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The Horse Soldier: Beginnings Series Book 10

Page 46

by Jacqueline Druga


  “Anything?” Jess asked Robbie as they sat deep in the underdeveloped section watching Dean’s house.

  “Nope.” Robbie handed the infrared binoculars to Jess. “See if you can see anything.”

  “I know what you’re thinking.” Jess lifted the binoculars to his eye level. “You’re thinking no one is watching Dean’s house, so no one will see me follow Dean.”

  Robbie was silent.


  “I have to do it.”

  “You have to stay put.”

  “What if . . . what if . . I follow Dean. I can do this. What if I see who it is working for George and take him or her out. Then the threat against Dean’s family is over and we go after Frank.”

  “And what about what your father said?” Jess asked. “Huh? What about Frank?”

  “Frank can take care of himself.”

  “Not if they have a gun to his head right now waiting for the news that Dean is secure.” Jess lowered the binoculars. “This is the only way, Robbie.”

  “No it’s not.” Robbie stood up.

  “Sit down, Robbie,” Jess ordered.

  “I have to do this.” Robbie started to walk.

  “Robbie.” Jess stood up. “I am under orders from your father.”

  “For what?” Robbie said with sarcasm as he moved. He stopped when he heard the clicking of a gun’s chamber. He slowly turned around to see Jess pointing a gun with a silencer on it at him. “What the hell, Jess?”

  “I am under orders from your father to watch you and incapacitate you if you interfere.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  Jess held the gun steady in an aim at Robbie’s leg. “Robbie, you’re my friend. I care about you. But if you come close to jeopardizing the lives of those kids in that house, I will do what I have to do to protect them first.”

  “You’re fucked. You know that.”

  “Yeah well, the world’s fucked. The whole situation is fucked. But that doesn’t mean we can take matters into our own hands, especially when innocent lives are at stake. Sit down, Robbie, and watch the house with me.”

  Robbie closed his eyes. “Jess.”

  “Sit down, Robbie.”

  Letting out a long huff, Robbie tossed his hands up and moved back to where he was. “I won’t forget this, pulling a fuckin gun on me.”

  Jess put the gun away into his harness. He sat down at the same time as Robbie did. He handed Robbie the binoculars.

  Robbie snatched them from his hand. He was angry, he was bitter, but he would do exactly what he was supposed to do, especially after realizing Jess was dead serious. But then so was the situation that was about to go down.


  Billy was the last kid Dean kissed. His lips stayed upon Billy’s cheek for the longest of time, smelling his son, whispering to the sleeping child how much he loved him and would miss him. Dean’s heart was breaking.

  Painfully Ellen watched him. She held her arms tightly to her body trying so desperately to stop herself from shaking. Her body quivered from top to bottom. She felt so cold and her heart beat strongly. Her breath escaped her when Dean laid his hand on her cheek, picked up his duffle bag outside of Billy’s bedroom then walked without saying anything to the living room.

  “Dean!” Ellen raced after him. He was reaching for the door. “Oh God.” She flew forward, slamming it shut with her body. “What are you doing?”

  “Ellen.” He closed his eyes. “Please. I can’t say goodbye. Please just let me walk out.”

  “Don’t you leave without saying goodbye to me. Don’t you do it. Look at me.”

  Dean lowered his head.

  “Dean.” She reached her shaking hand for his chin. “I love you,” she spoke softly and with passion. “Don’t think a minute or second of the day isn’t going to go by without me thinking of you. My heart’s breaking. Don’t leave without looking at me and saying goodbye.” There was silence. “Please.” It was so quiet their breathing was actually heard. “Please.”

  Dean swallowed. Feeling her breath and hearing her words, he dropped the duffel bag with a thump to the floor, and Dean grabbed hold of Ellen. With such force, he pulled her into him, wrapping his arms around her, exhaling an aching moan as her body touched his and his face pressed to hers. “El, I love you. I love you so much.”

  A single sob came from Ellen as her fists clenched his shirt wanting to hold him there forever.

  “I have to go.” He laid his lips to her cheek. “I have to go.” Dean stepped back, running his hand across her face, feeling her tear that fell across his hand.

  Ellen shivered, sniffling hard as she watched Dean pick up his bag, toss it over his shoulder and reach for the door handle. “Dean. I love you.”

  Dean opened the door and took one long look at Ellen. He paused before leaving, reached out his hand, clenched behind her neck, and pulled her back to him. He pressed his lips hard to hers. He kissed her long and with emotion, putting everything his heart felt into that one single goodbye kiss. Softly he released her, sliding his fingers across her cheek. “I love you. Goodbye, El.” While his strength to do it was up, Dean turned away from her and walked out the door, pulling it closed behind him.

  “Dean.” The second the door closed, Ellen dropped into it. Filled with so much hurt, she laid her forehead to it and pounded her fist once against the wood. “Goodbye.”


  Quantico Marine Headquarters

  George had set his alarm so as to be awake when the call came. Sitting on the edge of his bed, the light on, he jumped from his skin with excitement when the phone rang. “Yes,” he spoke rapidly. “Yes, he’s on his way to the gate?” George closed his eyes in gratefulness. “You stay back, you hear. You don’t let a soul see you at all. No, it’s too risky, trust me . . . No.” George shook his head. “I don’t care if it’s clear. You take top priority with me. I told you this before. I love you. You know that. With you, I take no chances.


  Beginnings, Montana

  Timed perfectly as instructed, Dean stood by the unlocked back gate. It set some up on a hill and he turned around, taking one more long last look at the home he was about to leave. The buzzing of the perimeter shutting down for the nightly check jolted Dean as if he touched the electricity of it. When the buzzing finished, he pushed on the gate, stepping through and closing it. So strongly his heart beat and Dean could not breath.

  He stood alone. He heard nothing. He saw nothing.

  Just as he began to think that something had gone wrong, plans had suddenly changed, he heard a quick shuffle of leaves behind him. Before Dean could turn around, he heard a popping sound and felt a strong painful pinch hit to the back of his neck. A burning made him cringe and an unbearable pain filled his head as he felt the hot liquid move through the veins of his neck. The dark back gate area spun around him and grew even darker. Out of focus and blurry, Dean’s eyes felt heavy, his legs felt weak. The duffle bag slipped from Dean’s shoulder and fell to the ground. Within seconds of that . . . so did Dean.

  HEROES . . .



  September 25

  Beginnings, Montana

  With a gasping breath, Ellen sat straight up on the couch, suddenly awoken from her sleep. She looked at her watched and sadly moaned, closing her eyes as if the time caused her pain.

  “You’re up?” Robbie walked from the hall into the living room. His hair was wet. He was dressed neatly and ready for work. “Why don’t you lay back down?”

  “I can’t.” Ellen stood up from the couch. “I didn’t even mean to fall asleep. I didn’t want to, not last night.”

  “I made coffee. You want some?” Robbie asked, watched Ellen nod, and moved toward the kitchen. His stride slowed when he saw the note, Dean’s note, on the breakfast counter. “When are you showing this to Henry?”

  Ellen ran her fingers through her hair, walked to the breakfast counter, and sat on a st
ool. “Do I have to?”

  “El.” Robbie poured her a cup of coffee, laying it in front of her.

  “I know. I know. This morning. I’m calling him to come over.” She lifted her coffee. “What time did Jess leave last night? I fell asleep.”

  Robbie snickered. “So did I. Remember I went to bed while you guys were watching that old movie.”

  “How are you going to explain his leaving?” Ellen asked.

  “Everyone in Beginnings knows about his family and how most of them survived. He already filed papers with my Dad asking for permission to visit a small town in Canada where other family members lived.”

  “Robbie, that’s really dumb. Who’s gonna buy it?”

  “Who cares.” Robbie brought the ‘traveling’ tin cup, as he called it, to his lips. “I’d better get to work. I have to start working on a security team to go with my Dad on the run.” Robbie walked from the kitchen and kissed Ellen on the forehead. “I’ll check in with you all day. O.K.?”

  “O.K.” She grabbed his hand as he stepped back. “You’re bringing some things over tonight, right?”

  “Yep. El,” Robbie lowered his voice. “Dean is fine.”

  “I’ll feel better when I get his phone call. I know it.”

  “Just don’t change the demeanor too much. And get mad.” Robbie made a growling face which caused Ellen to laugh. “Got to go. Call Henry.” He pointed as he walked to the door. “And take a shower or something. Today you seek out a new man.”

  Ellen closed her eyes, swaying her head as Robbie left. Though down, she enjoyed the little smile Robbie brought to her face, but that smile soon left her when she picked up her coffee mug and, for what seemed the hundredth time, reread Dean’s letter.


  Quantico Marine Headquarters

  As if he were walking in a department store of soldiers, George paced himself slowly, hands behind his back as he moved through the lines and lines of motionless, standing, and staring soldiers. They could have been statues. They did not blink or seem to breath. Nodding his head with almost an approval, George approached Sgt. Landers who stood at the front of the gymnasium style building.


  “Mr. President.” Sgt. Landers saluted him.

  “You can go ahead and move these men to programming. I want them shipped down to Binghamton day after tomorrow.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Nothing more was said by George. He walked slowly from the CME showcase and out of the building. Dean was on his way. Binghamton was well on its way to being one of the top five sites. That’s what they had planned, the military, the technology. There would be reluctance at first. George expected that, but he was also certain that would change. As soon as Dean saw what the Society was trying to accomplish and he realized his family would be with him by Christmas, Dean’s whole outlook would change. Because Dean was a man who stayed where his priorities laid, and it wouldn’t be long by George’s time frame, that Dean’s priorities--his family--would be right alongside with him.


  Binghamton, Alabama

  Frank wanted to think that it amazed him when actually it amused him as he watched the men training in a field before him. He could see Leonard engaged in conversation with another ambassador and a Society sergeant. Leonard, who the day before was breathing so hard down Frank’s neck that moisture formed there, now was no closer than ten feet from Frank. He didn’t think his face showed his amusement. Obviously it did.

  “What’s so funny?” Richie placed a clipboard in front of Frank. “Look like your signing this.”

  “What is it?”

  “Just sign it.”

  “No. I shouldn’t sign anything.”

  “Frank, it’s orders for me to be on guard patrol at the new scientist’s home.”

  “Oh.” Frank lifted the pen and signed the form. “Did I order these? Just so I know.” Frank looked at Richie.


  “Good thinking.”

  “Thanks.” Richie tucked the clipboard under his arm. “Me being the guard will enable me to stop by your house afterwards. That way no one is suspicious why I’m in the area. I’d better give these to the security Sergeant standing with Leonard. See ya, Frank.”

  “You do that. Tell Leo I said hi.” Frank laughed.

  Richie shook his head, carrying the clipboard, and made an apprehensive approach to Leonard, the other ambassador, and the Sergeant. “Excuse me, Sergeant. Colonel Slagel said to give you these orders. He wants me placed on the house detail list for the new arrival.”

  Leonard intercepted the orders and looked at them. “Mr. Martin, the Sergeant here was just informing me that you were Colonel Slagel’s private assistant prior to my arrival. Is that true?”

  “Um . . .” Richie shifted his eyes to the sergeant. “Yes.”

  “He said you two were close.”

  Richie swallowed. “Yes. See, we go back before the plague sir. President Hadley is aware of . . .”

  “Why are you not his assistant now. Is it because of me?” Leonard asked.

  “I think. I think with me being what I am . . . . you know . . . he didn’t want that to get in the middle of any relationship you two may have.”

  “I see.” Leonard looked at the Sergeant and the ambassador. “Excuse us.” He placed a firm hand on Richie’s arm, leading him back to Frank.

  “Shit. What did I do?” Richie asked him.

  Leonard walked up behind Frank and tapped him on the shoulder with the clipboard. “Colonel Slagel.”

  Frank turned around and smiled. “Leonard.”

  Leonard handed Frank the clipboard. “You’re a busy man. I think perhaps it’s best that you reinstate Private Martin here as your assistant. You two were close before. Perhaps that is the best working relationship there can be. Think about it.” Leonard didn’t wait for a response. He walked away.

  “Wow.” Richie grinned. “Frank, he like just handed me over to you. Wonder why he did that? He doesn’t even care that were close. He want us to be together.”

  “I guess my plan to keep him away from me worked.”

  “Sure did.” Richie smiled. “What was the plan? What did you do?”

  “Made him think I was gay.”

  Richie’s eyes widened as he watched Frank turn back around to supervise the training men. He didn’t know what to say, but he did know now why Leonard, the sergeant, and the other ambassadors were giving him them funny looks.


  Beginnings, Montana

  Dear Ellen,

  You are probably wondering right now if I am at the clinic. If you go there, you’ll see I’m not. In fact ,by the time you get this note, I will be long gone from Beginnings. I didn’t want to leave you or the kids, but my work calls for me to be where it is needed most and I could do more with it. I was made an offer by the Society and I found myself in a position that I didn’t want to turn down. That’s where I will work now. That’s where I will live. I hope that one day, both sides can see eye to eye and then maybe, you and I can live together as a family, once again. I love you always. Dean.

  Henry looked as if his heart were broken as he raised his eyes from Dean’s letter. The sensitivity he was feeling for Ellen reflected in his eyes as they glossed some in sadness. He looked so upset as he sat at the breakfast counter that Ellen couldn’t look at him. She just couldn’t face him and she turned her back.

  “El.” Henry’s voice cracked. “El, I am so, so sorry.”

  “Henry, I just don’t want to talk . . .”

  “I wondered when you called me, why you sounded so down, and why you needed me here. Does anyone else know?”

  Ellen shook her head. “I came to you first. The community is going to wonder. You’re the leader, Henry.”

  “I’m your friend, El. I’m your friend.”

  Ellen swallowed and turned to face him. Her insides shook staring at Henry.

  “El, There has to be a mistake. O.K.” Henry held the n
ote up. “I don’t believe Dean would do this.”

  Follow the plan? Lie to Henry? Ellen tried to do it but the words failed to come from her mouth. Quickly she searched her mind for truthful words that would not give it all away. “No, Henry. He left for the Society. I know it.”


  “He was talking to George yesterday.”

  Horrified, Henry turned instantly pale. “El, you have to . . .”

  “I can’t talk anymore. Not now. O.K.? Not now.” Biting her bottom lip, Ellen hurried from the kitchen, pausing to look at Henry as she raced out of the room.

  Like Ellen did earlier, only from a leader’s stand point, Henry read Dean’s letter.


  Poplar Bluff, Missouri

  It had to be the jerk of the movement that caused Dean to finally open his eyes. He was lying on his side, yet his feet were on the floor. His hand rested against a velvety softness, and moving his eyes some, Dean saw the grey color. His senses began to kick in as he awakened more. The moving had a bit of shift to it. He heard the sound of an engine, but not a motor vehicle, but nothing gave it away to Dean more than the long loud whistle that blew.

  “A train?” Dean said out loud and sat straight up. When he did he get glimpse of the small private compartment he was in, he was alone. He looked out the window to see the outdoors moving quickly by him. “I’m on a train?”

  His stomach flipped and his head spun. So much nausea filled Dean at that moment that his mouth salivated and it took everything he had to keep from up heaving onto the floor. He felt as if he were feeling the effects of anesthesia. When that thought hit him, he remembered the pinch and he reached his hand behind his neck. His fingers felt the dried bump of blood and how tender the area was. He had been drugged and that was the injection site. He didn’t see it coming and by the time he heard it, it was over. Dean physically felt bad at that moment, wanting only to lay back down and go to sleep again. And if his stomach wasn’t sick enough, it became ten times worse when Dean looked at his watch and saw he had been away from home for eight and a half hours. How far away from them was he? He knew for sure it was further than he ever had been or ever wanted. And he would only get further away, because that train kept moving and it was moving fast.


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