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The Astronomer

Page 14

by Charmaine Pauls

  “Oh, no. I was going to call a taxi. And in the city I can use the metro.”

  “That won’t be necessary. Take the driver, or take one of the cars.”

  “You should know that I like my independence. I won’t take advantage of you.”

  He gave her a smirk that made her catch her breath. “May as well. Because I’m planning on taking advantage of you at every opportunity I get.”

  Fraya swallowed. She had to lick her dry lips as she watched his broad back disappear through the front doors. Just when she had thought he was as brotherly as could be, he knocked her feet from under her. It seemed to be a habit with Emilio.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Fraya parked the Mercedes SLS AMG hybrid that Emilio insisted she take in front of the office of the estate agent who had organized the lease of the stack dorm flat Gene and she was meant to move into. She still couldn’t believe Emilio allowed her to drive this car. It was a classic, a vintage converted to electric, and clearly the love of his life.

  After explaining her situation and getting off with merely losing her deposit and one month’s rent, Fraya made her way to the Home Affairs offices and joined a long queue to apply for her Chilean identity chip. A chip with her whole life history–birth number, medical records, fingerprints, blood type and mating details–was shot through the top of her ear next to the existing Canadian one. It burned only a fraction, as piercing her ears had. The chip looked like a tiny, black stud. It had a locking mechanism at the back, and the only way of removing it was cutting it out.

  By the time she was done it was past noon. She decided there was no time to stop for lunch and silently thanked Ofelia for the hearty breakfast. Resisting the urge to up the speed programmed on the SLS computer, she activated the GPS and allowed the vehicle to drive her to the SWO head office in Vitacura. She arrived ten minutes before her appointment.

  The building was an impressive square, black marble block consisting of two levels, encompassed by a generous park. After presenting herself at reception, she took a seat in the waiting area and straightened her black, knee-length dress.

  It took less than five minutes for an attractive man she immediately recognized from his photo as the Director General to bounce down the steps. He fastened the buttons of his double-breasted suit jacket as he approached her with energetic steps and extended a hand when he was still a distance from her.

  “Dr. Riber,” he said jovially, “congratulations are in order on two accounts, I believe–your mating and your new job.”

  Fraya got to her feet and accepted his firm handshake. She had done her homework. The director was younger than one would have expected. He was only thirty-eight, the youngest director in the organization’s history ever.

  She craned her neck to look up at him. He was almost as tall as Emilio. “Thank you for seeing me on short notice, Dr. Welser.”

  He had thick, blonde hair and startling green, intelligent eyes.

  “The pleasure is all mine. It’s not often that I meet a young lady of your exceptional talent.” He motioned to the stairs. “Shall we meet in my office, or you do prefer our coffee bar?”

  She wasn’t comfortable with informal liaisons. Business she could handle. “Your office will be fine, thank you.”

  He nodded. “After you. First floor. Last office on your left.”

  Their footsteps echoed up the stairs and down the marble hallway until Fraya entered a modern room with floor to ceiling glass windows, offering a magnificent view of the Manquehue Mountain. She took in the giant star constellation prints that lined his walls in a pleasing, symmetrical pattern and felt her heart beating faster. This was her life purpose. It was the only thing she ever wanted to do. Her dream was finally coming true.

  “Please.” He pointed at a black leather chair and took a seat behind a chrome and glass desk. He moved some papers aside and waited until she was seated, his finger poised above the dial button of a built-in desk phone. “Coffee? Tea? We have the real thing.”

  “No, thank you.”

  “Something cold? Water?” He smiled lopsidedly. “I only offer stronger beverages from the bar after five. Company rules.”

  Somehow she got the impression that this was a very practiced line, one used often at an attempt of humor, or maybe to put his visitors at ease.

  “Thank you. I’m fine.”

  He retracted his finger and gave her a professional smile. It wasn’t one that reached his eyes, but it wasn’t one that looked impersonal either. Suddenly, she missed Emilio’s smile. Preferably the one that could put her at ease, reassure her when she felt her courage fail.

  “We’ve received your signed contract, Dr. Riber. Thank you. As you know, you will spend eight consecutive days at our Paranal Observatory, followed by four days of leave, and four days of duty here at head office. The terms are stated clearly in the contract, unless you have any questions?”

  “When do I start?”

  “In a hurry? I thought you’re still on honeymoon.” He grinned at his own joke.

  “Just excited,” she said, looking at her intertwined fingers.

  “Good. Well, we were hoping you could start straight away, but with the terms your husband laid down, it seems we don’t have much of a choice.”

  She moved to the edge of her chair. “Excuse me?”

  Welser’s attractive head tilted. He gave her an examining look. “Mr. Larraín was quite specific that you could not start until your ... private accommodation has been constructed.”

  Her weight almost tipped the chair over. “He said what?”

  His green eyes were imploring, curious. “The construction has already been underway for a while now. It should take another couple of weeks before it will be finished, though.”

  She shook her head slowly. “I’m sorry, but I don’t understand. Since when did my mate become involved in my terms of employment?”

  Welser stood up and walked around his desk. “Since he donated the land on which our new telescopes were built. It’s rather difficult to say no to such a determined man under such ... diplomatic ... circumstances.”

  She gaped at him. “He blackmailed you?”

  His mouth twisted. “You could say so, I suppose, although it won’t be politically correct. I believe the accepted term is ... negotiated.”

  She pursed her lips into a thin line. “I see.” She got to her feet. “I’m terribly sorry about any misunderstanding or miscommunication, but I will start as planned. You said as soon as possible. I believe that will be on Monday.”

  Welser’s eyebrows shot up. “Dr. Riber, I’m in no position to meddle in your private affairs, but I strongly advice we leave it as planned. The job’s yours. It’s not going anywhere.”

  She straightened her back. “I don’t want preferential treatment. Private accommodation won’t be necessary. I’ll stay in the staff quarters, like everyone else.”

  He put his hands into his pockets. “It would be a good idea to do a personal site check before you react. Having your own condo may not be such a preferential concept as you imagine.”

  “I don’t intend on winning privileges through my mate. I believe in earning them. Until then, I would like to be treated the same as every other employee.”

  “Dr. Riber, excuse me for pointing this out, but you’re not every other employee.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You’re a female, and a very attractive one. I’m only making this observation to explain why this may be problematic for the male staff residing in the staff quarters. The sacrifice astronomers make for unsurpassed observation conditions, is operating a frontier observatory under very difficult circumstances. It’s hot, dry and isolated. The men are posted there for days and the contract workers for even longer, sometimes weeks on end. It gets lonely, Dr. Riber.”

  “I assure you, my gender won’t be a problem. But if it will make you feel better, I’ll live in the accommodation my mate so kindly provided. I will start on Monday though, and not
a day later.”

  He pulled his shoulders up to his ears. “Fine. I could do with someone there sooner than later. We have an international convention coming up in twelve months’ time, and I do hope to have something of interest to offer the world by then.”

  She nodded and took an envelope from her handbag. “This is the receipt for my Chilean identity chip. I believe you need this to finalize the paperwork.”

  He took the envelope she offered, seemingly in thought. “Dr. Riber, if you don’t mind me asking, how come you’re interested in this specific job? It involves long hours and a long time away from home. The Atacama Desert is not exactly paradise. Why would a newly mated woman with prospects of starting a family be willing to be so sacrificial?”

  “You read my motivation on my application, Dr. Welser.”

  “Yes. A very good one. One that grabbed my attention. You just don’t seem like the stereotype.”

  “And what is the stereotype?” she said, arching a brow.

  “You’ll see for yourself, soon enough.” He looked her over. “But I do believe you have the determination and strength of character it’ll take to make a success of it.”

  She turned for the door.

  “Oh, and Dr. Riber?”


  “May I ask you a personal question?”

  “I think you already have.”

  He smiled at that. “In that case, you won’t mind me asking about the mark on your shoulder?”

  She frowned, her hand going automatically to the small red mark visible from under her sleeveless dress. “It’s a birthmark. Why?”

  “I was just wondering. It resembles the Corona Borealis constellation. It could have been a tattoo.”

  She gave him a cool smile. “I’m dedicated, Dr. Welser, not fanatical.”

  He pursed his lips, nodding in an absent-minded way, but his eyes were alert and bright.

  * * * *

  Fraya drove to a nearby commodity store where her chip was automatically scanned upon entry, and points deducted for the goods she loaded into a paper bag when she exited. At least her points from her last temp job had been transferred to the Commercial Department of Zone 30, because the alarm didn’t trigger when she walked through the scanner with her shopping. She had selected a few urgent toiletries she would need to pack for her trip to the observatory.

  Damn Emilio to hell and back. She was leaving the day after tomorrow, Sunday, as planned. How dared he interfere in her job, her dream? His arrogance was unimaginable. What if Welser had been less accommodating? He could have told her and her manipulating mate to take a hike. At her young age, without any working experience in the field, it was a miracle that she was offered the job at all. She couldn’t believe Emilio withheld from her the information about donating land to the SWO and constructing some damn condo. Besides, it didn’t make any sense. Why would Emilio do something like that in the first place?

  It was late afternoon when she arrived home. She was on edge, not just because of the information the director had shared with her, which Emilio had conveniently chosen not to disclose, but also because her body was burning with a need that was driving her mad. This wasn’t new, just worse than before. It was as if she had swallowed a powerful potion of aphrodisiacs.

  The housekeeper greeted her at the door. She declined Maria’s offer for a cup of tea, and dragged her parcels to her room. As soon as that scheming man came home she was going to give him a piece of her mind.

  It took her a while to locate her travel bag in one of the cupboards in the walk-in closet. Throwing it onto the bed, she started going through drawers, removing enough clean outfits for eight days.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  His voice made her jump. She turned to see Emilio standing in her door. She hadn’t heard him enter.

  She propped her hands on her hips. “I have a job to do. It starts on Monday.” She narrowed her eyes in silent challenge. “Or did you forget?”

  She could see the pools of his eyes darken. He watched her silently for a moment, and then she jumped again as he slammed the door behind him.

  “You’ve been to your office this afternoon,” he said.

  “Now you’re having me followed?”

  “Your boss called.”

  Son of a traitor. “Yes, I would like to have a word with you about my boss, and my job, and your interference.”

  “You should have told me you were going to see him.”

  “Since when do you need a report of my movements?”

  “Since your body belongs to me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I don’t belong to anyone. I just give you sex when you want,” she said coldly.

  “Exactly. So please point out the difference, as I fail to see it.”

  “You arrogant bastard. Just because you can order me to suck your dick and bend over your desk doesn’t mean you can suddenly crash into my office and reshuffle my terms of employment. Without telling me!”

  He narrowed his eyes, but said calmly, “I was going to tell you. I did it to protect you.”

  “Protect me? Against what?” She lifted her hands. “No, I really don’t need to know. And I don’t need protection.”

  “Oh yes you do.”

  “From what?” she cried, her arms flying to her sides.

  “From a bunch of horny men.”

  Now she had heard everything. “Not every man is like you,” she bit out.

  “No, baby, not every man can make you come ten times in one night.”

  “Oh, that,” she said snidely. “I thought I had dreamt that.”

  “You know very well why I haven’t let you come.”

  “Oh, let’s see what it was. What did you call it? A revenge fuck? A punish fuck? Like I care, anyway.”

  “You don’t?” His eyes challenged her.

  “No, I don’t. I packed my vibrator.”

  “About that...” His voice trailed off and he almost looked guilty.

  “What about my vibrator?” She couldn’t believe she was discussing her vibrator with this arrogant man.

  “I took it.”

  “You what?”

  “I took it.”

  “You went through my stuff?”

  “Look at it as an exchange. You can keep the SLS.”

  It was her turn to narrow her eyes. “I don’t want your car. I object to you going through my personal belongings, and taking something that’s mine.”

  “I know your vibrator is ... orgasmic, but it’s a damn sexy car. Fair trade, wouldn’t you say?”

  Fraya felt her control slip. She was fuming. “Why would you do something like that?”

  “I already told you, if you’re a good girl, I’ll let you come. You haven’t showed me that you can be good, yet.”

  “I don’t care, do you hear me? You can keep my vibrator as a souvenir. I’ll buy another one.”

  “I’ll just take it away again. It’ll be easier if you just told the truth. Tell me what I want to hear and you can have your vibrator back. I’ll even use it on you.”

  Fraya stared at him in disbelief. “The truth? You’re a good one to talk. Why didn’t you tell me about the condo?”

  “It was going to be a surprise.”

  She snorted. “Well, consider my ‘truth’ a big surprise, one you won’t hear. And you can revenge and punish fuck me all you want.”

  “You’d rather suffer?”


  “Then you’re colder than what I thought.”

  Ouch. That hurt. “Yes, Emilio. I’m a coldhearted bitch, just like you’re a hot-blooded bastard.”

  “Fine,” he said. “Have it your way.”

  Oh, what was that supposed to mean? “You don’t intimidate me.”

  “I’m not trying to.”

  “Good. I’m glad we understand each other.”

  “Now, I just came home from a long, hard day at the office. I need my wife to relax me.”

  Her eyes widened. “I’m pac
king, Emilio. I’m leaving on Sunday.” For eight damn sex-free days.

  “All the more reason, baby.” He took a step toward her. “Now, let’s see.” His gaze scrutinized her. “Even if you don’t deserve it, I think I should let you come. You’re like a bomb ready to explode and I’m the one in your line of fire.”

  Her heart fluttered at that. Her body begged. She kept her back straight.

  “How very generous of you,” she said sarcastically.


  “I thought you said I had to be turned on.”

  “And you are. Do you want specifics? First, there are your breasts. They’re so hard your buttons are going to pop. I just bet you’re so wet that–”

  This was insupportable. “Stop!” she said, raising her hands, feeling the color rising to her face because all of what he said was true.

  “Then undress.”

  God, he was ten times more coldhearted than what he accused her of being. “This is getting boring,” she said, her cheeks hot.

  “You didn’t think I was going to romance you, like the fool I was in Domfront?”

  As a matter of fact, she did. But she lifted her chin and looked him squarely in the eye. “I don’t need your romance.”

  “Then why are you waiting? Undress.”

  Her blood was boiling. Honestly. So, he had punished her. Twice already. For how long is this going to continue? “What if I say I won’t?”

  “If you break your promise, our agreement is over, and you can pack and ship yourself back to Zone 102.”

  She couldn’t believe her ears. Did he really care this little? Of course he didn’t give a damn. She was nothing more than an empty body to use.

  “Why don’t you just pay a prostitute?”

  “You really turn me on, especially when you defy me. You can have it the hard, or the easy way. And I can make it a lot harder for you, baby. Now, undress.”

  Her hands moved to the back of her dress, pulling the zip down angrily and the dress with it.

  When it pooled at her feet, he said, “Now the underwear.” She pulled roughly at the clasp of her bra, but he shook his head. “Do it slowly.”

  He stood watching her, his arms crossed, his stance relaxed, but she could see that his body was anything but relaxed where it mattered. And he knew she knew, because he caught her eyes as she lifted her gaze back to his face, and gave her a boyish grin.


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