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First Impressions of a Second Nature

Page 7

by Kate Speck

  Elizabeth fumed. She began to pace and angrily retorted, “I would have slapped that man’s face as hard as I could and set him down publically. How dare he?” She clenched her fists. “And for Miss Bingley to spread such venom to her brother; who knows what she relayed to him?! For all we know, she could have gossiped that you were receiving his attentions like an upright who…”

  “ELIZABETH CHRISTINE BENNET!” Her mother shouted.

  Elizabeth reddened, realizing that she had almost cursed most unladylike, and took her seat next to Jane. “Mother, how do we fix this? What can we do?”

  Mrs. Bennet took several breaths. “Well, we shall head straight to Mrs. Philips and tell her all about Mr. Wickham and his atrocious behaviors. There must be other infractions this gentleman has committed and we must find out more about him. He has been in Meryton for almost fortnight. Let us go speak with your aunt right now.”

  “It is nearly four o’clock now, mama. Let me gather a basket of cakes and it will seem like we are delivering some provisions and not panicking because of an awful rumor. I am hoping we will see Mr. Wickham in town. I would not mind giving him a solid punch on his nose.” Elizabeth lifted her dainty hand, making her Jane snort.

  “Thank you, Lizzy. I should have told you and not hidden it. I was afraid that you might think I was begging for his attentions.” Jane embraced her sister.

  Elizabeth fully returned the hug. “No man has the right to impose on you when you refused him. If he cannot understand the meaning of ‘no’, he is a stupid creature and is not worth knowing.”

  Within a quarter hour, the ladies gathered their coats and boarded the carriage.


  As the Bennet carriage neared Mrs. Philips’ home, Elizabeth noted a grand coach-and-four in the front and wondered to whom it could belong.

  As the ladies began to descend from the carriage, Mrs. Philips’ door opened and Mr. Darcy exited.

  Elizabeth nearly swooned seeing the man of her thoughts suddenly appear, at Mrs. Philips’ home of all places.

  “What are you doing here?!” She exclaimed.

  Mr. Darcy had a soft smile as he bowed to Mrs. Bennet, Miss Bennet, Miss Elizabeth, and Miss Mary. “Good evening, ladies. I only returned a few hours ago to Netherfield due to some businesses I had here and had to beg Mrs. Nicholls to allow me to stay there the night. It was with Mr. Bingley’s full consent but she would not believe me until I gave her the letter of proof.” He grinned. “Mrs. Bennet, it is a pleasure to see you. How is Mr. Bennet? It has been too long since I had conversed with that fine gentleman. I have found him most witty and I hope for a chess match soon.”

  Mrs. Philips, who was standing at the door began to gush, “It was so kind of Mr. Darcy to call on us. Mr. Philips is so impressed with this young man and it was most generous of him to fill us in on that criminal Mr. Wickham. Do come in, Sarah, girls.”

  Elizabeth could only stand with her mouth agape, seeing the usually stoic Mr. Darcy converse so freely with the group. He was all ease and friendliness, with no false dignity at all.

  Mrs. Bennet saw the look in her daughter's face and bustled Jane and Mary into the house while instructing Elizabeth, “Lizzy, do be a dear and introduce Mr. Darcy to the bookstore here. I am certain you wish to show him the latest volume that you have been eyeing.”

  Elizabeth blushed while the other Bennet ladies quickly entered the house and she placed her hand on Mr. Darcy’s arm to walk the short distance.

  Mr. Darcy looked down and gently caressed her fingers with his free hand. “I had found that I left something here and had to return. I was a fool for leaving in the first place. I was planning on calling on you...r family after my business here was complete, Miss Elizabeth, and I had not been to the bookstore but made several stops with the merchants and called on your aunt and uncle to request their assistance.”

  “And what could you possibly have left behind that was so important?” Elizabeth asked, her heart beating wildly.

  Darcy smiled softly with affection as he turned and looked into her eyes. “My heart. I gave you my heart and it matters naught if you do not wish to keep it. It is yours and will belong to you until my last breath, Elizabeth.”

  Elizabeth beamed broadly as she stepped closer to him. “I thought perhaps you wished for your book of poetry back. I had in mind to keep it to myself since you did give it to me. Perhaps you wish for something in return.”

  Darcy chuckled. “Only your hand. I wish for nothing else.” He softly whispered, as they continued walking.

  “Then you shall have it.” Elizabeth replied.

  Darcy stopped abruptly. “Did you just say… I meant your hand in marriage, Elizabeth; not just to hold it on my arm.” He looked at her again in astonishment.

  Elizabeth laughed. “I know what you meant, Fitzwilliam. Can I call you Will? Fitzwilliam is such a mouthful.”

  “You can call me anything you wish if you will have me.” Darcy turned to face her fully in the middle of the town square. He cared not that several onlookers’ attentions were drawn to them now. He could not believe his ears and had to make sure. “You will marry me, Elizabeth? Will you make me the happiest of men and be my beloved wife? To love and adore you for the rest of my days?”

  She could only nod and laugh as he lifted her up into his arms and spun her around in circles. They were both laughing and as he slowly lowered her to the ground, he leaned in to kiss her. To mark her as his own; for all the world to see.

  But they were disrupted when Mrs. Bennet rushed over and enthusiastically exclaimed, “Congratulations, Lizzy! We can only guess by your expressions that he proposed and you accepted?” She teased.

  “Yes, mama. I decided I could not live without him and accepted his proposal.” Elizabeth beamed.

  Darcy bowed to his beloved’s mother, “Mrs. Bennet, I shall head over immediately to speak with Mr. Bennet. I apologize for my excitement. I had not expected this day to be so… productive.” He smiled his biggest grin.

  “That is an excellent idea, Mr. Darcy. Mrs. Philips has been filling us in on your task for her husband and I am certain Mr. Bennet will wish to know. Lizzy,” she turned to her daughter, “please update Mr. Darcy on what has happened with Jane as soon as possible. He will need to know what he diverted today with his excellent work, all before you accepted him.” She winked.

  While Mrs. Bennet returned to Mrs. Philips, several shop owners came out to congratulate Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth.

  “Mr. Darcy, we could see that you have been accepted by our dearest Miss Elizabeth. Congratulations, sir!” said the cobbler.

  “True, true! You could not have asked for a better lady, sir. Miss Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy is a fine gentleman and you are very fortunate yourself. Congratulations!” said the tailor.

  Several others came to congratulate them both and finally, they were left in peace.

  “How do they all know you, Will? I did not think you ventured out to Meryton during the entirety of your stay at Netherfield.” Elizabeth asked, as they headed back to his carriage.

  Darcy shyly turned his eyes. “I had one purpose of visiting Meryton today, and it was to settle Wickham’s debts. He is a profligate of the highest order and when Bingley confessed to me that he had left Netherfield because he had heard your sister was witnessed in a scandalous position with that rake, I returned to find proof of his offenses. He is a liar and a seducer and I do not blame your sister in any way. If I can be of any assistance, if they must be forced to marry, I will do everything in my power to make you happy, Elizabeth.”

  Elizabeth could not help herself, as she flew into his arms and embraced him. “I love you, Will. I thought I loved you when I thought you a rake. But you are a good man and even with gossip of my family’s disgrace that you wish to marry me makes me the happiest of all women.”

  Darcy held her tighter. “I love you. My nonsense about connections and status was foolish and I only wish I courted you properly from the first moment I met y
ou. I still have yet to dance with you but I am most grateful to hold you in my arms, my love.”

  Mrs. Bennet opened the door and hissed, “Enough of that, you two! Mr. Darcy, get yourself to Longbourn. Immediately!”

  The newly engaged couple blushed and with a kiss on Elizabeth’s hand, Mr. Darcy departed to seek consent from his beloved’s father.

  Chapter 17

  “Are you serious? I cannot believe he believed such nonsense!” Mr. Bennet yelled. “I have in mind to ride over to town to give Mr. Bingley a whipping. I am glad you told me all, Darcy. Unless he apologizes thoroughly, I will not allow him within ten feet of my daughter.”

  “I am sorry to be the deliverer of such gossip, Mr. Bennet. It does not seem to have extended further than Bingley, though, so whatever Miss Bingley’s maid witnessed was likely exaggerated by his sister who told it with more color than actual. When I spoke with Mrs. Philips, she knew nothing about Miss Bennet and Wickham.” Darcy condoled.

  Mr. Bennet took a seat and poured his future son-in-law a drink. “I am glad it has not spread further. With my brother Philips going to Colonel Forester, Wickham will be held liable for his debts and he will be disciplined. Such a sum in a fortnight… And to hear of his attempting to elope with your sister for her dowry! What a despicable human being.” He shook his head.

  “I knew that based on what Miss Elizabeth shared with me and what I observed for myself, Miss Bennet did not appear to be a woman who could be fornicating in the back alleys of Meryton, and I chastised Bingley most severely for believing such a story without proof. He did feel awful that he did not seek the truth first but I believe he is in despair.” He coughed, “I, having been through the same feeling, could sympathize and I was in worse condition for over a week until my cousin helped me see that I have been given so much and that I should not waste the blessings given to me. I will love your daughter with all of my heart, Mr. Bennet. I promise she will be happy with me, even if she might become angry with me at times.” He smiled.

  “And does my daughter know of your true income? How much do you know about her dowry?” Mr. Bennet asked.

  Darcy colored before replying. “I had thought that if I told her that I was worth 20,000 pounds a year, she might be impressed with me and wish to marry me, but I know I was a fool. She does not care about how much I am worth, but that I be a worthy man who will respect her and care for her.” He cleared his throat again. “I heard something about Miss Bennet having 5,000 a year and assumed that your other daughters had the same. If Elizabeth were penniless, I still wish to marry her. She is priceless and no amount will make her more worthy.”

  Mr. Bennet chuckled, “Well, I am glad to hear it, although as her husband, you will wish to know that she will go to you with 45,000 pounds.” He laughed harder as Darcy sat mute with his mouth agape. “We spend so little here and my daughters are as frugal as the girls in this neighborhood with 1,000-pound dowries. They have saved up over the years and Lizzy, especially, has put into it more than Jane and Mary. Jane was left with 5,000 pounds from her mother and I have added another 15,000 to it over the years, while Mary has 37,000 or so to her name.”

  Darcy frowned at hearing this information. “Why… how is it that Miss Bennet, your first daughter, should have so much less? ‘Left from her mother’? Miss Jane is not your issue?”

  Mr. Bennet laughed even louder. “I see that all your debates with Lizzy has not revealed to you the truth of our family. I would not wish to spoil Lizzy’s fun but I will tell you all.” He leaned forward on his desk. “My wife, the current Mrs. Bennet, is not my first wife. I married Jane’s mother and Fanny Bennet died during childbirth. I married my Sarah a year and a day after my first wife’s passing and had Lizzy, Mary, and Benjamin. Sara Bennet had a 50,000-pound dowry and we have been able to save more to add on to our daughters’ dowries.”

  Darcy closed his eyes. She is not a poor farmer’s daughter. How arrogant I must have sounded, to think so lowly of her based on her small dowry. He snapped his eyes open. “And Longbourn, it is not a property of 2,000 a year, is it? I saw the lands for the first time today arriving here and seeing the manor, it would be impossible for it to be only 2,000 a year.”

  “2,000 is what I let circulate to keep our neighbors from knowing our true income. Sir William and Mr. Long and only a few others know the truth. Longbourn brings in about 5,500 a year.” Mr. Bennet confided.

  More than Rosings! My aunt’s estate brought in 6,000 at one time but is now nearer to 4,000 due to terrible management. Darcy was mortified once again that he thought this family so inconsequential, only due to their lack of fortune.

  “Mr. Bennet, I am humiliated that I thought of your family so insignificant at one time and I find that I am truly undeserving of your daughter. I had been avoiding mercenary men and women all of my life so that I do not fall into their traps, but it appears that I have been acting as one.” He sighed. “Miss Elizabeth had the right of it. She saw that I was arrogant and absolutely prejudiced against those whom I saw below me, and was right to refuse me the first time. I am most thankful that she has accepted me and I am truly humbled that she cares for me.” Darcy confessed.

  ‘Darcy,” Mr. Bennet called, “I have one more piece to disclose and you may wish to get on your knees and beg for Lizzy’s mercy when you see her next.” He chuckled, seeing Darcy stiffen. “Do you recall when I asked you what your great grandfather’s name was?” Darcy nodded. “I understand your family has a tradition of naming first sons after the mother’s maiden name.”

  “Yes, sir. My mother was a Fitzwilliam and my grandmother was a George.” Darcy answered.

  “Yes, and my wife’s name is Sarah. Sarah Sterling Bennet.” Mr. Bennet grinned.

  Darcy placed his face into his hands while he sat in the leather chair. He groaned as Mr. Bennet revealed that Mrs. Bennet’s grandfather was related to his father’s great grandmother.

  Mr. Bennet went on to explain. “Sterling Darcy was cousin to Sarah’s grandfather and they both thought that they should be happy to see a match between the two families, and Sarah’s eldest sister was once introduced to your father to see if the two great houses could be united by marriage.” He laughed seeing Darcy’s surprised face. “Sarah and I had jested several times on how it would be to be connected to the Darcys of Pemberley, and we were most surprised when you attended the assembly.” He poured the young man a little more drink.

  “You had become infamous for your rude manners in public, being very haughty and aloof, and we had decided that Lizzy would be better off with someone who would treasure her for who she was, not how much she was worth. But when Lizzy told her mother that she had fallen in love with you, we knew it must be providence.” He concluded.

  Darcy was in shock and knew he would have to grovel for mercy as Mr. Bennet had already indicated. “I am absolutely mortified, Mr. Bennet. I cannot believe… I accused Elizabeth of being unworthy…”

  “Let it go, son.” Mr. Bennet soothed. “The fact is, you loved her and proposed to her without knowing her true situation. You changed your ways for her and she changed for you. If you were mercenary, you would not have asked for her hand the second time. My daughter is a proud being as well, and she told me that her first impression of you had prejudiced her in getting to know you better and she had berated herself for caring for you, but you both needed to grow and learn together.”

  Darcy smiled at this. “I agree, sir. I could not live without her, and now I will not have to.” He changed the topic, “Mr. Bennet, do you know why our money is called Pound Sterling?”

  “It has to do with the silver used, is that correct?” Mr. Bennet asked.

  Darcy laughed, “Yes, legend is that one of my ancestors, on my great, great grandmother’s side, presented the idea to strike a harder silver so that coins would last longer back in 1158 to King Henry II. The king liked the idea so much that he had named this stronger silver ‘Sterling Silver’ after that ancestor’s name. The Sterlings have Duke
s and Earls in their lineage and are one of the wealthiest families in England. I can only thank my lucky stars that Miss Elizabeth has accepted me.”

  Mr. Bennet grinned. “If you will decide on a wedding date, I will make the announcement in the papers. Sarah’s brother, the Earl of Eldarion, will be most pleased with his favorite niece’s engagement.”

  Darcy groaned, “My knees will be raw from groveling, Mr. Bennet. I hope Miss Elizabeth will have mercy on me.”

  Both men soon began to laugh loudly and Darcy soon excused himself to return to the ladies, who were waiting with bated breath of Mr. Bennet’s consent.

  Chapter 18

  “I am so grateful you have accepted me and forgiven me. When did you begin to love me, my dearest Elizabeth?” Darcy asked, as they were strolling the paths in Longbourn’s garden. They laughed seeing Mrs. Bennet’s face watching them from the drawing room’s windows and waved at her.

  “I cannot fix on the hour or the spot, which laid the foundation. It happened so unexpectedly, that when you kissed me, I had felt more for you than I thought possible. Mama told me that if I loved you enough to overcome your faults, I would have accepted you with your first proposal, and I realized after you left Hertfordshire, that I truly loved you and wished to marry you. But when you returned and you had changed so much, to put aside your pride and love me without regards to my connections or dowry, I knew I could not let you go.” Elizabeth smiled. “We have both changed, Will, and I have a feeling we will continue to grow together.”

  Darcy kissed her hand tenderly. “I love you, Elizabeth, with all of my heart and soul. I hope we will marry soon. I am finding it quite difficult to remain honorable when so much temptation is before me.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “I know we have kissed already but that was so long ago, Will. We have not sealed our engagement yet.”

  Darcy growled, “Woman, you will drive me mad. Your mother is watching!”

  “I know, Will. I am testing you to see how brave you are. Would you rather kiss me or bear the scorn of my mother?” She teased.


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