and he shuddered.

  Something like a growl escaped him, and suddenly she was pushed down hard into the bed and his tongue was in her mouth, his lips hard and punishing. The softness had disappeared, and in its place he seemed almost feral, all hard and unyielding, hot and burning.

  His knee pushed between her legs, pinning her down, and she moaned into the kiss as his length pressed right where she needed him. His tongue fucked her mouth, and she pushed against his leg, her hands gripping his big shoulders so tightly she left marks.

  Every sweep of his tongue, every touch, felt like the first and last she would ever feel. It scorched her, marked her, destroyed her.

  “Cass…” she breathed.

  Lifting his head, he fixed her with a heated stare. God, a guy shouldn’t be allowed to have such pretty eyes, she thought.

  He pulled back just enough to strip her panties from her legs.

  Dammit, yes, she thought, the rest of her thoughts derailed as the sublime sensations filled her. She let her hands roam over his muscled form, enjoying the feeling of his heart beating against her palm.

  More, I want more, she thought as she let her hands drop to his waist and then further, reaching for that part of him that she knew would bring her where she needed to go. But he slammed her hands back down on the bed before she could do more than that, driving the air from her lungs.

  He lifted himself just far enough to glance down at her body, his eyes darkening as he took her in, then his hand dropped with a possessive grip to her hip…it’s as if he could read her every secret, her every thought.

  His tongue stroked out to wet his lips, and she swallowed. His hand on her hip trailed lower, dipping inside the vee between her legs.

  Her body shuddered. “So wet,” he said softly, stroking her clit, and she gasped and arched against him, her hips writhing restlessly on the bed. “All of this is for me.”

  So arrogant, she wanted to tell him, but the words wouldn’t come, her body otherwise engaged in what his hands were doing.

  It was the truth though. It was all because of him. He was driving her wild, his thumb circling her clit, his gaze boring into hers.

  Giving in to him again. She never tired of giving herself up to his sexy voice and clever hands, his hot kisses and demanding ways.

  He leaned in closer, until she was caught, trapped by the intensity in his eyes. “Say it,” he demanded.

  “What?” she mumbled, too trapped in the pleasure racing through her body to have a conversation.

  “I want to hear you say it. You need me. And only me.”

  But a stubborn part of Sera refused to obey. Her independent streak was strong, and he knew it.

  “Sera.” His thumb stilled between her legs, and he bent his head to bite at the side of her neck, jolting her with pinpricks of pain.

  Still she said nothing. Refusing to admit it.

  He growled, pulling his hand away and yanked down the straps of her silky pajama top, letting her breasts spill out.

  He cupped one, massaging her nipple with his thumb, the same thumb that had been between her legs seconds ago, and the scent of her arousal inflamed her. She moaned, the pleasure/pain of his grip on her breast, on her sensitive nipple, shot pleasure straight to her pussy.

  Bending his head down, he took the other nipple into his mouth, sucking hard, and Sera cried out, a blaze making its way into her core. Her hips rolled restlessly, and a small moan escaped her.

  She needed him inside her.


  His hot mouth let go of her aching nipple, and he kissed her mouth, a quick, savage kiss that left her breathless.

  “I need you,” he whispered against her lips, “I want you to want this, to need me.”

  Not a question or a demand.

  God, this man knows me.

  She broke for him, realizing that really, they wanted the exact same thing. “I need you, Cass,” she finally whispered in his ear. “Now, if you don’t fuck me in the next ten seconds, I’ll probably kill you.”

  He chuckled softly, his face showing his love for her.

  She gasped when his hard cock pressed against her core, hot and huge. His mouth curved into a crooked smirk, and he lifted one of her legs around his back, against his muscular ass, spreading her legs wide.

  Finally! She was going to get what she needed. He lined up his shaft with her entrance, pausing just long enough to hear her whimper. Then he thrust his cock deeply into her at once. Her body rebelled at the intrusion, her legs almost trying to close, but he just lifted her leg higher and pushed deeper, making her cry out.

  Oh God, the stretch was so good, filling her to overflowing. And then he shifted, rocking his hips, angling his cock just so, and the world splintered into sharp shards of pure pleasure.

  Or came back together. She didn’t know, the feelings so unbelievably good that she rolled her hips, trying to feel that twisting bolt of sweet heat again. Fuck, he was dangerously good. He was so deep inside her, deep enough to make her whole body shudder, deep enough to touch her very soul.

  Then he slowed down, and a whimper escaped her. No! She was almost there! His large frame was tense, his muscles straining. He was holding back, she realized. His gaze was intent on her face, watching her, and his powerful chest was heaving. The amount of control he had was impressive, she thought, but not now!

  “You love me?” he asked softly, and with his next breath, his cock slid a bit deeper, and they both gasped.

  “Please,” she whispered. “Cass, please.”

  “Yeah,” he whispered back, “that’s right.”

  I should want to punch his handsome face for choosing now of all moments to make a point, she told herself, but her body was on the verge of something huge, pleasure unlike any it had ever felt, and it sure wasn’t going to let her start a fight right now.

  “Fuck me,” she demanded. “Hard.”

  His eyes became heavy-lidded with satisfaction. “You got it, baby.” He steadied himself with a hand on the bed, biceps bulging, while he kept the other on her leg that was wrapped around him, and started thrusting, pistoning deeply into her core.

  “Yes!” she cried.

  “This what you need, baby?” he growled smugly as he pumped into her, destroying her thoughts. He slammed his cock into her, his balls slapping her ass, and it was a fine line between pain and pleasure as she teetered on the brink to the most powerful orgasm of her life.

  His roughness, his insistence, his skill…his unexpected gentleness when she needed that too.

  The feelings poured over her, overwhelming her. The love she felt for him taking her that extra notch up, letting her ride the climax that exploded through her for what seemed like forever.

  “Cass!” She pressed her mouth to his muscular shoulder, biting softly into the thick muscle as her core spasmed, and she came, waves of pleasure rolling through her.

  Then Cass finally let himself go, hissing, his thrusts growing frantic, then grinding into her. He buried his face in her neck, whispering her name. Over and over again, like a prayer.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I know,” he said back. “That’s what saved me.”




  A short story…

  Alexis’ father, one of the demon kings of the Underworld is so overprotective of his virgin daughter that she’s finally given him an ultimatum.

  Either let her get out and start living, or she’s going to escape his pantheon and set out on her own.

  Her father thinks he’s won this battle when he secures her a job as the nanny for the Devil’s two sets of twin toddlers. He knows the Devil is never home, and that his castle is likely the most secure place in all Hell. What Alexis doesn’t know is that she has basically traded one prison for another…


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