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JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World

Page 14

by Ko Hiratori


  Madam waved me over from behind a pillar.

  “What is it?”

  It was rare for her to try to avoid speaking in front of other people. When I approached, she grabbed my arm and lowered her voice even further.

  “Shequraso went to do that job with the army and never came back. She was supposed to be back yesterday... Have you heard anything?”

  In this line of work, good things and bad things take turns coming at you like day and night.

  Then, gradually, the bad things start to take over.

  A Prostitute’s Love

  Back when the army was still cheery and wholesome, I got invited by soldiers on outside dates, too, and I even went to just outside the barracks to meet them sometimes, so I knew where they were.

  When I told Lupe I was going to see how Shequraso was because I was worried, she said she would come along.


  But unlike the previous times I had come, there was a soldier standing intimidatingly in front of the gate.

  Yeah, they were an army, but the troops were there to fight monsters at a place called the front, to the north, so they used to be totally normal and friendly with the people of the city. But sure enough, ever since that hectosquad commander showed up, they’d been like this.

  The guard even had this stern look on his face—he was kinda scary.

  Lupe and I were so nervous that we clung together.

  “Hm? What do you two want?”

  “We’re from Blue Cat Nocturne, and a girl from our shop, Shequraso...”


  “Sh-She’s here on a comfort visit, s-singing for you guys!”


  He finally seemed to get it, because he smirked, but he wouldn’t tell us anything about her, and instead just ogled Lupe and I from our cute faces to our young, fresh thighs and ankles, not to mention our boobs.

  “They sent over more girls? How nice of them.”


  “Hey, what’s going on here?”

  “Oh, Dekasquad Commander.”

  Just as we were getting confused, someone we knew came out of the compound. It was Mr. Bisque.

  We said hello, feeling so relieved.

  “U-Umm, is Shequraso here? We heard from Madam that the time she promised was already up, so...”

  Mr. Bisque looked at us with one of his plastered-on smiles and then glared at the guard. “Didn’t you send a messenger?”

  “Huh...? Sir! Very sorry, sir!”

  At first the guard seemed out of the loop, but when Mr. Bisque glared at him harder he bowed and apologized.

  “Sorry, guys. Can you tell Madam for us? Soon our hectosquad will go to the front. We asked Shequraso to extend her comfort visit and take care of us ’till then. She agreed, and I thought we already sent a message to the shop. I’m really sorry.”

  “Oh...I-I see. E-Err, then I guess...are things fine, then?”

  “Y-Yeah. Is Shequraso doing okay?”

  “Yeah. We get to hear her sweet voice every day.”

  I really want to see her. But I couldn’t really say it, and neither could Lupe, so we didn’t know what to do.

  “I’ll go to the shop tonight and explain to Madam. We can take our time and talk more then.”

  “Uh, okay.”

  Mr. Bisque offered to take us part of the way back by carriage, but we politely refused and decided to walk back.

  I mean, the atmosphere at the barracks was freaky, and Lupe was looking tense.

  “...I wonder if Shequraso is getting enough to eat.”

  “Yeah, if you leave her alone she’ll try to live on greens and water. But don’t worry. I’m sure she’s chowing down if she’s with the soldiers.”

  “I...can’t really imagine her living with those people.”

  Shequraso is the absolute coolest when she’s singing, but in her personal daily life she’s a mess. She’s such a slob that if you don’t do your laundry with her, she’ll just let her clothes pile up. In other words, she’s an artist.

  Honestly, I couldn’t really picture her chowing down with the soldiers, either...

  “Mr. Bisque said he would come tonight, so let’s ask him.”



  Of course, while all this was going down, the weather was great.

  I snuck in a sigh as I bustled around the crowded shop. I wonder how the silver-haired man is doing. I wonder if he’ll come have sex with me again. I could do with some warming up pretty soon.


  Mr. Bisque showed up as promised and approached me as I was wiping down glasses at the bar.

  “I got permission from Madam. And I paid the fees for the time so far.”

  “Oh, I see. Thanks for taking the trouble.”

  “Do you have time to talk?”

  “Uh, yes, I guess so.”

  He stacked the coins, and I sat down across from him. I wanted to call Lupe over, but he only paid enough for me.

  Well, I can just fill her in after.

  “Is Shequraso working hard? I was talking to Lupe after that and we wondered if she had enough clothes and things. I think she only took two days’ worth.”

  And she would never come up with the idea to wash them on her own. I said to Lupe, Maybe she’s wearing a military uniform at this point, and she finally smiled.

  “Yeah.” He smiled in a way where I couldn’t tell if he was listening or not.

  This guy has this smile that at a glance makes him seem like a nice person—it’s kind of creepy. You can’t feel a shred of heart in it.

  “Hmm. It’d be great if you could bring some for her.”

  That seemed weird to me, and I hesitated, because I didn’t want to him to get annoyed at what could be considered nosiness, but I made up my mind and asked. “Umm, there’s no time for her to come back here quick herself?”

  Do I really need to take her some clothes?

  This seemed different than what we were told. Are comfort visits such a shady job? Even Madam knows what a paid vacation is!

  Mr. Bisque said, “It’s not going to be that long anyhow,” and smiled wider. “Haru, are you worried about Shequraso?”

  “Huh? No, I mean, you’re with her, so I’m not worried per se. I just know she has periods where she doesn’t eat enough or eats a ton, which can cause trouble, and she leaves her clothes lying around, and even though she’s a singer, she doesn’t take care of her throat—like, she won’t even gargle unless you remind her. She’s seriously a handful, so—”

  What? Am I Shequraso’s mom or something?

  “If you’re so worried...”

  Mr. Bisque took my hand. The coldness of it sent a chill up my spine.

  “...would you like to come help out at the barracks, too? I’m sure it would be a big help to Shequraso.”

  “But I can’t sing at all... Oh, but I’m a taiko drum master!”

  “Ha-ha. Nice. Come and drum!”

  He leaned in, saying they would pay, of course.

  Then he put 100 rubers on the table.

  “...Umm, I don’t think Shequraso...”

  “What about Shequraso?”

  “I mean, I’m in the business, but doing it with my friend’s boyfriend would be a bit... Sorry. Heh-heh.”

  I added the laugh to smooth things over and tried to pull my hand away.

  But he wouldn’t let me go. He leaned in even further.

  “Shequraso sleeps with other guys.”

  Yeah. That’s the business. But you know that and you’re dating her anyhow, so be a bit chivalrous or like, more understanding—

  “...Is she sleeping with them?” Without thinking, I blurted out the terrifying idea that came to mind. I shuddered. “Is Shequraso... Is she sleeping with the soldiers?”

  Buffness’s unit, the one Mr. Bisque belonged to, was in those barracks. A hundred of those cold, violent soldiers.

  She can’t be, right? />
  That’s what I thought, but Mr. Bisque had his usual smile stuck on his face.

  “Our unit is going up to the front soon. The hectosquad commander prohibited us from going to town—to sharpen our senses, you know? I got permission to come to this brothel tonight to negotiate, though, about Shequraso.”

  Mr. Bisque let go of my hand and switched to propping up his chin.

  But the distance between us didn’t change. On the contrary, his voice got lower and lower.

  “I think we’re asking too much of her, myself. But Commander Buffness says it’s for my sake, and to raise morale. You can’t disobey your superior officer in the army.”

  “She...she’ll die!”

  “I don’t think so. We soldiers exist to protect the people. We’re not that violent, and we’re letting her have a proper schedule. But you understand, right? We’re about to risk our lives on the front line. Some guys are going nuts from the fear. They need an outlet.”

  “So come to the shop! That’s what we’re here for!”

  “A beast is the strongest the moment it’s let out of its cage. That’s Commander Buffness’s theory. It’s the same as building the front line to keep the monsters in the forest. We’re in a cage. But we need a bit of comfort. Shequraso is doing her best and working hard for us.”

  “...Does Madam know about this?”

  “Who knows? I told her we want her to sing. But I’m sure she gets it. She asked how she was doing several times. But it’s not like a brothel can disobey the army’s orders.”

  I seriously couldn’t understand why he would make his own girlfriend do something like that. The way he explained it like it had nothing to do with him scared me.

  People in this world use women like tools as if it’s a matter of course, and there are piles of things you have to endure here just for being a girl.

  Me and this other world don’t get along at all. Everything about it just pisses me off.

  “...I’ll trade places with her, so will you let Shequraso come home?”

  I took Mr. Bisque’s hand.

  I sent him my body heat in the hopes that he had a heart.

  Mr. Bisque looked down at my hands. It was after a long silence, for him, that he said, “Sure...if you’re offering.”

  He counted off three days on his fingers until they would go to the front.

  “If you’ll keep us company for those three days, then I’ll make it so Shequraso can leave. I promise. But before that...”

  He restacked the 100 rubers and put his other hand over mine.

  “If I’m going to introduce you, I’m going to need to know you better.”


  I got to see Shequraso outside the barracks.

  She was wearing the same clothes as when she had left, her hair was a mess, and she even had marks on her face from being hit.


  She ran over to me unsteadily, then clung to me, and I used all my strength to support and caress her.

  “You’re all right now.”

  You’re all right. I said it over and over as I pet her.

  I hugged her and told her she did a good job hanging in there, that she could go home now. I consoled her for as long as it took her to calm down.

  After going speechless as I was taken into the barracks in her place, she screamed, “No! Haru, don’t!”

  I didn’t turn around. I shut down all my emotions and faced forward.

  “Wait! I can still do it. Go back, Haru! Please, Mr. Bisque. Please let Haru go home! I’ll stay!”


  I love the way you sing.

  Sing for people who will truly listen.


  In the back of the barracks, there was a room for disciplining soldiers, and I was told that would be my room.

  “Sorry for the poor accommodations.” Mr. Bisque shrugged. He didn’t seem very sorry at all. “The room Shequraso was using is in no condition to be used at the moment.”

  This scum. Imagining the things she must have had done to her made me furious.

  Then I imagined the things that were going to be done to me and shivered.

  But it was okay. I would be fine.

  I was going to uphold the contract instead of Shequraso and protect the shop.

  I would show them.


  It’s only scary because you think it’s scary. It’s only rough because you think it’s rough. It’s only gross because you think it’s gross.

  Shut down your emotions one by one. Doing that will make your body feel like just a tool.

  Mr. Bisque taught me that.

  “I guess she’s a replacement for that other girl. Supposedly she volunteered!”

  “Aw, I’m gonna cry. So girls have such a thing as friendship, too?”

  Soldiers pumped their hips on top of me.

  Soldiers made me the butt of their jokes.

  “Nah, that can’t be. It’s that cash money, man.”

  “I heard the orange chick was super pissed at her, like, ‘Don’t steal all my work!’”

  “Must be great to not have all the juicy jobs monopolized, ’ey?”

  Keeping track of what number guy I was on got ridiculous, so I quit. They would throng into my room in broad daylight and start fucking me. Like, Don’t you assholes have work to do?

  “Well, ain’t she a peach!”

  “Oh, Dekasquad Commander Subaya.”

  A man with a goatee showed up in the afternoon and looked down at me, licking his lips.

  “Still a teenager? The younger the better, when it comes to women.”

  He lifted up my legs and spread them. Inspecting everything, he smirked.

  “Nice legs. Seems like she could run fast.”

  He licked my calves.

  I thought it was gross, but I shut down my emotions and let him do what he wanted.

  “Young ladies are great. Their bodies respond so quickly.”

  The guy pumping away inside me was also uncommonly fast, and it started to hurt.

  But I was fine. He could spank me and I’d still be fine.

  I’ve been a sex worker for so long. All my customers are like this.

  My work had just begun.

  Even on the second day, the soldiers started coming in the morning.

  I dunno if they were on night watch or what, but some had barged in in the middle of the night, so I had barely gotten any sleep. When I dozed off while they were doing me, I got hit.

  And honestly, it put me to sleep. After 24 hours of boring sex for ejaculation purposes only, I was over it.

  For food, I got the same as the soldiers. I was allowed to use the toilet and the shower.

  But at all other times I was just constantly being fucked. Now and then a sadist showed up to beat me.

  If this went on for too long even Shequraso, with her long career as a sex worker, would go crazy.

  Couldn’t we do this in shifts? I wondered, but when I really thought about it, I remembered that even the shady massage parlors of this world have rules—dispatch services are completely prohibited.

  That’s why dates outside the shop are called a “courtesy” of the girls, and why the ones who go to a customer’s room to fuck tell people it’s free love.

  In other words, the army is breaking the rules. And that’s why they say it’s a “comfort visit” or whatever.

  At that point, something else worried me.

  Will I really be allowed to go home?

  “Of course, when the duration of your agreement is over you’ll be sent back to the brothel,” Mr. Bisque said with a smile during sex.

  He had a long, hard cock.

  “You’re cute though, Haru, so I wish you’d stay forever.”

  He touched my skin with care. That kind-at-a-glance smile and his practiced caresses.

  He had sex with girls from a fuck house as if they were his lovers.

  “I liked you from the first time I saw you. Want to go somewhere som
etime, just the two of us?”

  This guy is just bonkers. What could I even say?

  I have no allies here.


  “...Oh, this one.”

  Hectosquad Commander Buffness stroked his mustache and looked down at me where I lay on the floor, drenched in male bodily fluids.

  “You’ve got some respectable guts. That’s quite something for a woman.”

  He took off his jacket and handed it to a subordinate, then undid his belt.

  It was that darkly gleaming ogre cock, the one that abused Lupe before.

  “Get on all fours,” he ordered as he showed it to me. “I’m going to sleep with the same girl as all of you. We’re family!”

  “Oh, Commander!” The soldiers saluted, moved by Commander Buffness’s kind words.

  The idiots.

  “Woman.” He grabbed my butt cheeks and pulled them apart. “Relax. It’ll rip if you resist.”

  He was spreading a weird spot. Er, he was spreading my anus.

  “Wait a second...!”

  I never heard I’d have to take it there.

  Uh no, I wouldn’t be down even if I’d heard about it.

  “Ah, ahhhh!”

  My body felt like it was coming apart. I could feel my organs being shoved upward.

  “Family”? What are you talking about? You’re doing anal as if it’s a business-class ticket just for you.

  His grinding on my intestines made it hard to breathe. I started sweating in a weird way.

  He smacked my butt with his belt and raped me like he was breaking a horse.

  “O-Oww! That hurts!”

  “Ha—you’re a woman, aren’t you? How about you make those screams sexier?”

  “It hurrrrts!”

  The hectosquad commander got even more carried away raping and beating me.

  And his unit stood around watching.

  How stupid. They’re all just stupid.

  I shut down my emotions and bided my time.

  I considered myself a doll and let the hundred soldiers do whatever they wanted.

  At that point, it was actually tedious, and I started thinking uncharacteristically grim things like, Has my life even had any meaning?

  “She’s so tight—it’s great.”

  “She’s probably done it with everyone by now. Young chicks are so durable.”

  In middle school, I was an escort for a while.


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