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Everyday Evil: A New Adult Urban Fantasy Harem Adventure (The Horned Mage Book 4)

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by Liam Lawson

  It had taken me a little while to learn the preferences of my girls. Scarlett liked gentle kisses and hard sex. Absinthe liked to make love but appreciated rough foreplay and dirty kissing. What Nicole liked came to me in a hard rush, whether because we’d had sex so long ago or because I was adapting to my own magic, I couldn’t have said and in that moment didn’t really care.

  I kissed her, crushing her mouth with mine, grabbing her hands and shoving them over her head. Her back arched off the ground and I ripped her shirt up, over her bra, over her head, and used it to help bind her hands together. Her body was softer, more lush than either of my other lovers, her skin paler and her breasts more bountiful, straining against the boring beige bra that held them against her chest.

  Green fire sprang to life between my fingers and I burned the bit of cloth in the center hooking the two cups together and the garment spilled away, revealing her naked breasts to the air. Her nipples were shockingly pink and hard, begging to be pinched and kissed. I pressed my mouth into the side of her neck, letting her feel my teeth against the sensitive skin while the hand not holding her hands above her head slid down to cup one of her full breasts.

  She made little moaning noises that set my blood on fire. My hands were not gentle with her. She didn’t want them to be. I could feel her pleasure at my roughness, igniting a passion in her that she’d feared she’d never feel.

  I was in her head, then I was her and it was a little over a year ago. Another student, a man also on a Navy medical track, had propositioned her. He was attractive and she wanted him. She wanted him more when he’d told her that he lived a rather eccentric lifestyle. The kind that featured floggers and ball gags. She hadn’t wanted to turn him down but she had, ashamed of her excitement. She had just escaped an abusive relationship, why on earth would the idea of a pretend abusive one turn her on so much?

  She’d thought she’d pushed the memory away and forgotten it. It resurfaced now and with it, a surge of lust mingled with…hope. My remaining doubts about hurting her vanished.

  I yanked down her pants, forcing them over her tennis shoes, and ripped her panties off before freeing my erection. I fell upon her, slamming our mouths together once again as I slammed our hips together. My shaft found a home between her lightly haired nether lips and pushed in. She was only a little wet and she gasped in a mixture of pain and pleasure as I forced myself inside her body. She shook and gasped, shuddering as I bottomed out, and suddenly her passage was flooded.

  “Oh God, yes,” she cried. Fluids gushed over my cock and down our thighs. “It hurts so good. Do more. More.”

  I slammed into her. Over and over. I mauled her breasts, pinching her nipples between my teeth as my hands held her down and roughly explored her body at the same time. She was so soft and pliant and delicate and she wanted me to break her. I happily obliged, becoming everything she wanted and thought forbidden to her. I let out every ounce of pent up anger and fear and years of longing and slammed my body into hers over and over again with bruising force. Her legs fell wide apart around me. Her whole being shuddered with every impact, tennis shoed feet bobbing wildly on either side of us in the air.

  Mini-orgasms rippled through her sex, spreading through her core and into her limbs. They weren’t enough. She needed more. We needed more. We needed to fuck away everything that had been done to and denied us.

  I pulled out and she groaned, only to turn that sound into a panicked little scream as I grabbed her hips and flipped her over in a spill of leaves and nettles. I positioned her before me on her hands and knees, her pert ass up and ready for me. I grabbed her hips and slid home inside of her and she moaned.

  It was a moan of both pleasure and disappointment. Pleasure because she wanted my shaft inside of her. Disappointment because it didn’t hurt as much anymore. She needed more pain. Craved it. I gave her ass a quick spank and she let out a delighted shriek, her body clenching down on me.

  I knew what I had do to.

  I slid out of her, ignoring her moan of disappointment as I left her empty, and repositioned myself. She went very still as the head, coated liberally with her fluids, pressed into her rosebud.

  She audibly swallowed. “Caleb…do it. Hurt me. God I’m a horrible freak, hurt me.”

  I pressed into her, a gentle but constant pressure. Her sphincter slowly gave way and she moaned. She was tight. So, so tight. I had to put more pressure or I wouldn’t go all the way—suddenly I was through and the increased pressure slid my length all the way inside of her until my hips slapped into her ass. She screamed. I grabbed her hips and held her still.

  “It hurts,” she hissed. “It’s like a hot knife.”

  I began to pull out.

  She slammed her hips backward, forcing me to stay bottomed out. “No!”

  She took a deep breath. “No, don’t stop. Don’t…just…just take me, Caleb. Take me!”

  I withdrew myself and slowly pressed back in. Then again, a little harder. And then harder. She whimpered and moaned and her entire body shuddered. Her arms gave out on the fifth stroke and she fell to the ground, impaled ass up in the air still taking my length. I pistoned in and out of her several times, gripping her hips to deliver each thrust harder than before.

  I released her hips and leaned over her, pressing my chest into her back and tossing her platinum blonde hair clear of her neck. She was gasping, moaning with miniature orgasms. Nicole didn’t come like any other girl I’d been with. I grinned at her flushed face, so different from her usual composed expression. She was utterly wanton and I adored her for it.

  I kissed her neck, then bit her. Her entire body stiffened as a new orgasm struck her. Her ass clenched down on me and I lost control. Nothing had ever squeezed me so tight. Pulse after pulse of my semen spurted into her, coating her bowels until I finally had nothing left to give and collapsed atop her, panting.

  We lay there in a tangle of limbs for several moments until my member slipped out of her. I rolled over and glanced down. My flesh had been smeared in a fine reddish orange coating and smelled of iron. I’d made her bleed.

  I rolled onto my side to make sure she was okay but she rolled over at the same time. Fiery green eyes met mine.

  She smiled. “That was…unexpected.”

  Her blue eyes were gone. I’d never see them again. “Nicole, I—“

  She silenced me with a kiss. “I’ve been wanting to do that for years, Caleb. Don’t ruin it by apologizing.”

  Slowly, I nodded. This was going to complicate things.

  A phone rang, making us both jump. Night had fallen while we’d been fucking and we were both suddenly and keenly aware that we were naked, outside, in a very public place. We hurried to get dressed and in the process found Nicole’s phone going off. The call went to voicemail before she could answer it.

  She frowned at me as she held up her ruined bra and underwear, then slapped me with them. “Really? You couldn’t just take them off like a normal person?”

  I grinned at her, sheepishly at first, then wolfishly as she melted under my gaze. “You loved it.”

  She blushed. “I kind of did. Now hush.”

  She put the phone to her ear and listened to the voicemail. The pleased expression on her face fell, replaced by a shocked look of utter dread.

  “We have to go,” she said, hurrying out of the clearing and back to the trails.

  “What happened?” I asked, jogging to keep up.

  “It’s Dad,” she said. “He showed up at the hospital and…he’s got Mom.”

  Chapter Nine

  It felt like someone had hit a giant reset button. Nicole had taken her car to the park and drove us back to the police station where we were reunited with everyone who’d been there before. The Woodhurst PD had called Nicole and asked her to come in. Since I was with her I was along for the ride and we let everyone else know where we were going. Them showing up hadn’t really been part of the plan but here they were.

  Scarlett and Absinthe weren’t
really a surprise—damn I owed them both a huge apology—nor was Bob Avery or Eleanor. He was her lawyer, not mine. He just happened to be representing me. But Valencia was there again as well. I didn’t know what to make of that. Or any of it really.

  I’d never had a support system like this. Since being adopted by the Marshals my only real support had come from Nicole, and she had been limited in what she could do. Now here I was, surrounded by people who wanted to make sure I was okay. Even after I’d basically ditched them all to go have a pity party in the middle of a crisis. God I was such an asshole.

  “Feels kind of like we were all just here, doesn’t it?” I said as we all converged on the doors to the police department. It was the best I could come up with. There were so many words I needed to say. Apologies to make and gratitude to express. Nothing I could do would be sufficient.

  Scarlett snorted. She and Absinthe didn’t stop moving, they walked straight into me and pulled me into a three way hug. A shuddering gasp escaped me and a relief swept through all of us. I needed them. Fuck my heritage. Fuck whatever the binding that held us together. It was there and we were here and we needed each other now and I wasn’t letting them go. I’d been a complete and utter idiot.

  And I couldn’t think about any of that now because there was a very real crisis at hand. I started to pull back when both girls froze, then gave me a deliberate sniff. They had fae-hound and werewolf noses. Which meant they probably not only smelled the forest on me from the park but the smell of sex still on me. Oh. Oh damn, I hadn’t even thought.

  Both of them turned to look at Nicole, who blushed but held their gaze.

  It was actually Valencia who spoke first, addressing Nicole. “Your eyes. Weren’t they blue before? They look just like….”

  She trailed off, looking from Nicole’s eyes to the matching set in her daughter and our girlfriend’s face. Her mouth made a little O.

  “She’s hot,” Scarlett said. “Your eyes look good on her.”

  Bob Avery cleared his throat. “Would somebody please explain to me what’s going on?”

  Eleanor patted the lawyer’s arm. “Later, Mr. Avery. Over tea when there are less pressing concerns.”

  The door to the police station opened and Officer Jenkin strode out. He froze when he saw us. “Guess that makes this easy,” he muttered, though not so quietly that we couldn’t hear. “Mr. Marshal, I’d like to ask you a few questions inside if you don’t mind.”

  Nicole rushed forward to meet him. “Do you know where Dad’s taken Mom?”

  Officer Jenkins cleared his throat and looked uncomfortable. He glanced down at Nicole’s chest. I remembered that I’d ruined her bra earlier and her breasts did absolutely fascinating things to her t-shirt without one, her plump nipples making little tents in the fabric.

  “We are looking into every possible lead,” Jenkins said, making a visible effort to look at Nicole’s face and not her unrestrained breasts. “Which is why I’d like to talk to your brother. Find out where he’s been all afternoon.”

  “With me,” Nicole said. “We just spent the last few hours together.”

  Jenkins grimaced. “And before that?”

  “He was with us,” Absinthe and Scarlett said at the same time.

  Scarlett kept going. “We went for a walk in the National Park right after leaving here.”

  Officer Jenkins clenched his jaw and said nothing.

  Bob Avery stepped up beside me and place a hand on my shoulder. “Surely you weren’t about to suggest that my client might have had something to do with his mother’s kidnaping?”

  “Just trying to get all that facts,” Jenkins said.

  Nicole’s phone rang with the Imperial March. She froze like a startled rabbit.

  “That’s Albert’s ring tone isn’t it?” I asked.

  Slowly, she nodded.

  “Everyone be quiet,” Jenkins barked. “Please answer it and put it on speaker, Ms. Marshal.”

  Nicole lifted the phone, but didn’t answer it. She only stared at the screen. She hadn’t assigned Albert a photo so the screen was all black except for the word DAD at the top.

  I put a hand on her upper arm. “You don’t have to answer it. I can if you want.”

  “No,” Jenkins said. “He’s calling her. We don’t want to throw anything unexpected at him if he kidnapped her.”

  If? I glared at him, not only for that comment but for pushing Nicole to talk to the creep. She shouldn’t ever have to think about him again, let alone talk to him.

  “It’s okay, Caleb,” Nicole said. She took my hand, squeezing my fingers tight in hers, and answered the phone with her other, holding it face up for all of us to listen in on.

  “Nicole Bear,” Albert said. “Where are you?”

  She glanced at Jenkins who shook his head.

  “Where’s Mom,” she asked.

  Albert sighed. “Nicole. Mom died two years ago. You know that. What has that hooligan told you?”

  She swallowed. “Dad. Where is Mom?”

  “I don’t understand why you’re asking me this, Nicole. Mom is dead. Where are you? Did Caleb hurt you?”

  Nicole bit her lower lip and her eyes flashed. I couldn’t tell if she wanted to scream in rage or fear or both.

  “I think he actually stole some things from me when he kidnapped you,” he went on. “Some video files. Nothing too important since I have backups, but still, it shows a profound lack of character. You need to get away from him and come home.”

  Nicole closed her eyes. Tears spilled out of their corners. When they opened, the fear was still there, but now they also shone with determination. Without thinking she spun away from the group, marching as she spoke into the speaker. “I am safer with him than I ever was with you. I know what you are. I know what you’ve done. And you’re not getting away with it any more. Where have you taken Mom?”

  The phone was quiet for moment after that.

  “You’re his creature now,” he said. The concerned, fatherly tone he’d been using was gone. He sounded cold and hollow. “I can see it in you.”

  He hung up.

  “What the hell was that?” Jenkins said, striding up to Nicole. “If he had her—”

  I stepped between her and the police officer. I didn’t say a word, just glared at him.

  “Son, you do not want to get on my bad side tonight,” he said, squaring off with me.

  I wanted to say something. Everything in my surged forward, hungry to address his challenge. I pushed the urge down. He was a police officer. He could arrest me. He was fucking useless but he could get in my way. Especially if I understood Albert’s threat about backup files correctly.

  I stepped away, putting an arm around Nicole and pulled her back to Scarlett and Absinthe. Jenkins made to follow but was intercepted by Bob Avery, who began doing his “I can always find a way to interrupt you and make you look stupid” trick.

  “We have find her ourselves,” I said. “Damn, if I’d been smart I’d have asked you to drop me off at the hospital and the pair of you to meet us there.”

  Nicole frowned. “What do you mean you can find her?”

  “It’s part of my magic,” I explained, speaking quietly so that Officer Jumps-to-Conclusions wouldn’t overhear. “Or, our magic really. If we can get hold of something that smells like…like Mom…you all can transform and my magic will help you track her down. We’ll move fast and catch him completely off guard.”

  “You all…wait.” She dug into her purse and pulled out a little compact makeup thingy. She flipped it open and looked in the mirror, gasping when she saw her eyes. A hand reached up, touching her face all around them.

  “You told me about this, but I—I didn’t think,” Nicole said, then she smiled. “I hated that I had his eyes, you know.”

  I’d always thought of them as Caroline’s eyes but both she and Albert had blue eyes now that I thought of it. “You’re not mad at me?”

  She rolled her newly green eyes. “Caleb, if what
you’ve done to me will help us find Mom, then what you did to me in that park is only just the beginning.”

  Absinthe smirked. “You might have to make a performance of it.”

  Nicole’s face started to light up with heat and then went pale, her expression becoming horrified. “Performance. Caleb he has—”

  “I know,” I said, cutting her off before she could say anything about his recordings of us that Jensen might overhear. “We’ll take care of them after we’ve get Mom back.”

  She gave a little nod. “Thank you.”

  Scarlett looked back and forth between us. “Okay, we’ll work through all the details—and I mean all of them—as soon as we handle this crisis. Right after, you hear?”

  It was my turn to nod. So did Nicole.

  “Good enough,” Absinthe said. “For now.”

  We rushed for Nicole’s car before anyone could try to stop us. Jenkin’s began shouting at us from the parking lot, but the four of us piled into her car and took off. First stop, Woodhurst Hospital. Next stop, Caroline Marshal. And when we found her, I’d do everything to Albert Marshal that I’d fantasized about on the trip back to Woodhurst.

  Chapter Ten

  Getting something of Caroline’s proved to be more difficult than we’d first expected. What I’d originally hoped for was to get to the hospital, go find the room Caroline had been in, and then use her sheets to get her scent for the girls. Nicole knew exactly which room she’d been staying in, and though we got more than a few odd looks walking through the sterile halls, nobody stopped us until we actually got where we’d been meaning to go.

  Then we ran into a problem.

  Four police officers loitered around the room like bored gargoyles in uniform, which was four more than I’d expected. Okay, maybe I should have expected at least one token guard to be there, but four? My best guess was that someone higher up on the food chain had taken an interest and let the Woodhurst PD know it. I mean, it wasn’t like Albert was just going to waltz in here and put Caroline back or something, and none of them were doing anything other than standing around looking bored. Then again, what else was there for them to do around Woodhurst?


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