My Best Friend

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My Best Friend Page 4

by Ancelli

  The alarm went off, she hit the snooze button, not wanting to get up, but it was already five in the morning. She’d been up that night tossing and turning because she couldn’t find a right position. It wasn’t until Jason held, rubbed, and talked to her belly that she finally fell asleep. But now it was time for them to go to work. Jason got out of bed first, and helped her get up.

  He turned and kissed her. “Good morning, doll eyes.”

  They started to get ready. Kay made her way to the kitchen and started brewing coffee and making breakfast. They ate and talked about what each of other had planned for the day. As he headed out the door, she handed him a cup of coffee.

  “Thank you.” He walked her to her car and kissed her. “Bye, see you tonight.” He turned and walked to his car, got in and drove away. They’d fallen into a routine they both loved.


  She was at her office working on a project but couldn’t concentrate. Baby Girl just kept kicking her letting her know that she was there. She kept smiling to herself. I’ve never felt this happy before. What am I going to do with my house? Maybe rent it? Her mind wandered off. She had searched everywhere for love but had never realized love was right in front of her. Jason was all she’d ever wanted in a man. He made all of her worries go away. He knew everything about her and never once did he judge her. He loved her, and she loved him.

  She turned to her computer to start working again, and her mind drifted off again. She wondered why Jason hadn’t tried to have sex with her. Was it because he wasn’t attracted to her? Or maybe it was the baby? Maybe he thought he would hurt the baby, but she knew for sure that he loved her. The phone ringing snapped her out of her thoughts. It was her private line. “This is Mrs. Parker. How can I help you?”

  The person on the other end said, “This is Nancy Lewis at Memorial Hospital. You were listed as an emergency contact for Mr. Jason Anderson. He was in a car accident. Can you come down?” Before the nurse could finish, Kay was out her office door. She turned to her secretary. “Cancel all my appointments.”


  As she was driving to the hospital all kind of thoughts went through her mind. I can’t lose him. He’s all I have. The baby kicked. “I’m sorry. All we’ve got.” The hospital seemed so far away. She finally made it, parked, and ran into the hospital. She went up to the counter. “Which room is Mr. Anderson in?”

  The nurse came around the desk. “He’s unconscious. You will be able to see him soon.”

  “What happened?” she asked with teary eyes. “He was hit by a drunk driver.”

  She pulled out her cell phone and called his parent. Mrs. Anderson answered, and Kay told her that Jason was in the hospital. Mrs. Anderson told her that his dad was on a business trip, but she was on her way.

  The nurse told her she could enter now. He was resting.

  When she walked into the room, he was asleep. He had a couple of cuts and bruises. She went over and kissed him, as she broke down crying. What would she have done if something had happened to him? He was the only person she could count on. She couldn’t lose him too; he was her lifeline. She felt his hands on her stomach.

  He asked her in a tired low voice, “How’s our baby doing?”

  She looked at him. “She’s great now that she heard your voice. Did you feel that? She’s kicking for you.”

  “Wow. She will be playing soccer soon. I love you, baby.”

  “If anything would’ve happened to you...” she said softly.

  He stopped her. “Shhh, I’m still here. Nothing happened. I just have a terrible headache. Kay, I’m blessed. God saved me from that accident. My car is totaled.” He paused. “I’m thankful I only walked away with a headache.”

  “I’m thankful too,” she said. “Are you in pain right now?”


  “I’ll go get a doctor.”

  “No, don’t leave me. You’re better than any painkiller. When that car hit me all that went through my head was I wanted to see your face one more time and tell you how much I love you.”

  “Jason, I love you too...” She leaned in to kiss him.

  That’s when his mom rushed in, “Are you ok, Sweetie?” Debbie Anderson was an elegant woman in her fifties. She had blonde and gray hair, stunning hazel eyes, a long nose and thin lips. She wore a Donna Karan gray suit, with matching purse and pumps.

  “Yes, Mom,” he answered. “It was just a little accident.” He winked at Kay.

  “That’s not what I heard. That man is going to pay for what he did to you.” She looked at Kay. “Hi, Kay, how are you?” Before Kay could answer Mrs. Anderson looked down. “I didn’t know you were pregnant. Jason, why didn’t you tell me Kay was pregnant? Pregnancy agrees with you. You look great.” Jason looked at Kay. He looked like he was about to say something when the doctor came in.

  “Well, ladies,” the doctor said, “he is going to be ok. Your son was very lucky. After several tests, we found he has a concussion. He’ll have headaches, but I’ll give him some pain medication. I’m keeping him overnight for observation. He needs a couple of days off from work, but other than that, he is a very lucky man. God was watching out for him. If you have any questions, just have me paged.” He turned and left the room.

  “Ok, Sweetie. I can stay with you for a couple of days,” his mom said. “Where is Kimberly? I know you broke up, but I thought maybe you guys would have worked out your difference. You know I didn’t care much for her, but I want you to be happy.”

  “Mom, it’s over between her and I,” he said.

  “Ok sweetie, I won’t ask,” she said.

  She stepped away and called her husband, telling him that Jason was ok and Jacob didn’t have to rush home from his trip. “Kay” his mom said, “I’m so happy you’re here with him. You’re always there when he needs you. Now I don’t know what he is going to do now that you belong to someone else.” She looked at Jason. “You should’ve... oh well, it’s too late.” She just shut her mouth and stared at him.

  “Mom,” he said. “You don’t have to come over. Kay will help me.”

  “Son, no, she’s pregnant, and she needs to be taken care of,” Debbie said looking worried.

  “Mom,” he said, “Kay is living with me. The baby is mine.”

  Kay looked at him and mumbled. “What the hell?”

  His mom covered her mouth with her hand. She was surprised. “What? Why didn’t you tell me you and Kay? I always thought you guys had a thing for each other, but you always denied it. You lied to me.”

  “No, Mom,” he answered. “It just happened. One day, we realized we loved each other.”

  “I’m so happy right now,” his mom said, turning to hug Kay.

  Kay and Jason were both surprised by her reaction. Mrs. Anderson looked through her purse and got her cell phone out again, calling his dad and told him. “We’re going to be grandparents!”

  While she was occupied on the phone, Kay bent down and told him. “You need to tell her the truth.”

  He smiled. “I just did.”

  Mrs. Anderson hung up, all excited. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a grandma. I’m so happy, you guys. I’ve been waiting for this day when my baby boy would finally have a family, with a good, loving woman. I’m so proud of the man you’ve become, Sweetie. How far along are you?”

  “Seven months,” she answered.

  “Seven months...You don’t look it. Did you have a baby shower?”

  Kay answered. “I don’t want one.”

  “Why?” his mom asked.

  Jason looked at his mom. “She doesn’t want one. Please respect her wishes and don’t try to surprise her with family or friends,” he said in a firm voice.

  “Ok, son, I won’t. Did you guys find out what you’re having?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he answered, “we’re having a girl.”

  His mom was beside herself, she couldn’t stop smiling. “I’m having a granddaughter, wait until I tell everybody. She is going to be so beautiful, I can imagine with both your features.”

  He looked at Kay. He could see the sadness in her eyes when his mom mentioned the baby’s features.

  “When are you going to marry her and make her my official daughter-in-law?”

  “Mom...” he said.

  She got the hint. “Ok I will butt out. Why didn’t you tell me? We talk every week. Why keep your baby and relationship a secret?”

  “We just wanted to make sure everything was ok,” he said. “We had a scare.”

  “Is everything ok, now?” she asked, concerned.

  He replied, “Yes, she’s healthy and strong.”

  “That so good to hear, I’m going to your house to get you both a change of clothes and get you something to eat, dear,” his mom said.



  The next morning Jason felt a little better. The headache wasn’t as bad when he opened his eyes, Kay was in a chair next to him sleeping, and he could tell she was uncomfortable. “Kay.”

  She opened her eyes and looked at him. “Good morning, sunshine.”

  “Good morning, doll eyes.” He was happy that his parents had come back and brought her something to eat last night because she didn’t want to leave his side. His father was excited about the baby.

  The nurse came in took his vital signs, just to make sure everything was alright, and told him that the doctor was going to discharge him later that afternoon. When the nurse left, he lifted the covers. “Kay, come lay with me. I know you’re still tired. Yesterday was a long day.” She slipped under the covers, trying not to hurt him, and before long she was asleep.

  She turned over about two hours later, and he moaned in pain. She woke up and got out of the hospital bed. “Did I hurt you?”

  “Yes, when you left my side,” he said, smiling.

  “Why did you let me sleep so long?” She asked looking at her watch.

  He smiled at her, “It was only a couple of hours.”

  The nurse came back, checked him and told them he could go home. She handed them his discharge papers.

  He got up and started getting dressed. Kay helped him get dressed and whispered. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.” She kissed his lips.

  He waited in the wheelchair for Kay to pull around with the car. When they pulled up to his house, his parents Mercedes was parked in front.

  “You need to tell them the truth.”

  He got out of the car. “I did tell them the truth. She’s my daughter, so that makes her their granddaughter, and my parents wouldn’t care anyway,” he said, holding the car door open.

  “If that’s true, why won’t you tell them?” she asked, getting out the driver’s side.

  He ignored her as he walked to the house. He opened the door and waited for her to wobble inside. His parents had lunch waiting for them.

  “Thank you, I’m really hungry,” Kay said.

  “You’re eating for two,” Jacob said. “Son, how are you feeling?” Jason was the spitting image of his father. He had the same baby blue eyes, nose and lips. The only difference was his father’s silver hair.

  “I’m ok. Nothing some pills and Kay can’t take care of,” he answered.

  His dad started laughing and hugged Kay and said, “Thank you. Let’s eat.”

  They ate and talked about the accident, the insurance company, and how grateful everyone was that he was ok. His parents cleaned up and said their goodbyes.

  “We will be calling you guys later.”

  Kay got up and kissed Jason on the forehead. “You have the greatest parents. I wish my parents were still here.” Her parents passed away when she was fifteen. She’d inherited enough money to put her through college and help her through some hard times.

  “Where is that music coming from?” Jason asked.

  “It sounds like lullabies.”

  She went down the hall, and he followed, as they got closer to one of the bedrooms, the music got louder. Jason opened the door. To their surprise, the room was decorated with Precious Moments angels, and the walls were painted in pink with clouds on the ceiling. There was a white rocking chair near a big white crib with a matching dresser and changing table. There were stuffed animals everywhere. It was a kid’s dream.

  They entered the room and found a note on the rocking chair.

  We love you guys, and since you didn’t want a baby shower, we got you everything you will need for our grandbaby.

  Love Mom & Dad.

  Kay walked up to the closet and pulled it open to find it was full of baby clothes from zero to twelve months, diapers, wipes, and baby shoes.

  Kay walked up to Jason. “I can’t accept this.”


  “You know why. You need to tell them the truth.”

  He hugged her. “My dad knows,” he whispered in her ear.

  She pulled back and stared at him. “What did you say?”

  “I said my dad knows the truth.”


  “I told my dad a couple of months ago. When you told me you were pregnant, I needed someone to talk to about my feelings. When Tommy told you to have an abortion, my dad was the one that convinced me to stop you. He made me see what I knew was there all along. He’s ok with this. My dad said, if I love you, I would love your daughter and he would love and hold her as his own too.”

  “What about your mom?”

  “Dad will tell her in time.”

  Kay turned. “She will find out when she’s born.”

  “How do you know that?” he asked, “You don’t know how she’s going to look. Didn’t you tell me Tommy is half black, half Puerto Rican? That’s the beauty of genes. You never know, and if it comes to that, we will tell her. I don’t care how she looks. She can be dark chocolate, caramel, or vanilla. I will still love her and you.”

  He called his parents and let them know how thankful they were.

  She looked at him, smiling. “What if I don’t want to stay here? Can I take everything and go?”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  She smiled, pulled him close. “Yes, I’m kidding. You already moved all my stuff without even asking me to move in.”

  Chapter Six

  A week went by, and Jason and Kay were back at work.

  Kay was lying in the bed when Jason joined her. “I received my insurance check today. Are you busy Saturday morning?” he asked.


  “Because I would like you to go car shopping with me. If you can’t I’ll call John.”

  “Ok.” She turned to him. “Can I ask you something?” He turned his attention to her. “Why haven’t you made love to me?” he seemed surprised by her question. “Don’t you find me attractive?”

  “Kay,” he said, “I was trying to give you your space. I didn’t want to push you to do anything you didn’t want to, and to answer your question. I do, and always will find you attractive. I’ve always wanted you.”

  “Kiss me. I promise you won’t hurt me,” she whispered.

  He leaned in and started kissing her soft lips. The kiss soon turned passionate, exchanging their sweet taste. He pulled away and started kissing down her neck. He’d been waiting for this moment for years. Her scent was unique smelling like warm vanilla. He slowly pulled off her nightshirt and started sucking on her big brown nipples. Her breasts were perfect in his eyes, and he nibbled on each nipple as she arched her back at his touch. He trailed his lips back up to her mouth and down her neck, breasts, stomach, legs and toes, taking his sweet time. Her skin felt so soft. She kept moaning with each gentle touch. He parted her legs and started kissing her inner thighs, looking at her without breaking eye contact.r />
  She could see the desire in his baby blue eyes. She couldn’t believe what he was about to do. No one had ever gone down on her before.

  “I want to taste you, Kay,” he whispered.

  She couldn’t help but whimper. He opened her legs, placed them over his shoulders, as he parted her labia with his fingers and plunged his tongue into her wet pussy. She threw her head back moaning. Kay couldn’t believe how good it felt, she was feeling like she was having an out-of- body experience, and her moaning was getting louder. She couldn’t stop grabbing his hair from the pleasure he was giving her and held him closer.

  He kept licking, nibbling, and sucking on her, he gently nibbled on her clit until she came in his mouth. Her taste was salty and sweet. He knew he was going to become addicted to her.

  She had never experienced such a powerful orgasm. “I think I stopped breathing for a second.”

  He didn’t let her regain her composure. He made her come one more time, making his way back, kissing the same trail he had on his way down, all the way to her mouth. She could taste herself on his lips, and it aroused her even more. She was still catching her breath from her two orgasms. No one had ever made her explode with passion like he had.

  “Jason, I love you. Please,” she moaned, “make love to me.”

  He took off his boxers, and she examined his complete body. He had tight lean muscles and not one once of fat. All of this is mine. Oh God, he’s sexy, she thought. His long, thick dick surprised her, looking at her at full attention. Whoever said white men had little dicks never met Jason, she thought. He opened her legs, rubbed his cock on her clit, and a groan escaped him.

  “Damn, you’re beautiful.”

  He stroked the head of his dick on her opening, and she wiggled under his touch. She wanted him so damn much. He began to thrust into her, inch by inch, until he had all nine inches in her wet canal. He didn’t move, taking his time, so she could get use to his size.


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