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Pokey_Areion Fury MC

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by Esther E. Schmidt

  “Pokey” Areion Fury MC #4

  By Esther E. Schmidt

  Copyright © 2017 by Esther E. Schmidt All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, without permission in writing from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Incidents, names, places, characters and other stuff mentioned in this book is the results of the author’s imagination. Pokey is a work of fiction. If there is any resemblance, it is entirely coincidental.

  This content is for mature audiences only. Please do not read if sexual situations, violence and explicit language offends you.

  Cover design by:

  Esther E. Schmidt


  Virginia Tesi Carey

  Photographer/ Model:

  Joram Krol

  Christi Durbin

  Distance isn’t an issue when someone means to world to you. Though I’m damn glad we got to close that shit till less than an inch.

  Love you, babe.

  Virginia Tesi Carey

  Thank you so much for your amazing work. Loved your help with Pokey, making me smile through edits. I can’t wait to work with you again in the future.

  Joram Krol

  To me…your face was Pokey from the day my husband showed me a picture of you. I am so freaking happy and honored you’re on the cover. The perfect fit to bring my character to life. Thanks so much for the visual, Joram!

  Table of contents

  Chapter 01

  Chapter 02

  Chapter 03

  Chapter 04

  Chapter 05

  Chapter 06

  Chapter 07

  Chapter 08

  Chapter 09

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 01


  I can’t believe I’m holding a baby in my arms. A little bundle that’s grabbing my nose and gurgling. He’s so damn precious, but the whole situation is extremely surreal. He’s mine, there’s no doubt about it. One look and even a blind man can’t deny the genes that were passed along to him ever so firmly.

  How did I get to this point? Standing here in a parking lot, looking at my son for the very first time. Because months ago, the most enchanting woman I’d ever laid eyes on asked me to take her virginity in a bathroom. It didn’t help that I was lusting after her for days before that. So when she asked, I was on it. And here I am.

  I knew Orianna was supposed to be mine ever since I saw a photograph of her that captured her beauty. She looks like the human version of Spike Frost, a frost-talented fairy and one of Periwinkle’s friends, from the movie ‘Secret of the Wings’. Let’s just skip over the fact that I know this little fact. Me, the rough ass biker, knows way too much about every single Disney movie ever recorded. I blame it all on babysitting my cute as fuck niece.

  So, hell yeah, it was a wet dream come true when she asked me that question. Didn’t even need one breath to think about it. I popped that cherry so fast there wasn’t even time to slap on a condom. I always wrap up, but my mind easily dismissed the need to do so this time.

  We only had a few minutes and with my dick and mind drooling for days to have her, I jumped into action. I was on my knees, in a bathroom, eating her pussy, getting her slick and ready for me. She tasted so damn good when she came lightning fast on my tongue.

  Heaven. I was in heaven when I buried myself deep in her over and over again. She was so damn tight. Fuck me and my photographic memory. Everything is so vivid in my head and I can still taste her on my tongue after all these months.

  The vivid reminder is painful and it’s been killing me ever since that day. Add the reason why she asked me to take her virginity in a damn bathroom, and it’s even more of a heart pull. Her family arranged for her to be part of a business deal.

  See, her family didn’t have a son and as a female she was considered useless to them. So they went ahead and picked their own son-in-law. Yeah, they picked the guy to marry her. What the fuck, right? But turns out the asshole only wanted her because she was a fucking virgin.

  Hence the reason why she decided to devirginized herself first, so to speak, by using me. Using…I’m sure she saw it like that. The ol’ladies of Areion Fury kept telling me to be patient. They said she needed to work through her feelings and step away from her family on her own and all alone. The only reason I was patient was because I knew she had good friends supporting her Blue, Nerd, Ridley, and even Everleigh.

  I mean, when your family treats you like an object for their own personal gain? Fuck. That’s why I had no problem giving her the space she needed, knowing the ol’ladies of Areion Fury would have my back in this. I waited for my moment to step back into her life when the time was right.

  In the meantime, I could prove to the ol’ladies that I was worth the wait. I didn’t touch or even think of any other pussy. I whacked off twelve fucking times a day and it still wasn’t enough. I needed her. Orianna, Spiky, the woman my heart claimed as my ol’lady at first sight.

  Only to find out the ol’ladies were lying to me all along. They knew she was pregnant, that she was in town, and didn’t fucking tell me. I was robbed of officially claiming what was mine. Not only that, I was robbed of being there for my woman and my future kid.

  The kid I’m currently holding in my arms, for the first time in my life. For the first time in his life. In a damn parking lot for crying out loud. All due to a chance meeting. I can’t wrap my brain around it. If I hadn’t decided to walk out of that store, or hell, if I even waited a minute longer before strolling out, I would have missed them.

  All these feelings are roaring inside me. Anger, disbelief, shock…fear? Yes, even fear. None of those matter anymore because they shattered and fell to the ground, dissolving into nothing, when my son grabbed my nose. His laughter, his gaze hitting mine, they took all those feelings away.

  Austin, yes…she named him after me. My given name. When I asked her a moment ago what his name was, she told me it was Austin. She said she asked the ol’ladies what my name was the day he was born. And with that, I knew the ol’ladies were aware she was pregnant all along and never told me.

  I shake my head to clear it, because like I mentioned…it’s nothing. The past, none of it can change what has lead us to this point. What matters now is the little man I’m holding.

  Orianna steps back when she hears me growling for her to get in the car.

  “What are you doing?” Her voice trembles.

  “What I should have done months ago. Taking what’s mine. Now get in the fucking car.” Yet again, the words come out in a growl while the innocent little dude laughs in my arms. Guess he’s not intimidated by me at all.

  Orianna is. She jumps into action and opens the door revealing a car seat. Eyeing her, I can’t help the gut punch that hits me. I don’t trust her.

  “Get in the backseat next to him, and gimme your damn keys.” Great, now the only way my words flow from my mouth is through growling.

  For the sake of the kid I’m holding, I hope to God this shit will pass soon, because not trusting a person can really fuck shit up for a possible future together.

  Orianna slides into the backseat and I watch her. For an instant I close my eyes and wonder if I should keep ‘em shut. Her ass is the air and that fine, tiny body of hers seems to have some added curves from giving birth to our son and they are fucking perfect. Nice going, Pokey…replacing the doubt and not trusting her with full blown lust. Dammit, I gotta focus.

  Nope, desire is not something I need when everything is raw and screwed up between us. Especially because the fucker betwe
en my legs is the main player who got me into this in the first place, making the perfect bundle I’m strapping up in the car seat.

  So my thick head, the one on my shoulders…will have to pull us through this time. All of us. Or at least find a way that works for everyone involved, giving the kid a firm place in this screwed up world with both parents having his back.

  I have to wrestle to get into the front seat, and I already shoved the chair backwards as far as it will go. I manage to have just a little space between my face and the front window. Something about a sardine comes to mind, fucking tin can.

  Starting the car, I look at her in the rearview mirror. “Where to Orianna?”

  Her gaze is filled with defeat, hurt, and worry. Join the club, babe.

  “Follow main and head for Hillcrest. It’s the sixth house on Pine.” She swallows and releases a breath. “I’m so, so…”

  “Save it. I don’t want to hear it,” I grumble and start to head for her house.

  She’s smart enough to keep her mouth shut the whole way, which is good because I can focus on driving this tiny shit piece of a car that practically has my forehead glued to the window and my knees pressing my pecs while I struggle with driving.

  Pulling up outside of the house, I climb out of my human pretzel position, slam the car door closed and make a move to get my son. Glancing through the window, I see she’s already pulled him from his seat and walking away from the car. She strolls up to the white painted little cottage. A porch leads to the entrance and a window to the left and right of the door gives it a small and cozy vibe.

  I grab the grocery bags from the trunk, close up the car, and follow her to the front door. She’s eyeing me but not voicing a single word. I’m still holding her keys so she has to wait for me to let her inside. I take my time sauntering up to the porch, then balancing the two bags, I manage to open the door.

  The smell of home hits me and it’s another punch to my gut. The living room is a little limited on space and it’s not pristine. I mean there are a bunch of clothes on a chair, like she was in the middle of folding them but left to get some milk or something. The walls are off white and the floor is a light wood. There’s a chair in the corner, a bookcase filled with books, a laptop is on a wooden table next to the chair, and a tiny bed is against the wall. There’s no freaking TV.

  “Can you put those away for me? Some of it needs to go into the fridge. Austin hasn’t eaten and he’s ready for his nap…he gets…” Orianna doesn’t get to explain because my son takes over.

  Meaning he got his vocals from his dad so he’s making his displeasure known by bouncing it off the walls. Nice volume there, son.

  “I’ll leave you to it.” Without another word, I head into the kitchen.

  Nothing is really hard to find when the house is the size of a teabag. When I’ve tucked everything away, I grab my phone from my pocket and call Sico. He picks up on the fourth ring.

  “What took you so long, fucker?” I snap.

  “I was jerking off man, kinda hard to answer the phone when cum is spraying all over the place.” Frustrated. The guy always sounds frustrated these days.

  “You got two hands idiot.” Why the hell am I even discussing this?

  The fucker chuckles. “If you got a dick the size of mine, you’d know it’s a two-hand job.”

  Oh, for God’s sake. “I’m not having this discussion with you. We both know mine’s twice the size of yours, so shut the fuck up.”

  “Not buying it,” Sico quips.

  “It’s not for sale, moron.” I sigh and rub my face.

  I’m treated with silence, until he states, “This is getting weird. Let’s get to the reason you called.”

  Couldn’t agree more. “I need you to either pack my stuff or come here and watch my son and Orianna so I can get my shit.”

  “You shitting me, Pokey?”

  “No. I’m not. You know what? I’ll make the decision for you. I need for you to get your ass on your bike. Sixth house on Pine. Clear?” I snap.

  “On my way. Oh, and Pokey?”


  “Why you callin’ her Orianna and not Spiky or your ol’lady?” His voice sounds like he’s walking on his toes.

  It’s then I realize he’s right. I’ve always called her Spiky because in my head, she was already mine. Guess something ripped inside me, fuck. Another punch to the gut.

  “Get your ass over here, Sico,” I snap.

  Ending the call, I rein in the urge to smash my phone into the wall. All this fucking time I’ve been searching for her, wanting her, the need to do anything…for her. She took my heart when she left and it seems she neglected to bring it with her when she stumbled back into my life.

  I stroll back into the living room. I don’t even want to look at her, so I keep my gaze pinned to the floor. “Sico will be over soon. I need to get my shit and come back. Just so you know, I’ll be living here for a while until I know how the future might work.”

  When I don’t hear a reply, I lift my gaze and I can curse myself for not keeping my eyes pinned on the floor. I see something that’s very personal, very captivating, and very primal. I’m absolutely fucked up in the head because the scene in front of me is roaring my dick to full attention.

  She’s breastfeeding Austin. As in poppin’ a tit out of her shirt and my son sucking on the thing. I haven’t even had the pleasure of running my tongue over it so it can harden. Like my dick. Shit. I’m fucked up. It’s a baby, she’s feeding a baby and I…

  “I’m gonna go wait outside,” I growl and slam the door closed behind me.

  My back is plastered against the door while I bump my head against it. Dammit. How can my life go from searching for the woman I want for the rest of my life, my ol’lady, to having her standing in front of me with a son in her arms? Our son. The door behind me opens and I stumble back, catching myself just in time.

  “Ooops. Sorry. I thought you were knocking,” Orianna whispers.

  She’s not holding Austin anymore. Thank fuck her tit is covered up. Why am I thinking about…shit…never mind. “Where’s Austin?”

  “Sleeping. He dozed right off when his belly was full. Happens all the time.” She gives me a tiny smile.

  “Yeah, I would have known that if I was…” I swallow the rest of the words. Fuck. We don’t need this sneering battle of words, it’s below me. I need distance. “I’m going to wait in the car.”

  “No, wait…” She places a hand on my biceps. “Can I have my keys back?”

  “No,” I snap. “You’re not getting them back. You won’t be needing them because you will go where I will go and when I’m not with you, I’ll have someone watching you.”

  Her eyes widen. “Why? I’m not going anywhere, Pokey. I…”

  “You sure about that, babe? Because I’m not buying a single thing that comes out of your mouth right now. That kid in there is mine. You kept him from me. You stole every single thing from peeing on a stick up until I had him in my arms not even a fucking half hour ago. You’re damn lucky I choose to move in here with you to be with my son.” I can barely keep the left corner of my mouth from turning up in disgust.

  Sico needs to hurry the fuck up and get here so I can calm the hell down. I need time to breathe and process things before I lash out some more and regret everything.

  “I understand.” Her voice breaks, and her eyes look as if I’ve stepped on a puppy right in front of her damn face.

  The roar of a bike intensifies and I’m actually relieved when Sico pulls up next to the car. He swings his leg off and takes off his helmet, placing it on the saddle.

  “Gimme your keys.” I hold out my hand so Sico can give them to me.

  He swallows. I know he’s very protective of his bike but I’m not getting in pretzel mode to drive Orianna’s tiny shit of a car again.

  He throws them my way and I catch them with ease. “Watch her, make sure she stays put. I’ll be back within the hour.”

  “You go
t it man.” Sico walks up to Orianna. “You heard the man. Inside, ma’am.”

  Orianna crosses her arms in front of her chest and I watch how her shoulders slump and she nods at Sico. She meets my gaze with a pleading look, I shake my head slowly. I can’t deal right now. The bike roars to life underneath me. Right now I need this feeling; one I understand; a road, a bike, the speed and nothing more than the wind in my face.

  The drive over to the compound is way too short for me to clear my head. I’m reminded of this when I walk inside and see the ol’ladies huddled around a table. Blue, Nerd, Ridley, and even Everleigh are all sitting there with their gazes set on their laps. My Prez, Zack, has one boot placed on a chair and he’s leaning his arms on his knee, towering over his ol’lady. The whole room goes quiet when they notice me.

  “Pokey.” Dams steps forward and claps me on my shoulder. “How are ya, man?”

  “I’m gonna go get my shit and move into Orianna’s house. I need to be there for my kid Austin.” My gaze hits Blue. “I have some serious catching up to do with him.”

  She gasps and tears fill her eyes then stream down her face, staining her cheeks. I don’t care for that shit. Wet cheeks to me is the same as rain on your face, or from a fucking shower. They ain’t like words that can give recognition. Hos fake orgasms and chicks squeeze out tears like kids do when they want something from you. Lies. All fucking lies. Tears mean shit to me right now.

  How can you withhold information from a person? Be around a person knowing he has a fucking kid and not tell him? Know that he wants that woman so badly he fucking hurts every second of every day, and yet you still don’t tell him? Nah, man…don’t tell me you’re sorry. That shit is to ease your own fucking conscience.

  Shit. I knew that ride was way too short to drown my temper and get my head cleared. I don’t utter another word, just shake my head in disgust and hurt while I stalk off toward my room.


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