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Page 19

by D. M. Thornton

  “Dude, you’re not poor. Get the girl a real fucking ring,” Hamlin chimes behind us, unamused by Oliver’s proposal. He walks off, leaving everyone nodding in agreement and me and Oliver in fits of giggles.

  What Hamlin and everyone else don’t know is, I once told Oliver all I ever needed was him. I would be happy with a ring from a Cracker Jack box as long as I got to spend the rest of my life with him.

  And just as he once promised, Oliver has made all my wishes come true.

  Thirty Three


  There is no reason for an elaborate wedding when I have everything I want right next to me, Oliver to my right and my family on my left. I could’ve had anything I wanted. Oliver was ready to drop bank for a wedding grander than a Royal wedding, but I don’t need fancy. All I need is Oliver. And for a small fee, the courthouse is fine by me.

  Like the wedding itself, we decided on simple. My dress is minimal with a white tank bodice attached to a gray tulle skirt with a jeweled belt wrapped around my waist. Oliver went with white slacks, a feathered gray button-up dress shirt, and a black bowtie. We’re casual yet elegant.

  I straighten Oliver’s bowtie and smooth the material of his shirt. “You’re hot as fuck,” I whisper, giving him a wink.

  “And you’re breathtakingly gorgeous.” Oliver pecks the corner of my mouth with a kiss, and drops his voice. “I can’t wait to have you all to myself. Oh, the things I’m going to do to you.” His grin is devilish.

  We’re interrupted by the clearing of a throat. The Justice of the Peace is set to start and draws our attention in her direction so she can begin our intimate exchange of traditional vows. We take turns promising to love and cherish each other for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer until we are parted by death. Our love is sealed with the most delicate of kisses, and of course, a few tears.

  We splurged on our reception, offering the fine dining of food trucks and kegs of local brewed beer underneath some white tents on the beach. Anybody walking by is welcomed to crash the party. In fact, we are waving people over to join in on the fun. When Milo Creed and The Gentlemen’s Club aren’t performing for the growing crowd, music is provided by someone’s cell phone over a Bluetooth speaker.

  I step out from the tent, overwhelmed by hundreds of hot bodies, and emotion. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day. It’s almost too much to process, so I stand in front of the ocean and let its breeze soothe me.

  Arms snake around my waist and lips nibble at my ear. “Wifey,” Oliver whispers.

  I stretch up from my tiptoes and lift my arms behind me, wrapping them around Oliver’s neck and tilting my head so I can meet his lips with a kiss. “Husband.”

  “Ooh, say it again.” His smile tickles my cheek.

  I purr. “Husband.”

  “God, that will never get old.”

  I spin around and take one of his hands, locking our fingers together while hugging him around the waist with my other arm. Together, we sway to the beat of the music, letting what’s playing over the speaker be our wedding song. I rest my cheek against Oliver’s diaphragm and let him take the lead, dancing to, “Heroes” by David Bowie.

  I melt into him, wanting desperately to be as close as I can to his heart. I hear it beat through his chest. I feel the steady pulse against my cheek. I close my eyes and memorize the rhythm. My hand slips from his and joins my arm to clasp around his waist, and I hug him, holding onto him in a tight squeeze.

  “You okay, little bird?” he asks as he leaves a kiss on the top of my head.

  “Never better. In fact, I don’t think it is possible to be any happier.”

  “That is all I want to do. To make you happy.”

  I glance up at him and reach out my hand to touch his cheek. “Me, being your wife. You, being my husband. Us, finally together. That’s all I need to be happy.”


  I find the easiest thing in the world to do is to be kind. It requires little to no effort, and even on the days we struggle to keep it together, a simple smile goes a long way. I can do this for Fletcher. It took some convincing with Oliver, but he eventually came around and supported my decision. But Luna can’t seem to understand why I’ve chosen to keep a friendship with Fletcher after he treated me so bad. It’s hard to explain, and I’ve come to terms with it being okay to not always see eye to eye with every single person. It comes down to what Fletcher and I are comfortable with. And for us, we are far better friends than we were lovers.

  Fiji was an eye opener for the both of us, individually and as a couple. I learned that the man I fell in love with is still inside him. He’s vulnerable and sensitive and wants to be loved, like we all do. I also learned he’s insecure and he uses manipulation as a tool to cope with his insecurities and what he can’t control. I was all set to marry him, but as I walked toward him on the beach, I started to think of the week we had shared. Every step I took, another memory came back to me. His infidelity, his neglect, his attempt to rape me. Kidnapping. I was almost willing to let it all go. I could almost justify his actions. He cheated because we weren’t communicating. I wasn’t giving him what he needed. I wasn’t being supportive. So, he found women who could fill that void. He neglected me because I neglected him. We stopped sharing our lives with each other. We stopped having interests in what either one of us were doing. He got drunk because he was lonely. Or, because running for state senate is stressful and time consuming and demanding. He tried to take what he thought was his, my body. Which, at one time, I willingly gave to him. And, he kidnapped me because I wouldn’t have gone with him on my own free will. We were in such a bad place; he knew the last thing I’d do would go with him anywhere.

  The closer I got to Fletcher, the wider his smile became, and I found myself trying to match the brightness. I knew my lips were pressed into a smile, but it was tight. Forced. I kept walking because I’m a firm believer everyone deserves a second chance. And when you love someone, as I love Fletcher, then it’s worth working on to try and salvage the relationship you’ve invested so much time in. Maybe I’m a hopeless romantic. Maybe I’m naïve. Or maybe I’m downright stupid. But I wanted to give Fletcher the benefit of the doubt. In a week, he showed me he still loved me. He didn’t give up when I tried to push him away. He cared for me, we talked, we shared. When you love with your heart, what’s happening in the moment seems to outweigh the overall situation. Maybe Fletcher could change. Maybe I was willing to fully forgive him.

  When I reached Fletcher and stood before him, taking his hands, the knot in my belly tightened. I convinced myself it was nerves. Wedding day jitters. In the moment, I was happy, mostly. But then I started to wonder if I would continue to be happy once we got home. Would I ever be able to move on from Oliver? Would I want to? What would happen when reality sank in and when we were met with every day stresses, and when we got back to the politics? The overall look of my future started to darken. What if Fletcher fell back into his old routine? What if another woman caught his eye? What if…

  Then, for some reason, my mind took me back to the day he told me he left a message for Luna, letting her know I was safe and how he would return me in one piece. But had Fletcher really done that, Luna wouldn’t have left me all the messages she did. When it was my turn to say my vows, instead, I asked him point blank if he called Luna. He thought about it for a second too long but then came clean, admitting he didn’t tell a soul where he took me, except for the trolls of people who were helping him with his campaign.

  I tried to shake it off, telling myself he came clean and proceeded with my vows. But when it came time to say I do, I couldn’t go through with it. I couldn’t get passed him not telling me the truth from the very first day. He only revealed the truth when he got caught in the lie. I knew the change was only on the surface. Deep in his bones, he couldn’t help himself to be shady and would do what he needed to get his way. I knew then I couldn’t offer Fletcher a second chance, not without c
ompromising my own heart.

  When you start to love with your whole body, heart, and soul, something begins to happen. Not only do you love others wholeheartedly, but you love yourself, too. Self-worth has meaning. I deserve to be loved, cherished. Not just when it is convenient, but all of the time…unconditionally. I knew Fletcher was incapable of sharing all of himself with me. And that’s okay. I know he will find someone he can love with his whole body.

  I will always care for Fletcher. We shared some good times that I will always treasure, but I think when people eternalize their emotions, the negative energy seeps from their pores. It comes out in various ways, and for Fletcher, that means anger and infidelity, resentment and pretentiousness. I’d hope after our week in Fiji Fletcher learned something about himself, and how to communicate. I think he did. It was a noticeable difference when we got home. I watched his press conferences, saw the softer and polite side of him shine through. He even started to show how funny he is. The less rigid he became, the more likeable he came across to the people. And, he stayed true to his word, giving a statement we were no longer together. He did it respectfully, proving he has a kind heart.

  Fletcher is a good man, but he wasn’t the right man for me. We couldn’t bring out the best in each other, which is important in a successful relationship. But, no longer being together as a couple doesn’t mean we can’t remain steady friends. So yes, he came to mine and Oliver’s wedding. We shared a dance, and he said a speech. And because our wedding night was the same night as the announcement of who won the polls, we dedicated a portion of our reception to Fletcher as we all watched on our cell phones when they said his name for state senator.

  It was a night full of happy tears and rainbows. A night where all of our family and friends came together in unity to celebrate the one thing that makes this world a happier place…LOVE.

  About the Author

  D. M. Thornton, originally from San Diego, CA, lives in Overland Park, Kansas with her three kids and her husband. She is a creative soul who has an unhealthy addiction to old fashioned chocolate glazed doughnuts and enjoys quizzing her kids on music. She plays piano and the ukulele and can be found singing and dancing at any given moment just to embarrass her children.

  After fourteen years of being a nail technician, she traded in her nail polish and took a chance on an old childhood dream of becoming a writer. You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, and on Twitter. To check out her other various romance novels and to see what is coming up in the world of make-believe, visit D.M. Thornton at


  Thank you to my children who have taught me the meaning of true love. I knew not of who I was until you three were born. My purpose in life is to be your momma, and I am blessed beyond measure that you three chose me to be the one to love you unconditionally. And I do, and I will until I take my last breath. And even then my love for you will continue when my body is no longer on this Earth. When it seems no one is on your side and you feel alone or lost, remember, I will always support you. I will always love you. No matter what.

  Thank you KC and Elle for taking me under your wings and guiding me along this path. You two ladies are kind and generous, and I’m so grateful for your friendship and your willingness to share your wisdom.

  Teri, you selflessly continue to give your time, help, and feedback. I can’t thank you enough for always being a willing participant in reading my work, and being a friend.

  To my one and only. The girl who is the biggest pain in my ass. Who pushes me to do outrageous shit that far passes my comfort zone. My bestie. The one who puts up with me never calling and still forgives me. The one who gives all of herself to everyone else but doesn’t do enough for herself. I love this girl with my whole heart. She is the other half to my crazy. She’s the macadamia nut ice cream to my shaved ice, the snorkel to my fins, and the one who would likely get us arrested. Tonya, you’re my bitch for life. And whenever you need a cuddle, or a tin full of Cabela’s fudge, I gotchu.

  An ongoing thank you to the crew of ladies who help me book after book. My editor, cover artist, beta readers, book bloggers…I have the best team. Thank you!

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