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Fire Warrior

Page 17

by Trim, Brenda

  It was then that she realized Rhett’s siblings were there, as well. His two brothers, Ryk and Reed, were next to the Omega and Rhett’s sister, Rihanna. The female was flirting shamelessly with the Hayden. Seemed that ran in the fire demon’s family. Not that Breslin blamed Rihanna. Hayden was good-looking with his long brown hair and five o’clock shadow. His dark brown eyes danced with mirth and Breslin could see a cigar peeking from his shirt pocket.

  Breslin took Rhett’s hand and the two of them approached Zander. Her brother stood next to a tiled image of the Triskele Amulet, holding Izzy’s hand. Breslin recalled when the warriors created the replica, laying each piece. There was blood, sweat, tears, and laughter in that stone and stood as a testament to their faith in the Goddess.

  “You look good enough to eat,” Rhett teased with a loving kiss to her lips. Breslin grabbed his neck when he pulled away and deepened the kiss.

  Rhys’s catcall had her blushing. “Now you’re talking. Let’s get this ceremony started with an orgy. I know I’m ready.”

  Breslin glanced over and saw Illianna roll her eyes before Rhys took the angel in a passionate kiss.

  “Fucking Rhys,” Breslin murmured against Rhett’s cheek.

  “Love you, too, cupcake,” Rhys responded then kissed Illianna again.

  The angel’s diamond-tipped wings were the perfect accent to the twinkling lights they’d strung for the event, and her presence brought additional happiness and joy to the occasion. Well, maybe a little too much joy for her mate, Breslin surmised.

  “Friends and family, please form a circle around the couple,” Zander instructed as he started the ceremony.

  “We have gathered here in this beautiful place, under the eye of the Sun and the glow of the Moon. Let the circle be blessed and consecrated with Fire and Water,” Zander recited.

  Breslin let go of Rhett’s hand and stepped forward with Bhric. With an elegant wave of her hands, fire shot from Breslin’s outstretched palm to flow around the outskirts of the circle. The fire rose from the earth to the heavens, like fireworks lighting up the night. Bhric then raised his hands and snow formed above the fire before the heat turned it to water that cascaded down in a sheer waterfall, extinguishing the fire.

  Zander looked down to Izzy and smiled then continued in his Scottish brogue, “We call to the Goddess Morrigan, and invoke her to bless this mating.”

  Izzy extended her closed fist and Rhett put his hand out, palm up. Izzy placed a smooth, round, rock into Rhett’s palm. Their mating stone. The rock that would bind their souls together for eternity and protect their mating.

  Electrical pulses crawled up Breslin’s arm when Izzy grabbed her right hand. The power increased to a painful level as her hand was placed on top of Rhett’s.

  “We call upon the spirits of the East, of Air, Spring and new beginnings. We call upon the spirits of the South and the inner Fire of the Sun, Summer and personal will. We call upon the spirits of the West, of Water, Autumn, and healing and dreaming. We call upon the spirits of the North, of Earth, Winter, and the time of cleansing and renewal. Join us to bless this couple with your guidance and inspiration,” Zander recited.

  Electric current filled Breslin as the stone’s power enveloped her and Rhett. Emotion overwhelmed her and she saw it mirrored in his fiery orange eyes.

  Izzy pressed her lips to their joined hands and joy spread from the little girl’s body to theirs. Then her niece stepped away, leaving their hands clasped together, surrounding the stone. Breslin stared at their hands in wonder and then jumped when Rhett placed his left hand over her heart.

  “And you thought I had cold feet,” Rhett teased.

  “I thought you were trying to grab my breast,” she whispered with a wink.

  Zander cleared his throat and Breslin giggled. “Continue, brathair,” she muttered and the corner of his mouth lifted in amusement.

  “I bless this mating under the Sun and the Moon. This circle of love and honor is open and never broken, so may it be,” Zander’s voice resonated with his blessing and his serious demeanor returned.

  Heat built between their hands as the stone became hot. She gritted her teeth as both souls left her body to enter the stone. She expected the loss but not the severity of it. It made the hot poker to her chest seem like a toothache in comparison. Instinct had her mentally grasping for them as irrational fear over never feeling them again swamped her. Tears brimmed in her eyes and she wondered what her mate felt. He wasn’t one of the Goddess’s creatures so she wasn’t exactly sure if he possessed the other half of her soul.

  The awe on his face answered her question. “It was there the whole time,” Rhett muttered. “You’ve been with me my whole life.”

  Now it was Breslin’s turn to gape. Her heart leapt at the love she saw shining in his eyes. He was created for her, and she was created for him.

  A brilliant light flashed between their fingers and Breslin’s skin tingled. Magic was a part of her life, even though she understood little about it. What she did know was it was capable of life-altering feats.

  In the next second, the connection she shared with Rhett became a solid link that she could see shining between them. A thick, golden band wrapped around her heart and ran to his, interlacing them.

  Suddenly, their souls surged back into her body and she was encompassed by love. Rhett’s soul combined with hers, intertwined from top to bottom, and linked at regular intervals. This was beyond any wish she dared to dream.

  In the next moment, Breslin felt the Goddess’s presence enter her head. She nearly knelt out of respect but held herself in place.

  “Ah, my brave warrioress,” the Goddess crooned. “Your mother sends her love and asked that I tell you how proud she is of you.”

  Breslin’s lips trembled as she opened her senses further to the Goddess. “My mamai is watching me?”

  “Yes. She watches over all her children. Both she and your father. No power, not even death, can sever your bond with Rhett. Mating stones protect and bless different aspects. Yours blesses and protects your life. With it, you will never be forced to leave your children the way your parents were. They sacrificed much for you and your brothers but did it out of love. Never forget that.”

  “Thank you, Goddess,” Breslin silently replied as a single tear rolled down her cheek. She needed to hear that her parents loved her. It was another revered gift from the Goddess. “And, thank you for choosing Rhett. I will cherish him the rest of my long life.”

  “I know, child. Be at ease and enjoy your Eve of Eternal Union,” the Goddess replied before she vanished as quickly as she appeared.

  Breslin lifted her hand from Rhett’s and looked at the mating stone. The ordinary granite rock was now a fire opal that matched her demon’s eyes. She hadn’t expected the change since he wasn’t one of the Goddess Morrigan’s subjects and was awed by the gift.

  Rhett wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to his chest and then claimed her lips in a searing kiss. His fire tickled as it raced along her skin. Rhett told her his kind went through a transformation when they mated and she was anxious to get to that part with him.

  “Is it time for the blood exchange?” he asked as he waggled his eyebrows. Her mate had a one-track mind and that track was devoted to her now.

  “Thankfully, we have fewer guests to greet, so it shouldn’t be much longer,” Breslin muttered as Izzy wiggled her way between their legs.

  Laughing, Breslin scooped Izzy into her arms and accepted her hugs then those of Zander and Elsie. As she stood talking with her brother, Tristan walked up to them.

  “Congratulations, Breslin, Rhett. Thank you for including me tonight,” the male said and smiled.

  Breslin was grateful the stripling survived the attack and healed completely. His injuries were severe and they weren’t sure he would pull through. He was a strong male and her gut said he would pass the initiation and become a Dark Warrior.

  “We’re happy you’re here, Tristan. You
look verra handsome, by the way,” Breslin stated, earning a low growl from Rhett. Jealousy ran deep with mates and she nudged his ribs and smiled back at Tristan.

  “I was hoping there would be a lot of available females tonight. I’m feeling rather randy these days,” the blond-haired male replied as he scanned the small gathering.

  Breslin peered into his blue eyes and then looked to Zander. “Remember that discussion we had the other day, brathair. Did you make arrangements yet?” she asked. Tristan was on the cusp of transition which meant his sex drive was about to go into overdrive.

  “Aye. I made a call to Aurora. She said she would do anything to repay us for protecting her harpies and Brushy Keep. It seems the harpy that saved Tristan from falling to his death is more than happy to accommodate his…predicament,” Zander explained.

  “What predicament, and who’s happy to accommodate?” Tristan interjected.

  Zander chuckled. “You’ll know firsthand verra soon, wild thing. And, Brianne is apparently going to save your ass one more time,” he added with a sly grin.

  Tristan looked at Zander then to Breslin, clearly confused. When neither offered further explanation, he shrugged it off then made his way to the buffet.

  “Do I even want to know what that’s all about,” Rhett asked as his hand rubbed circles on Breslin’s lower back. When he dipped lower to caress her ass, she about lost her mind. She needed her mate’s body and blood, and fast.

  “I’d rather show you when we get to our room,” Breslin croaked as her body clenched with need.

  She and Rhett turned to greet Hayden, Cade, and Cael. Rhett kept a possessive hold around her waist when the males hugged and congratulated her. It only served to feed her desire for her sexy mate, adding to the sexual tension flowing between them.

  “How the fuck have you lived with this pain?” Rhett whispered in her ear.

  She didn’t pretend she didn’t know what he was talking about. There was no hiding from her mate any longer, just as he could hide nothing from her. Her mating brand had yet to stop causing her immense pain and now that they’d bonded souls, it was causing him discomfort, too.

  “Piece of cake, demon,” she teased.

  “Damn, I love you, Flame,” he declared.

  “I know,” she said with a smile and kissed him deeply as she opened her heart and allowed him to see the devotion she held for him.

  Through the years, many teased her about being a cold bitch but that wasn’t the case. Her love was larger than life.

  Not wanting hearts and flowers simply meant she didn’t give a shit about all the superficial crap. All that mattered to her was unconditional love, loyalty, and a passion that set her on fire.

  With Rhett, she had it all.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Have some of my hey juice,” Rhys called out to Rhett as he approached with two frosted mugs, “and, you’re Eve of Eternal Union is guaranteed to go off like a bomb.”

  “I don’t need your drink to make my night explosive,” Rhett responded to the cambion. They were different demons but they both had an inner beast that lurked beneath their skin. “I know how to pleasure my mate. Or, have you forgotten about the fires?” Rhett asked, referring to the destruction he and Breslin caused during their nights of passion.

  “Who could forget that? Those were the best roasted marshmallows I’ve ever had,” Rhys quipped.

  Rhett recalled the last time they’d set Breslin’s suite on fire and the cambion showed up with a wire stick and a bag of the white sugary treats.

  “Mmm, I certainly remember,” Rhys’s mate, Illianna, added with a smile. “I’d never tasted the toasted sweetness and now I’m addicted. Only thing I crave more is my sexy mate,” she said and nibbled Rhys’s ear.

  “That’s more than I needed to know,” Rhett mumbled as he left the couple cooing and kissing. Breslin’s friends and family were a diverse group, for sure, but he couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.

  As he made his way to his mate, he thought about their ceremony. It was a shock in many ways. Breslin said many times that she carried a piece of his soul but neither believed he carried part of hers, given that his kind didn’t have Fated Mates. But then the most unreal thing happened during the ceremony. He felt his soul, along with hers, sucked from his body. It was nothing short of glorious agony, painful and surreal.

  That little voice that kept him company during his walkabouts had been hers all along. He thought it was his conscience but it was something far more precious. His Flame.

  “There you are,” he murmured to Breslin as he approached her and their friends. Leaning down, he kissed her cheek and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

  “You have got to try these mushrooms. Elsie outdid herself with these. Oh! And these duck fat fries. Holy shit, they’re the best,” Breslin said as her eyes rolled back in her head.

  “I’m supposed to be the only one that causes those sounds. I’d better taste my competition,” Rhett replied with a grin.

  “She’s right, they’re freaking amazing. I’ve eaten three plates,” Shae admitted and blush crept across her face.

  There was a glow about the female Rhett hadn’t noticed. He’d enjoyed working with her the past few weeks and was excited about the plan they developed to revamp Elsie’s Hope.

  Rhett picked up a fry from Breslin’s plate and plopped it in his mouth. A deep groan slipped out beyond his control.

  “Holy fuck, those are delicious. What are they made with?” he asked as he grabbed another from Breslin’s plate.

  “Duck fat and truffle oil,” Gerrick said as he joined their group. “Those two ingredients are on auto-ship to Zeum for the next five months. It seems it’s her number one craving,” he added and gazed adoringly at his mate.

  “What?” Breslin shrieked. “Are you pregnant?”

  “Yes!” Shae admitted and the females instantly jumped up and down, discussing her due date. The noise attracted Elsie, Cailyn, Mack and Illianna. Pretty soon, talk of babies filled the air.

  Rhett and Gerrick stepped aside as the females shrieked and patted Shae’s flat stomach. Alex and Ember soon joined the females along with the Rowan sisters. It was an influx of estrogen and no male was safe.

  “How the hell are we going to survive this?” Rhett asked Bhric.

  “I canna wait to put a bairn in my doc’s belly. She’ll be so fucking sexy carrying my child,” Bhric said with a growl.

  Rhett laughed when Breslin looked over her shoulder and made a cutting motion with her finger across her throat, warning her brother to stop such thoughts. Rhett felt her irritation, as well as, Bhric’s heartfelt devotion for Alex.

  The thought threw Rhett into panic. Wait. What was going on? When Rhett concentrated, he felt something new. For the first time, he had a vague sense of Bhric’s thoughts and emotions. Kyran and Zander joined them and interrupted Rhett’s evaluation of this new connection.

  “Did Jace confirm the pregnancy?” Zander asked.

  “He did,” Gerrick answered with a pinched expression. “He’s watching her closely because of the changes her body went through. He’s unsure of the impact it might have on our child. She’s finally eating, so I have hope things will go smoothly.”

  “Those duck fries are like crack. Your baby is going to come out with webbed feet,” Rhett teased. “We need to install a fryer in the kitchen to keep up with demand though,” he added as he watched Breslin excitedly talk with the females. She hadn’t stopped eating the delicacy on her plate.

  “Maybe Bre’s pregnant, too,” Bhric teased as they watched her enjoy the food.

  “If not, we’ll get in a lot of practice tonight,” Rhett commented as he left the group of males, unable to wait a second longer.

  It was time to seal the deal with his sexy vampire.

  * * *

  Breslin smiled as Rhett pushed his way through the group of females and scooped her in his arms. The gentle care he took with her dress spoke to how well he knew her. There were
some things she wanted to preserve and her mating gown was one of them. It was something she hoped to pass down to their daughter one day.

  Instantly, Breslin wrapped her arms around his neck. Her laughter bubbled and she didn’t bother holding it back. As she met her brothers’ gazes and their wide grins, it fed her joy. She couldn’t recall a happier time. With each mating and new addition to the family, her heart swelled, but it paled in comparison to how she felt now. This was her night.

  “I can’t wait any longer, Flame,” Rhett murmured in her ear. She shivered as his hot breath skated across her skin.

  She finally understood what the others meant when they said bonding with their Fated Mate completed them beyond words. Breslin was full to bursting and the void in her heart was gone. She missed her parents and had felt that loss more the past few weeks, but the Goddess’s words echoed in her mind and she knew her mother and father shared in her joyful night. Breslin couldn’t have asked for a better mating gift. The Goddess truly was the most beneficent being ever.

  When Izzy noticed them, she stopped playing with Donovan and waved excitedly. Pink smeared her face and hands, compliments of her favorite strawberry ice cream. Breslin chuckled when she saw Pepper make his way toward the two striplings with another cone in each hand. Izzy had every being in the house wrapped around her tiny finger, as it should be.

  “I didn’t get a piece of our cake,” Breslin pouted.

  “You want cake? You’ve got it, but we’re not stopping,” Rhett stated and grabbed a serving of German chocolate cake as he continued his trek. “It’s time to end your pain and suffering,” he declared and handed her the dessert.

  She kissed his neck then nibbled his earlobe, causing him to falter and nearly drop her. Her mating brand blazed with pain and she leaned into him, closing the distance. Rhett’s thoughts of how he wanted to take her rushed into her mind and Breslin pressed her body against his, tightening her hold.


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