Memories In The Dark
Page 26
Romero was jolted out of his thoughts by his mobile phone. He looked across at it and saw Juan’s name flashing on the screen. He wanted to talk to his friend but he had no choice but to leave it to go to voicemail - they all had instructions not to be in contact with anyone until the end of the operation. He listened as his phone made the familiar bleep of his voicemail. Then to his annoyance the phone rang again, and again he let it go to voicemail. Then when his mobile phone rang a third time he gave in and picked it up, worried something must be wrong because it wasn’t like Juan to keep ringing.
“Cathy?” Romero hadn’t expected to hear her voice, he checked the phone and it still said Juan’s name.
“Yes it’s me. Where are you?”
“Is Juan okay?” He asked worried for his friend, Cathy didn’t make a habit of phoning him, and never before from Juan’s phone.
“Yes he’s fine, but where are you?” She pressed on.
“I can’t say.”
“You can’t say?” Cathy asked surprised, what kind of an answer was that? It wasn’t like Romero to play games.
“No I can’t. Talk to Juan, he will understand.” He wished he could explain to her, rather than sounding so rude, but he couldn’t, however he knew that Juan would have taken this as a clue to mean that it had something to do with his work.
“I don’t want to talk to Juan, I want to talk to you.” She said bluntly.
“What’s wrong?” Romero said gently into the phone - he didn’t mean to upset his best friend’s wife.
“It’s about Helen. What’s happened?” Cathy sounded annoyed.
Romero sprang upright in his bed, what about Helen? “What do you mean?”
“She sent me a text saying goodbye. She said she is leaving. Really leaving. Romero, Helen’s leaving Spain and she’s going back to live in England.”
Romero was quiet for a moment, deep in thought. He hadn’t expected this.
“Romero?” Cathy pushed.
“I don’t know what to say to that.” Romero said still surprised. He thought that now Helen had left Oliver he would be able to try and get her back - he was sure she still had feelings for him, no one looked as devastated as she did when she saw him in Puerto Banus with Maria in his arms if they didn’t still love them.
“I know you have feelings for her and I don’t believe you want her to go either. You need to stop her.”
“I can’t Cathy.” Romero said flatly.
“Forget all this macho Latino bull will you! I know you love her, and you know you love her. So just tell her you love her.” If it wasn’t so serious Romero might have laughed as he heard Juan shouting at Cathy in the background, telling her to back-off and leave things that weren’t any of her business alone.
“It’s not that I don’t want to, but it’s complicated. I can’t do anything at the moment.” Romero tried to explain.
“Well, at the moment is all the time you have. I don’t know when she is going, but you will lose her if you don’t do something now.”
“I wish I could, but I can’t.” Romero rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, frustration growing inside of him. “Cathy, I will do something but I cannot do it right now. But I promise, I will.”
“Let’s hope it’s’ not too late then.” Cathy said in resignation. She had done her best, if Romero wanted to lose Helen then it was up to him!
The line went dead and Romero pocketed the phone. He sat on the edge of his bed tapping his feet against the floor, his mind was racing. Helen was going to leave Spain and he didn’t know when. He had to speak to her before she left, but he couldn’t - he would get thrown off the operation at the very least, and he wanted to get the scumbags not only for the drugs but for putting Helen’s life in danger too. He had a feeling that whoever was behind these drug operations was also responsible for Helen being in danger. He couldn’t tie it together just yet, but he was sure it was all connected. He got up from the bed and walked to the apartment door. Opening it, he heard Maria’s voice behind him.
“Oye, dónde vas?” She saw the look on his face and wondered where he was going, they hadn’t had a call to say another boat was coming in yet, so he shouldn’t be going anywhere.
“No es importante.” He didn’t want to lie to Maria but she couldn’t know where he was going, no one could. Romero closed the door behind himself and climbed into his car. He needed to see Helen, and under the cover of darkness it just might be possible if he was careful, very careful. He drove towards Estepona with his mind set on Helen.
Helen heard the knocking at her front door getting louder. In her drowsy half-asleep state she wondered who it could be. For a moment she wondered if it could be Romero - was there any chance he could have realised after yesterday that the beautiful woman in his arms was not for him, and he loved Helen after all? She laughed to herself, she knew she must still be half asleep and dreaming! She looked at the clock, she had been sleeping for over two hours and lazily she walked to the door calling out, “Who is it?”
“I have a box of things for you from Mr Chapman, he told me to bring them over to you.” A male voice came back.
Helen sighed, she had taken everything she wanted from Oliver’s house but she could hardly say “no” and expect him to dispose of her unwanted stuff, so she looked through the keyhole and saw someone on the other side with a big box in front of him obscuring her view. She unlocked the door and opened it, reaching out to take the box, when all of a sudden the huge box came crashing against her and sent her falling backwards.
Helen took a few steps back inside the doorway and was about to give the messenger a piece of her mind at his brutal delivery when her breath caught in her throat. “You!” Helen breathed as she watched Frank Hodges step through her front door with a huge sneer on his face.
Helen tried to drop the box and close the door against him, but she was no match for his big frame. Fear consumed her as she felt his big arms surround her body, and a cloth cover her face. She tried to breath but her mouth and nose were covered with the sickly smelling liquid seeping through the cloth. She kicked as hard as she could and tried to grab at the hands which held her tight. Her mind raced as she struggled for breath against the cloth - what was that sickly sweet alcoholic smell, and what….. then her mind went blank as she felt the room ebbing away from her and fell lifelessly against Frank Hodges. He laughed as he picked Helen’s limp body up into his thick arms and carried her roughly out of her apartment to his waiting car.
Romero sat outside in his car watching from the road. There were no lights on inside Helen’s apartment and he hoped he wasn’t too late - he thought it would be rather quick if she had left already considering Miguel had only just seen her at the marina this afternoon, but then again she could have arranged her flight for as soon as she told Oliver she was leaving just in case there were any problems. His fingers tapped away at the steering wheel, and then finally he decided that now was as good a time as ever- it was dark and if he pulled his baseball cap down low on his head then no one would recognise him if they were watching her apartment. He knew he shouldn’t be doing this but he decided it was worth it. If Helen was going to fly back to England he may not be able to find her again, so it would be now or never.
Romero approached Helen’s door with a heavy feeling. He knew he wasn’t going to get a warm welcome, but he was prepared to take anything she threw at him, and he wouldn’t blame her if it was something big and heavy! He knocked on Helen’s front door and waited, and then knocked again when there was no answer. Not one to be put off Romero took out his wallet and pulled out a credit card. He slid the card in between the door and the frame, next to the keyhole, and felt the spring inside pop, giving way, and the door sprung open.
“Helen?” Romero called as he cautiously stepped through the front door into the dark hallway. He paused as his foot hit a box on the floor, and stepped
around it. “Helen, are you home?” he called again as he carried on through to the living room, but there was no answer. Romero turned on the living room light and looked around the room. He walked to the bedroom and found it empty, the bathroom too. He frowned thinking maybe she was out somewhere, he knew she hadn’t left yet because he could see her suitcases were still there. Walking to the desk he saw an envelope marked for Cathy, and then the tickets and her passport sitting next to them. Romero looked around the room and saw her purse and phone. Instantly his blood turned cold and he walked back to the front door - no signs of forced entry so she had opened the front door herself, but there were definitely signs of a struggle, he knew one when he saw one - a picture had been knocked off the wall and an empty box was half crushed on the floor. Romero’s police brain kicked into action, no way would Helen go out without her bag and phone. That along with the signs of a struggle could only lead him to one conclusion - Helen had been taken! But by who?
Romero charged out of Helen’s front door and ran back to his car not caring who saw him now. He didn’t have a clue who had Helen, but he knew who would know. Oliver Chapman. Romero started the car and pulled out of the drive in the direction of Oliver’s house, but before he could turn onto the main road, a car pulled up in front of him cutting off his exit route. He shouted out of the window for the driver to move the car, and then swore and hit the steering wheel when he saw Detective Spencer and Miguel get out of the car. What the hell were they doing there?
“You’re off the operation Romero. You had instructions not to contact anyone and yet you ignored them.” The detective shouted to Romero.
“How did you know I was here?” Romero asked surprised to see them.
“Maria called.” Miguel said, but smiled letting Romero know he had come along to watch his friend’s back.
“Whatever, I don’t care. I have other priorities right now, Helen has been kidnapped and she is in danger.”
“What makes you think that?” The detective asked, considering the implications this could have on their operation.
“Her suitcases and bag are still inside her apartment, also her mobile phone, plane tickets and passport are there. There are signs of a struggle inside the front doorway.”
“Was the door forced?”
The detective shrugged, “So where do you think you are going?”
“To see Oliver Chapman, he knows who has her I am sure of it. It could even be him, she might be there right now.”
“You can’t go to Oliver Chapman’s house or anywhere near him or his assets.”
Like hell that was going to happen, Romero thought! “As you said, I’m off the operation. So you can’t tell me what to do or where to go anymore.”
“Yes I can Romero. I’m sorry about Helen but this could jeopardise our whole operation. I will call in some reinforcements and have them look for her. But right now we can’t go anywhere near Oliver Chapman, and that includes you.”
“Move the car Miguel, and get out of my way!” Romero shouted.
The detective reached for his gun, “I will arrest you and have you put in a cell at a police station for a night or two if I have to. Don’t make me do this Romero.”
Miguel jumped in between the two of men, he didn’t want to see this escalate anymore. “Romero, if Helen has been taken by Oliver Chapman then it will only make it worse if you turn up there looking for her.”
Romero took a deep breath, he knew his friend was right but he couldn’t just stand around and do nothing!
“Let’s send someone in undercover tomorrow morning as a maintenance or pool man. Let them get a good look around and see what we can find out from there.” Miguel said looking across to Detective Spencer who nodded in agreement.
He thought about it for a second, it was a good idea but he still couldn’t leave Helen all night, it might be too late by the morning.
Detective Spencer’s phone rang interrupting the three of them, and he answered it. Romero was tempted to take his chances and try to get away from the detective now, but something on the detective’s face made him stay where he was – this looked serious.
“The Princess is moving out of Estepona Marina. We have someone listening into the bugging devices you planted Miguel, and they are on the move. We need to go now, backup is on the way.” Detective Spencer said getting back into his car. “Romero, Oliver Chapman is on the boat.” he called out as he closed the door.
“Then I’m coming too.” Romero said getting into his car.
“I wouldn’t bother trying to stop him.” Miguel said as he jumped into the car next to the detective.
“Fine, but do as you are told and don’t get in my way or I’ll shoot you myself.” The detective shouted through his open window to Romero. He knew he should have made Romero turn back, but he needed him - they had all been taken by surprise, their informant hadn’t called to say a deal was going down tonight, and he needed every man or woman he could get his hands on right now. This could be a false alarm, but he had a feeling something big was about to go down.
Romero pulled up at the marina behind the detective and Miguel. Two small boats were already waiting for them. An armed policeman passed Romero a black jumper and trousers which he quickly put on, throwing his own clothes into the back of his car. He secured the bulletproof vest around his body, checked his gun was fully loaded and re-holstered it. Miguel handed him a tiny earpiece as he put his own one in his ear. Romero took it nodding to his friend, and pushed it inside his ear so he could now hear the conversation between Captain Manesco and the person listening into the bugging device on the yacht. The adrenaline was pumping through Romero’s veins and his mind jumped between the impending possible drugs bust and Helen’s whereabouts. He wanted to find Helen desperately, but his gut instinct told him that if Oliver Chapman was on The Princess then this was his best way of finding her. He had to find out exactly what and who Oliver Chapman was involved with.
Romero and Miguel climbed into the first boat whilst Detective Spencer and Carlos went in the second boat with the armed police as back-up.
“Where’s Maria?” Romero asked as their boats started to move out to sea.
“She’s in a speedboat heading towards the Moroccan border. We don’t know if anything is coming in from there or not yet.” The detective said as the cool night air blew across his face and the boat raced across the water trying to make up as much time as possible - The Princess had a good fifteen minutes head start on them.
The two small boats slowed and Romero looked around. He could see some lights in the distance but they were a long way off.
“The Princess?” He nodded towards the lights.
“Yes.” The detective said, “We can’t risk getting any closer or they will hear us. We’re going to have to wait here until whatever happens.”
Romero looked at his watch, it was nearly midnight and he was sure Oliver Chapman hadn’t taken his boat out for a late-night cruise. Romero listened intently to his earpiece as he heard Captain Manesco say they were putting the listening device on loudspeaker so they could all hear what was going on in the yacht. So far he had managed to account for Oliver Chapman and Frank Hodges being on board. There was also another voice, a Spanish man who they thought may be Marcus Martinez, but they weren’t sure at the moment.
“Why aren’t we sure, I thought we had the boat under surveillance?”
“We didn’t expect anything to happen so soon after last night, and my informant didn’t say anything about this, so we didn’t have anyone watching the boat and we were relying on the bugging device as a back-up just in case.” The detective said realising his own mishap.
Romero looked at him and thought better of pointing out to the detective what a lapse in judgement that had been, especially since he had taken the detective’s attention away from the operation on his search for Helen, just as it all started to unexpectedly heat up. Romero shook his head and returned to listening to what was happ
ening on the yacht ahead of them.
Helen woke up with a throbbing headache. She looked around her and didn’t recognise the room to begin with, then it all came flooding back to her. She sat up sharp on the big comfy bed and looked around, thankful the room was empty. Helen felt the soft sheets under her and realised that neither her hands nor her feet were tied. She shivered at the memory of Frank as he grabbed her, and wondered why someone would bother to take her but not tie her up. Whatever the reason, she didn’t care. She was just grateful she was free to get up and move around. Helen stood and then swayed slightly. Holding onto the headboard the room moved a little again and then it dawned on her - she hadn’t needed to be tied up because there was nowhere for her to go, they were at sea. She swallowed back the panic as she realised she was on a boat and out at sea again, and not by her own choice!
Helen looked around the large cabin with its mahogany wardrobes and dressing table, it looked familiar to her and then she realised she was in the main bedroom on one of Oliver’s yachts. She tried hard to remember which one, and then it came to her, she was on The Princess - it had been their favourite yacht and they had spent a lot of time on her before the accident. Helen went to the large dressing table and opened the drawers revealing a selection of her creams. Opening the next drawer she stopped. Slowly she reached into the drawer and took out the slightly tatty red beaded make-up bag, the one her mother had given to her. The one she had been looking for from the minute she got back. She sat down on the bed and looked at the make-up bag confused. What was it doing here on the yacht? It should have been inside her handbag with her mobile phone, that was where she had always kept it, she was sure of that. Helen couldn’t understand - if she had been kidnapped from Oliver’s house as he had said, then why was her make-up bag here and not back at his house?