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Changing Masks

Page 32

by Nicholas Metelsky

  Mankind knows only two ways to block abilities based on Bahir. These are artifacts of the 'suppressor' class, similar to the cube now being displayed, and Simon's blocker, invented by British scientists in 1967. The only difference between manmade products and artifacts is that the blocker is able to change the intensity of the effect that just perfectly blends into the sporting life of the planet. We don't have to worry about raging opponents at tournaments anymore.

  The fight for the cube turned out to be long and aggressive. Two-thirds of the room were participating this time in comparison with a maximum of 10 people for the prior lots. As a result, the Golden dice sold for one billion ninety-eight million. Just for the sake of comparison, the most expensive destroyer in this world is the American ship of the 'Zamvolt' series, that costs 1.9 billion dollars. And this was just an artifact. Maybe I'm prejudiced. I don't care for its features, but, I still found the amount it sold for excessive. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that Soga bought the artifact.

  'The next lot of our auction, gentlemen, is quite unusual. Rather than a specific object, this is a whole company engaged in software design. I present for your attention Yamashita Corp! You would not normally see this company in an open sale. It is only thanks to the peerless game of Prince Oama, that you have the chance to buy it today. According to the latest assessments, Yamashita Corp is valued in excess of two billion, but at our auction, the starting bid for this lot is just one hundred million. Gentlemen, I await your offers!'

  Silence. I couldn’t believe that no one wanted it. The auctioneer had to advertise it two more times and talk up the lot before he got the first offer.

  'One hundred and ten!' I lifted my hand.

  'One hundred and ten million, gentlemen! Young Shinji Sakurai dares to try to manage his own company.'

  Hehe, when I bout the Tear of Melanya, my name did not come up. It was 'a young man' and 'Miss Okhayashi's companion,' for which I included this Nishizono in my personal blacklist, putting him in the honorable fourteenth place. I'd remind him of that when I got the chance.

  'One hundred and twenty!' A new offer was fired from somewhere in the room.

  'One hundred and twenty million from Mr. Gee. Who has more, gentlemen? Think about it—two billion! Does no one want to resell this lot and make a tremendous profit?' Great. At least a third of the room disengaged after that which dropped the auctioneer to the twenty-eighth place on my blacklist.

  'One hundred and thirty!' I raised my hand again.

  I wouldn't say that the bids reached an unprecedented scale, but we were joined by another three which added some excitement and increased the number of my opponents. The price started rising quickly, and when it reached three hundred million, Nisidzono promised the company would produce huge profits if given a little attention. I would probably never understand the mentality of aristocrats, but the number of bidders somehow fell dramatically, and the auctioneer slid to the thirty-fifth place in Sakurai Shinji's blacklist. Ten minutes later, I heard Ishikawa's voice.

  'Three hundred and fifty!'

  I had the feeling that I was being betrayed. I get his initiative, but I liked the man, only now I understood that we wouldn't be friends, especially, if he ruined my plans. And yes, I'm a vengeful son of a bitch.

  'Three hundred and sixty!' Darn it! Chesuje. What does all this mean?

  'Three hundred and seventy!' I called my bid.

  It probably made Nishizono's day. I had a good opportunity to grab Yamashita Corp for a penny, but now real bargaining was going on.

  'Three hundred and eighty!' Soga!!

  'Three hundred and ninety!' Hata called out. The same Aristocrat in the white suit, who played at our table.

  What the heck is going on?

  'Four hundred!' Soga.

  'Four hundred and ten!' Hatano Osamu. The marine devil, I’ll remember that. So the game at our table continues.

  'Five hundred!' Remember me too. Let's get rid of those, who have lousy cards.

  Soga is no rival, but the rest will take some effort. Too bad, I counted on buying Yamashita Corp within a billion or less, who knows. The navy guy is out too. I doubt he can manage such large sums of money without prior agreement with his family. Come on, cattle, make your bids. Let's see who's the best.

  'Five hundred million!' Chesuje called.

  A peaceful resolution was not in our plans, anyway. Let's make the fight bloody.

  The gavel struck once. Nisidzona was going all out, praising the lot—he probably had a certain percentage from it. The gavel struck the second time. I kept silent. At the final call of the auctioneer, as he raised the gavel to strike it for the third time, I raised my hand:

  'Five hundred and fifty!'

  'Five hundred and fifty, gentlemen! Sakurai-San, hehe, is clearly determined to play the big boss.' I'll kill you. Does he have no sense of self-preservation? 'Is no one going to save the employees of Yamashita Corp?' You're done.

  Chesuje raised his hand on the second count and increased the bid by yet another ten million. I caught the auctioneer's eyes and ran my thumb across the neck while smiling broadly at him. I got a smirk in response.

  'Five hundred and seventy!' I did not wait for the gavel to strike.

  'Six hundred!' Ishikawa-san.

  'Six hundred and ten!' Chesuje.

  'Six hundred and twenty!' Hm, Soga.

  'Six hundred and fifty.' Hm. Hm. Hatano was still in the game.

  'Six hundred sixty!' Chesuje. Again. Silence. So, are you all done? Well, take it!

  'Seven hundred!'

  I wasn't worried about securing a victory yet. Tanaka had managed to allocate me three billion, apparently, not believing that aristocrats would get into a fight for such a prize. But I still hoped to stay within a billion. As of now, I was looking at the ceiling, noticing that it was made out of marble, just like the floor. I was trying to ignore Nishidzono's stream of nonsense talk, only reacting to new bids so when I heard his loud shriek I was caught slightly unawares.

  'Seven hundred—gone! Sold to the young negotiator Sakurai Shinji-san.'

  Seriously? Jumping up, I looked around the room and stared at the man with the gavel. Had I really bought it? For seven hundred mil! A pitiful seven hundred million! Several people, including Ishikawa, Soga, and Hatano clapped their hands, welcoming my victory at the auction. Come on, they were even smiling. Nodding to congratulations, I leaned towards Aniko's ear and, not stopping to smile, whispered:

  'Try to build business relationships with aristocrats and they will swallow you alive without stopping to chew.'

  'That was a test, Shinji set up by the three you were chatting with.'

  'A test of what?'

  'Many things. Your solvency, for example. Your patience. Simply your behavior. You did not think that they would start a business with you just because did you? I'm sure that's not the end of it.'

  'Right. I just didn't expect their tests to come so soon.'

  Chesuje, on the other hand, just wanted to play dirty or, more likely, negotiate over the redemption of his land that now belonged to me. He shouldn't have done it. I'd never sell the ancestral lands, even though I understand what kind of a pain in a butt I can expect in the future. But seven hundred million! That was a miserable amount for such a transaction. I had outperformed my plan.

  The last lot was a ring, the properties of which were not defined. The jewelry piece was bought a couple of months ago by Prince Oama from the governor of Suao, a town in Taiwan. Originally, it was taken off a statue of the local divinity, whose name is unknown, and for many centuries, it traveled around and among the Chinese aristocracy, never having left the island. It was a simple ring, but incomprehensible letters or signs gave it a mysterious appearance. In addition, the name was appropriate: Key to the Past. The starting bid of twenty-three million encouraged me to purchase it. It was about time I got an artifact—I need something impressive too. I could close my eyes to the fact of my inability to use it and the name with pathos bec
ause of the status of it.

  'Thirty-eight million five hundred—gone! Sold! To the young gentleman, the son of unknown parents.'

  What the heck? I slowly turned my head towards the prince, who was sitting slightly to the side of the auctioneer’s stand facing the hall. I stumbled upon his observant look. The talkative moron was rambling something about the end of the auction, and I lifted my right eyebrow, looking into the prince's eyes. This was his man. This was his night. And on this night, his people had insulted one of his guests. Of course, I understood it all: I was a commoner, barefoot, worthless... but tonight I was his guest. He slowly closed his eyes and, after opening them, looked somewhere in the direction of the rostrum.

  'Bravo, Satoru-san, bravo,' the Prince approached Nisidzono and began to clap his hands. 'Let's applaud Satoru-san, ladies and gentlemen, his last auction was held above all praise.

  His last one... H-ha! Oh, His Highness just earned a lot of respect. I think everything became clear to everyone in the hall, including the pale, former auctioneer of Crystal Eve. The Prince had no other option, as a matter of fact, unless he had something against me. It felt good. He could punish his own man without too much severity. Why would this Nishidzono even ramble something like that about the Prince's guests? Was he out of his mind? It no longer mattered.

  Tonight, I had one more thing on my agenda: take something from Soga, but I had to do it without Aniko knowing.

  Sitting in the car on our way back to the Okhayashi neighborhood, I handed the Tear of Melanya to her.

  'Thank you for the luck, you brought me tonight, ma'am.'

  She took the case out of my hands, opened it, and looked at the pendant for a few seconds.

  'It's even more beautiful close up,' Aniko said finally. 'I accept your gift with gratitude, Sakurai-san. Thank you, Shinji. It is indeed a beautiful thing. And useful. I think tomorrow or even tonight, I will impress my friends with your gift.'

  Oh wow.

  'I don't even know which statement is truer: You will impress with the pendant or the pendant will be all the more impressive with your help.'

  'You're a shameless flatterer, Shinji-san.'

  'And proud of it!'

  * * *

  'Is that what he said? Ah, the Prince! What about that moron? Yeah? It's too bad I didn't see it. He was asking for it. No, no. You know, Bakuro-kun, I'm not a fan of sitting in one place for hours. Old bones, you know. Ha-ha-ha. I hope so. Who knows how much I have left. It's gods' will, my friend. Thanks for sharing the news. You know how it goes: work-home, house-work. I have no time left for a social life. Yes, same to you Bakuro-kun. Goodbye!'

  Turning off the video screen, built into the desktop, Kenta raised his head and looked at his son sitting in the chair across from him:

  'So. What are we going to do?'

  'Save him, of course.'

  'Save him,' Kenta uttered, looking outside the window. 'I think our name will save him from the most impudent raids. However, it won't protect him. That's a fact. Suggesting he sell the lands to us won’t look good.'

  'That's true. I suspect that less intelligent individuals have managed to get under his skin already at the auction. He won't sell. He's like a bull. He'd rather go to war than sell.'

  'Are you sure?'

  'You don't think so? He's always been that way. He clings to things with all his might and doesn’t let go. Even if it’s unprofitable.'

  'So ... The guy isn't a fool. Why would he hold on to something harmful or something that sucks resources?' Akeno's face expressed skepticism and pitty, a smirk. 'What?'

  'Remember your gift for his 20th birthday.'

  'Khm. khm.'

  'Yeah, yeah. A completely pointless, useless, and insanely expensive fish tank. How many times have you tried to convince him that they are bred for sale? How much weight did he lose then? How many sleepless months? And? These freaking fish are still swimming in his water tank. Where did he even get the money to maintain it? He does not give up or give away what he considers his own, you know that. And the fish aren’t the only example of that.'

  'Ho-oh-oh-oh...' The old man sighed heavily. 'Your suggestions?'

  'Lease.' The man needed about ten seconds to consider the outcome of this option.

  'Evidently, old age shines after all. That's a good idea. In our case, it's ideal. We could even suggest leasing it to Okhayashi.

  'Really?! Okhayashi? They'll fool him. They can't do without it. It's the Okhayashi we’re talking about here!'

  'That's an outdated prejudice. It's time to melt the icy relationship between our two families.'

  'Oh, I don't know, I don't know. The Okhayashi, they’re so... They're just not all there!'

  'Hmm, son. You don't know what you're saying.'

  'It doesn't matter,' the man said, trying to brush it aside. 'The main thing is that it's not just our clan that has these prejudices. They'll screw Shinji for the sole purpose of annoying us. Actually, wait. At first, they'll try to get him on their side, and after making unsuccessful attempts, they'll dump him. I don't know how exactly, but they will, I know.'

  'Possibly. I am sure that Dai-kun will have an interest in his 'kamontoku', in freedom and closeness to us. Beyond that, it depends on us. We should be able to show them that we want to revisit our relationship, help them understand that we want to build a better rapport, and prepare the boy.'

  'I won’t contradict what you say. Although I still think that the Okhjashi are difficult people, they aren't fools either. Just make sure to draw out the lease contract properly, and then do what you want. Wait, no! Not whatever you want. Talk to me first. I know you, you old schemer.'

  'That sounds slightly offensive...'

  'Finish with your plans regarding him first, then be offended.'

  'I don’t have any plans any more...'

  'Oh yeah?'

  'I should at least try to return him to the clan. You know, they have no grandsons.'

  'Three sons... Two. They’ll produce a grandson.'

  'Maybe, but not yet.'


  'Enough, son, that's enough. Just five years ago, one of the imperial families disappeared altogether. It was ancient and strong. They, probably, also thought that they had plenty of time and could have kids. But where are they now? Even back in my youth, they were considered a great line. And now? A pathetic fifty years and they're gone. I have to take care of the clan, and their line is part of the clan.'

  'They should be the ones to do that...'

  'Yes, Akeno, yes. And I'm sure Daisuke is keeping his finger on the pulse, but with Sakurai, he is completely tied. Unlike him, I can do something. Or at least, I’m trying to. And by the way, now that we’re talking about it, how is...'

  'Enough! Why ask me? Every morning, the same thing. Go and ask her yourself.'

  'Well... it's easier to ask you.'

  'Me? Alright, father, let's drop it. Let's think about the terms of the lease contract instead.'

  * * *

  'It's beautiful, isn't it, daughter?'

  Aniko, dressed in mini shorts and a top, was sitting on the veranda facing the garden and waiting for her hair to dry. She was looking at the pendant Sakurai had given her.

  'I'm trying to decide what to wear it with.'

  'Decided to show off to your friends?' Her father smiled.

  'Pf,' sniffed the girl, feeling embarrassed for some reason.

  'How much was this bauble?' The man asked cunningly.

  'Ninety-eight million.'

  'Wow, he does not mess around does he, buying gifts for girls he hardly knows.'

  'I brought him luck,' grumbled Aniko. 'That's what he said.'

  'Heh, of that I have no doubt. My baby Aniko brings only luck...'


  '... that's long been noticed. How did you like the young man, anyway?'

  'Overall,' the girl pondered. 'I can't say in short.'

  'Well ... tell me the way it is.'

  'Not a fool. Obse
rvant. His knowledge is somewhat scrappy. But what's interesting is that due to his life experience, which he shouldn't have, in theory, he manages to turn everything into an advantage. Anyway, he can fill the gaps in his ignorance with the knowledge he has. He can balance it out. He's constantly looking for benefits, not necessarily material. He knows... how to say it... to convince. He's not weak, not strong. It's hard to explain. You'll see for yourself when he comes here today.' She smiled, remembering something. 'He doesn't like to lie and avoids having to as much as he can. Too bad that you didn't see how he brushed off all the people who wanted to buy the ancestral lands from him,' she smiled again. 'He's a property owner, although why I got that impression, I don't know. In general... If I had another opportunity to go out with him, I would not mind. By the way, he does not have the faintest idea which line he is from, and he generally considers himself to be a commoner.'

  'Okay,' The head of the clan's face expressed different emotions. 'So, you weren't bored?'

  'A little. They played for too long. But as you said, I made a few connections.'

  'Oh, I suspect you made more than a couple.' The girl just smiled in response. 'Okay, go get some rest, daughter. I'm going back to work.'

  Walking into the study, the most important Okhayashi in the clan found his eldest son waiting for him . The twenty-year-old guy was sitting in an armchair in the corner of the office.

  'Do not bother your sister today, let her rest,' the elder Okhayashi began.

  'Yes, I’ve already heard.'

  'How so?'

  'Women are talkative, especially in their own circle.' Noticing his father's curious gaze, he continued. 'She managed to talk with the mothers, and I was passing at the time.'

  'One day, they will catch you eavesdropping, and I will not save you.'

  'It's for the sake of the business.' The young man looked demonstratively offended.

  'It's not worth it. You are the future head of the clan, not a ninja. Use one of them when necessary.'


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