My Best Friend

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My Best Friend Page 5

by Ancelli

  It felt so good she gasped from how good he felt inside her. He started to thrust into her softly, and she followed his movement, moaning out in pleasure.

  He knew he wasn’t going last long, her pussy was so tight and wet. Damn, she feels good. He whispered in her ear. “Who do you belong to?”

  She stared at him, seeing the love, passion, and raw desire in his eyes. “Yours, all yours,” she answered. She grabbed his hair and came apart again. This time she swore she saw stars.

  Her pussy pulsed and creamed around his dick. He couldn’t hold back anymore. Her pussy felt incredible. He grabbed her hips and exploded, saying her name. He had never connected with anyone like he just had. It was the best sex he’d ever had, no it had been much more than sex.

  The pleasure was so intense. They lay there regaining their breath. He held her hand, led her to the bathroom, turning on the shower, and pulled her in. He washed her from head to toe. She did the same, and began to kiss him. He wanted her again but knew he needed to slow down. She was in her third trimester, and he knew she was sore in places she didn’t know existed. He stepped out the shower and grabbed a towel, as she came out. He dried her, and they headed back to the bed.

  He stopped her, “Making love to you was amazing, Kay. You were worth the wait.”

  “I’ve never had a man make love to me the way you did.”

  “Because those men didn’t make love to you. To them it was just sex. There is a difference. No other man will ever touch you again.”

  She was about to sit on the bed when she felt a sharp pain in her belly. It got hard, and then it loosened. She looked at him.

  Jason ran over to her. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m not sure, it just felt weird. I think I’m having contractions.”

  He picked up the phone and called her doctor. The Doctor asked some questions, and he answered. She could tell by his face expression he was relieved.

  When he got off the phone, he told her. “The doctor said you were experiencing the Braxton Hicks. It was just your body getting ready for birth.” He looked at her. “No more sex until the baby gets here. I love you, and I’ll wait.”


  During breakfast the next morning, she said, “Jason, we still haven’t chosen a name for the baby. Have you thought of one?”

  “Yes, I have, what about Angel? Angel Ashley Anderson, triple A.” They both laughed. “What do you think? She is my Angel. If it wasn’t for her, we wouldn’t be where we are, here together.”

  “It’s perfect,” she said.

  He knew there was one more thing to complete this circle. He sat next to her. “If we were married, she would legally be mine. I would sign the birth certificate, and she’ll have my name. This way we keep Tommy out of our life for good.”

  When she looked at him, he was getting on his knee and pulling a velvet box out of his pocket. “Kay Keisha Parker, will you do me the honor of marring me and making me the happiest man in the world?” He opened the box, and she gasped when she saw the three-carat diamond ring.

  She looked down at him with tears in her eyes, “What are you doing?” She didn’t let him answer. “Are you sure this is what you want? If we do this, there is no turning back.”

  He took her hand. “It’s called proposing, and I know what I’m doing. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you for better or for worst.”

  “Then my answer is yes, yes...” she said jumping. He slipped the ring on her finger. “You remembered,” she whispered.

  He took her hands in his. “Kay, I remember everything about you. I remember when we went to the jewelry store to buy the earrings for my mom’s birthday. I noticed this one caught your eye. I remember wishing if dreams only came true... And mine just did.”

  Chapter Seven

  Kay was two weeks away from her due date, and they were at the courthouse getting ready to get married. She looked at Jason. “Are you sure you want to marry a whale like me? Look at me?”

  “I’m looking at you. You’re beautiful, and I love you, small or big.”

  “Oh, you think I’m big?”

  He giggled and kissed her. Their names were called, and they entered the courtroom.


  They came out smiling and holding hands. He said, “This is one of the happiest day of my life, the day we decided to become one. I love you, doll eyes, my wife. I love the sound of that, Mrs. Kay Keisha Anderson.” She kissed him. “Do you want to go home or go grab some lunch?”

  “Yes, some lunch sounds great,” she said.

  They walked up, hand in hand to Columbian Cuisine. The hostess sat them. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you two.” She saw the ring. “I see why. How far along are you?”

  Kay answered, “Any day now.” Kay kept looking at her rings. She couldn’t believe she was married. She was so happy, but her happiness faded away when she heard a familiar voice. She froze; it was Tommy.

  He looked over at her and made his way to their table.

  “Hey, Kay, I see you’re still pregnant,” he said.

  Jason got up. “Get away from her. I guess you don’t remember what I told you that night, but I’ll remind you. If you come near her again, I will kill you.”

  Tommy replied, “Dude, calm down I don’t want her. I already had her, and what’s your deal? You act like she’s your woman?”

  “As a matter of fact she is. She’s my wife,” Jason answered.

  Tommy’s smile faded. “What?” he said surprised.

  “Yes, she’s my wife.”

  “What?” He looked at her hand and saw the ring. “I knocked her up, and you married her?” He started laughing.

  “The baby is mine,” Jason said, a little pissed.

  Tommy turned to Kay. “You bitch. You lied to me.”

  She was about to tell him the truth when Jason closed his fist and punched him in the face. “Don’t you ever call my wife a bitch. You treated her like shit, and she turned to me.”

  Tommy turned to Kay. “Last time you saved him, but this time he is going to pay!” he yelled.

  Kay could tell by Jason’s expression that he was confused by what Tommy had just said. Jason said, “Kay, come on lets go.” He turned to Tommy. “This is the last time I’m going to tell you. Don’t you ever fucking talk to her again!” he yelled.

  Kay stopped, turned around, and walked over to Tommy. “Don’t you dare press charges against my husband. I can still bring you down. I know a lot about you remember?” She turned and walked away.

  They got in the car and drove off. He was angry, and his grip on the steering wheel was making his knuckles turn white. Jason had known this day would come. “What did you do, Kay?”

  She ignored his question and asked her own. “Why did you tell him the baby wasn’t his? Now he thinks I’m a slut.”

  “Kay, I can’t believe you’re mad at me,” he raised his voice. “He is finally out of our lives. Does it matter how I did it? And why the fuck does it matter what he thinks of you? He is nothing to me. Tell me, Kay, do you still have feelings for him?” he asked without looking at her.

  “No, you’re the only one I have feelings for,” she said. “I just don’t think that was the right way to approach the situation.”

  He looked at her, “It worked, didn’t it? If you want to go tell him I lied, go ahead. Stop ignoring my question and tell me what you did to make him not press charges,” he yelled. “Tell me, Kay.”

  He startled her, and she jumped. “I called and threatened him, if he went to the cops, I would too. You beat him up because of me, Jason. I couldn’t let you go to jail, not even for a night. I did it because I love you.”

  “Kay, I’m a damn lawyer. I could’ve dealt with it. I don’t want to owe that fucker anything.”

  “You don’t,” she said in a whisper. “He won
’t bother us again. Please Jason, it’s our wedding day.”

  “You just now realized that?” he said, still angry.

  The rest of the drive was done in silence. They made it to the house. She got out the car without looking back and stormed into the house without saying a word. This day was supposed to have been the happiest day in their relationship, but the day had turned from good to bad in less than two hours. She went into the bedroom and slammed the door, and he went to his office to check his email. He was trying to calm down. Usually he was the one always apologizing, but not this time. He hadn’t done anything wrong. All he’d done was secure their future as a family.

  “Jason! Jason!” she yelled, but he ignored her until he heard her say, “My water just broke.”

  Great, he thought. He ran to the bedroom and saw the puddle on the floor. Something was wrong. In all the books he’d read and the classes they’d attended, no one said anything about that much blood. He called her doctor, who said he would meet them at the hospital. He picked her up and carried her to his car. On the way to the hospital, her contractions were getting closer and closer. She was quiet, but he could see she was in a lot of pain. He hated that there wasn’t anything he could do. When he pulled up to the hospital, the nurses were waiting to wheel her to the maternity ward.

  He waited an eternity it seemed like, and finally, the doctor came to the waiting room and said he could go in. The doctor told him he didn’t know what had started the bleeding, but he needed to get the baby out as soon as possible. He told them she needed to start pushing or he would have to perform an emergency C-section. The contractions came closer. The doctor told her to push, and she did. Jason held her hand and kissed her forehead. He’d heard crazy stories of women cursing and hitting during labor, but Kay wasn’t anything like that. She was silent and did what she was told.

  She pushed again and again until he could see the baby’s hair. She pushed one last time, and the baby came out. The baby wasn’t crying yet. She was covered in vernix, and the doctor asked him if he wanted to cut the umbilical cord. He went over and cut it. The baby started crying, and it was the sweetest thing he’d ever heard.

  He looked back to see if Kay had seen her, but her eyes were closed. “Kay, Kay,” he said, trying to wake her. He looked at the doctor, and the doctor rushed over to check her.

  He turned to the nurses. “Get one of operating room ready. She’s hemorrhaging.”

  The nurses rushed her out. Jason was shocked. What had just happened? Their baby girl was here, but now his wife’s life was in danger. She hadn’t even seen her. His world was turned upside down in less than twenty-four hours. All he could think about was the last time they’d been together. He didn’t get to tell her he loved her.

  He called his parents and told them what happened. They were on their way. The nurse returned and said, “Sir, the Doctor is operating on her. I will keep you updated.” She handed him Kay’s wedding rings. He just stared at them and started crying.


  The nurse came in with the baby, and she asked, “Would you like to hold her?”

  He stretched out his arms and held his baby for the first time. She was beautiful, looking like her mom with a little button nose and soft pink lips. Her eyes were closed, but he could see that she had long lashes. Her skin was the color of smooth caramel, and she had jet-black curly hair. He was speechless holding his little girl. He kissed her. “Happy birthday, Angel. I’ve been waiting for you.” He sat in Kay’s room holding their baby, memorizing her, counting her fingers and toes. At that moment, she became his rock.

  His parents walked in. His mother had been crying, but she walked over and looked at her grandbaby. “She’s beautiful.” His dad hugged and kissed him, saying, “She is going to be ok.”

  “If that were true, the Doctor or Nurses would’ve told me.” He said without looking at his dad.

  The doctor came in, and Debbie took the baby from Jason. “Your wife is in the ICU. She’s in critical condition because she has lost a lot of blood. What happened to her is common in some woman. I know you don’t want to hear this, but I just wanted you to know it wasn’t your fault. There was nothing you could’ve done, and now, all we can do is wait.”

  “What do you mean wait?” his dad asked.

  “We did all we could. Now it’s all up to her.” The doctor answered.

  Jason broke down crying in his dad’s arms. “Let it out son. Your daughter needs you now more than ever.”

  After he calmed down, Debbie handed the baby back to him. She opened her eyes. She had beautiful hazel eyes, making him smile. She had the same doll eyes as her mother’s. He lost himself in her eyes, and said, “I love you.” The nurse came back to get the baby. It was time to feed and change her.

  His dad turned to him, and said, “Your wife needs you to be strong for her too. Go see her and let her feel your love. We will stay here waiting for the baby.”

  He walked into the ICU. She was hooked up to machines with a tube down her throat. He couldn’t bear to see her like that. Only about five hours ago they’d been happy, waiting for their bundle of joy. He started to remember how their day had gone and started whispering, “I’m so sorry for what happened with Tommy. I understand what you did and why. Kay, Sweetie, I love you.” He paused. “Angel is waiting to meet you. She is beautiful; actually she’s perfect. I can already see she has your personality. She has a good set of lungs; I wish you could hear her cry. She has already won over her grandparents with those big beautiful eyes. Baby, I need you to wake up. She needs you. I need you.” He broke down crying. “Please wake up, Sweetie.” He grabbed and squeezed her hand. A nurse came in and told him that visiting hours in ICU were over. He kissed her tender lips, and said, “I’ll be back. I’m only leaving because they won’t let me stay. I love you.”

  He went back to the room. When he entered, his parents were holding Angel with so much love. His mom looked up. “Son, we’re here if you need us. Do you need us to stay with you?”

  He nodded. The baby started crying. His mother handed her back to him, and he started rocking her and singing, “You Are My Sunshine.” He sung it to her when she was in Kay’s womb. As soon as she heard his voice, she calmed down and started to fall asleep. He was mesmerized just looking at her. If she hadn’t been there, he wouldn’t have been able to hold it together. He looked at his dad. “Dad, do you think Kay knows how much I love her? Before she went into labor, we were arguing. I didn’t get to tell her I loved her.”

  His father went over to him. “Son, she knows you love her, and she loves you. Any fool could see how much you two love each other; even before you two realized it. Just because you two were arguing doesn’t mean that she thought you didn’t love her. Everybody argues; that part of marriage.”

  Chapter Eight

  Three days later, he sat in the ICU looking at her, hoping she would open her eyes. “Kay, I know you’ll come back to me.” He hadn’t shaved or left the hospital. His partners were taking care of his cases and told him to take all the time he needed. She lay there so still, and he felt so useless. If he could have, he would have exchanged places with her in a heartbeat. She didn’t deserve this. A thought went through his mind. What if I bring the baby? I know they said it wouldn’t be wise, but maybe that would give her the strength to wake up.

  He went to the nurse and asked her to please let him take the baby in for at least five minutes. He continued to beg her until the nurse caved in. She said, “I’ll see what I can do.” The nurse returned with the baby and handed Angel to him. “You have five minutes; I need my job,” she said and went out the door.

  Jason looked at Kay. “Hey sweetie, look who’s here. It’s Angel. She came to meet her mom.” He sighed. “She looks just like you. She’s beautiful, with hazel eyes, and black curly hair. Her lips are rose pink, and she has your dimples. Open your eyes, babe, please.” He got up and laid Angel
next to her so she could feel her, but nothing happened.

  The nurse came back to get the baby, and what she saw melted her heart.

  “Sir, I have to take her back before the doctor comes back,” she said. He handed her the baby.

  “Thank you so much. I thought that would work.” He whispered, “Kay, wake up. She needs her mom.” He said another prayer. It seemed all he did was pray. This time he thought, if you do decided to take her please let her see her baby girl.

  His mom was outside waiting for him in the hallway, and she hugged him. “Son I talked to Angel’s doctor. He said he was releasing her today. What are you going to do? I can take her home if you want me to.”

  “No, Mom,” he said. “Kay and I were supposed to take her home together, so I will do it. I want to take her home. Can you please come over tomorrow morning so I can come and sit with Kay?”

  “Yes, I will,” she said. “I’ll do anything for you and Angel.”

  “Tell Dad not to feel guilty and to have a safe trip. There is nothing he could do.”

  His mom hugged him. “Do you want me to go to your house with you?”

  He hugged her back. “I want to be alone with my baby.”


  When he pulled up in the driveway, there were signs and banners that said Congratulations! It’s a girl! John and Amy had probably put them up. He walked up to the door with the car seat in hand, opened the door, and headed straight to the nursery.

  “Welcome home, baby girl.” He took her out of the car seat and sat in the rocking chair. He rocked her back and forth, saying, “Mommy loves you. She’ll be home soon.” Angel smiled. That was the first time he’d actually seen her smile. A few tears rolled down his face. He’d been so close to having everything.


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