First Impressions of a Second Nature

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First Impressions of a Second Nature Page 11

by Kate Speck

  “Sir, you are speaking of my future sister-in-law. I ask you to cease now or I will leave and take them all with me.” Darcy snarled quietly. “And besides, Miss Bennet is Mrs. Bennet's stepdaughter and will not get you the connections you seek. Mrs. Bennet treats her like her own and will be most displeased to have you behave a rake.”

  Lord Matlock raised both of his hands in concession, “I am jesting, Darcy! Relax, nephew! She is very beautiful but I could not take such a child as my wife. I miss my dear Olivia very much. She understood what it was to be a countess and allowed me my indulgence without judgment. I am too old to marry again and will be quite content to live out the rest of my days in peace.” He changed the topic. “Your betrothed is quite fiery; I see why you chose her over her elder sister, Darcy. You shall be quite happy together. She is far too intelligent for my tastes, though. She gives her opinion very decidedly for so young a person. She will be a handful to you, to argue with you and be intractable.”

  “I am counting on it, sir. I cannot imagine a better Mrs. Darcy.” Darcy beamed brightly.

  Lord Matlock was surprised to see his stoic nephew so at ease, smiling and conversing with everyone, although it was not without considerable effort, and knew that it was his new status as an engaged man that brought forth such a change. He watched Miss Elizabeth carefully and saw that she was indeed the reason for his nephew’s transformation.

  He also observed his second son in conversation with Miss Elizabeth’s sister and saw a sparkle of delight that he had not noted before. He sighed and hoped his son would find his own happiness soon.

  The dinner proceeded happily with Miss Elizabeth on first-name basis with the Fitzwilliam siblings and the families celebrating Darcy’s betrothal and promising to attend the wedding in seventeen days.


  “Richard, I need your help.” Darcy spoke with gravity after the party had left. His cousin preferred to stay at Darcy House most nights so they took a night cap in the study as custom.

  “Anything I can do for you. Do you need advice on how to perform on your wedding night?” Richard grinned.

  Darcy, in all seriousness, spoke quietly. “Richard, I received an express earlier today. I did not wish to alert Elizabeth on it tonight but I believe I have cause for concern. It seems Wickham has disappeared.” He handed him Colonel Forester’s letter to read for himself.

  “That son of a…! Now that he has deserted, he will be hung when he is found. Wickham would be a fool to stay in the country, but he has no money and even fewer friends. You made sure all the Meryton debts were repaid?” The colonel asked.

  “Yes. I thought sending him off to the north, someplace cold like Newcastle would be sufficient but of course that idiot does not do anything that would require actual work. Do you think he might come here for revenge?” Darcy worried.

  “He would be a fool. Everyone here knows what he looks like and he would not risk getting caught. I will go to the office tomorrow and see if I can gather more information. Perhaps he is long gone, but it could not hurt to hire a few more guards to keep Georgiana safe.” Richard concluded.

  Darcy released his breath. “I will do just that. He would be captured on sight around here and I will be vigilant. I do not wish to scare Elizabeth but I know she will tan my hide if I keep secrets from her so I will tell her tomorrow.”

  Colonel Fitzwilliam poured himself another glass of port. “You have a good woman there, Darcy. She will be the making of you as long as you treat her well.” He sighed, “If I could be so blessed…”

  Darcy smiles softly. “You and her sister were quite chatty tonight. You do not often pay such pointed attentions to single ladies.”

  “She was very kind. It is not often I forget what I look like. She… she made me feel handsome and interesting. She has the gentlest of souls. If only… never mind, Darcy.” Richard colored.

  “We shall certainly talk of this later. She will be my sister, you know!” Darcy finally eased from his anxiety and retired for the night, while his cousin stayed up a little later to contemplate his future.


  “Damn! That bastard gets everything he wants! How dare he become engaged to the sister of the woman I should have had?” Wickham spat.

  “What are you complaining about, Wicky? You should be paying more attention to me!” The woman complained beside him while he read of Darcy’s engagement from the newspapers from several days ago.

  “Jane Bennet should have been mine but Darcy made certain the merchants were aware of my debts and Colonel Forester made me pay them before I had a chance to take her. I had to run away from the militia with what little I had and will be hung if I am found. Denny told me that Jane had a dowry of 20,000 pounds and she would have set me right for a few years instead of hiding in this hovel. She would have been very fine to bed as well. Very beautiful, indeed.”

  The woman laughed loudly. “Mr. Bingley used to moan out her name when he lay over me. You and he have the same taste in women. Jane Bennet and me!”

  “Oh, you are nothing like Jane Bennet, Sally. You open your legs for a coin where that real lady would require marriage to bed her.” Wickham laughed at the prostitute who was caressing his naked body.

  “Well, I have to make a living somehow, Wicky. You need to pay me, by the way. You had me four times this week and still owe me.” She whined.

  Wickham threw down his papers, “Tell me more about Darcy and this chit of hers. That Elizabeth Bennet had a lot of questions for me and it does not surprise me that she would go for that prig. Did you see them often at Netherfield? Do you think I can seduce her into my bed?” He asked, as he squeezed Sally’s bare breasts.

  “She and Mr. Darcy argued the entire time I saw them together. I know Mr. Bingley sure liked that Jane Bennet, though. He must have proposed to her by now. He seemed pretty sad when he returned to London and used me quite roughly for a day, but then he seemed to regret it and let me go with a large purse. You need to pay me, Wicky. No charity case for you.” Sally complained, as his grip on her body became painful and she began to push him away to get him off her body.

  “You did not care when you gave it away for free at Netherfield. After Bingley had you, you had plenty of footmen and servants taking their turns. You liked me well enough to let me take you without pay, did you not?”

  Sally attempted to free herself and pushed him away from her. Wickham slapped her face then turned her over to her stomach, pressing his body onto hers. “I will have you whenever I want, Sally, and you will not complain. Mrs. Younge and I have known each other for years and she will not care what I do to you. Relax and let me in, Sally.” He began to abuse her while he choked her around her neck. “You are good for one thing and I am going to take you however I want. I am going to punish Jane Bennet like this,” he continued his punishment, “and make sure she is so ruined that she will have to marry me. Perhaps I will do the same thing to her sister and make them choose who will be my wife. I will take both of them and their connections to the Sterlings. They will pay me well,” he grunted as he reached his finale. “They will pay me well indeed, and I will be nephew to an earl!”

  After treating her most roughly and mocking her copious tears, Wickham dressed and left her bed to plan out his vengeance on Darcy and the Bennets.

  Sally, in a moment of clarity, realized that her employment at Bingley House had never been so abusive and working under Mrs. Younge’s thumb at the ‘boarding house’ had been atrocious. George Wickham, whom she had found so charming before, was planning on harming the kind Bennet ladies, and she was determined to find a way to warn Mr. Bingley.

  Chapter 25

  “You are driving me to insanity, Elizabeth!” Darcy complained. “Why must you do this to me?”

  Elizabeth pouted, “What else am I supposed to do? Do you really wish for me to stand all the way over here to talk you?” She dramatically walked to the other side of the room.

  Darcy groaned, “Of course not! You a
re just not helping what little of my self-control I have by sitting on my lap like that. I came into the library for peace, not temptation!”

  “Well, I recall a private time in the library together when you were quite ardent with your attentions. How was I to know I should not move my bottom like so?” Elizabeth returned to Darcy and sat on his lap, as she gathered her arms around his neck and began to kiss him behind his ears.

  “Your uncle will kill me if he should find me ravishing you right here, and your father will put a bullet through my stomach if I took your virtue before the wedding.” He began to kiss her neck and caress her chest. “Mmmm, perhaps we should get married tomorrow. I do have the special license on my desk…”

  They began to kiss fervently until there was an abrupt knock on the door.

  “Damn it!” Darcy hissed. He helped Elizabeth to standing and assisted in straightening her dress. He stood behind a large chair and bid the intruder to enter.

  “Mr. Darcy, your carriage is ready.” The elderly butler stated, before closing the door again with a faint smirk.

  “I have an appointment with Bingley, Elizabeth. I am glad your sister forgave him. He is looking forward to seeing her tomorrow.” He kissed her tenderly. “I have already said my farewells to your family so I will see you tomorrow for our outing to Kew Gardens. I hate it there but with you by my side, I will go wherever you wish.” He held her face between his hands. “I love you, Elizabeth, with all my heart.”

  “I love you, too, Will. Enjoy your dinner with Mr. Bingley, and I will be sure to send your regards to Lady Jersey and her niece Miss Gantley. I am certain she will be green with envy in meeting the future Mrs. Darcy when she has been chasing you these past… six seasons?” She teased.

  Darcy chuckled. “There are bets to see if I will escape the clutches of the seductress who entrapped me into marriage, or if you will be seen round with child in weeks. These rumors are ridiculous and I dare anyone to think me so unhappy. They will lose their bets along with my friendship if they cannot see us as a love match. See you tomorrow, my love.”

  He kissed her once more and departed.


  “Mr. Darcy! Mr. Darcy!”

  Darcy heard his name being called from the dark alley. Immediately, his guard was up and he gripped his walking stick tighter. It was not often that beggars or thieves would wander on Mayfair street but he whistled to his footmen to get their attentions as well.

  “Who is there? What do you want?” He hollered.

  A tattered woman stepped out from the shadows and Darcy gasped. “Sally! What are you doing here? Begone! You should never show your face here again.”

  “Mr. Darcy, I came to talk to Mr. Bingley but I was turned away by Mr. Colin and I do not know what else to do. I need to speak with you as well. I have very important information that I have to tell you about. It took me almost a week but I could not escape until yesterday and I spent the night on the streets last night to try to get to you and Mr. Bingley. It is very important, sir!” She begged.

  “And how much will that information cost me? I cannot be seen with you and Bingley can never take you back in. You must leave!” Darcy commanded. His footmen drew near her and grabbed her by the arms to drag her away.

  Sally yelled, “I know I am poor with no money and connections. I know I am a woman but I tell you I have good information! I do not want anything from you but maybe a steady work, where I can make an honest living. I no longer wish to be a whore!”

  Darcy’s conscience pricked hearing her words. Poor, no connections, a woman. Elizabeth would wish me to help her. I am trying to be a better man, a humble man.

  “All right. Matthews, let her go. Her information seems to pertain to both of myself and Mr. Bingley and I will hear her out but I would like a witness.” He looked at the former maid and saw that her dress was dirty and she looked malnourished.

  “Matthews, ask Mrs. Colin to get her something to eat. We will talk below stairs. Please escort her through the servants’ entrance and explain that it is my special request for her to have some nourishment.” Darcy instructed.

  Upon entering the foyer, Bingley greeted him with a smile, “What took you so long? I heard the carriage a while ago. What has happened?” He asked, seeing the serious face.

  “Bingley, Sally is below stairs in the kitchens. She said she has very important information for us but had been denied entrance. She is being fed right now. She… I wish to hear her. She has stated that she wishes for no payment from us but would like to make an honest living.” Darcy soberly briefed his friend.

  “NO! She cannot be here! I am finally to see Miss Bennet tomorrow at Kew Gardens and if she hears that Sally was back in my house, she will hate me and will never speak with me again! What have you done, Darcy?!” Bingley bellowed.

  Darcy calmed his friend, “Bingley, I will take full responsibility for Sally. I will explain it all to the ladies but I believe we should hear her out. I do not know what information she has for us but if she is willing to change, we must give her a chance for redemption. I vowed to be a fair man, no matter wealth or consequence, and I would like to see if I can assist her. I would feel more comfortable if Elizabeth were here but perhaps your sister Louisa can join us? I understand Miss Bingley is dining out with her friends.”

  Bingley took several deep breaths. “Colin, request for my sister to join us in the study.” He looked at Darcy, “She will not be happy about this.”

  “What has happened?” Louisa Hurst inquired, as soon as she entered Bingley’s study. “Why are we meeting in here?”

  “Mrs. Hurst,” Darcy began, “I arrived several minutes ago and was approached by a woman, whom I thought a beggar, only to discover that she was… is Sally, your former maid here. She has told me that she has been attempting to gain audience with Bingley since yesterday but has been refused. She states she slept in the streets last night so she can deliver ‘very important information’ pertaining to Bingley and myself. I had desired to send her away at first but when she confessed that she did not want money from me but only wanted to find honest work, I had her sent to the kitchen through the backdoors and she is downstairs right now.”

  Louisa paled immediately. “But she cannot be here. If Miss Bennet found out…”

  Darcy interrupted. “I will take full responsibility. I will inform Jane that it was not of Bingley’s invitation and make it very clear. We would like for you to witness our speaking with her downstairs and see what she has to say. She wishes to quit her recent employment and I would like to help her.”

  Louisa smiled softly. “You have become a very good man, Mr. Darcy. The Mr. Darcy from a month ago would never have thought of helping such a woman but would have been more concerned with the opinions of anyone who may have seen the interaction. Miss Elizabeth is a very lucky woman.”

  “I should say I am the lucky man, Mrs. Hurst. She has helped me to improve myself and it is all to her credit.” Darcy replied shyly.

  Louisa stood. “Well, let us go see what she has to say. I hope it will not delay dinner.” She rubbed her round stomach. “I am famished!”

  They laughed together as they headed downstairs.

  Chapter 26

  “What has happened?!” Elizabeth panicked, arriving at Bingley’s drawing room with Jane. “Will, your letter said it was most urgent and that Jane and I should be escorted by at least four footmen to travel the two miles from my uncle’s. What is going on?” She demanded.

  Darcy immediately embraced her tightly, not caring that there were others in the room. Mr. and Mrs. Hurst were standing in the corner of the room with Louisa wiping her tears, while Bingley stood red in anger and was pacing to and fro in front of the fireplace.

  “I will never let anything happen to you, Elizabeth. I swear my life on it. If he touches you, I will kill him with my bare hands.” Darcy held his betrothed in his arms and rubbed her back.

  Jane, not knowing what was going on, but seeing that everyone was ob
viously anxious, walked to Mr. Bingley to give her sister some privacy and began the conversation.

  “Mr. Bingley,” she hesitantly began, “thank you for inviting us to your home. I am not certain what is going on but I believe we need to be calm and take a moment to think clearer. May I offer you a glass of wine?” Jane asked.

  Bingley immediately grabbed her hand and kissed it. “Jane, Miss Bennet. I apologize, Miss Bennet. I am very glad you are here. Although not under this circumstance, I am very pleased to see you.”

  Louisa Hurst walked over and hugged Miss Bennet. “I apologize for being so emotional. We need to share something important with you and I agree we need to be calm first.” She looked at her husband, “Henry, could you please pour some wines for us? None for you, dear.” She asked Mr. Hurst gently.

  Darcy finally released his beloved and led her to a seat. After seeing the others sit down, he began. “I am glad you arrived with a group of guards. I would like to secure you and your sister’s safety first and foremost. I am afraid we will need to cancel our outing tomorrow.”

  “Why? Georgiana was so looking forward to it. What has happened to have you so concerned, Will?” Elizabeth asked.

  Darcy kissed her hand then looked at Jane Bennet. “Miss Bennet, Jane, I promise to you that I am telling you the entire truth. Bingley is completely innocent of this and I would like to assure you that he has had no part in inviting this person below stairs. I swear it.” He saw her nod. “I encountered Sally, Bingley’s former maid,” he heard both Jane and Elizabeth gasp, “outside the home shortly after arriving here. I had just left Sterling House to attend dinner here and Sally begged me for an audience due to having important information.” He squeezed Elizabeth’s hand. “After sending her in through the backdoor, I spoke with Bingley and Mrs. Hurst to stand as witnesses and she… she was able to describe in detail of a treacherous threat against both you, Elizabeth and Jane. I am afraid it is all my fault. Blasted! If only I had not allowed it!” He stood and paced now.


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