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Forever and a Night

Page 7

by Lana Campbell

  Now that, he had not known. A vampire had too much respect for his or her mate to discuss sexual matters. Of course he knew feeding from one’s life-mate was sexual, but he and Dimitri had never spoken about intimate issues between him and his wife. It was taboo.

  He thought back to those nights he’d fed from Mia and clearly recalled every delicious detail, her thoughts, his own, their combined lusts, swirling through his gut like twin snakes.

  “Oh my God!” He bolted to his feet. No wonder she’d been like a drug to him. He hadn’t realized until this moment, part of what had been so electric between them, had been him feeling her passion skating along the same circuits sparking his own.

  When he looked back at Julia, she wore a brilliant smile. “I guess you have your answer, no?”

  Yes, he did. Now what the hell he was going to do about it presented a host of questions for which he had no answers.

  In the background he heard the doorbell ring, but paid it no mind. Jazerra would get it.

  “Be careful, Nathan. Dimitri and I discussed this at length last night. Our situation when I was still human vastly differed from what you face with Mia. I knew instantly you and Dimitri were vampire that day the two of you saved Anne Marie’s and my life. I had no fear because you were American soldiers. Mostly, because the moment I laid eyes on Dimitri I was in love. Unfortunately, Mia is not in love with you yet, from what I can tell. Plus, she is a much more modern woman than I, and it would be my guess she will not only have great difficulties believing what you are, but fear the truth no matter how much she might grow to care for you. And she will, trust me. You know I believe life-mating to be God ordained. She will be yours eventually.”

  Nathan wished he had Julia’s faith in God, but his own had expired over a hundred and seventy years ago after Isabella stole his soul. She’d been in complete control over him as her fledgling. The sick, horrible things he’d done to please her had condemned his own to hell. At least he saw it that way. Dimitri too had been her fledgling and had hunted and killed humans with her, but Julia’s love had restored his soul. Dimitri and his wife believed in eternal redemption. Forgiveness of sins. Presently, he wasn’t so inclined.

  His musings were cut short when the door to his office flew open. Never had the term `speak of the devil’ been more appropriate when the female one he’d been thinking about waltzed inside. His gut knotted with fear and disgust.

  “There you are, Caro,” Isabella crooned, then glanced at Julia, whose eyes had rounded with terror. “Ah, Julia, a pleasure to see you again. How is Dimitri and little Dominic? Well, he is no longer little I’m sure, but all grown up and I bet as deliciously handsome as his father. I can’t wait to see the man he’s become.”

  A vampire warning growl rumbled in Julia’s throatand echoed menacingly. “You will never lay eyes on my son again. You will have to go through me first.”

  “What the hell are you doing here, Isabella?” Nathan growled.

  She ignored him and continued to glare at Julia. Loathing sparked between the two women. On Isabella’s behalf, because Julia had won a war with her many years ago.

  Isabella kidnapped Dominic when he was six years old. After WWII, he and Dimitri settled in New York and became business partners in various real estate ventures. In 1953 Isabella ran into Dimitri and Julia one night at a restaurant in the city. From there, she made it her mission to destroy the couple’s life-mate bond, using Dominic as leverage to get Dimitri to leave Julia and become her lover and hunting partner again.

  Isabella underestimated the strength of the life-mate union between vampires. He’d been with Dimitri and Julia that day they’d rescued Dominic. Together they had fought Isabella and won. A true miracle, because Isabella was a born vampire, very old and very skilled telekinetically. Neither were a match for her, but God must have been on their side that day. Dimitri landed a near kill bite in Isabella’s neck. After that, the couple moved to Italy to hide from Isabella.

  “That can easily be arranged. But don’t worry, Cara. I have no interest in your son or husband.”

  Isabella’s flat onyx gaze slid to Nathan, telling both where her interests did lie. Her eyes were dead, without life. Feral vampires lost the brilliance which made their kind’s eyes shimmer in soft lighting, an evolutionary adaptation for normal vampires in order to beguile human prey. Nathan had no idea why, but he suspected it had to do with the fact ferals weren’t interested in seducing their prey and calming them in order to feed. They thrived on the horror and pain the human experienced during the act and more times than not killed them, just out of pure evil pleasure.

  Jazerra walked into the room, her features riddled with fury and she rubbed some hand prints on her neck that were starting to darken. “I tried to keep her out. I can see she’s an evil one of your kind, obviously a worshiper of the Dark One.”

  He pinned Isabella with a look that promised retribution as he rounded his desk to face off with her and protect Julia and Jazerra with his life if necessary. “No, Jazerra. Trust me, she’s far worse than that. Satan worships her.”

  Isabella laughed, the sound like icicles shattering on concrete and filled his soul with a frigid fear for the twisted reason he knew brought her here today. “Ah, I am glad to see you still possess that sense of humor once so beguiling to me. You always could amuse me, Nathan.”

  Nathan had not been joking. However, he knew amusement was the only thing she wanted from any man, human or vampire. “What do you want, Isabella?”

  How in the hell had the witch found him? He’d covered his tracks well. No one knew he owned this home aside from Dimitri and his family because technically he didn’t. This was his safe house and he’d used it for many years. He’d deeded it to Jazerra’s mother over a century ago and it was now in her name.

  She snorted delicately. “You know exactly why I’m here. I want an answer to my proposal. And yes is the only reply I will accept. Time is abundant for our kind. Did you really think you could hide from me indefinitely and I would go away? You owe me your life, Nathan. You would be a pile of dust in a grave had I not made you vampire.”

  Nathan almost wished he were, since all of this had started with Isabella. He remained silent for a few moments, calculating a response. Caution was warranted, but he refused to cow-tow to her. “I’m a very busy man, Isabella. I have business in New Orleans and no time for your nonsense.”

  She tossed a section of her waist length black hair over her shoulder, walked over to one of the leather chairs in front of his desk and flounced down. She wore a white pant suit, the top sleeveless and obviously couture. Nathan knew her love of money, excess and power and he was now the source from which she wanted to extract it. The notion made him physically ill.

  “I am very angry with you, Caro. Hunting you down has not been easy these last few months, then having to traipse halfway across this country to reach you has also been very inconvenient.” Her lips, painted bright red, twisted into a pout.

  He had several more inconveniences coming her way. “Julia, go.” She looked a bit hesitant, but obeyed taking Jazerra with her.

  “What have you decided regarding my proposal, Nathan?”

  There were so many nasty phrases dancing on the tip of his tongue primed to be unleashed on the bitch, but he held them in check. Isabella was far stronger mentally than him and if she took the notion to end his life, she could do so before the next beat of his heart. Nevertheless, Nathan refused to sell his soul to this succubus. “I’m not going to marry you, Isabella. Marriage for vampires is reserved for life-mates.”

  “You know I don’t want you as my life-mate. I just want the lifestyle and prestige that comes from being the wife of Nathan Davenport. What you’ve accomplished in this life I gave you is astounding. I don’t even care about the sex, Caro, although if memory serves me correctly, it would be a delightful benefit.”

  “Yeah, you made it abundantly clear in 1856 that you had no interest in me as a life-mate when you abandoned my as
s. As far as sex, I’d sooner loose my manhood than share a bed with you again.”

  “Well, that was starch, but fine. It will be a marriage of convenience only then.” She waved a hand dismissively. “Feel free to take any sexual partners you desire and I will do the same.”

  Nathan just shook his head and glared at her. He knew there was no reasoning with a feral, but somehow he had to try and make her understand no threat in the world would convince him marry her. And he had a feeling she had a litany of them lined up. “Look, Isabella, I understand you’re on the hunt for a new financial source to service your needs because you’ve never worked for a dollar in your life. I’ve spoken to you a number of times through the years and I know you’ve always married humans to achieve what you want and that’s worked for you. Try to think rationally for a moment. You can easily manipulate a human, but you’ll never manipulate me or any other mature vampire male. The war that would exist between us will be as ugly for you as me.”

  “Be sensible, Caro. You know I can easily manipulate you. I will always be able to control you’re mind and know your thoughts. I made you. No made vampire can escape the sire bond.”

  Nathan hated to admit it, but she spoke the truth. She could easily force him to do her bidding. He suspected she refrained because she wanted to play with him. If he had no will of his own, he would be no fun for her.

  He racked his brain for another tact. “Save yourself a headache, Isabella.

  Go get a Fortune 500 magazine, pick out some human billionaire’s life to make a living hell out of. You’re a beautiful woman. I know your wiles well. Before the month is out you could snag some attractive, rich human who would worship at your feet. That will never happen with me because I know intimately the blackness of your heart.”

  She chuckled darkly. “Only you, Mi Amour, could weave insults and compliments so beautifully.” She frowned. “Nathan, I am tired of human benefactors. They are so boring and their sexual stamina is dreary.”

  “Don’t give me that crap, Isabella. You collect fledglings like postage stamps. You’ve never relied on a human for your carnal needs.”

  She lifted her hand and studied her long nails, painted the color of her lips, which were twisted into a pout. “True, but fledglings are dull too. They have no mind of their own. You however have a brilliant one and although I realize our union would be fraught with chaos, the notion rather excites me.”

  Nathan pressed his palms against his temples. Dear God, the woman’s insanity knew no boundaries. He also knew when Isabella wanted something she would stop at nothing to get it. Reasoning was no longer on the table. “I’m not marrying you, Isabella. Take your best shots at me with whatever revenge you have in mind. I’ll counter and win. You have nothing to hold over my head and if you think to use Julia and Dimitri or their children, think again. I didn’t rise to the level of power I possess today by leaving loose strings. I have their lives and welfare covered.”

  Fury danced in her dead eyes as she stood and covered the distance between them. “Everyone has weaknesses, Nathan. When I discover yours, I will get what I want.”

  Nathan watched her stalk out of his office. Minutes later Dimitri arrived, Julia at his heels, both of their expressions grave.

  “What happened?” Dimitri demanded.

  “What always happens with Isabella. Threats and ultimatums. She’s not going away anytime soon, but I’m not giving in either.”

  “Of course. You can’t. Now more than ever since you’ve found your life-mate,” Julia said.

  Scenting Isabella gone and unable to penetrate his thoughts, he allowed Mia back into his. Through their encounter he’d felt Isabella in his head digging like a coal miner and he loathed the fact she had the power to do it.

  Isabella was correct. He did have a weakness. Mia. God have mercy should Isabella discover that fact. Currently, Julia and Dimitri were unprotected too, but he intended to remedy that fact for all three of them immediately.

  Chapter 6

  The doorbell wrangled Mia from a deep sleep. She bolted upright in bed and looked around, blinking, trying to get her bearings. She glanced at her alarm clock, eyes widening with shock. It was nearly eleven. Good gravy! She’d slept the morning away.

  Mia hopped out of bed, grabbed her robe off the end and jogged to her front door while slipping it on. Her caller was Julia. Mia’s mouth gaped and she had no ready reply.

  “Hello, my darling. I’ve woke you. I’m so sorry.” She was frowning, apology claiming her beautiful features.

  Mia swept a hand across her head and winced, confident her thick curls looked like a rat’s nest.

  What in the world was Julia doing here?

  “It’s okay.” Mia forced a pleasant smile and stifled a yawn. “I needed to be rousted out of bed. Come on in. How the heck did you figure out where I live?”

  She stepped inside and glanced around. “Well, that took some investigating, but as I’m sure you know, the internet can service one with most any information desired.”

  Mia nodded and smiled at her. “So what brings you by?”

  “I was in the mood to shop today and hoped to find a girl friend to share the adventure with. I suspect you have to work later, but would you have a couple hours to spare?”

  Her expression was sweet and earnest. She’d only spent two evenings with the woman, but already she’d developed a great affection for her. However, socializing with Julia when she basically held a service roll with her made Mia a little uneasy. “I don’t have a problem with that, but Nathan might.”

  She waved her hand in a cavalier way, the diamonds in the many rings she wore, glittered from the late morning light filtering through her living room windows. “Nathan has no say with whom I socialize. Other than Nathan and Christian, I have no friends in this city. However, I understand if you are busy.”

  Mia felt hard pressed to tell her no, because she was Nathan’s guest. Besides, so far Nathan hadn’t treated her like an average employee. He didn’t regard Jazerra that way either, based on his comments. “Okay. Sounds fun, but I have to be at work by three. What are you on the hunt for?” She took a seat on the couch and gestured for Julia to join her.

  As Julia sat, her face wreathed with an ear to ear grin. “Baby things. I know it’s early for such shopping. I’m only four weeks pregnant, but I can’t help it. I’m just so thrilled.”

  Mia grinned back at her, understanding her excitement. When she’d learned she was pregnant with Tiffany, she’d been exactly the same way. The nursery had been complete by the time she was five months along. “I’d love to, but you’re going to have to give me a few to get ready.”

  “Take your time.” She glanced around her place again. “You’ve made a very homey atmosphere here. It’s lovely.”

  She appreciated the compliment, but she suspected her space like skid row compared to her and Dimitri’s home. The serious bling Julia always wore on her hands, wrists and ears had flawless carats written all over them. And her wardrobe…dear Lord…always so elegant, like the teal dress she wore today made from some material that shimmered almost as brightly as her jewels.

  “Thank you,” Mia finally said.

  Mia’s furnishings were modest, but feminine and eclectic. Shabby chic would probably be the best description. The walls she’d recently painted, were a vibrant cherry red, the trim white. There were lots of colorful accent points, wicker chairs, throw pillows, her grandma’s quilts, various bric-a-brac. Several of Danielle’s beautiful landscape paintings graced her walls, plus numerous books and family photos littered tables and shelves. Her plant collection abounded. An array of flowering ones, herbs and others were scattered about on tables and stands.

  “I have a feeling you are a woman who must have her coffee in the morning. If you’ll show me to your kitchen, I’ll make us some while you ready yourself.”

  Mia rolled her eyes and stood, stifling a yawn with her fingers. “You got that right.”

  Julia donned a pair of cou
ture sunglasses with very dark tinting as they headed out of her apartment building. Mia prepared to offer to drive until she saw the black limo parked in front of her building. Had to be Nathan’s, she thought, shaking her head. Well, she’d never been in one before. She supposed it would be an experience. She wasn’t worried about transportation home. One of her co-workers would give her ride after work.

  When she crawled into the back, the space and luxury astounded her. The seats were a buttery, black leather and the carpet a rich, tan color. There was actually a minibar! Party on, she thought, grinning. “This thing is a trip.”

  Julia giggled. “Nathan can be an extravagant man, but deep down he is rather simple and has a dear, kind heart. I’ve known him for a very long time. I assure you he can be trusted.”

  Mia slid her a shrewd look. So her real mission today was damage control. Night before last in Nathan’s kitchen, she’d cornered Julia on that incident between Nathan and Dr. La Mond. That ungodly growl Nathan produced had scared the crap out of her. Julia came up with some comical, lame excuse about Nathan having a cold recently. She’d developed no better explanations herself. Whatever the case, Mia knew Nathan’s attitude stemmed from jealousy. Dr. La Mond had asked her out and Nathan had been angry. They were going to have to have a talk. Who she dated was none of Nathan’s business.

  “So what’s this really about, Julia?”

  She appeared chagrined, but had enough respect for her to shoot straight. “Nathan really admires you. So do I and Dimitri. I know you’ll be happy working for him, my darling.”

  The limo began to move. Julia obviously wanted to make sure Nathan wasn’t going to loose her. That irritated her. “Nathan put you up to this, didn’t he?”

  “No, cher. He has no idea I came here today. I took it upon myself because, well…” She paused there, looking a bit misty. “I like you. You’re kind, honest, open and I suspect fun to be around. I really could use a girlfriend right now.”


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