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ACE: Las Vegas Bad Boys

Page 17

by Frankie Love

  “We don’t know what business we want to start. And the city of Vegas won’t sell to just anyone. They want a business they feel will benefit the Vegas economy.”

  I fill Emmy in on the Grotto connection, and how my friends are ponying up the cash for the place.

  “What shit does he have on you, Ace?” She buttons her jeans, looking in the bathroom mirror distractedly. “Like, do you think it’s something bad?”

  “I think Grotto is full of dirt on everyone—but the thing is, he isn’t clean. Hell, if the questioning with the police about his connection to your sister goes the way I hope, they’ll be charging him. Then any stake he had in this property will be meaningless.”

  Emmy nods in understanding. “Well, what will you and the boys do with this property? If the agent wants to know ASAP, you kinda need to decide.”

  “You’re telling me, baby.” I pull Emmy toward me, and plant a kiss on her lips. “If this property were yours, what would you do with it? McQueen suggested a strip club.”

  Emmy throws back her head, rolling her eyes. “No surprise there. He’s kind of the biggest player of the bunch, isn’t he?”

  “Honestly, now that I’m out of the running, I think the title would go to Landon. McQueen is a softy, Landon is trouble.”

  “And Jack?”

  “Jack is so caught up with Ashley that he can’t think straight.”

  “I can’t believe you’re friends with these people, like actual famous people. I feel so out of your league.”

  “That’s all bullshit, and you know it.”

  Emmy shrugs. “I don’t know. Part of me still thinks this is all going to disappear. That I’ll wake up from this dream.”

  “So what you’re saying is that you think I’m dreamy?” I ask, tugging on the belt loops on her jeans, keeping her close.

  “You are such a dork, Ace.” I kiss her nose, her cheeks. Her mouth.

  “Your dork, though, right?” I ask, looking into her eyes.

  “Yes, my dork.” She smiles, like she can’t help herself and that’s when any trace of doubt leaves my mind. Emmy is here to stay.

  “So you don’t think I should build a strip club?”

  “Ace, I want to be a social worker, help people who are struggling. I don’t think if I had a jillion dollars I’d build a club like that … but, then again, I’m the one who’s a cocktail waitress. I don’t think you should take business advice from me.”

  “What should I take from you?” My arms are wrapped around her, and I reach down to squeeze her ass.

  But Emmy isn’t playing around right now, her eyes are on me, her words deep and true.

  “My heart, Ace. Keep my heart.”

  “You giving it freely?” My forehead rests against hers and she wraps her arms around my neck. We may be completely dressed, but fuck, when I am with this woman, I’m undone.

  “If you promise not to fuck this up,” she says.

  “I promise, Emmy Rose. I promise.”


  I see Tess and Claire as I cut through the lobby of Spades Royalle. The casino is alive, and the lights and noises jar me more than usual. I grimace as I walk toward my girlfriends, who are holding trays, pretending to work.

  I’ve spent three days straight in a sex-bubble fifty stories high, and now that I’m back on the ground floor I’m reminded how far Ace and I have come in a few days.

  That boy has stolen my freaking heart. Something I would have sworn was impossible … yet he found a way in.

  “Look who’s alive,” Tess says, smirking as I lean in to give her and Claire hugs.

  “And look who’s decked out in more new clothes.” Claire looks me up and down, her eyes considering me.

  “What? I came to his place from the hospital and haven’t been home since.” I don’t want to get all-defensive—but God, Claire, what gives?

  “That’s cool—just, I remember you saying you wanted to keep your head straight and the next thing I know you’re MIA for half a week.”

  “Gosh. Claire. Be nice,” Tess says, elbowing her. Then, leaning toward me, she adds, “Claire’s just jealous because her bowling-boyfriend dumped her.”

  “Oh, really? What happened?” I ask.

  “You would know if you answered your phone.” Claire shrugs, then sighs. “Sorry, I’m being a bitch. But, yeah, I’m a little jealous of this whole Cinderella story. Oh, before I forget, some girl was here earlier looking for you.” She snaps her fingers. “Crap. I can’t remember her name.”

  “She work here?”

  “No, I’d never seen her before. But she was pretty, and asked for you.”

  “Huh. I don’t really know anyone in Vegas not connected to the hotel. And guys, I’m sorry for disappearing. I just—” I look away, feeling tears prick the corner of my eyes, and I brush them aside. “I just really like Ace. Like, really like him.”

  “Oh, Emmy.” Tess pulls me into another hug. “It really is a Cinderella story. You fell in love with the owner of the hotel. He swept you off your feet. That is so romantic.”

  I smile, shaking my head. “I know, it’s crazy. But I need to get to the hospital and check on Janie. The doctor has left some messages, but apparently she’s still in recovery and hasn’t spoken or anything.”

  “I’m just glad you had a chance to rest,” Claire says. “And sorry for being so jealous. I’m a brat.”

  “I get it. I want you both to find happiness, too. We’re all working our asses off and deserve a break.”

  “And you trust him? The stuff with him being called Bullet and knowing your sister? You trust him about all that?” Claire asks.

  “It’s like this: Grotto is in for questioning, and for all I know he’s behind bars. He’s super shady. If Ace had anything to do with my sister, he would have told me by now.”

  “I’m glad you’re able to put that behind you. And maybe you can sue the shit out of Grotto?” Claire adds.

  Tess twists her lips, thinking. “You sure you’re okay with your man running the whole escort thing out of his hotel? I mean, that’s why he knew your sister, right?”

  “I don’t know how I feel about that, Tess. But maybe when Janie starts talking, she can explain it.”

  “I hope she starts talking soon,” Tess says, patting my elbow.

  I adjust the tote bag on my shoulder, and take a deep breath.

  “Me too.”

  I’m in line for a taxi outside the hotel, when my phone rings. I don’t recognize the number, but answer anyway, hoping it’s the hospital.

  “Emmy? This is Denise. Ace is sending a car for you, have you left yet?”

  “I’m outside the hotel, in line for one now.”

  “Sweetie, you don’t need to wait for a car. Ace owns this place.”

  “I know. I just—”

  “Listen, a car will be there in a minute. Just hold tight.”

  I hang up, thinking that was strange. I literally just told Ace that I didn’t want special treatment, and that if this was going to work between us I wanted my life to go on normally. That if things became too much too fast, I would run.

  A long, sleek black car pulls up and the front passenger window rolls down.

  “Emmy?” an older man asks.

  “Yep. This the car Ace sent?” I ask, a little surprised at the pretentious vehicle. I really would have been fine in a yellow cab.

  He nods his head and gets out of the car. He opens the back passenger door for me, and I slide in.

  “Thank you,” I tell him, as the door closes behind me. Hard.

  I slide into my seat, and instantly freeze.

  Grotto is sitting opposite me in the limousine.

  Fuck, I need out of here. Now.

  I grab the door handle, but the locks won’t budge. The driver has already pulled away from the hotel, and there’s a divider blocking him from me anyways.

  “Emmy Rose, we finally meet properly,” Grotto says, smugly.

  “We haven’t met properly, actually,”
I say, reaching in my bag. I need to call for help. Now.

  “Give me your bag,” Grotto says.

  I shake my head, not wanting to give this man anything. I saw how forceful he was in the hotel club. I don’t want anything to do with him.

  “Now,” he demands, the timber of his voice cold.

  I wouldn’t normally give up without a fight, but I see the gun in his hand, and know this is a battle I won’t win. I give him the bag, needing answers that I won’t get if I’m fucking shot.

  “I thought you were called in for questioning,” I ask.

  “I was released.”

  “What did you have to do with my sister? How do you know Janie?”

  “Oh, Janie and I have spent quite a bit of time together.” His lips curl into a wicked smile, and I want him to stop being so creepy, but I don’t think it’s possible. It’s like being a freaky gangster is in his DNA.

  “Don’t be gross,” I tell him. “Why did the police call you in?”

  “They thought maybe I knew something about the case, but they were wrong. What happened to your sister is a crime, and someone needs to be punished.”

  “I agree,” I tell him, trying to swallow some of the discomfort. Clearly Janie was wrapped up in a sketchy scene here in Vegas, and I still don’t know the extent of it. “Why did trick me into the car? What do you want from me?”

  “I want you to stop seeing Bullet,” Grotto says.

  The air goes cold, my breath catches.

  “You mean Ace?” I ask.

  “Of course I mean Ace. Sweetheart, ever played a game of poker? Aces are bullets.”

  When I don’t answer, he continues, “Listen, dear, a pretty girl like you will only complicate things for a man like me.”

  “Complicate what?”

  “My plans.”

  “So you want me to stop seeing him because you want something from him? Does he know any of this?”

  “Not yet. But he will soon enough.”

  “I thought your issue with him was over a stupid piece of property?” I ask. “Go find some other land. Don’t get all creepy on me, pulling up in limos and taking my purse, over a building. Leave me out of it.”

  “Too late, Emmy Rose.”

  “Too late for what?” I ask.

  “Too late for you and Ace.”

  “I don’t know what that means.”

  The limo pulls to a stop, and I see I’m being delivered to the hospital.

  “Let me out. And leave me alone.”

  “If you change your mind, Emmy, and you want my help, call me. I have plenty of jobs for a pretty thing like you.”

  He hands me back my bag, and slips in a business card. I push open the now-unlocked door, tumbling out onto the sidewalk as quickly as I can.

  He pulls the door shut from the inside and the car drives away, fast.

  I’m left standing there, trembling.

  What the fuck just happened?

  I pull out my phone and dial Ace, but no one answers.

  I leave a message.

  “Hey baby, just … wanting to make sure you’re alright.”

  I hang up feeling completely confused and caught off-guard.

  I’m ready for things to start making sense.

  I need them to.



  After Emmy leaves my penthouse, I take a back exit out of the hotel, and get in my car. Driving across the city, I head directly for Denzel & Swopes, I need to see Mark before I meet with the guys about the property.

  Exiting the elevator on the fortieth floor, I see Sherry sitting at her desk, tapping away at her computer.

  “Ace,” she says, looking surprised.

  “Mark busy?” I ask. I must be a lot more aggressive most times I come here, because she looks stunned that I’ve stopped and asked.

  “He isn’t seeing anyone right now, let me buzz him out.”

  I nod and begin pacing the room.

  Mark walks out, and the sallow look to his skin makes me feel like a fucking ass.

  Sure, he decided to represent that fuckhead Grotto, but he didn’t deserve to have me walk out like a fucking prick. Especially when his wife was dying.

  “Ace, everything okay?” Mark asks.

  When I shake my head, he waves me back into his office.

  “I’m sorry, Mark, for being such a dick. I saw Janet at the hospital. I had no idea things had gotten so bad.”

  “Well, you were right about Grotto. Something is off about that guy.”

  “He still detained?”

  “No, they released him this morning, and honestly, I don’t think he wanted my counsel. I think he wanted dirt on you.”

  “Me?” I ask, the color draining from my face. “I don’t want any connection with Grotto. I need him off my back.”

  “I know,” Mark says. “We’ll work on it.”

  “And Janet, she going to be okay?”

  “I don’t know, Ace, she’s been fighting for a long time.”

  It’s a relief for things to have been settled between us. I keep acting like a motherfucking ass, and I need to do better. Be better. If I have any hope of someone as good as Emmy Rose sticking around, I need to keep my shit in order.

  Just then, a noise comes from the hall. One second Mark and I are getting our shit figured out, and the next I hear Sherry yelling.

  “Wait, just stop for one second,” she screams. But whoever’s out there keeps heading toward us.

  “Hold it,” a voice calls, pushing open Mark’s door, not waiting for him to answer.

  Two deputies in Clark County uniforms hold up their badges.

  “What the fuck?” I look at Mark, wondering if he has any clue what this is about. He looks as bewildered as me.

  “We have a warrant for the arrest of Ace Royalle,” an officer says, holding up an official piece of paper.

  “What is this for?” Mark asks stepping forward.

  “This warrant is for fleeing the scene of a potentially fatal accident.”

  I shake my head. Fuck. This can’t be happening. My name is clear. My hands are clean. What the fuck is Grotto doing to me?

  I can’t be held responsible for this; it will destroy everything I’ve worked to build.

  I will destroy everything with Emmy.

  The officer gets out a pair of handcuffs and pulls my hands behind my back.

  I want to scream, punch something, but as the other officer reads me my Miranda Rights, I know I need to keep my face shut.

  “It’s okay, Ace—we’ll get this sorted out. Keep your mouth closed, hear me?” Mark says coolly, trying so hard to keep it together. I see his fists balled, and the shock written on his face. I need him to believe my innocence.

  “Ace Royalle, come with us,” the officer directs, and he leads me down the hall. I have no choice but to oblige.

  Walking away in handcuffs is the last thing I want. The last thing I fucking need.

  I wanted to keep my name clear, but Grotto seems determined to find a way to make me break.


  As I walk into the hospital my heart is still racing from the limo ride. I hate that Grotto got to me that way.

  But more than anything, I just need Janie to start talking.

  I’ve been here in Vegas for two months, teetering on egg shells, and I feel ready to crack.

  The nurses smile at me, but seeing them just reminds me of how many days I have walked in here, hoping for answers, and not getting any.

  I walk in Janie’s room and open the blinds. The air is dry—just the desert heat—and I sit, feeling parched. Feeling depleted.

  It’s so frustrating, I spent three days being rejuvenated in Ace’s arms, my lungs filling with the gust of fresh air that I so desperately needed—and then after a short car ride where I was held hostage, suddenly it’s like I can’t breathe.

  Sitting next to Janie, I grab her hand, pleading with her to talk. Her eyes are open, and she blinks, but she looks hollow. Like she’s stil
l an empty vessel.

  “Janie,” I plead. “I just need help understanding what was happening here in Vegas. What you were doing. I want to know who was driving the car the night this happened. I need to make sense of it all.”

  Janie coughs, as if trying to open her throat, which must be causing her so much pain with the ventilator shoved down it.

  “Janie who were you with that night? Who was driving the car?” As I beg, tears fall down my cheeks.

  Her mouth cracks open, and she squeezes my hand. I know she hears me, I know she wants to help.

  “Who was it?” I cry. “Who’s guilty? Who fled the scene of the crime?”

  Her voice has been silent for so long, but her first words are clear. Clear as the desert day.

  “Ace,” Janie says. “Ace was driving the car.”



  Everything spins: my heart, my head. Everything I thought was true ... isn’t.

  I hold tight to Janie’s hands, and she stares at me as my words stumble out, trying to catch up to the sentence she just spoke. The one that rocked my world.

  Ace was driving the car.

  Ace, the man I just offered my heart to, the one I chose to trust, chose to believe. Chose to ... love. Because that was what was happening between him and me, I can’t deny that.

  I haven’t said those words aloud—but damn it, they are written on my heart.

  “Janie, you’ve been in a coma for two months. Are you sure you remember? It was Ace?” I ask her.

  Two nurses have come into the room to check Janie’s vitals, and she tries to sit up with their assistance.

  This is what we’ve all been holding our breath for, for this moment when she finally came to, finally returned to the land of the living.

  But she woke with information that nearly kills me.

  Janie licks her lips, her eyes sunk in and her skin craving the sun. After all this time in a hospital room she’s become sallow and sad. But the truth is, I haven’t seen my sister for a long time.


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