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The Time Deceiver

Page 15

by Gerard Denza

  -I’ll bet he’s forbidden to. He’s not allowed to do the killing himself.

  -That makes sense. It could be some sort of code that he and his kind are bound to. The killing has to be done by indirect means. They can’t do the actual killing. Yes! That’s what he said: he didn’t soil his own hands. But, it doesn’t make him any less dangerous, not by a long shot.

  -Edward, I’ve been thinking about this Mass of Marlena’s. I think she might have some sort of sacrifice in mind.

  -What do you mean?

  -Human sacrifice: it’s often used in ritual masses.

  -I won’t let that happen. I won’t be a party to murder.

  -I’m sure that Marlena doesn’t consider it that.

  -I do.

  -I know that you do; and that’s why I love you so. You’re a decent man.

  -Thanks, baby.

  -If the Mass is successful, then what? What about us?

  -I’m not rich.

  -You could be rich.

  -I might be. Still thinking of your skating?

  -Yes. I know. I’m pretty selfish. I can’t help it.

  -Good for you. I’ll try to be rich and finance your dream. If it’s your dream, then it’s mine, too.

  -I was hoping that you’d say that.

  -Did you have to ask?

  -A woman likes to hear these things, Edward. And...

  -What is it? Don’t hold back, baby; we don’t have the time.

  -Who was this girl; this Valerie Spender?

  -I think she was a clairvoyant of some sort; someone with second sight or a strong gift for prophecy. Maybe, she was having dreams of a future life. You were mentioned in her journal, you know. So was I.

  -Me? How? She didn’t know me. We never met.

  -You told her about my coming to you.

  -How could she know that? I didn’t even know it.

  -Valerie spoke about people in a strange house. These people sounded familiar to me. It’s as if I should have known these people. It’s like awakening from a vivid dream and not remembering anything of it. Damn it!

  A knock on the door.

  -It’s room service, Edward. I’ll get it.

  -No. I will. Can’t be too careful at this point. We’ve got to stay alive.

  Marlena prepared for the Mass. She still hadn’t dressed, but there was time enough for that final and crowning touch for a priestess. She had managed to keep the entire landscape empty of people; no one was within human sight but her. The dirt floor of the desert was the temple floor and the coming night was the temple’s ceiling of light and darkness. The walls of the temple were the pyramids with the Sphinx as the black guardian of death to all trespassers. It was genius.

  Marlena had a visitor.


  -I know you’re there. I’ve been waiting for you. I’ve been waiting a long time for this.

  -Good. You do me quite proud.


  -Are you prepared? Soon all your comrades will be with you. They are coming to you at this moment. You’ve prepared a magnificent temple, priestess! I congratulate you.

  -The ancients were wrong. Armageddon will come early, won’t it? Thanks to you.

  -My plans had to be pushed up by a few years.

  -Why? Are you so anxious to kill us all?

  -The answer should be obvious: I don’t play fair.

  -Neither do I, you bastard. You taught me well. Now, tell me your name so I can spit in your face.

  -I have a soft spot for you. Always have.

  -Who are you, really? Why are you here? To torment me or to avoid my questions?

  -No reason. But, perhaps, I need to tell you something?

  -Tell me and get out. I still have to get dressed. One must be prepared for any eventuality. You taught me that much.

  -A good magician always is.

  -You’re beginning to bore me. Say what you have to say and leave.

  -Marlena, you are doomed to failure.

  -What of it?

  -I want you to stop.

  -Are you insane? You must be.

  -I will have your daughter murdered.

  -Kill the bitch. See if I care.

  -I will have your beloved Gabriel tortured and slaughtered like a pig.

  -One more reason to live and get you! And, don’t think I won’t.

  -Stay where you are. I don’t want you getting too close...keep me unholy.

  -Get out! Leave me like you did years ago. Get out!

  -You’re sounding so shrill! Why? You will summon me later on because you must. You’ve no choice. We must meet on the battlefield.

  -Don’t tempt me because it won’t work. I’ve lived for this moment! It was foretold by the ancients and I intend to fulfill that prophecy.

  -It was I who foretold it.

  -The outcast Semite. Get out! Liar! Deceiver! If I had my gun on me, I’d kill you here and now.

  -I will go.

  -And, go straight to hell!



  THE SUN HOVERED JUST to the left of the great pyramid, ripples of orange light were above and below the sacred disc: ripples of inflamed light that formed two opposing triangles in the sky.

  -Good evening, Edward. Yolanda? Will you excuse me while I change? Gabriel should be here shortly. Familiarize yourselves with the temple. Edward, I’ve laid out your garments on the altar; change and try to meditate, if you can.

  -No garments for me, Marlena?

  -Your street clothes will suffice, my dear. You are the witness to events.

  Marlena entered the tent as I looked at the sacred altar. I heard the wind, but couldn’t feel it. I looked at my surroundings and saw an ancient temple. The sacred altar faced the east and the stone sarcophagus was opposite in the western quadrant, sixty feet away. To my left were a few silk cushions placed to form a triangle. To my right was another pyramid that reached toward the heavens.

  I walked over to the altar and disrobed. In the distance, I saw Gabriel. I took off the rest of my clothes and got into the white kaftan. Yolanda watched me the entire time. Gabriel made slow progress which was just fine by me. I needed the time to collect myself and walk about the temple. As the priest, I must know the ground on which I walk and draw energy from it.

  I looked at the sun that would soon descend behind the Great Pyramid, but before that, Diana’s bow would rise to meet it. I stopped dead in the center of the temple and knew: was the implication that of magic or reality? Diana’s arrow would pierce the sun and herald the destruction.

  -Edward, are you all right? Please say that you’re not afraid.

  -Yolanda, I don’t know. What the hell do I know?

  I turned and beheld my priestess: Marlena. A complete transformation had been wrought in the space of a few minutes. She looked beautiful, but more than that word could offer. She wore a white robe and sandals. Around her neck, dangling from a gold chain, was a red ruby. She was made-up in the most becoming of ways. In her right hand was the dagger which she gave to me.

  -Edward, place this on the altar before the cup and next to the holy book. You are a handsome priest. I knew that you would be.

  -Marlena, you look glorious! I almost didn’t recognize you.

  -Thank you. We must begin immediately- look! Already, the sun and the bow are nearly aligned. Hurry! Place the dagger on the altar and, then, enter the sarcophagus.

  Gabriel walked up to us.

  -Gabriel, put on your deacon’s robe and be quick! Yolanda, sit on the apex of the triangle and do not move from there. Whatever happens outside the magic circle, ignore.

  -I understand. I know what to do.

  We obeyed our priestess. I placed the dagger before the cup and hurried back to the sarcophagus, patting my gun for reassurance. I entered and closed the lid behind me. I could still sense and hear what was going on outside, though.

  Marlena and Gabriel were getting ready to begin. It would be the first time that I’d hear Gabriel speak. Mar
lena would have to leave the perimeter of the temple and wait just outside of the holy border...dangerous. Yolanda would have to remain quiet and attentive to every word and nuance for she was the witness. Gabriel would be the light-bearer and begin the Mass.

  I had a vision: I saw Susan standing in Battery Park in New York City. She was leaning against a rail which separated her from the water’s edge. A man approached her. Susan had expected him to come and was ready for him.

  -Your mother has given me leave to kill you, Susan.

  She stared at this apparition, not quite unbelieving, for she knew her mother only too well. In a challenging voice, she responded.

  -When were you given this so-called permission?

  -I am being given it now, as we speak. I will explain. I am occupying two places at the same time: a simultaneous appearance, if you will.

  -Then, you can tell my darling mother to go to bloody hell and find herself another sacrifice. I’m not willing. I’m an individual and not her slave.

  -So many refusals today! Pity! What are you doing here? Why aren’t you with your mother at the Mass?

  -I really don’t know why my mother does anything. I’m sure you know her infinitely better than I do. And, besides, why should I tell you anything?

  -Try to make an intelligent guess as to why you are here in New York City.

  -I told you.

  -Yes? Continue.

  -I won’t tell you.

  -I will kill you.

  -Do. I’m not afraid of you or of dying. Why should I be afraid of non-existence?

  -You’re not afraid to die? I have a great deal of respect for that. Fear doesn’t rule your reason. Your emotions are focused and clear. You are not your mother’s daughter, for your mother is given to passion and rage. She obsesses.

  -Do you have anything else to say except for the obvious?

  The vision in New York City left me. I knew why Susan had been sent away. Marlena’s enemy and the enemy of mankind was at this moment unfocused and caught off guard. Marlena was playing her cards cleverly. Still, I couldn’t rid myself of the feeling that we were doomed to failure. We needed help: an outside force that no one had foreseen must come to our aid now.

  At last, Gabriel spoke: it was a soft but strong voice. It was a voice similar to someone else’s voice. With a start, I realized something else about him. I didn’t really know what the hell he looked like. How was that possible? I’d seen him often enough. I couldn’t think about that now. I listened.

  -My voice fills the temple of destruction and life. I pray that all may be protected under the golden aegis of Osiris. Osiris! the beautiful god of the temple, hear your son as he speaks your name. Guide your son’s movements, focus my thoughts and give unto me my forgotten memory of things toward the infinite. Allow me to serve you so that thine own father’s light may not fade from this world of beauty...this world that you have always favored above all your other realms. Ra’s chariot now sets in the sky. Allow it to rise on its endless journey still again so that the arc of light may never diminish. Father! make your presence known. Come unto your devoted son!

  Again, my vision shifted to New York City and Susan.

  -Speak to me, Susan.

  -Who are you and where do you come from?

  -Again, that question! You know me. We’ve met before. I was left here by an ancient race whose remnants are now scattered dust in the air that you breathe. I come every six thousand years to wreak havoc or far worse. Although, in truth, I never leave.

  -Toward what end? What’s the point of it all?

  -The awakening of new souls from the heavens and, therefore, the old souls, such as yours, my dear, must journey beyond this pinpoint of light. The giving up of the ghost is not easy.

  -So, you rip it from the body, is that it? That must be real easy and delightful work for you and your kind: so easy to murder once you’ve done it so many times.

  -Yes. I knew that you would understand.

  -Have others in times past tried to stop you? They must have. They should have!

  -I have propositioned them to do so.

  -Why did they fail? Or did they even take the bait?

  -Emotion got in their way. Their focus became blurred and their intent wavered.

  Susan looked about her and knew that there was no earthly way of contacting her mother.

  -That’s an evasive answer. Can’t you do better than that?

  -Ah, Susan, notice how still and hot it is even though it is late morning. In a few moments, the cataclysm will begin and no one will be spared.

  -And, afterwards? Will there be an afterwards?

  -A oppressive vibration and, then, the metamorphosis from locust to heartless human.

  -And, history? How will that be altered?

  -An almost unidentifiable ripple in the historic current. The faces will be the same, but the intentions will have changed.

  -What kind of a change?

  My vision shifted to Gabriel, who was chanting his prayer.

  -Oh, beautiful Father send forth your hand-maiden, purify her heart and soul so that none may interfere. Lift the veil which protects this magical circle that we call a temple and allow, for a moment, the veil to part so that your hand-maiden may enter.

  I heard footsteps outside my sarcophagus. Marlena had entered the temple. I heard the veil close behind her; but, would it offer us protection?

  Something must have heard my unspoken question. At that moment, I heard the beginning of the end. A vibratory and deafening noise infested the air. The droning of wings and the call of the merciless jaws of the locusts. As yet, nothing could be seen in the sky.

  The high priestess spoke.

  -Oh, ancient father of us all, hear my prayer and answer it. Ancient and most powerful of all gods: the father of Osiris who gave your son the keys to our civilization so that we may endure in consciousness and solemn recognition of you. Save us! Stay the bow of the goddess of the crescent moon! Her arrow of poison and deceit and hallucination is aimed at your very heart. She is blocking your holy orbit! Annihilate her for this transgression!

  But, which god was the evil god? Hadn’t Valerie cried out to the same goddess for help? Or, perhaps, an evil hand was guiding that goddess’ arrow now? What force could manipulate a god? Was that force with Susan now?

  The high priestess turned from the altar and walked toward me. Gabriel followed her as Yolanda looked on. Marlena opened the lid to the stone sarcophagus and signaled Gabriel to remove it to the sand at our feet.

  I released myself from the confines of my imprisonment. I walked toward the altar with Marlena behind me followed by Gabriel. Yolanda sat nearby and watched. The sand beneath my bare feet felt hot, but not from the heat of the desert, it was from the energy of this holy place. The pyramids that surrounded us changed in appearance. Their surfaces became smooth and polished and there was a strange written language sculpted on them. The sphinx now had the head of a cat and not that of a man.

  The four of us looked up at the sky. The crescent moon and the sun hovered in the sky facing each other. They no longer moved, but were suspended in their orbits.

  And, then, we saw it. The dark cloud made its way across the sky, avoiding contact with the warring gods, for neither the sun nor the moon were touched by this unholy plague. The sky grew black and the humming noise was deafening. The plague was coming down upon us. We would be the first to die.

  My vision shifted to New York City.

  -I must leave you now, Susan, to breathe in the still and warm morning of this pleasant spring day. I need to focus my attention on another matter. I do have my priorities. You will excuse me, of course?

  -No. Stay. I have a few more question to ask you. If I’m about to die, you could at least satisfy my intellectual curiosity. There is no God or gods. We attempt to control forces through our mind. It will be explained one day by men of science. Your alleged magic is a more advanced form of technology that we once possessed and will possess, again,
one day.

  -Look. All of them are leaving their buildings because the silence before the cataclysm is upon them. The most dreaded moment in all of time.

  -Talk to me, scientist. You’re no god. What utter rubbish!

  -What do you mean, Susan? You have my attention.

  -This whole ghastly affair is just a beastly joke. And, the biggest joke of all is my mother being at the center of it.

  -Why do you say that?

  -Don’t you question my mother’s motives? I do. I always do. She is the most greedy and conniving woman on this planet. And, you believe her purpose is to save humanity? Then, you are the fool. I do believe that I hate you for being taken in by her. Fool.

  Again, I stood atop the altar and faced Marlena and Gabriel. The wind kicked up into a desert storm. The cloud descended toward us. Yolanda gazed up at the sky, but there was no sky left to see. The hordes were upon us. We were encased in a sarcophagus of hell.

  Marlena began her prayer.

  -Great Ra, hear my demand! Annihilate your enemy and bring to focus your eternal sun upon this planet. Warm us forever with your radiant light. Look! An inferior points her arrow of poison at you now. Her arrow is possessed by the deceiver. Cast it from the sky!

  Marlena and Gabriel stayed in their places with a courage that one doesn’t see often in a lifetime.

  The hordes of giant locusts pressed in on the magical barrier. Blackness entombed us; but the sun and the moon could still be seen as the locusts darted around these two orbs. The magical circle was caving in as the weight of the plague reached for us. The locusts were hungry.

  Yolanda sobbed, but continued her vigil as the witness.

  At that moment, a celestial phenomenon occurred: the sun and the moon drew nearer to each other, not as the rational mind of man has studied them, but as two points of energy worshiped by the ancients. The giant locusts moved in fear of them, not daring to be upon the same path of the two gods. The sun and moon would meet and converge and, then, the world cataclysm would begin. Marlena had to stop this by her appeals to the gods. But, how?

  The sheer weight of the locusts crushed in on us making breathing more difficult. Our sacred ground was shrinking at a frightening pace. Through the darkness, I saw Marlena take Gabriel’s hand and lead him to the altar. He sat upon the summit and his mother commanded him to lie down. She looked up at me and issued the order.


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