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JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World

Page 3

by Ko Hiratori

In this world, women don’t have much value. I’m infinitely replaceable; you could break me and I’d make change.


  He slapped my butt again. This guy’s foreplay is spanking. Real pros might get wet from just that, but it’s seriously impossible for me. I just wasn’t brought up that way.

  “Sir, sorry, I’m gonna yog (lube) up, so wait just a sec.”

  “Get wet from the mood, dumb bitch!”

  “Sorry, it’ll really hurt if I don’t, so please let me put it on first.”

  Still on all fours, I lubed up my pussy. My ass stung.

  I stopped him from sticking it in before I inserted the luvya grass and used a little extra just in case.

  This guy’s huge cock scares me.

  “Here we go!”

  As he if wanted to boast about it, he ruthlessly shoved the whole thing in.

  I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. When it started to move, I could hardly breathe.

  And he was still spanking me. He’d spanked me so much I’d gone numb and couldn’t tell if it hurt or not.

  “Ah, nn, nn.” I spaced out, and my own voice began to sound like someone else’s.

  Wait a sec, why am I moaning so cutely? It’s like I’m actually getting off or something. Why am I letting this old dude hear my good noises?

  He got even more carried away and put his hands on my neck.

  “...Choking is 20 rubers...” I managed to remind him.

  He smiled and tossed two big coins onto the bed.

  Twenty rubers. Don’t splurge just ’cause you won that bet, you fucker!

  Unreserved pressure clenched around my neck, and my tongue popped out on its own.


  “You set the price! Quit whining and squeeze that pussy!”

  The terror and pain of being strangled from behind sent tears rolling down my cheeks. Then his cock got even bigger, or maybe I was tight, but it started to hurt.

  Hearing me wheezing, barely able to breathe, he laughed right in my ear. “This is what you get for underestimating men, you dumb bitch. Make sure you don’t die, now!”

  He got all the way on top of me and started thrusting like crazy, still wringing my neck.

  My head went blank, and I frantically gasped for air.

  “That’s right!”

  He strangled me incredibly hard, and just when I thought I might be in trouble, he started to ejaculate. I gritted my teeth and just barely maintained consciousness. When he was done orgasming, he tossed me away.

  “Hey, sorry.”

  He smiled at the end and smacked my butt.

  I took a shower, tied a ribbon around my neck where his hand marks were, and went back to the pub.

  Sumo was still there by himself, nursing a drink. He looked at me and seemed like he wanted to talk, but I ignored him and entertained other customers.

  Our Talking Time had ended, so if he wasn’t going to buy me, there wasn’t any other service I could offer him.

  So I spread my charms throughout the pub in search of my next customer.

  Strum the Night



  “D-Does it feel good?”

  “Oh, yeah. Super good. Nn!”

  Bringing my hips down on Chiba, I was thinking of something entirely different.

  Maybe what I need is some soul-searching.

  It’s been six months since I became a sex worker. I would have been a third-year in high school. There would have been less than a year before graduation. All my friends are probably worried about going to college, club stuff, plastic surgery—moving toward their futures.

  Yeah, I need to change too.

  Transformation every day. A fresh way of life. I can’t keep doing the same old thing forever. Gotta try something new.

  After scraping Chiba’s cum out of my pussy and throwing it away, I went over to where he was lying like a lump.

  “Hey, Chiba, I wanted to ask you something.”

  “Hm?” For some reason he sat up in a hurry and gulped. “About you being my slave, perhaps?”

  “Huh? Dream on. No, something else.”

  He poked my boob, and I leaned over him.

  “Would you teach me how to adventure or whatever? You can make money exterminating monsters and fighting in the arena, right? Maybe I could do it while I’m free during the day.”

  Chiba took his time, letting out a long sigh and frowning. “Koyama, you’re not taking us Innovators seriously.”

  Apparently this guy, who had been an “adventurer” just the other day, now called himself by some pretentious class name. It sounded like he was getting carried away, so I glared at him.


  “W-Well, it makes sense, since you just don’t know what it’s like, but...”

  This guy is basically a chicken-shit loser, so when I get aggressive he backs off immediately.

  No matter how strong he gets, he’s scared to be glared at by a girl his age. It’s just a conditioned reflex at this point.

  “Monsters are super dangerous, though! An amateur can’t just waltz in and fight them.”

  “Eh, I’d be fine, wouldn’t I? Even I’ve played Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter before. I borrowed them from my boyfriend.”

  “It doesn’t even compare, though. And you can’t even get past the army’s line without registering with the guild and buying a travel pass. And really, only guys can register with the guild.”


  Male-dominated society.

  These assholes are always standing in my way.

  “It seems like you forgot how this world works, Haru, so I’ll explain it one more time.” Chiba crossed his arms and got all pedantic.

  There’s been a war on for the past few hundred years with the demon lord’s army. They come from Demon Lord Forest, which is near this city. Supposedly the demon lord’s castle, which appears only at night, is located deep in those woods.

  The humans have been dispatching troops to subjugate him, but the forest is vast and the monsters come popping out all over the place, so it’s practically impossible to reach the castle; they only ever make it about half-way. Since it’s too hard to get through the boggy forest with its gigantic monsters, traps, and poison, they’ve been fighting a defensive battle for hundreds of years.

  Monsters all have their own personalities. Some operate in packs with leaders; other immensely powerful ones wreak solo havoc. Their intelligence levels are all over the place, too. Some are essentially wild animals, while others can speak human language and use magic.

  No one knows the demon lord’s aims, but what the monsters have in common is their hostility toward people. They’re enemies of the human race.

  The human army generally fights units of the organized monster army, while the adventurers handle the stray ones that cross the line, subjugate the ones that act on instinct (to abduct, rape, and kill people), and venture past the line themselves, into the forest.

  It’s a dangerous job, but apparently you can make quite a bit of money by taking on requests to kill certain monsters. Selling the treasures and valuable historical documents found in the mysterious ruins and labyrinths slumbering in Demon Lord Forest can be lucrative, too.

  “But sometimes there are women adventurers, right?”

  “Those are priestesses with blessings—they’re called ‘Sisters.’ They can use white healing magic.”


  “I guess in this world, for some religious reason or whatever, only women can use healing skills. But just because they can heal doesn’t mean they can fight, so they can’t cross the line unless they pair up with an adventurer, and only women with a partner can register at the guild.”

  “So all I have to do is become one of those healer girls, then.”

  “Like I said, you’re not taking this seriously. All the girls train from a young age, and only the skilled ones get to be Sisters. Even if you started now, unless
you happened to have the perfect skill for it, it’d probably be impossible. Plus, Haru, you didn’t even get a skill, did you?”

  “Well, no...but...”

  “You’re being too naive. It isn’t that easy to get by in this world. There aren’t very many instances where knowledge from the other world comes in handy, either. You hear lots of stories like that, right? Some common-sense notion or product from the other world doesn’t exist in the new one yet, so the hero makes a killing. Like making soap, or cooking something totally normal that tastes really exotic there.”

  “They have way better soap here. The food is good, too.”

  In this world they use organic, plant-based soap. It smells super nice and doesn’t leave my hair all coarse. Meat and fish are expensive, but vegetables are insanely cheap and really tasty. You can eat even if you’re poor.

  “Yeah, plants are unbeatable here. And thanks to some kind of magic called like alphytemy or something, biotechnology is bizarrely advanced. They use grass for everything from daily necessities to energy. There might be an opening in engineering, but because they’re so behind they’ve kind of come up with their own hacks, so it’s hard to know where to start. On the whole, it’s pretty tricky.” Chiba clicked his tongue and grumbled, “We got sent all the way to this other world; I wish the people here were the kind of idiots who would be more easily amazed.”

  Honestly, I was stunned to learn that Chiba, who was so cocky about his cheat abilities, had been considering all different angles.

  He was using his head more than me. I was astounded.

  “No matter what business you get into, there’s a guild system, so there’s no such thing as industrial secrets. All you can really do is find a trade that works for you and learn it. That’s how the labor market functions in this world. I have cheat skills, so I can just keep being an adventurer and conquer the world. You’re only doing this job because you don’t have a skill, right, Haru? If you want to quit, your only real option is to rely on someone...”

  Chiba was staring at my boobs and seemed to want to say something else, but I ignored him and went to take my shower.

  What the fuck.

  Who gives a shit about skills or being unbeatable?



  “Ohhh-kay! Here we go! Baa-ba-ba-baa-baa! Fibo, wiper, bye-bye—Shequraso and Haru! Whooo! Fuwafuwa, hoo-hoooo!”

  I performed with all my might on stage next to Shequraso, the main singer, and we got the usual result of the front row getting bizarrely excited and the back row doing its best to ignore us.

  I still wonder if I should really be doing this job, but I have the feeling anyone who can’t do what they’re doing with all their might will fail no matter what they do.

  Just kidding! I’m not thinking about anything so serious as that.

  “Haru, your boyfriend’s here!”


  Sumo came again that day for Talking Time with me.

  He’s as much of a virgin as ever, because he only ever pays the 10 rubers for chatting, but for whatever reason there is a very high probability someone else will ask for me while I’m talking with him.

  Apparently if I’m sitting at the window table with a chubby guy, I appear tiny and cute. If there weren’t a one-session limit on Talking Time, I would want to keep a fat guy across from me forever.

  I say “chatting,” but really it’s just me talking and Sumo bashfully looking down with a smile on his face. If I so much as give him a peek at my cleavage or touch his arm, he gets so embarrassed he shrinks, and I feel kind of bad for him.

  Despite that, he wants to make me happy and always brings me meat or some other present.

  I guess it’s like... Ahh, love. He seems so happy I get jealous.

  Before, if a guy on the level of No woman will ever date you! liked me, I would just turn it into a joke and laugh, but now, watching Sumo, instead I start to think, Don’t give up!

  When I think that that’s how desperate I am, or like, that’s how far I’ve fallen, it stings, but well, good things are good. I would never go out with Chiba or Sumo, but you gotta fall in love while you’re young.

  Of course, the longer I do this job, the less likely it seems like I’ll experience real love.

  Ahhh, you sure age fast in this line of work.

  “Haru, someone’s calling fo—”


  Partway through our chat (mainly me complaining), another man asked for me. Sumo is a brilliant lure.

  “What do you wanna do? If you offer 75 rubers, I’ll refuse him. Do you want to fight for me?”


  His wallet definitely had a hundred or two to spare, but Sumo clenched his hand around it and hesitated.

  Clamming up in this situation is what keeps a virgin a virgin.

  “Come again, okay?”

  I pat his head and went over to the guy who asked for me.

  If Sumo ever buys me, I’ll give him a little extra service, I decided.

  “You’re even more beautiful than I thought you would be. You’re glorious in the moonlight.”

  The young, cute buyer whistled at me with a nihilistic smile.

  He was a bard, and he started by having me get naked and stand by the window while he looked me up and down and plucked his guitar-like instrument.

  Lots of people come to this city to earn money in monster-related ways, so there are lots of sadistic, or conversely, kind of masochistic, guys, but different strokes for different folks, I guess.

  “Miss Shequraso’s voice is sublime, of course, but your performance this evening was so novel. Full of passion, and so creative. Indeed, you were just like Muselusso ♪” (I asked around later, and apparently that’s the goddess of music.)

  I wanted to be like, Are you seriously singing? But I held back and bowed instead. “Thanks.”

  “Oh, stay bent like that. Like that, and now lift only your face. Put your hands on your knees. Yeah, like that. Good. That’s a supremely inventive pose. Yesss.”

  The bard guy kept making me strike poses and picking his guitar thing.

  With his long hair, big hat, and pointed boots, he looked like some kind of producer. He gave me detailed instructions and got hard in his pants.

  Ah, so he’s that kind of perv. The business corner of my mind understood.

  “That’s so good. Yes, just like that. Look at me with those icy eyes. Yes, that’s so good. You’re amazingly similar to Muselusso!”

  He started rubbing his instrument on his crotch and leaned forward. I changed my pose as he asked.

  “More! I need a more imaginative pose!”

  I imitated a bunch of poses I saw models do in fashion magazines. The idol DVDs I watched to prep for my event at the school festival also came in pretty handy.

  I turned elegantly like a runway model, bouncing my butt and boobs before posing.

  “Ohh... Good, that’s good.”

  I turned my back to him, put my hands on my butt, looked over my shoulder and winked.


  I’m pretty sure he liked that. He started saying even weirder things and thrusting his hips with his instrument clamped between his thighs.

  This is another world. I’ve stepped into another world of sex.

  “Ahh, I can’t... I’m Muselu, too!”

  The bard finally took his cock out and started rubbing it against his instrument—despite the female form right in front of him.

  Though I wondered what the hell I was doing, I even bent over and revealed my asshole to him.

  “There it is! The Grand Muselussobeu! Fantastic! You’re a goddess of revolution from the realm beyond the senses!”

  Actually, I’m a high-schooler from Tokyo, but okay.

  Now I really had no idea what he was talking about. He writhed, toes pointing and twitching.

  Then he pressed his weird guitar thing into my hands.

  “Your natural inspiration and audacious fl
esh are so lovely. Here, take this and serenade me. Go wherever your senses take you. Let me hear your fingertips sing!”

  This thing is basically a guitar, right?

  My boyfriend before my last boyfriend was in a shitty band, and I had wanted to sing Kane Nishioka’s “Toritetsu,” so I learned just that one song and could play a little guitar.

  D, A, G, and B Minor? I only know those four, but it’s something.

  Anyhow, it was the customer’s request, and I happened to have a bone on my table from the dried meat I had for lunch courtesy of Sumo, so I grabbed that as a pick and decided to give it a shot. I strummed.

  “What is that innovative playing style? It’s like a round-trip slap from a goddess!” He flipped and flopped like a piece squid on the grill. “You’re plucking all the strings at once with a bone? But those beautifully layered sounds are like lightning striking a snow field! What is this? It’s so novel my brain can’t keep up! But it really gets me in the groin!”

  What’s so novel that my brain can’t keep up is your fetish, but okay.

  Can I keep playing? Can I sing a song I like for the first time in forever?

  “I’m gonna go take a pic of the 7:52 DeHa 1000 ♪”

  “Oh, you don’t have to sing. I don’t need your voice. Just give me more of that sound.”

  Well excuse me for being so tone-deaf! Fuck!

  But this was work, so I did as I was told and continued playing the “Toritetsu” chords in silence. The bard continued getting himself all worked up and finally started masturbating.

  Even in a different world, there are still perverts. No matter what remote corner of the universe you go to, humans stay the same. That’s what I was thinking while I strummed his guitar, butt-naked.

  Mom, Dad.

  I’m doing my best.

  “Oh no, I see it! The door to heaven! I’m gonna knock on it! Knock-knock!”

  As the song was heading to its finish, the bard pointed his toes straight out.

  “Huh? Wait a second, sir! You can’t yet!”

  We get paid by the shot. A shot to the mouth or pussy. We’re not such lukewarm hookers that we take money just ’cause the guy jerks himself off.

  “Move your hand! Please shoot it into my pussy!”

  “Ahh, no! You must let me hear more of your angelic voice!”


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