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Let There Be Blood

Page 2

by Tina Traverse

  When they arrived, he stopped in the doorway and let go of her hand.

  “Aaron, what’s the matter?”

  “I...I can’t do this, Martina. It’s not right.”

  Martina frowned, her seductive smile disappearing. “I thought you wanted me as much as I want you.”

  Martina’s confused and hurt expression pained him. He swept into the room and enveloped his friend in his arms. “I do want you, Martina, very much. I’ve been dreaming of this moment since high school, but I don’t feel it’d be proper for us to make love.”

  Aaron cringed a little when she pushed him away. “Why can’t you make love to me, Aaron? We both want to!”

  “Tonight was the first time we’ve seen each other in sixteen years. It would be wrong to jump into bed so soon, no matter how attracted we are to one another. We need to take this new relationship slow.”

  He watched as his friend stood in silence. Her dark blue stare dared him to give in to his lust. Martina’s fingers danced over her alabaster flesh, towards the hem of her emerald silk dress. Slowly, she pulled it over her head and dropped it to the floor.

  Aaron held his breath, his arousal springing to life as he gazed at the vision before him.

  Martina sauntered up to Aaron. She pressed her body against him and seductively trailed a path of kisses from his collarbone to his ear. “See you at Tremors, gorgeous,” she whispered. “Sleep tight.”

  Aaron let out an agonized moan as he watched Martina slip into the bathroom and close the door. He couldn’t wait until their date.

  Chapter Two: Reconnected

  Tremors was a quaint little restaurant overlooking the California coastline that served international fusion cuisine. In spite of the awkwardness that had come before, the atmosphere of their first date was peaceful and relaxed. Martina sat back and sipped her wine, and had a pleasant conversation with Aaron. When he held her hand underneath the table, a pleasurable shiver vibrated through her.

  Then Aaron’s friend, the owner of Tremors, approached their table.

  “I’m sorry to bother you, Aaron, but I just spotted some paparazzi hanging out in the parking lot. I think it’s best if you leave now. I’ll show you through the back, so you can make an easy getaway.”

  “What about my car?” Aaron inquired, looking worried.

  “Here, take mine.” He handed his keys to Aaron. “We can switch in the a.m. Come on, you’d better get going.”

  Martina took Aaron’s hand and followed the proprietor, emerging safely without a single camera flash. They decided to spend the rest of the evening watching a movie at his place.

  Martina nestled between Aaron’s legs. Her back was flush to his chest; his breath caressed her neck. Each delicate touch, from his simple reaching for the popcorn on her lap to the way he lightly massaged her shoulders, stirred her blood intensely.


  “Feel good?”

  As Aaron’s breath caressed her ear, she felt her entry grow slick with need.


  “How about this?” Aaron whispered, his voice growing husky. He slipped the strap from her tank top, kissing the freckles as he trailed his mouth over her shoulder.

  “Oh, mmmm,” she moaned, becoming supple and pliant underneath Aaron’s touch. His hands travelled seductively down her torso, drawing circles along the way. He cupped her breasts, squeezing her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. Martina attacked Aaron with a burning kiss.

  Aaron was caught off guard. He fell off the couch and onto the floor, taking her with him.

  The shock of falling onto the floor didn’t slow down Martina. Her lips once again found his. She pulled off his shirt in one swift motion. She drew her fingers down his chest and stopped at his crotch, pressing her hand to his arousal.

  Aaron’s eyes fluttered closed as her hand slid over his erection. He opened them again and gazed at her, weak with desire. “What are you doing?”

  “Just testing the waters to see if you’re ready for me,” Martina teased.

  “Oh, shut up and come here!”

  Aaron slipped his hand into her hair, cupping the back of her neck, and claimed her mouth. Groaning softly, he wrapped his arm around her waist and tugged her onto his lap. Hesitation nagged in the back of his skull. He wondered if she remembered the horror of their first coupling. Those fears dissipated as his lust bloomed over her. Aaron craved, no, needed, to be inside of her. He crushed her to him and pressed his hungry mouth to hers while his hands explored her skin.

  In the flurry of their desperate desire for one another’s flesh, their clothes had melted away. He carried her to his bed.

  Aaron took his time with his lover, exploring her body with his mouth, tongue and hands until she begged him to stop. He ignored her, instead capturing her nipples in his mouth; he alternated between licking and suckling until they grew taut before he gently bit them.

  Martina moaned his name, “Aaaaaaron!”

  Aaron smiled at Martina as he glided his fingers down her stomach to the apex of her thighs and pushed his fingers inside. “You liked that didn’t you, my beauty?”

  “Yes,” Martina replied, breathless.

  “Good, because this is far from over.”

  Aaron kissed the flesh of her inner thigh, breathing in the scent of her sweet aroma while he savored the saltiness of her skin. He used his thumbs to spread her, licking her creases. He flicked his velvet tongue over them, using delicate movements to tease her inner folds.

  A low rumble of enjoyment poured out of Aaron as he slowly slid two fingers inside Martina. He rubbed his fingertips against her hidden spot as he lapped at her clit, using short, gentle strokes with the flat of his tongue.

  Aaron felt Martina’s fingers tangle in his hair as she pleaded, “pleeeease, stop...”

  He ignored her pleas, thrusting his fingers in and out of her. He closed his mouth over her hood and suckled.

  Aaron could feel the orgasm as it ripped through her. Martina arched her back and his arousal sprang to life. Before she’d a chance to finish coming, Aaron drew himself up upon his knees, grabbed Martina’s hips, and pounded into her. He shrieked in ecstasy as he released at last.

  Aaron held Martina on his chest.

  She traced her fingertips over the rose tattoo on his right bicep. “This is new and very beautiful.”

  “I had it done after my parents’ deaths.”

  “Then it’s a perfect symbol of what you’ve overcome.”

  He didn’t respond for a moment. With a sigh, he turned her face to his and looked deep into her eyes.

  “Now that I’m with you, I could never be happier. I feel complete.”

  “I feel so content and completely at peace, Aaron, and thank you.”

  “I love you, Martina.”

  “I love you, Aaron.” Martina stifled a yawn.

  There was so much more he needed to say, but when he looked down, she was snoring softly on his chest. Aaron closed his eyes and prayed that the nightmare wouldn’t return tonight.

  Chapter Three: Suspicions

  Aaron wheezed and fought to catch his breath.

  Avery held a boot to his throat and pressed down hard. “How could you do this to me? I thought you were my friend!” Avery yelled.

  Aaron flailed and grabbed his ankle, desperate to get the foot off his windpipe.

  “Tell me, you son of a bitch, why I shouldn’t crush your windpipe right now!”

  Aaron struggled feebly as Avery forced more pressure on his throat. He saw black spots.

  Suddenly, Avery removed his boot and pulled him violently off the ground by his shirt, dangling Aaron in front of him like a puppet.

  Avery’s hot breath burned Aaron’s face as he snarled. While one hand held him up by his shirt, the other began to snake around his throat again.

  “Please, let me explain. I meant no harm. I didn’t know, I swear! I swear!”

  “Too late for weak explanations.” Avery gripped Aaron’s windpipe a
nd started to squeeze. It was a stupid mistake, and now he was going to die for it.

  “Cut! That’s a wrap for the day, people. Excellent job getting that right in the first take you two. That scene was very convincing.” The director signaled that filming was completed for the day. It was 3 a.m.

  Avery patted Aaron on the back. “Are you okay, man? I hope I wasn’t too rough on you.”

  “No, I’m just fine, thank you. Though, I admit, I was feeling real fear for a moment or two. You had me convinced you were gonna kill me!”

  “Nah, I love you, man. It was Toby that was going to kill Lance for screwing Elizabeth and then feeding off her. But, if you screw Shawna, I’ll kill you, for real,” Avery teased.

  “Warning received and noted. You’ve no worries about me trying to score with your girlfriend. I have one of my own.”

  “Ah, look at us. Life is good. Oh, that reminds me, Aaron. Shawna wanted me to invite you and Martina over for a barbeque this weekend. Would you be free?”

  “I need to talk to Martina, but I don’t see a problem. Her schedule’s been pretty free since her book tour ended.”

  “Wonderful!” Avery exclaimed. He swiped a bottle of water from the craft table, taking one big gulp. “Refreshing. Let me know about the BBQ, okay?”

  “Okay, I’ll let you know ASAP,” he yelled to Avery’s retreating form.

  Chuckling to himself, Aaron grabbed his keys. He was on his way out the door when he heard a musical voice calling to him.

  “Aaron! Aaron Brooks, could you please slow down? I’ve a hard time catching up with you.”

  He turned around and smiled at Ida Jansson, owner of Amygdala Design, Let There Be Blood’s official photographer and graphic designer.

  “Hi Ida, what’s up?”

  The sylphlike young woman paused for a moment to catch her breath. “Thank goodness you stopped! Your legs are way too long!”

  “I’m sorry, Ida. I sometimes forget how fast I go. What can I do for you?”

  Ida brushed a stray golden strand out of her eyes as she beamed at Aaron. “I need to speak to you about the upcoming photo shoot for the season eight promos. I need to know when you’ll be available for your solo shots.”

  Aaron pulled out his iPhone and scanned his schedule. “I have next Tuesday at 6 p.m. free. Will that work?”

  “That should work just fine. I’ll see you then. Bye, Aaron.”

  “Goodbye, Ida.”

  Aaron watched the bubbly, sweet photographer rush away. He hurried home to Martina, eager to get to the romantic evening they’d planned.

  Shawna Jones didn’t like the idea of her boyfriend Avery acting as Martina Murphy’s escort for the Valley Halley High School prom. She felt that Avery had no business taking the mother of Aaron’s prom date to an event Shawna was sure was going to be overrun by the paparazzi. The media was unaware that Aaron Brooks was seriously involved in a romantic relationship with the famous and globally adored author. They would assume that Martina and her Avery were linked romantically.

  Once those rumors started to swirl, there was no way Shawna would be able to convince anyone that she and Avery were the ones in love. Worse, she was feeling doubt, wondering about Avery’s devotion to her, especially after the barbeque. She remembered it clearly, seething.

  Aaron stole the ball from his opponent and ran around the yard, taunting Avery.

  “Na-na-na-na-na-na! You can’t catch me!”

  “You just wait, Brooks, when I catch you...”

  “What are you gonna do?”

  Shawna couldn’t help but giggle as Aaron stuck his tongue out at Avery and waved the ball around. Avery charged at Aaron and tackled him to the ground.

  Normally, when Avery roughhoused with his best friend, he would wrestle with Aaron for a few moments before punching him in the arm and jumping up.

  This time, Shawna saw her boyfriend linger a little too long over Aaron as he pinned his shoulders to the ground. She could have sworn that she saw Avery stare at Aaron with lust as he licked his lips. Avery got up and helped Aaron off the ground, slapped him on the back. He guided Aaron back to the house.

  Shawna turned away, unable to brush off the feeling that something more was going on between the two friends.

  Avery didn’t understand Shawna’s distance. She seemed to shy away from him whenever he tried to touch or kiss her. When they had a scene together, she seemed to struggle with getting into character. When Avery and Aaron spoke, on or off stage, he caught Shawna staring at them suspiciously.

  Avery tried to put his uneasiness out of his mind as he waltzed with Martina under the golden lights of the prom.

  “What’s the matter, Avery? You look troubled.” Martina’s concerned inquiry brought Avery back to the present.

  “Ah, nothing. Nothing is wrong, Martina.”

  She stopped mid-beat and stared. “I don’t believe you, Avery Evers. You’ve been distant all evening. If there is something the matter, you know you can talk to me, right?”

  “I know, it’s just...” Avery felt his frustration over Shawna giving him the cold shoulder without any reason, overwhelm him. He needed to talk to somebody he trusted. That perfect somebody stared at him, her cobalt pools filled with concern as she held his hand. “Martina, can we go somewhere and talk? I really need a friend’s ear right now.”

  “Of course. Come on, let’s get some air.”

  Avery followed her out to the high school’s football field, where they climbed the bleachers and sat. Though the football field seemed deserted, Avery kept a wary eye open for paparazzi lurking in wait.

  “Now that we have some privacy, are you ready to tell me what’s on your mind?”

  “I’m going to tell you, but we must make this brief. I’m not sure if we’re alone. And since I’m sure neither one of us wants to end up on the cover of some tabloid, we can’t linger too long.”

  “Of course. I’ve gotten used to dodging the paparazzi. Aaron and I’ve become quite skilled.”

  “So have Shawna and I, but they’ll get you sooner or later.”

  “Okay, Avery. Why do I have the feeling that you’re trying to avoid telling me what’s on your mind? Please, feel free to tell me anything you wish.”

  “You’re right, I am having trouble telling you. I just don’t know why. It’s not like it’s some big secret.”

  “Then just come out and tell me. That’s the easiest way to tell someone something hard.”

  “The funny thing is this isn’t a hard thing to say. I just need an ear and some advice. I’ve been worried about Shawna. She has been acting so distant towards me lately, and I don’t know why.”

  “Have you asked her?”

  “Of course, but she refuses to tell me anything. The only thing that I’ve been getting from her in the last two weeks is the cold shoulder. She even went as far as moving her stuff back into her apartment, and she no longer sleeps over. We haven’t had sex since before our last barbeque.”

  “Take some time to reflect on the events of that barbeque. See if anything stands out that would have made Shawna upset.”

  “I already tried that, and came up blank. I don’t remember anything unusual. You were there, Martina. Did you see anything unusual that would’ve explained this?”

  “No, I don’t remember anything that would stand out. I’m sorry, Avery. I wish I could be more helpful.”

  Avery sighed, disappointed. “No, you’ve been a great help, I told you that I needed an ear, and that’s what you gave me. I just need to figure out how to find out the truth from Shawna. We better get back before some camera-happy vultures attack us!”

  Avery felt relief when there was no glare of flashbulbs penetrating the twilight as he led his date back inside.

  Aaron left Avery with Martina on the dance floor to go look for his date. Katrina had excused herself to go to the restroom with a group of her friends 40 minutes prior, and hadn’t returned. He was grateful that the majority of the guests and students were scatter
ed throughout the hotel, and occupied with other things. It meant he had a chance of not being mobbed.

  Aaron searched for her everywhere. He finally found her in one of the suites upstairs, the door ajar, bent over a table. She was crushing a white substance into a fine powder and pouring it into her drink.

  “What do you think you’re doing, Katrina?” he yelled, snatching the glass from her hand.

  “Hey, Aaron, don’t take that, I need it!”

  “Yeah, you need this junk like you need an extra hole in your head. What are you doing taking drugs, at your prom no less?”

  “Seriously Aaron, please, give that back. Aaron, please that’s not what you think it is. I really do need it, it’s very, very important.”

  Aaron seized the young girl by the shoulders. “Listen, Katrina, I know you probably feel that you need this drug to cope with whatever stresses you’re dealing with. Sweetheart, there are better ways to cope without turning to that shit. Let me help you, I’ve got connections. I can get you the best of help.”

  Aaron watched as a frustrated Katrina dug through her purse and pulled out a prescription bottle.

  “No, you dumbass,” she said, shoving the bottle in his face, “These are prescription pills. That’s an anti-depressant, and these,” she said, pulling out two more bottles, “are an anti-psychotic and a mood stabilizer.”

  Aaron took the bottles from her hand and read the labels. “Okay, these belong to you and are prescribed by a doctor, but what are they for?”

  “They’re for something that I prayed you’d never have to find out about. Something that I begged my mother not to tell you. I have a severe mental illness called bipolar disorder. It has schizophrenic effects, too.”

  “If these are just prescription, then why did you hide away from the others to take them? Why were you crushing them up into your drink? It looked like coke from where I stood.”

  “I crush them up because they’re big suckers and I can’t swallow them whole. I came to my friend’s room to do it because I prefer taking my meds in private.”

  “Why would you want to take them in private? Are you ashamed?”


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