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The Rocker Who Hates Me (The Rocker #10)

Page 21

by Terri Anne Browning

  While I wait, I decide to hang the “Welcome Home” banner. As I start to climb the ladder, Paul and Becky walk in. That’s strange. What are they doing together? Becky looks nervous and Paul is hiding something. I’m pretty damn good at reading people. Except for one. Somehow, he fooled me, but that’s all in the past now.

  “Nice of you to finally show up to help,” I tease them.

  “Sorry, doll-face. I needed Kyle and Becky’s help with something. No, I won’t tell you what. It’s a surprise,” he explains as he kisses my forehead. When he pulls away, there’s a shit-eating grin on his face. He’s up to something and I want to know what it is. I know there’s no use in pushing. Paul is the master of keeping a surprise, a surprise.

  When Clark gets back, I need you to help him get the food ready,” I tell Becky, not giving her a chance to protest. As if on cue, Clark comes through the front door. As soon as his eyes land on Becky, his whole face lights up. “Clark, Becky can help you with the food and Paul can help me with the rest of the decorations.” He nods and they both walk into the kitchen. Paul looks at me and smiles, shaking his head. He knows exactly what I’m trying to do.

  It didn’t take long before Angel, Chelsie, Marcus, Taryn, and their boys showed up. Once I gave them all something to do, we finished setting up in no time. Beasley, Marty, and Anna arrived just as Kyle called saying they were five minutes away.

  I want this to be memorable for both Kyle and Amber. They’ve both been through more shit than any two people should have to. No one was sure this day would be possible after she lost the triplets. It wasn’t just the two of them who were affected by it either. We all were. We are all family. Maybe not all by blood, but family all the same. When one of us hurts, we all do. This group pulled together to do everything possible to help her get this baby here, safe and sound.

  As soon as we hear Kyle’s truck pull up the drive, we all rush to the door. You’d think we hadn’t seen baby Cody yet. The nurses had to kick us out more than once. Since he’s the first baby in our group, it’s almost as if he belongs to us all. I can’t wait to be called Aunt Holly. This little boy will be so spoiled. Not only by his parents, but every single one of us. His nursery is already overflowing with clothes and toys.

  “I should’ve known you’d throw me a party. There’s no way you could pass up the opportunity,” Amber jokes as she hugs me tight.

  “Don’t flatter yourself. I’m throwing this party for Cody, not you,” I tell her as I take the car seat from Kyle and head for the house. I hear Amber mumble bitch under her breath jokingly. “Get used to it, sweetheart, you’re yesterday’s news now. There’s literally a new kid in town,” I yell over my shoulder before everyone mobs around me, wanting to see the baby.

  Once we are all stuffed from filling our faces with Clark and Marty’s delicious cooking, we move outside and sit around the fire pit. It’s a beautiful night. Just the right temperature and a million stars shining in the sky. I love this. All of us just hanging out and talking. This is my idea of a perfect life.

  Glancing over, I see Amber and Kyle smiling down at Cody. You can almost feel the love they have for him. It radiates. They look so happy. So Content. Like all is right in their world. Watching Amber with Cody makes me a little sad. It reminds me of something I lost once. Something I may never have the chance to have again. Before the building tears have a chance to spill over, I hear Amber gasp. When I look up, her hands are covering her mouth and her eyes are as big as saucers. I follow her gaze to see Paul down on one knee holding a black velvet box. At the sight, I feel a thousand butterflies flutter around inside my stomach. The tears already threatening to spill over do, and my hands are shaking so badly, I’m afraid everyone will notice. Not until this very moment had I realized how much I’ve wanted Paul to propose to me.

  “Holly, before I met you, I was broken. I never thought I was capable of loving, let alone being loved. Then you showed up and knocked me flat on my ass. You’ve repaired a heart that was beyond repair. You saved me. I love you more than I will ever be able to tell you with mere words. Instead, let me show you, every day, for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?” he asks, staring into my eyes. I can see how nervous he is as he waits for me to answer. I’m trying to get my voice to work, but I’m so emotional after those beautiful words, nothing will come out. Finally, I give up and start nodding my head yes. I must look psychotic. A huge smile spreads across Paul’s face as he places the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen on my finger. How could I not love this man when he knows me so well? This ring proves it. This ring screams me.

  After wiping a tear from my eye with his thumb, he leans down and kisses me. It’s the most passionate kiss I’ve ever experienced. If it weren’t for all of the catcalls and whistles from our friends, I’d have forgotten we weren’t alone.

  “Remember where we left off. I’d like to pick it up in the exact same spot later,” I tell him as we are both bombarded with congratulations. Amber comes flying across the room, screeching loudly. She throws her arms around me with such force, it sends us both tumbling to the floor. We’re both laughing so hard, neither of us can get up. When I finally think I have it under control, I turn my head to look at Amber. And just like that, we start all over again. After a few more minutes, we get ourselves under control and off the floor.

  “Ahh, why’d ya stop? I was enjoying watching you lovely ladies rolling around together on the floor,” Angel jokes, earning himself not only one, but two slaps to the back of the head courtesy of Paul and Kyle. “Ouch. It’s not like I asked to join them,” he throws out as he runs away from another head slap.

  I can honestly say this is the happiest I’ve ever been in my entire life. I’m surrounded by people who truly care about me, who I consider my family, and I’m going to marry my soulmate. It can’t get any better than this. Nothing could ruin this moment. It’s absolutely perfect. The doorbell rings and I wonder who it could be. Everyone we know is here.

  “I’ll get it,” I yell on my way to the front door. As I approach the door, I’m hit with an eerie feeling that something’s wrong. I don’t know what it is or why I feel this way. I hate feeling uneasy. It reminds me of a time when that’s the only thing I felt. Never knowing what was coming next, but assured whatever it was wasn’t good. That’s a part of my life I’ve tried so hard to forget — ran so far away from, hoping never to see it again.

  When I open the door, I realize I didn’t run quite far enough. The air is knocked right out of my lungs when I see my ex-husband, Ray, standing before me.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20




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