First Impressions of a Second Nature

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First Impressions of a Second Nature Page 10

by Kate Speck

  She turned and briskly walked back to Gardiner House.

  Bingley found the nearest bench to sit and contemplate what Miss Bennet had said, while he saw from the corner of his eyes Darcy and Miss Elizabeth bustling behind Jane Bennet.

  Damnation! I did not explain myself well. I no longer blame Caroline or Darcy but she does not know it. She is innocent of everything but she cannot bear to be near me. What do I do? He grunted as he recollected her words about Sally. Blasted! She must think me the worst of cads. I should have never had used her but I did not think past my immediate desires. What do I do? How do I make her understand how much I love her?


  “I do not think that went well, Elizabeth.” Darcy commented.

  Elizabeth sighed, “No, but I was surprised to see that Jane had so much to say. That was probably the longest speech she had given to anyone. I hope she told Mr. Bingley about Mr. Morris. Jane was mortified to see that man in the middle of the act and had vowed to only marry an honorable man.” She squeezed Darcy’s arm. “I am glad you are honorable. I know you are not entirely without experience but that you saved yourself for me all these years makes me happy.”

  Darcy kissed her hand, “As you make me so happy, Elizabeth. I know Bingley deeply loves Miss Bennet. He had never been so devastated and truly, I have never seen him so enamored with a lady like so before. I know he has made several resolutions to better himself and his relationship with Miss Bingley has finally improved. Miss Bingley will call to grovel for forgiveness soon, if your sister will allow it. She does not know about the full gossip, does she? And of Sally?”

  “No! I could not tell Jane that Miss Bingley told her brother that my sister was fornicating in broad daylight in the back alley. I cannot even imagine repeating such a thing. And for you to find him with Sally; I would guess it was the same as when Jane found Mr. Morris in a similar activity. Mr. Bingley has a lot to correct about himself. I would hate for Jane to be on the shelf at two and twenty but she will not marry anyone who cannot respect her. I will not allow it.”

  Darcy chuckled. “I know, love. And as her future brother-in-law, I will also support her with her choice. Perhaps I can help throw rich young men in her path!”

  They laughed and agreeing to see each other this same evening for dinner at Sterling House, Darcy kissed his beloved’s hand and waited for Bingley to return to the carriage.

  Chapter 22

  “And that is exactly what I plan to do with Mrs. Darcy. Lock her away in the country where she will raise my children and never be seen. I do not wish to share her with anyone at all!” Darcy laughed.

  Lord Eldarion chuckled loudly as well. “If you succeed in making our dear Lizzy do something she does not wish, I will be sure to eat my hat!”

  Elizabeth beamed, seeing her favorite uncle and her betrothed get along so well. Lady Eldarion was smiling from her seat in the opposite side and her parents looked upon her affectionately. All of the Bennets and Sterlings were present and Miss Darcy had joined her brother to meet Elizabeth, and they were already calling each other by name.

  Darcy continued, “I was quite shocked to meet such an intelligent lady and my opinion has certainly changed since meeting Miss Elizabeth. She gives me confidence that perhaps someday, it may take a hundred years from now, but women might be allowed to vote and be leaders. Perhaps our granddaughter or great granddaughter might become prime minister if she takes after my dearest betrothed!”

  Elizabeth wished to jumpy into his arms in appreciation of his respectful words but restrained herself and squeezed his hand under the table instead.

  “Can you imagine such a thing? Women in parliament and voting? Unless they can show some sense like cousin Lizzy, I fear we might be doomed.” The earl’s youngest son commented.

  Lizzy sharply retorted, “Cousin Aaron, I am not sure if I should be flattered or offended that you have such little confidence in women. You see my sisters and Miss Darcy, who are perfectly capable of making their own choices in life, and perhaps in the years to come, we shall see young ladies properly educated than only on netting purses and arranging flowers.”

  Mr. Sterling burst into laughter, “I knew you would fall for that, Lizzy! You take my comments too seriously. I would love for my younger sisters to learn more.”

  Elizabeth blushed, knowing how much cousin Aaron liked to tease her. Being only two and twenty, He was full of joie de vivre and loved to laugh.

  “Well, as long as you do not tease too much, I forgive you for mocking me in front of my future family.” She winked. “I am only grateful that papa agreed to allow me to learn anything I wished and did not limit me only on the ladies’ accomplishments. I enjoyed learning Latin more than French or Italian.”

  Darcy laughed, “I also requested Latin to be added to Georgiana’s lessons after meeting you, Miss Elizabeth. I find it most enthralling to converse in that language. Thankfully, Mrs. Annesley was able to find a good tutor willing to teach a young lady.”

  “Would that be Mrs. Lydia Annesley?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Do you know her? She has been with my sister since this summer and is an excellent companion.” Darcy replied.

  Georgiana chimed in, finding her voice in this merry group, “She is very patient with me and is so kind.”

  Mrs. Bennet smiled broadly, “She is our Mrs. Henley’s sister, who has been with us for so many years!”

  Georgiana excitedly squealed, “Oh, Mary! I hope you will bring her to the dinner tomorrow! It would be a great union!” She blushed immediately, realizing the faces turned to her.

  Mary squeezed her hand, “That sounds like a marvelous idea. They must have known about us, as I know they are constantly writing to each other. What a wonderful surprise!”

  The dinner party ended with everyone as one big happy family, with promises of an engagement ball in ten days’ time.


  “I do not know how she feels about you, Bingley.” Darcy spoke in exasperation.

  “But how did she act last night? You will see her again tonight with the Gardiners? Was she happy? Did she appear sad?” Bingley probed again.

  “She was as pleasant as ever. Smiling but appearing very comfortable with her family and of course the earl’s son,” Darcy raised an eyebrow to watch for his friend's reaction.

  “Earl’s son? A viscount?” Bingley shrieked.

  “Her cousin, the second son.” Darcy suppressed a snort after hearing his friend’s unmanly squeal.

  “And this man, he was young? Mrs. Bennet has a son who is fourteen, does she not? Same age?” Bingley asked, his jealousy spiking.

  “He is two and twenty, I believe. Studying to be a barrister. Quite successful already and will have a marvellous career.” Darcy pressed. “He is a handsome young man and I was curious if Elizabeth would have found him interesting but she told me he was too jovial for her. Too cheerful and not stoic enough.” He laughed, “She said she preferred a serious, taciturn man like me, thank the Lord!”

  “Damn It! He sounds just like a man that Jane would be interested in. Did you see anything between them? Do you think… would she prefer him over me?” Bingley was pulling on his hair by now.

  “Bingley, I saw nothing between them. Just friendliness of relatives and they did not converse even that much, although I heard Jane Bennet speak more tonight than the entirety of our acquaintance. Do not lose hope, Charles. If you love her and wish for no one else, hold steadfast and show her how much you care for her. Even if it takes weeks or months, be constant and pursue her. You cannot give up because it is too difficult. Once I realized the error of my ways, I was determined that until Elizabeth was married or I was dead; I would not give up on her and I was able to find happiness.” Darcy advised.

  “Thank you, Darcy. I have little hope but I will not give up. I cannot believe Jane has an uncle who is an earl!” Bingley commented. “I saw the engagement announcement this morning and I could not believe that the Bennets are connected t
o the Earl of Eldarion. Caroline still has not seen it. She will be crushed that she treated Jane and Miss Elizabeth so terribly when she finds out.”

  “Bingley, the truth of the matter is, Jane is Mrs. Bennet’s stepdaughter. The earl is brother to Sarah Sterling Bennet and the uncle in Cheapside, your landlord, is Frances Gardiner Bennet’s brother. Not that he is so very low now, but the Gardiners are not truly related to Elizabeth. Jane Bennet has a 20,000-pound dowry and she is no poor beggar. She is infinitely higher in status to your sister and Miss Bingley, if she is ever given the chance to apologize, should be groveling for mercy.” Darcy informed his friend.

  Bingley let out a deep sigh. “I cannot believe how everything went so wrong. I admit my own transgressions, fully and completely. If I had not been weak, if I had not been so concerned with everyone’s acceptance but my own choices and convictions, I could have prevented Jane’s pain.” He looked at Darcy with pleading eyes. “I know it is not appropriate, but I wrote Jane a letter. Would you be willing to give it to Miss Elizabeth to give to her sister? I wished to explain myself better and I could not do so yesterday.” He handed his friend the letter.

  “I will give it to Elizabeth and let her decide. I hope it is not too personal; her father may demand to read it first since you should not be writing to her.” Darcy stated.

  Bingley smiled softly. “It is personal but I am at fault and as long as she reads it, I care not who else may see it. I trust the Bennets.”


  Darcy greeted the Bennets and Gardiners in his home. He was very pleased to see Elizabeth’s gleaming face as she surveyed the magnificent home and met the head staff for the first time.

  After giving a tour of the home and allowing ladies to take note of the mistress’ rooms, Darcy requested a few minutes of privacy for a gift.

  As soon as the door to his study was closed, Darcy frantically kissed his betrothed and held her tightly in his arms.

  After separating for breath, Darcy caressed her face gently and spoke. “Two and a half more weeks to go. Why does time move so slowly when I wish it to fly?”

  “It will pass quickly enough, Will. We still have outings and parties and an engagement ball before we return to Hertfordshire.” Elizabeth spoke from his chest as she embraced him tightly.

  “Did you see the announcement? Everyone will now know with whom you are connected.”

  She smiled, looking up into his eyes. “And I could not be prouder to be on the arm of such a coveted man. I have heard so many gossips from my aunt Agatha of how much you had been pursued. I might have to sharpen my claws before being seen in public with you.”

  “No one caught my eye or my heart before you, my love. I have a ring for you. My mother gave me this ring to give to my future wife and I wish for you to wear it now.” He slipped the beautiful ruby ring onto her slim finger. “It is where it belongs.” He kissed her hand.

  “It is beautiful, Will! Thank you, my love!” Elizabeth could not take her eyes off the beautiful ring in her hand. Not only did it appear incredibly fine, but to have something of Will’s mother was even more significant and she was touched.

  “When I asked for your hand, I vowed to take care of it, Elizabeth. Your hands will be adorned with symbols of my love for you and when you tire of looking at rings, I will drape you with bracelets and necklaces. Anything at my disposal is yours.” Darcy affectionately replied.

  “I love you, Mr. Darcy. I truly do.” Elizabeth wiped a happy tear.

  “My love, before we return, Bingley gave me a letter for your sister. He knows it is not appropriate but he had wished to explain himself and could not speak the words yesterday. Would you be willing to give it to her? I did advise that your father is within his rights to read it if he should demand.” Darcy asked.

  “I find these societal rules to be ridiculous. Mr. Bingley should be allowed to explain himself and as long as Jane is willing to read it, my father does not have to know unless Jane wishes it. I will leave it to my sister.” Elizabeth confidently answered.

  The couple returned to the drawing room and enjoyed a chilled glass of champagne to celebrate the Gardiners’ change in status as well as the engagement.

  Elizabeth was very pleased to meet Colonel Fitzwilliam, who was not handsome but his countenance was sensible, and her first impression of this jovial but honorable man was that he would be a good husband to a deserving woman. She was quite pleased to see his eyes on her sister, who was speaking with him softly but enthusiastically. She would meet the Earl of Matlock and his daughter the next day, and attempted to relax after several assurances from Darcy that his uncle would be pleased and be happy for them.

  Chapter 23

  Jane paced several times, looking at the letter from Mr. Bingley, holding it to open it, putting it down in anxiety, only to repeat it several times. She looked at the letter in the table once again. “Oh, just get on with it, Jane Bennet!” She muttered to herself.

  She opened it carefully and began to read.

  Miss Jane Bennet,

  Be not alarmed, madam, on receiving this letter, by the apprehension of its containing any repetition of those awful gossips that you may have heard spoken about you. I assure you that no stories circulated further than myself and my sister Louisa.

  I do not blame you in any way in finding me wanting but wish to explain a little of my background so you may understand me better. I beg you to read this letter to obtain your mercy and perhaps your forgiveness.

  I grew up in a volatile family setting where my parents, unfortunately, argued more than spoke cordially together, and my father, though an excellent businessman, did not know what it was to be a husband and father. He accused my mother, who was very fair, of cheating on him to bear Caroline, who has dark hair compared to my father’s red hair like his eldest daughter, and began to abuse my mother constantly after Caroline’s birth. After ensuring that she bore him an heir, he used servants or prostitutes within our own homes, at times with her witnessing him, and my mother retreated into a sadness, from which she never recovered.

  I lost my mother to a carriage accident at the tender age of eight, but what no one but Darcy knows outside of the family, is that she jumped onto the path of oncoming horses intentionally, ending her own life.

  Caroline, being ignored by my father completely as a second daughter and believing was not of his own issue, was neglected all her life, even though my father left her a large dowry as a penitence after my mother passed, and Louisa and I gave her everything we could, to create the illusion of a loving family for her. In that sense, we failed to teach her the rights and wrongs that a parent should have provided.

  My father gifted me at the young age of fifteen on becoming a man with my first carnal experience, and only following the example of the father who had always shown me strength and certitude, I followed his practices of using women for my needs, never considering the moral repercussions. I had continued my ways because it was familiar and enjoyable. I met colleagues at university who behaved the same way, but Darcy was the only one who advised me that such behaviors were unfair and damaging.

  Darcy, who is five years older than I, had become like a father figure to me, having lost my father to an illness only months prior, and I had taken his advisement wholeheartedly on all aspects of my life except for this one regard, which I cannot think back without infinite regret.

  My friend in no way forced me or coerced me to delay my courtship with you. He advised me to know my heart, as I had been so nonchalant in my regards to women before, and I had only recently escaped the clutches of a mercenary woman who had attempted to entrap me. I should have followed my own heart but it was once again easier to follow another’s instructions than to apply my own choices.

  Until I met you, madam, I had not felt half the affections for anyone before. You had been in my thoughts and dreams since we first met at the assembly and I have loved you for a very long time. I should have asked for your hand in marriage but my stumbling
mouth could not find the right words to express my heart. When my sister told me of what her maid gossiped, I chose to believe her than to seek the truth and I ran back to town to escape. Knowing what I know of you, I should have never believed her but not thinking of her motivations of desiring to become Mrs. Darcy, I trusted her instead of being constant and honorable to you. My heart was engaged long before your stay at Netherfield but my trust was misplaced.

  Please allow me to express how much I love and admire you. You have the kindest nature and our discussions have shown me how perfect you are for me. I will never forgive myself for the wrongs I have committed against you and my sister feels the same way and will apologize to you at first opportunity.

  I cared not for your lack of connections or small dowry; I never did, but I will continue to beg for your forgiveness and perhaps one day, when I can show you how I have grown and how much I have resolved to be a better man for you, I hope you will gift me with your generous smile and be able to withstand my presence in the same rooms one day.

  I will only add, God bless you,


  Chapter 24

  “She is very beautiful, Darcy.” The earl commented.

  “Uncle! She is younger than Felicity!” Darcy sharply replied.

  Lord Matlock laughed, “But having her mother as the sister of the Earl of Eldarion, whose seat in parliament is so highly respected, if I marry Miss Jane Bennet, my rank will exceed my other colleagues and I will be set for life! I certainly would not mind having her in my bed.”


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