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Tempted by Desire

Page 17

by Carole Mortimer

  ‘When I said you were going to be my wife,’ he finished firmly. ‘Grandmama was not surprised because I had already told her all about you,’ he smiled wryly. ‘I seem to have told her of nothing else since I first met you.’—

  Her eves widened. ‘Since you first met me? But you didn’t like me.’

  ‘But I did, Suzanne. Too much, in fact. I could almost have resorted to violence when I saw how attracted to Vidal you were. But I knew that if I did that I would only make you dislike me more, and you did dislike me, did you not?’

  She nodded almost guiltily. ‘I’m afraid so.’

  He kissed her gently on her parted lips. ‘It is all right, cara. You had every reason to feel like that.’ He heaved a deep sigh. ‘I was a brute with you. But I did not try to get you to love me to prevent you going out with Vidal, he did not enter into my thoughts at all. I wanted you for myself, for no other reason. I was not fair in my dealings with you at all, I could not allow you to be alone with him even for a few minutes. Even that day we took you both sightseeing, I made sure you spent more time with me than with Vidal.’

  ‘You don’t mind about their marriage now?’

  ‘I only minded in the first place for your sake. Mario Danieli’s daughter would never have been able to keep Vidal at her side I realise that now.’

  ‘And there will be no scandal?’ she asked anxiously.

  ‘No. I am afraid I rather exaggerated the possibility of Vidal marrying Carla. It was discussed once between Mario and myself, but Vidal has shown his aversion to such an arrangement from the first. I could not force the issue because I myself was never willing to accept an arranged marriage for myself. I think Vidal and Celeste deserve each other.’

  ‘Your grandmother said something along the same lines.’ Suzanne fidgeted awkwardly with one of the but tons on his shirt. ‘Cesare, you—you said—’

  ‘Do not be shy, my love. I have no secrets from you.’

  ‘Your fiancée,’ she said in a rush. ‘You said she died?’

  ‘If you get back into bed I will tell you about Estella.’ She did as he asked, scrambling back under the covers. ‘That is better,’ he said tightly. ‘This way I cannot feel your delightful body so close against me. We have to marry soon, Suzanne. I love you too much to wait too long. You have already witnessed that I do not have too much control where you are concerned.’

  She blushed prettily. ‘And Estella?’

  He smiled at her. ‘I have not forgotten Estella. I became betrothed to her when I was only eighteen and she was seventeen. The marriage was not to take place until I reached twenty-one and was considered adult enough to marry. The betrothal was not my idea, but my father was determined to see me safely married with a family of my own to care for. Perhaps he thought I had some of my mother’s flightiness, I do not know, but he was not the sort of man you argued with. And in his way he was right, but unfortunately he died when I was only twenty.’

  ‘I know,’ she put in softly. ‘Vidal told me.’

  ‘Mm,’ he frowned disapprovingly at the mention of his brother and she realised that even now he could be jealous of him. She doubted he would get over his uncertainty until they had been married some time and he could feel sure of her love for him. Married! Her heart still leapt at the thought of it. She longed with every part of her to be his wife.

  ‘And?’ she prompted.

  ‘And I had to become the Conte earlier than expected. The marriage was delayed, and before it could take place at a later date Estella had died. She was always delicate as a child, but a chance cold turned to pneumonia. There was nothing to be done. If she had lived we would have married, I could not have let her down even though I did not love her. But she did die, and I could not bring myself to enter into another arrangement of that kind.’

  Her hands slid over his shoulders to bring his head down so that her lips might touch his. ‘I’m glad you didn’t. I might just have been tempted to enter into that affair with a married man you keep accusing me of having. Only you would have been the married man.’—

  He frowned. ‘Celeste has a vitriolic tongue, she ought to be beaten for telling me such a lie. Vidal will have a hard time controlling her,’ this caused him some amusement. Then his face sobered. ‘You are sure you want to marry a man so much older than you? Eighteen years are not to be taken lightly.’

  ‘I love you. I want to marry you,’ she told him firmly.

  ‘Then that is all that matters.’ His head lowered to claim her lips.

  * * *

  Cesare stirred next to her in the huge double bed and she stretched lazily, her arms above her head. For the past fifteen minutes she had been watching the play of emotions across her husband’s face. She had done the same thing every day of their year of marriage, cherishing these precious few minutes of absolute peace before the pressures of the day would take Cesare away from her.

  A three-month honeymoon of extensive travelling about Europe had not prepared her for the time when Cesare would shut himself off in the business part of the Palazzo from ten o’clock in the morning sometimes until quite late at night. But he always had time for her, she could never accuse him of neglecting her. He had taken her to all the beautiful haunts of Venice he had once promised her. Nevertheless, these few minutes together in the morning were important to her, a time when they could be completely alone.

  It hadn’t been easy for her to fit into the role of the Contessa Martino, having no training for such a position, but Cesare had been a tremendous help to her, never scolding and standing by her if occasionally she happened to make a mistake. She smiled to herself. During the first few months at home after their honeymoon she had made plenty; on one more memorable occasion she had put one of Cesare’s ageing aunts next to a nephew she simply couldn’t stand. She and Cesare had laughed about it afterwards, but it had been rather embarrassing at the time, with the aged aunt demanding to be moved immediately. Luckily enough Cesare had smoothed things over and the dinner party had turned out to be a big success.

  He opened his sleepy grey eyes now, reaching up to pull her down to him. He nuzzled into her neck. ‘Good morning, cara mia. What are you thinking so earnestly about?’

  She squirmed with pleasure as his lips travelled down her neck and over her bare shoulders. ‘I was thinking of our life together,’ she admitted.

  ‘Were they good thoughts?’ he murmured from the depths of her creamy throat.

  She smiled. ‘Oh, very good.’

  He leant on his elbow looking down at her. ‘I am glad.’

  ‘How could they be anything else?’ She pulled him down to her, raining fevered kisses over his face. ‘I love you, Cesare. I want you to love me.’

  ‘And what of the maid bringing up our morning coffee?’ he teased lightly.

  ‘She won’t come until you ring for her—that one time she did taught her never to do it again. You were in a foul temper for the rest of the day,’ Suzanne laughed huskily.

  ‘She had no right to interrupt us like that.’ His eyes darkened with passion. ‘And I will personally murder her if she does so now.’ His lips touched hers and Suzanne knew herself lost. …

  Hours later, her head resting on Cesare’s bare chest, she sighed contentedly. ‘I suppose we’ll have to get out of bed soon, Cesare. Celeste and Vidal will be arriving soon.’

  ‘Oh God, yes! I had forgotten. And you have kept me here when I should be preparing myself to receive them,’ he frowned. ‘When do they arrive?’

  ‘In about two hours’ time, just after lunch, Celeste said. And did I really keep you here?’

  ‘No, you witch, I could not leave you. Your body torments me. I find myself thinking of you at the most inopportune moments, in the middle of a business meeting, when we have people to dinner. It can be most embarrassing at times.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she said demurely, looking at him between lowered lashes.

  Cesare threw back the bedclothes, getting reluctantly out of the bed. ‘I could stay here a
nd make love to you all day, but I will not let you tempt me. Get yourself dressed, baggage, we must prepare to greet our guests.’

  ‘Are you pleased about their baby?’ she asked casually, watching closely for his reaction. There was none.

  ‘Of, course I am,’ he put on a navy silk bathrobe. ‘And Vidal is as excited as a young boy.’

  Suzanne continued to watch his face. ‘We could—’she took a deep breath and started again. ‘We could have a baby. Would you like that?’ She waited breathlessly for his answer.

  ‘We have discussed this before, Suzanne,’ he said stiffly. We have plenty of time to have a family, so I do not see the point of discussing it. I am in no hurry.’

  ‘But, Cesare—’

  ‘We have plenty of time, Suzanne,’ he repeated hardly, opening the door to their bathroom and closing it firmly behind him.

  She made an effort to act naturally in front of Celeste and Vidal, but it was proving quite a strain and she felt relieved when at last Cesare and Vidal disappeared into the office to discuss a business deal.

  ‘Well,’ Celeste sat back more comfortably in the ornate chair. ‘Now perhaps you’ll tell me what’s wrong with you?’

  ‘Wrong with me?’ Suzanne repeated shrilly. ‘Why should there be anything wrong with me?’

  ‘Because I know you, Suzanne. Perhaps not as well as I should, but better than you give me credit for.’

  Suzanne attempted a light laugh. ‘You’re becoming quite maternal, Celeste. I must say you’re positively blooming.’

  ‘Vidal and I are very happy about the baby. But you haven’t answered my question.’

  Suzanne looked away. ‘There’s nothing wrong with me. Cesare and I are very happy together.’

  ‘I know that. But at certain times you have shadows in your eyes. Tell me what’s wrong, Suzanne. I’m trying to help you,’ Celeste said softly.

  ‘You wouldn’t understand, Celeste.’ Suzanne fidgeted nervously with the silk covering on the chair.

  ‘Then there is something wrong. Is it the baby?’

  Suzanne looked up sharply. ‘Don’t be silly! Cesare is very pleased for both of you.’

  ‘I don’t mean my baby, I mean yours.’

  ‘Mine?’ Suzanne evaded. ‘But I’m not—Yes, I am! I’m having a baby!’

  Celeste smiled. ‘I thought that was it. I could see there was something different about you. What did Cesare say when you told him?’

  ‘I—I haven’t told him. He refuses to talk about it.’

  ‘How can he, when you haven’t even told him?’

  ‘He refuses to discuss having a family at all. I just don’t know what to do. How can I tell him!’

  ‘Well, he’s going to know in a couple of months’ time anyway—you can’t hide something like having a baby.’

  ‘But he doesn’t want a family!’

  Celeste frowned. ‘It’s a bit late to realise that now. Anyway, are you sure he feels that way?’

  ‘I told you, he won’t even talk about it.’

  Celeste licked her lips. ‘Actually, Suzanne, this was discussed when Cesare talked to me about marrying you. He seemed to consider twenty-four, twenty-five, was quite young enough for you to become a mother. I was inclined to agree with him.’

  ‘You discussed it? But why?’ Suzanne demanded.

  Celeste shrugged. ‘Cesare felt it necessary. He probably thinks you’re offering to have a baby because you feel it’s your duty, and that’s the one thing he doesn’t want you to feel. His own mother had him out of duty, and you know how that marriage ended.’

  ‘But I want this baby. I want his baby!’

  ‘Then I suggest you tell him that. But wait until you’re completely alone and can be sure you won’t be interrupted, preferably tonight when you go to bed. I’m sure you’ll be proved wrong, I’m sure Cesare would like a child very much.’

  ‘I hope you’re right,’ Suzanne sighed.

  She took longer over her shower that evening, longing to tell Cesare about their baby and yet dreading perhaps spoiling the wonderful relationship they already had. They loved each other, of that she had no doubt, but a baby that wasn’t wanted completely by both of them could ruin everything. But Celeste was right, she couldn’t keep quiet for much longer/Already she was having to linger in bed until Cesare had gone down to breakfast, earning herself much teasing from Cesare, calling her lazybones and other names like that. It wasn’t that she was lazy at all, it was just that immediately she stepped out of bed nausea overtook her and she had to rush to the bathroom.

  Cesare poked his head around the bathroom door as she stood drying herself, his eyes darkening at her nakedness. ‘Are you not coming to bed, Suzanne?’

  ‘Oh yes—yes. I—I won’t be a moment.’ She finished drying herself and donned her sheer blue cotton nightdress before padding into the bedroom. She looked down guiltily. ‘Cesare, I—I have something I want to talk to you about.’

  He patted the vacant half of the bed beside him. ‘Come to bed, cara, we can talk better in each other’s arms.’

  She was tempted, but slowly shook her head. She couldn’t think straight when in his arms. ‘No, I—I can tell you better from over here.’

  Cesare leant back against the velvet headboard, his arms folded across his bare chest. ‘That sounds ominous. What have you done? Spent all your allowance?’

  ‘You know my allowance is far too much for me to spend it all! I hardly go anywhere where I can spend money anyway.’

  ‘Is that what is wrong with you, you wish to go out more? You have only to say, Suzanne, you know I will take you wherever—’

  ‘Will you be quiet, Cesare!’ she cut in, her voice rising in her agitation. ‘I don’t want to talk to you about that at all. I—I’m going to have a baby! No—’ she couldn’t look at him, ‘I don’t want you to say anything.

  I love you, Cesare, I love you very much. And I want this baby. I know it’s too soon, I know you don’t want a child yet, but it wasn’t my fault!’ To her horror she burst into tears. ‘It wasn’t my fault,’ she repeated brokenly.

  Cesare burst into a torrent of his own language, something he didn’t do very often in her company. Oh God, he was angry! What could she do? She heard him close behind her and felt herself pulled back against the hardness of his body, his face buried in her throat as his hands spread possessively across her still flat stomach.

  ‘You carry my child,’ he said in a voice of wonder. ‘A child made from our love.’

  Her eyes widened at the gentleness of his voice. ‘You—you aren’t angry?’

  He spun her round to face him, his face lit by the most tender smile she had ever seen. ‘Angry?’ he looked puzzled. ‘Why should I be angry?’

  ‘I thought you would be.’ Relief began to enter her body and she felt almost faint. ‘I— You never seemed to want to talk about it. I thought—I thought perhaps—because of your mother you didn’t trust me to have your child, that you didn’t want me to have a child and then desert you.’

  Cesare led her over to the bed and sat her down. ‘You must take things easy now, I shall have to be as protective over you as Vidal is with Celeste. I think I will enjoy spoiling you a little more.’

  ‘But, Cesare—’

  ‘Hush, cara,’ he tucked her beneath the covers. ‘You must not distress yourself any more. Your imagination has been working overtime these last few weeks. To imagine I do not want you to have my child! I admit I did not want it to happen just yet, but that was for your sake, not mine. You married young, I did not want you to become a mother until you were ready for it.

  But it had nothing to do with the way my mother acted, you are nothing like my mother.’ He switched out the light and she felt the bed give on his side as he climbed in beside her, pulling her gently into the circle of his arms. ‘I want this baby too,’ he kissed her softly. ‘And if you’re happy about it being now then it is not too soon, it is just right. But I have to disagree with you about it not being your fault. I
consider it solely your fault.’

  ‘You—you do?’

  ‘Mmm,’ his body hardened against her. ‘You tempt me until I cannot think straight, drive me to distraction at the most inconvenient times, until I can think of nothing but making love to you. Like now.’

  ‘Oh, Cesare!’ she smiled at him tremulously.

  ‘Come, Suzanne, can you not show me how much you love me, before our child makes it impossible for you to do so?’

  She touched him with feather-light fingertips. ‘We have months before that happens.’

  She saw him grin in the darkness. ‘I know that, but I intend to take full advantage of the opportunities left to me. Now, kiss me.’

  ‘Yes, Cesare.’ And she proceeded to do so.

  * * * * *

  Now, read on for a tantalizing excerpt of Michelle Smart’s next book,


  The first book in her Rings of Vengeance trilogy!

  Benjamin’s plan for vengeance is to steal and marry his enemy’s fiancée, Freya! It’s meant to be a convenient arrangement. But there’s nothing remotely convenient about the red-hot pleasures of their wedding night…

  Keep reading to get a glimpse of



  BENJAMIN GUILLEM CAST his eye over the heads of the people scattered around the landscaped garden of the Tuscan-style villa in the heart of Madrid, an easy feat considering he was a head taller than most. The only guest there without a plus-one, he was also the only guest in attendance with no intention of celebrating Javier Casillas’s engagement.

  He snatched a flute of champagne from a passing waitress and drank it in one swallow. The bubbles felt like jagged barbs down his throat, magnifying the hot, knotted feeling that twisted inside him.

  Javier and Luis had betrayed him. The Casillas brothers had taken advantage of their lifelong friendship and ripped him off. All the documentary evidence pointed to that inescapable conclusion.

  He hoped the evidence was wrong. He hoped his instincts were wrong. They had to be. The alternative was too sickening to contemplate.


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