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My Best Friend

Page 6

by Ancelli

  Angel fell asleep. She was the most beautiful baby he’d ever seen. Looking at her, he thought, I never knew I could love something this little so much, he would never let anyone ever hurt her. He was flooded with memories of the four years he’d had with Kay and thought about the years they’d wasted. He held his little girl close to his heart.

  His mother woke him the next morning. “Jason, Jay its mom,” she said.

  He opened his eyes and made sure Angel was ok.

  His mom asked him, “Did you have her in your arms all night?” When he didn’t answer, she said, “Son, you don’t want to get her used to that. Give her to me.” He handed Angel to his mom, and she laid her down in her crib. “She’s such a wonderful baby. She has my eyes.” His mom walked back to Jason. “Jason, I got you some breakfast. It’s on the table.”

  Jason got up from the rocking chair. “I’m not hungry.”

  “Son, you need to eat something. Jason, have I told you how proud we are of you? You’ve turned out to be a wonderful man. We raised you well.”

  He stopped and looked back at his mom. “Yes, you did, Mom. I hope I can be as good of a parent as you were to me. I’m going to wash up, after I’ll be heading back to the hospital.”

  “You’re going to be ok. No matter what happens, we will be here.”

  “Nothing’s going to happen,” he said. “I know she’ll be ok.” He walked out and entered his room.


  He walked into her hospital room. There hadn’t been any change in her condition. He sat down beside her. “Kay, I’m back. Angel is settling in at home; Mom is with her. She’ll be taking care of her while I’m here. Don’t worry. Mom loves to take care of her granddaughter. It’s better than shopping and spending Dad’s money.” He giggled. “I know you would tell me to stop teasing my mom. I miss you, sweetie. I miss you yelling at me or telling me how wonderful I am.” He smiled. “John and Amy send their love. I might have to leave early today. I have some paper work to give to John and I have to make sure everything is ok with my cases.” He held her hand and kissed it.

  She squeezed him. He looked at her and whispered. “Kay?” but she didn’t respond. He ran out the room and got the nurse. She called her doctor. When he came, he did some tests, but she still didn’t open her eyes. He didn’t see any change.

  “What do you mean? She squeezed my hand.”

  “It could’ve been a twitch. I’ll be back to check on her later,” the doctor answered.

  He laid his head down on her stomach and fell asleep.

  She opened her eyes a bit and looked down at him. She put her hand on his head. She couldn’t quite talk with the tube in her mouth. She ran her hand again in his hair, and he opened his eyes when he realized someone was touching him.

  He picked up his head and saw that his prayers had been answered. “Kay, sweetie, I need to get the doctor.”

  She tried to talk, to say, “don’t leave me.”

  He stayed and kissed her, “I love you...” he whispered. He pressed the nurse call button and called for the doctor. The doctor came in and checked her. He asked Jason to leave the room while he took the tube out of her mouth. The doctor came out and told him she was awake and was having trouble talking, but not to worry because her throat was sore from the tube.

  Jason had tears running down his face. “I’ve been waiting for this day when you’d finally open your eyes.”

  She swallowed and started to get hysterical, when she put her hands on her stomach. “Where’s my baby?” She tried to say.

  He took her hands in his. “She’s fine, she’s wonderful. She weighed eight pounds and five ounces, and she was twenty-one inches long. She has black hair and big beautiful hazel eyes.” He smiled. Tears rolled down her cheeks, and he wiped them. “Here is a picture of her.”

  She’s perfect, she thought, I have a baby. She asked. “What happened?” and he explained.


  She was transferred from the ICU, and now was in a regular hospital room. Jason went home to get Angel so she could finally meet her mom. Amy entered her room with flowers.

  “Hey, girl, you gave us all a scare. How are you feeling Kay?”

  “I don’t feel anything, Amy. I’m just feeling numb. Thank you for the flowers; they’re beautiful.”

  They talked for a few minutes about what had happened to Kay. “How did Jason handle this?” Kay asked.

  Amy sat down next to her. “Well,” she said, “Your husband stood by your side night and day. He prayed and believed that everything was going to be ok. Kay, he has to be running on empty. He has been here day and night and still had time to go home and be Daddy to your beautiful baby. Girl, you have one of the few good men. Don’t ever give him up.”

  “How many days have I been out?” she asked.

  “It’s been six days. Angel went home three days after she was born. Jason bounced back and forth between here to your house.” Amy answered.

  “Anything else?” Kay asked.

  “We did the presentation you prepared. The clients loved it and are in the process of signing the contract, but our clients want you to head the campaign. Just thought you’d like to know. If Jason hears me talking to you about work, he will probably kick me out. I’ll be back tomorrow to see you and let you know what’s going on at work.”

  “Thank you for coming,” Kay said. Work was the last thing on her mind right now. She just wanted to see and hold her baby.


  She sat up in her bed, still in pain and a little dizzy. When she looked up, Jason was there with Angel in his arms.

  “Sweetie, say hi to your baby girl.” He looked at Angel then at Kay. “Angel, this is your mommy. She’s been waiting to meet you.”

  Angel was wearing a pink dress with a bow in her hair. She was beautiful. She stretched her hands excited to hold her, and Jason leaned in and gave her their baby. She looked at Angel’s big beautiful eyes, and tears started rolling down her cheeks.

  “My baby girl, I love you so much,” she whispered, smiling and kissed her rosy cheek. “I’ve waited for you for months. You’re beautiful.” She held her until Angel starting crying. Kay tried to calm her, but it didn’t work. She kept crying. “Jason,” she whispered, “take her.”

  As soon as Jason picked her up and started whispering to her, she stopped crying. He whispered, “Hey, baby, Daddy’s here.”

  The sound of his voice seemed to calm her. Kay stared at him. The way he was so gentle with her, caressed and calmed her, made her love him even more.

  He rocked her to sleep close to his heart. “She loves the sound of my heart.”

  She whispered, “She doesn’t like me.”

  “Sweetie, that’s not true. She was just a little fussy. Give her some time. She had a few days to bond with me. Now she needs to bond with you.”

  “You’re so good with her. Thank you for everything,” she said with tears in her eyes.

  He wiped her tears. “Doll eyes, you don’t have to thank me. It’s my duty as your husband and her dad. I love you guys. You and Angel are everything to me.”

  Kay wondered, how did I get so lucky? Why did I waste so much time? She finally had her own family, something she’d never thought possible.

  Chapter Nine

  Two days passed, and it was time for Kay to go home. She was happy to be finally going home to her family.

  “Hi, doll eyes, are you ready to go home?”

  She smiled at him. “Yes, where’s Angel?”

  “She is at home with my parents waiting for you,” he answered, helping her get up.

  Kay grabbed his hands. “Can we go somewhere? Just you and me, just for a little bit.”

  “Where would you like to go?”

  “Can we go down by the lake? I just need some time, please.” She said, sitting in the wheel chair.

nbsp; “Ok.” He was a bit confused, but he thought, She needs this.


  He pulled the car around, opened the passenger door, and helped her into the car gently. They drove to the lake in silence. He would wait until she was ready to talk. Finally pulling up to the lake, and she was the first one out. She walked out, inhaled the fresh air, exhaled and sat on the grass looking up at the sky. He came up behind her, sat down, wrapping his arms around her waist.

  “Why are we here, Kay? Why aren’t we home with our baby?” he asked.

  She remained silent, and tears started running down her face. She whispered, “Why Jason?”

  “Why? Why what?” he asked.

  “Why do you care so much for us?”

  Her question confused him, but he whispered in her ear, “It’s simple because I love you. I’ve always loved you. Don’t you know that by now? Haven’t I shown you yet you’re everything to me, Kay? And when it comes to Angel, I love my little girl, and I would give my life for her. You’re my family.” He turned her face to look into her eyes. “What’s wrong? Are you changing your mind about us?”

  She stared back at him. “No, Jason, I would never change my mind about you. I love you too much. You’re everything I’ve always wanted in a man. I just want you to be sure.”

  “Sure of what?” he asked. “That I can’t live without you? Do you know the hell I went through when you were in a coma? I would’ve traded places with you in a heartbeat. I’m sure of you, and I’m sure of us. We’re a family now.” He cupped her cheeks and kissed her lips. He had missed her taste. He started nibbling on her bottom lip. This is where he wanted to be, with the love of his life. They stopped kissing. “Let’s go home to our baby.”

  He got up and helped her up and started walking to the car, she said, “I’m scared.”

  He turned to her and asked, “Of what?”

  “Of Angel,” she answered, looking away from him. He started laughing. “Stop laughing at me.”

  “Why are you scared of Angel?” he asked with laughter in his voice.

  “She doesn’t like me; it’s all about daddy,” she said smiling.

  “Stop being so jealous,” he teased. “Look, she will be all about you as soon as we get home and you start breast feeding her. She loves to eats.”

  She smiled. “What if she doesn’t latch on?”

  “She will. Mom hasn’t fed her yet. She’s waiting for you, and by now, she has to be hungry.” They got in the car and headed home.


  They finally pulled up to their home. She was still nervous but excited to see her baby. Jason opened the door, and his parents greeted them and welcomed her home with kisses and hugs.

  Jason asked. “Where’s the baby?”

  “She is in her room sleeping.” His dad answered.

  Kay started walking to the nursery. She stopped for a moment paused and entered. Jason’s mom hugged him. “Is everything ok?”

  “Yes, she just needed some time.” His parents said their goodbyes and told him that they would be by later in the week. Jason entered the nursery, looked into Kay’s eyes and smiled. Baby Angel had latched on to her mom. The sight of his wife feeding their daughter choked him. I almost lost this, my family he thought.

  Kay smiled at him. “You were right. She doesn’t hate me.”

  He bent down and kissed her forehead. “I love you, doll eyes. I never thought I could feel this happy. I have everything I’ve ever wanted right here in this room.”


  The next night Kay put Angel down to sleep after feeding, burping and bathing her. She entered their room to get ready for bed and she noticed Jason was already in bed sleeping. She stepped into the bathroom to take a shower.

  Jason got up and went to the nursery to say goodnight to his baby girl. He gave her a kiss and went back to bed. Kay stepped out of the bathroom in a silky black nightshirt. She slipped into bed with him and put her arms around him. When he felt her touch, he instantly got aroused but knew that he couldn’t make love to her. It was too soon. That’s why he’d gone to bed early and pretended to be asleep.

  She leaned in closer, kissed his neck, and whispered, “I love you. My prince charming. Thank you for making me the happiest woman in the world, Jason.”

  He couldn’t ignore her anymore. “Yes sweetie.”

  “Look at me,” she said. He turned to face her. She had tears in her eyes. He cupped her face and wiped away her tears and kissed her. He was so gentle and sweet.

  “Jason, make love to me,” she whispered.

  He answered, “I can’t.”

  She looked at him, surprised. “You don’t want me.”

  “Of course I want you, I’ve never stopped wanting you. It’s just too soon. I don’t want to hurt you.” He took her hand. “Here feel.” He put her hands on his erection. “This is what you do to me.”

  “Please, Jason, I need you,” she pleaded. “I’m ready.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” He kissed her hands.

  “You won’t, I want you. I need you to love me tonight.” Before she knew it, he was kissing her, tongue to tongue with all their built-up passion and desire. He pulled away and trailed wet kisses down her neck moving back up to her lips, devouring her tongue.

  He trailed his lips down her neck and stopped at her tender breast. He tried not to hurt her, but he couldn’t help it. He nibbled on her nipple, making her milk leak, tasting it. “Hmm, that’s why she likes it.” He smiled. He continued down her tummy, which still had a bump. He kissed her down her thighs, calves, ankles, and her toes. She moaned throughout his teasing. He went back up to her thighs, inserted a finger in her tight canal, and she jerked up, moaning his name.

  “Jason, no more teasing.”

  She turned him over. He was now on his back. She straddled him and said, “It’s time for me to take care of you.” She started taking of his boxers, and his erection popped out. She stroked him, and he gasped because her touch felt so good. She pulled him in her mouth, going up and down, sucking and licking. Tasting his pre-cum.

  She started playing with his balls, feeling them tighten up. Her touch was driving him crazy, over the edge. He couldn’t take it anymore. His dick popped out her mouth, and he turned her over.

  “I need to be inside you now.” He rose up and kissed her. “Are you sure you can handle me?”

  She smiled and replied with heavy breathing. “Yes.”

  He opened his nightstand and took out a condom. She looked confused, but before she could ask, he asked, “Do you want another baby that fast?” He covered his erection and opened her legs wider. He thrust into her gently until his entire nine-inch dick was deep inside her. She started moaning and saying his name. She was so tight and wet she fit him perfectly. He moaned and whispered in her ear. “Kay, you’re driving me crazy.”

  She turned, rolling them over, and she straddled him. She started moving up and down on his dick.

  He moaned. “Damn, you feel so good.” He took his index finger, fingered her clit, and knew she was about to come. She screamed out his name, shattering her juices spreading all over his dick. He could feel the tingling in his balls. No one had ever made him feel this way. He couldn’t hold back any longer. He made her come one more time while stroking her slowly.

  She felt like she had burst into flames. After one more deep thrust, he came apart, whispering her name and saying, “I love you.” She laid on him, trying to regain her strength.

  Soon he got up and went to bathroom, returning with a washcloth, he cleaned her up and went back into the bathroom and threw the washcloth on the sink. He got back into bed, kissed her, and said, “Wow, that was beyond good, I love you, woman.”

  “Wow is not good enough. I would say amazing. If I’d known it was this good, I wouldn’t have waited,” she said with a smile. “I love you too.” H
e held her close, and she could hear the beating of his heart. It was in tune with hers, and it felt like music to her ears. She fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

  He knew she was sleeping by the change in her breathing. He couldn’t stop staring at her. She was so beautiful, and she was his. This was their second time making love, and it had been just as explosive. He fell asleep holding his wife and best friend.


  Last night was amazing, he thought. He wanted an encore, but when he stretched out to touch her, her side of the bed was empty. He got up and headed to the bathroom. He did his morning ritual, and he headed to the baby’s room to see if Kay was in there. He entered the room, but neither of them was there. When he walked out the room he could smell bacon and French toast. A smile crossed his face. He knew exactly where his family was. When he passed the living room, Angel was in her bassinette looking at the ceiling. He walked over and kissed her. “Good morning Angel. Everyday you get more beautiful.”

  He walked in the kitchen. Kay was cleaning up the mess she’d made making breakfast. He placed his arms around her waist, leaned in, and placed little kisses on her neck. “Good morning. Last night was incredible,” he said. He kept kissing her until a moan escaped her lips. He knew he was driving her crazy. “I could get used to this.”

  She turned and kissed him. “You were magnificent for a white boy.” She laughed.

  He whispered in her ear, “That hurt,” he looked at her with mischief in his eyes. “I’ll show you what this white boy can do.” He picked her up and put her on the counter. All she had on was her nightshirt nothing else; she felt his erection on her leg.

  “Stop. The baby is in the other room, and I made breakfast,” she said giggling.

  He started nibbling on her neck. “The baby is falling asleep, and breakfast can wait. That’s why they invented the microwave.” He stopped teasing her and told her, “Don’t move.” He left the kitchen and came back in naked with a condom on.


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